You Asked For Messages & This Is Universe's Answer! 🌷🌍⎮pick a card 🃏 tarot reading

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 465

  • @TheNordicLight.
    @TheNordicLight.  2 месяца назад +35

    ⭐ Timestamps
    Intro. 00:00
    🌷 Pile 1. 01:21 (South Node)
    🌍 Pile 2. 34:16 (Earth)
    ⭐ Pile 3. 58:17 (Pluto)

    • @kuukhc
      @kuukhc 2 месяца назад

      status quo is the current state with an emphasis that it won't change, basically the opposite of new beginnings

  • @LisaFrancesJudd
    @LisaFrancesJudd 2 месяца назад +30

    Pile 2 - “It’s ok for you to be happy while someone else is suffering”. That hit me hard because my son whom I love with all my heart is facing death through illness. It’s very difficult for me to be happy right now. I know the ending will come sooner or later and you don’t just get over the death of a child, you learn to live with the loss for the rest of your life. My goal will be to make something meaningful from this loss but I don’t yet know how.

    • @suzannewallace7627
      @suzannewallace7627 2 месяца назад +3

      So sorry for your situation. Reading your message, as helped me alot - it has put things into perspective. Am sending both you and him, love and light.

    • @suzannewallace7627
      @suzannewallace7627 2 месяца назад +5

      Also, as heart wrenchingly difficult as it must be for you, it's probably essential that you DO find happiness, while he is ill. Your love and positivity will help him, rather than him feeling your dispare. Love, light to you.

    • @MetalxxDragoness
      @MetalxxDragoness 2 месяца назад +1

      🙏🥰sending Prayers and love to you and your son. And much strength and courage to you. 🙌🕊May you find peace when letting go.

    • @BrandivaMcDark
      @BrandivaMcDark 2 месяца назад +2

      Im sending you potent healing strength and love💖✨️ My husband and I lost a daughter to her own hand because of bullying at 13 on his bday while she was living with her bio mom to get to know her but I raised her as my own for 8 years 😢 and she would be 21 now had she lived and we never get over it but we learn to keep going and honor them as they deserve transforming pain into positive best we can ❤ Cherish each moment with your precious prince 🤴🏼 and let the wings 🪽 of angels guide you 💖

    • @wildfower-poppy
      @wildfower-poppy 2 месяца назад

      Much love for you and your son ❤❤❤

  • @farahleon5100
    @farahleon5100 2 месяца назад +2

    [57:40 min] Pile 2: My oversoul gave me the message "Don't suffer/punish yourself for other peoples sin" that helped me not feel bad for or trying to save other people for wronging me or others.

  • @BellaWorldAni
    @BellaWorldAni 2 месяца назад +29

    I listened to Pile 2, but really feel I've moved beyond those messages, so listened to Pile #1. I thought it felt resonant, but then I felt deeply pulled to Pile #3! I think I'm actually in 3 energy, but #1 & #2 described my journey of where I've already traveled. I realize I'm not yet giving myself enough credit for realizing where I truly AM on my journey, how far I've come. Yesterday I woke up in total Pile 3 energy, and today, I kind of 'forgot' that I've done the work to be in this wonderful energy; I think that's why I felt drawn to 2, then 1. I don't yet fully realize the obstacles have been overcome, the blockage is no more. They've been hanging around for so long, I have to remind myself they are really truly GONE! Wow! Thanks for this message. I needed to hear it.

    • @swaaze1
      @swaaze1 2 месяца назад +3

      Thanks for sharing your way of looking at it, I asked myself the same question today so thanks for your insights❤

    • @erikalouise2857
      @erikalouise2857 2 месяца назад +2

      Embrace yourself with love and kindness every single day. You deserve it 💖💖💖

    • @MetalxxDragoness
      @MetalxxDragoness 2 месяца назад +2

      Totally resonate with what you typed here. Some days it is easier to remember. Love and light to you 🙏🌟Bless your journey ❤

    • @CollectiveHealing111
      @CollectiveHealing111 2 месяца назад

      Same. Same. &&& Same. !!! Thank you for saying this bc I’ve been flip flopping through this EXACT same energy the last couple weeks . ❤❤

  • @Oreo-s1f
    @Oreo-s1f 2 месяца назад +1

    Pile 1, so true. devotion takes me through a darkness, helped me so many times. So many storms, so many sacrifices, everything you said is me, for what is known now. Thank you. I needed to hear this today, feels like all of that growth is inside, and outside of me is not matching, I stay more and more isolated at home, and feel like I have no people anymore to connect with on my level of seeing. It seems like I am going through a test of surrender. Surrender to what is, keep surrendering. It is hard to silence the ego, ego wants to do something, it worries. I have been waiting for my community . I would love to have a future that you are describing for this pile. Thank you

  • @MissJayana
    @MissJayana 2 месяца назад +18

    Seriously... how did you manage to ONCE AGAIN hit the nail on the head with your reading for me today. You are a psychic genius. Thank you.

  • @ACosmicVibe
    @ACosmicVibe 2 месяца назад +3

    #1. You have no idea how extreme different my life is from everyone. I have a dog sanctuary off grid but have to move as road is being built. Ive found perfect land with sea views. Very spiritual n peaceful. 2 hurdles. 1 is bit over budget. 2 is a rough dirt track with small land between. Im really trying to manifest. It really is heaven on earth n perfect for all of us (30+ dogs). All this resonates.❤

  • @shelleygarrelts7720
    @shelleygarrelts7720 2 месяца назад +2

    After listening to pile 1, which was so amazing and positive, I took my dog for a walk around a nearby reservoir and right away there was a woman walking alone just singing out loud…such a beautiful confirmation. A friend was healing my throat chakra in Dreamtime a few nights ago too. Thanks for today’s messages!

  • @mamanova2657
    @mamanova2657 2 месяца назад +29

    Wow pile 1 🌟🌟🌟
    Energy of truth spoken
    I’m speechless of every word Angel

  • @pattimctier7647
    @pattimctier7647 2 месяца назад +2

    Pike 1) has a lot of water/emotion. Coral takes an incredibly long time to grow in water. So we take a long time to grow through our emotions. Let creativity flow. I’ve been writing and working on myself and my business. It’s taking longer than I hoped. But that is the nature of what I’m doing.

  • @markmodica
    @markmodica 2 месяца назад +17

    Pile 2. Status Quo is we are destroying the status quo. From prisoner to freedom. Clearing out the status quo

    • @markmodica
      @markmodica 2 месяца назад +4

      Breaking free from the status quo. Other people’s burdens was my status quo

    • @JaneFields-x8d
      @JaneFields-x8d 2 месяца назад

      Humanity is awakening ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤

    • @wherestheparty_
      @wherestheparty_ 2 месяца назад

      yes, I feel the same!

  • @elftower907
    @elftower907 2 месяца назад +60

    iam so terrified of speaking my truth to my family member, i just wanna leave and not be around her (again)

    • @piscesempress1978
      @piscesempress1978 2 месяца назад +11

      I totally understand but please DO not be scared, I know that you feel that way but if someone is making you misrable, then tell them, so you can be free of them. You got this, you are strong, and brave!! Let them know and then leave, you deserve to be happy.

    • @elftower907
      @elftower907 2 месяца назад

      @@piscesempress1978 🙏

    • @njoyn1909
      @njoyn1909 2 месяца назад +12

      Try this affirmation, it’s really helped me be free “ I am not responsible for other people’s feelings, I am only responsible for my own”. Much love to u 💜💙

    • @bymishahealing
      @bymishahealing 2 месяца назад

      @@njoyn1909 I love this affirmation. It's a good reminder for all of us. @JLM-oy2nf, I'm sorry this is happening and I hope things quickly improve for you.

    • @CherokeeLynn
      @CherokeeLynn 2 месяца назад +17

      I had to tell my mother that I no longer wish to be in her life. She’s been hateful to me since I was young, and I told her for years and years to watch the way she speaks to me. She talks to me like I’m stupid and says nasty things to me so after warning her for YEARS, I finally ended it. When someone is ugly to you, you don’t miss them. Anyone who tries to take the smile from your face doesn’t deserve to be in your life. I wish I’d had dropped my mother years earlier because she took my smile away too many times to count.

  • @rongike
    @rongike 2 месяца назад +3

    #2 it's not only okay to disappoint others, it's actually good for them, it helps break the illusions that are keeping them trapped. even if it's not all calm and lovely, it's still necessary for their growth.

  • @Angie_Zone
    @Angie_Zone 2 месяца назад

    You have such a beautiful soul! I always look forward to your next video. Maybe one day we'll meet ❤ Thank you and thank you for your knowledge and inspiration! ❤

  • @Johanna.1111
    @Johanna.1111 2 месяца назад +2

    Pile 3: I have shivers all over my body.. WAUW! 🌸
    Im starting my own company in an old castle. Two weeks ago I’ve let it clean energetically and that gave me my power back (like you said!). Some energies had been draining me and giving me fears which are now resolved.
    The ‘Pallas’ card looks almost identical to my ‘heart intuition cave’ that I’ve seen during a guided meditation. I’ve painted a large tree in the middle, grass, flowers and with a river around.
    I’ve always said I would open my own restaurant one day when I was a child.. the childhood dream is opening up to me 💜
    It’s finally time I’m gonna rock my company!

  • @garybotkin6765
    @garybotkin6765 2 месяца назад +6

    I'm glad I took your advice while viewing pile 3, pile 1 also resonated. I might as well stick around for pile 2. Much Love, Light, Peace and Protection for you and ALL here.

  • @tiffanyfede3563
    @tiffanyfede3563 Месяц назад

    I’m Tiffany, and I just wanted to share my gratitude. I’m navigating cancer, calling her “Grace” as I work to integrate her, learning more about who I am through this journey. I’m a shadow walker and dragon, using shamanic healing, light language, and Bufo Alvarius Toad medicine to help others transform their lives. My husband’s passing in 2020 set me on this path of powerful self-discovery and healing. Your readings are so on point-they resonate deeply !!! nailing it angel!!$

  • @cozyliving3934
    @cozyliving3934 2 месяца назад

    Thank you!💫❤

  • @pennystarshine
    @pennystarshine 2 месяца назад +30

    Hi lovely from Bristol Uk. I was asking for answers in my head. I put my ipad on. and pressed youtube. And there you were. It didn't even show other peoples videos just yours. So thankyou universe. 😘😘

  • @deeptangshudas2661
    @deeptangshudas2661 2 месяца назад +3

    Pile 1: "devotion is your friend" Thank you for the inspiring reading and divinely channeled energy as always!!

  • @SilverSomebody
    @SilverSomebody 2 месяца назад +3

    Drawn to pile #3, but as I drag to the time stamp, pile #1 says “me too, come back when you’re done” and now I understand why. I’ve just ended a 16 year relationship with the father of my children. Using all the tools I’ve gathered during my spiritual awakening, I’ve leaned in fully to the grief and the growth. Peace and radiance is now most present and with that comes inspiration and enthusiasm for the next chapter as a being of light. Divine downloads are in abundance, as I consciously choose to remain without a partner, for the first time in my life, and instead continue to dance with the divine ✨🙏🏼💫

  • @goddesschess
    @goddesschess 2 месяца назад +10

    Pile 3 this is dharma season harvest season 💖
    Cleared it all out
    Let me tell you….. I was almost done with life. I followed gods calling now this is heaven on earth 🌎
    And yes it was that dramatic 🌊

  • @JLM-oy2nf
    @JLM-oy2nf 2 месяца назад +10

    Thank you. Pile 2. Listening while getting ready to meet someone who I need to speak truthfully with. Nice confirmation for what I felt I needed to say.

  • @rosiesbitsandbobs4085
    @rosiesbitsandbobs4085 2 месяца назад +2

    Number 1.
    A old friend just broke up with me today, and I’m pleased. It gives me freedom from her relying on me to be there for her every time she’s going through a rough time because she relies on me to sort things out, however she’s never there for me, it’s all about her.
    I’m Aries, with Venus and Mercury in Pisces, on the Ascension path to 5d consciousness, and it means the world to me, I’m relieved she has let go.
    Your reading is spot on, and I’m pleased you are on this one too! 🙏🤗🌹

  • @melindagrosch306
    @melindagrosch306 2 месяца назад +3

    Pile 2- 10 of swords is usually an inevitable self inflicted thing. Watch out on 10 of swords, don't get scattered as you fight. Get your sleep

  • @lisaboyle123
    @lisaboyle123 2 месяца назад +1

    Pile 1 - 100% true and on point with all of the reading. Thank you so much, love and light 🙏❤🌞

  • @SuperButterfly1212
    @SuperButterfly1212 2 месяца назад


  • @JulianaAndia-gs5jk
    @JulianaAndia-gs5jk 2 месяца назад +1

    Your readings are so spot on!!! Feel like I’m having a personal reading in every reading! Thank you!!!! That was amazing

  • @cozyliving3934
    @cozyliving3934 2 месяца назад +1

    Pile 2, Yes I am done carrying other people's burdens! I am not here to carry other people's burdens! I am here to reach my highest potential energy! I am here to be this wild woman! Wild and free! Thank you, once again this was like a personal reading!

  • @TheTruthChanneler
    @TheTruthChanneler 2 месяца назад +3

    Pile 1!!! This is me!!! ON SPOTTED ☀️⚡☀️ Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @louisejones38
    @louisejones38 Месяц назад


  • @catherineortiz1525
    @catherineortiz1525 2 месяца назад +1

    Pile 2, is Resonating to how I was feeling last week. I was very emotional and I felt no matter how hard I work at my job, my life wasn't going nowhere. I feel my life is at a stand still. But this week , I still feel as though my life is not moving fast enough, but I have learned to look at my life with optimistic and not doubt. I know the Universe will show me a sign when to move on my path again and actually make things happen. Until then I will keep working each day and just wait for that message from the Divine. 👧♥️🙏🕊️♥️🌟

  • @Kathleen555777
    @Kathleen555777 2 месяца назад

    Pile #2 - status quo is for someone who wants to keep things/situation as it currently is, generally a person who does not like change. for me in that reading it is that someone else is trying to prevent us from moving on, clearing out the energy, they are more comfortable with the way things are (status quo). so we should say no and keep moving forward so we can continue to grow.

  • @elizabethgurchak3893
    @elizabethgurchak3893 2 месяца назад +7

    Angel, l needed to hear what you said about Pile 3. I have had a dark time. l felt l was coming out on the sunny side. I feel lcould fly, l am so happy now.Thank you for bringing this to light.❤😊

  • @jenniluna4613
    @jenniluna4613 2 месяца назад +6

    Pile 1. Thank you so much ❤

  • @ewelinagarbacz4522
    @ewelinagarbacz4522 2 месяца назад +2

    See you in the fluffy pink energy🤭🩷🧜‍♀️ Pile 1 reading was amazing🤗🪷 Thank you💜🙏

  • @traneshiaspencer5066
    @traneshiaspencer5066 2 месяца назад

    Pile 2… yesss it made perfect sense I recent decided to stop lowering myself… and I’ve been grieving my old behaviors because their comfortable… but ik it’s time for me to focus on me and stop trying to help others when they need to help themselves… understanding it does nothing but keep me stagnant while they are growing and I feel frustrated because Ive already mastered those cycles and I remain in mine while others are moving up but NO MORE I TAKE MY POWER BACK NOW!! Thank you I needed this!!!
    Feeling empowered again!!✨✨✨

  • @juliemt1117
    @juliemt1117 2 месяца назад

    Pile 1 and 3 here: During an episode of insomnia: I hear i booming voice (knowing it was my own higher self) saying "I am done getting lost in my own creation". I saw a 2D line, where to the left i saw everything from my past... but the future, wich was on the right - was gone. the line faded into this misty dark blue night sky. It all ties together with another thing I felt last xmas, where I was sitting on the couch - and I was my future self of 32. I could feel her energy, her world - and it was like nothing of my past. The energy was deep blue. Now everytime I look at the dark night sky I feel close to my soul and my future. I love your readings! They always resonate even with my odd experience and way of living life - thank you.

  • @MelanieBartlett-ip1ku
    @MelanieBartlett-ip1ku 2 месяца назад +2

    All three messages were spot on. I’ve been through each pile and it feels soooo good to stand up for myself and get back to the universal love dream from my innocent little girl ❤️
    57 years but worth it!
    Thank you, Angel

  • @stephrey286
    @stephrey286 2 месяца назад +3

    Yeeaah you are right! He is always coming in the back. It is my false twin flame , stealing my energy and polluting with his. I just saw it! It is linked with the primary wound feminine persecution. Thank beautiful light 😉🌞

  • @justiceforrevina
    @justiceforrevina 2 месяца назад +1

    A LOT!!! of confirmations in Pile 1 for me - have been getting the Trust card for the past week or so, in a myriad of different readings/ readers/ deck.
    Hard to trust, when its the been ayears of a brutal hell that is life or death.
    Just wanted to say that I WRITE. I AM a writer, and I loved that the WRITE card centers the reading. The art on it ( for me) symbolizes a STAR in the middle connecting all directions, and a wheel ( of fortune) in each corner. Also love the beautiful color palette 🎨 of the cards. 🩷💛🤍🩵💜💙💚🧡
    Love & Gratitude to all. 💜🙏🩵

  • @GodFractal
    @GodFractal 2 месяца назад +1

    As timelines and frequencies move higher and we ascend with the earth, we will all naturally become attracted and move to locations and people that match our energy and harmonic qualities…

  • @Rojo731
    @Rojo731 2 месяца назад +1

    JUST AMAZING!!! I’m not kidding when I say that my eyes got big.

  • @MyOwnWorldIsNice
    @MyOwnWorldIsNice 2 месяца назад +1

    Pile 2 is right on for me. My ex ghosted me last year and left me out in the cold during the holidays. Now I’m in a new relationship and my ex shows up all apologetic and sad wanting me back. I was so burdened and he hurt me so bad. I wanted him so badly but now I have moved on. This pile 2 reading has really helped me stay in the ‘status quo’ with my new relationship and let my past go.

  • @Michael_42
    @Michael_42 2 месяца назад

    pile 3 then 2 then 1. I am tired, so tired of this slow trudge, the end is there all signs point same way. Sad endings tempered by abundance. I get it just wish it would hurry up and not be such an emotional drama. Daily healing, sitting with nature, long showers, burning candles, smudging myself, asking favors of the Goddesses, etc. etc. I think this is the only reason I have not crumbled. .... This reading was full of great advice, and will try and put it in action, sacral directed by solar plexus. Thank you Angel, love sent your way 🤍🤍🤍

  • @emmalee333
    @emmalee333 2 месяца назад +5

    Hello Angel! I asked AI about Status Quo and this example should be helpful for you.
    For example, if someone says they want to maintain the status quo, they mean they want things to stay the same rather than change.

  • @TillyTme
    @TillyTme 2 месяца назад +4

    Yes, you were right the first time, Status Quo means the way things are now. X

    • @TheNordicLight.
      @TheNordicLight.  2 месяца назад +2

      Yes, it all made sense after I was done with the reading. 😅💚🥰

  • @MiaFlow777
    @MiaFlow777 2 месяца назад +2

    1 totally aligned as always❤🎉

  • @kldimond
    @kldimond 2 месяца назад

    Pile 2... more accurately, 2, 1, 3. Another time when my guidance pointed me to piles in order.
    Status quo: could mean, in the reading:
    1. Like as usual
    2. Stay the course
    3. This is the current state
    Some of these are less formal, but considering the cards as a small vocabulary, I see meanings bend like this all the time. Would be interesting to see which your guidance points you to, how it applies.
    Now listening to pile1, sounding in tune with exploratory paths this morning when I was just contemplating. Not finished. ... so... listening...

    • @kldimond
      @kldimond 2 месяца назад

      Pile 1.... 'polar opposites' (Pisces & Aries).
      Continues resonant...

  • @susannewetteskogbungum4632
    @susannewetteskogbungum4632 29 дней назад

    Just like you Angel first I listen to pile 3 then I went back to 1.
    Spot on 🎯 I have been in isolation for about 8 years now, definitely a narrow path 🛣️.
    A dream 11 years ago has comforted me a lot: going on a highway fast in a car and there were no exits at all. Almost crashed but.made it through the intersection alive 😅. It ended with a gold medal 🥇 and people cheering 🎉

  • @maryamsarvari975
    @maryamsarvari975 2 месяца назад +1

    Once again we both choose the same Pile 🥰 I have been in hermit mode for years and it’s been very hard but definitely worth every second of it as I don’t want any more stress or anxiety in my life. Cutting people off was the best decision ever 💜💜💜

  • @TRoses-k6l
    @TRoses-k6l 2 месяца назад +5

    Pile 2 is spot on Im claiming all positive vibes energies and dreamed no written on I am Aries thank you so much your reading! I will definitely 💯 letting you know that outcome! Thank you Universe 😇👼👼🥰🥰🥰💡💡💡🌹🌹🌹🌻🌻🌻❤️❤️❤️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🙏🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

  • @elizabeth-pile1beautifulto374
    @elizabeth-pile1beautifulto374 2 месяца назад +2

    Pile 2 ending something sad and disappointing to be finally free and at peace. Beautiful readings and advice thank you Liz here 😍👍❤,

  • @kathypr1987
    @kathypr1987 2 месяца назад

    Pile 2 - You are spot on. This reading is very clear to me - thank you! And I loved how you explained about cutting energetic cords. I needed to hear that. (Status Quo is the same old thing. For instance, to keep the status quo, you usually just keep your mouth shut and not speak up, so as not to upset things so that they stay the same. So if you don't want change, you keep the status quo. Energetic clearing means you bring in new things and release the old, and upset that old status quo!) xx

  • @DHRadioGal
    @DHRadioGal 2 месяца назад

    Again….Pile 2. And, I definitely understand this reading. Thank you 🙏🏼

  • @ingelafromukotic5552
    @ingelafromukotic5552 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for pile 1 and this beautiful message 🥰🙏🏻🌸 This was spot on and really helpful. See you on the pink clouds 😅😍🤩💖

  • @machupicchu4625
    @machupicchu4625 2 месяца назад

    Another pile I chose in another reading from White Feather Tarot yesterday also showed that a childhood dream is going to be realized. I had a strong desire to help feed the world when I was 12 years old. I know deep down now that I will have the resource soon to do this. 22 is my number . Thank you for the affirmations❤
    Also, 'I believe I can Fly' has been playing in my mind now since Sept 28. I only knew a few words 'I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky". After I looked up the lyrics, I realized it is a song about manifestaion..."If I can see it, then I can do it; If I can just believe it, there is nothing to it..."❤
    Thank you again, Angel!

  • @Vib.H
    @Vib.H 2 месяца назад

    Status quo is a Latin term meaning the state of affairs. The term is most often used through maintaining the status quo, which means that a situation must remain as it is. Here, status quo means something like the unchanged state of things.
    However, the original meaning is somewhat different, the full wording being status quo ante bellum, meaning the state as before the war. This is about restoring the "status quo

  • @hanneshuette
    @hanneshuette 2 месяца назад +1

    47:45 This is so new for me - and so completely comforting and freeing! Thank you so much, Angel. If you would like to talk more on this at some point I would be really interested as it is a very new concept for me: Cutting energetic chords does not mean cutting people out of your life - you even do it regularly with your Twin Soul. Wow! Without the chord we get to love people from a higher and free place….. 🪽🪽 I can’t quite grasp this yet but I am definitely going to go with that! Thank you 🙏🏻

  • @WalkingWithNature418
    @WalkingWithNature418 2 месяца назад

    Yes! I was deciding between pile 1 and pile 3. Started pile 3 but then went back to pile 1 then started pile 3 and had been thinking, pile 1 was where i was at and pile 3 is now and moving forward!!!!! Youre amazing. Thank you!
    222 chills. Boom.

  • @catherineortiz9579
    @catherineortiz9579 2 месяца назад

    Status Quo means the current situation of your life. Pile 2, I'm trying to stay strong and positive and live my life in a happier state. I'm tired of negative people and negative energy that was in my past life. I'm also tired of feeling so emotional 😭 and depressed.

  • @CraigTaraSun
    @CraigTaraSun 2 месяца назад

    I look forward to meeting you too 😊 gratitude, love and light 🙏✨️🧡

  • @IamwhoIam333
    @IamwhoIam333 2 месяца назад

    Pile one
    Once again you hit the nail on the head.
    Just last night I was put into a situation and I was very specific in my answer after great thought.
    I told them that if they wanted my help here are the conditions.
    I told this person what my needs were and what I could do for them.
    If that was not acceptable I wasn't going to stress myself out or sacrifice my needs not desires just so they could have their needs taken care of too.
    I said there's no compromise this time.
    I didn't say no, just what would work for me if they wanted my help. That if it was not acceptable they would have to go somewhere else to ask for help.
    I'm ready to move forward with or with out them . If they want to be part of my future they could catch up with down the road.
    I will help them if they help me.
    No more one sided giving.

  • @blodwenjones5033
    @blodwenjones5033 2 месяца назад

    Pile 2 caught my eye and I am an Aries!
    A short while before listening to your amazing reading, I'd cut someone out of my life! I'd kept them at arms length for some time, and something occurred today that gave me the impetuous to speak MY truth at last.
    Prior to that, I had shared something close to my heart in a group chat that might lead to losses, but what I shared can no longer stay hidden.
    You are a brilliant reader, and thank you so much for what you are doing.
    Love and light to everyone ✨️

  • @lindawilson4084
    @lindawilson4084 2 месяца назад

    There are now many readers on RUclips. You by far resonate the best with me. You are blessed and gifted.❤

  • @raimonda6653
    @raimonda6653 2 месяца назад +2

    Hi Angel pile 2 Exactly ! I am taking charge of something 🎉❤ I woke up with letting go the burden of judge / critic energy as family wound and head ache and neck ache were there . Similar energies around me and saying NO ! Dealing with it head on . I am not here to be trapped in consciousness of lack , protecting myself . Disentangled . I RISE AND FLY NOW 💫🌹🥳🙏🦄🪽

    • @Hope4mee
      @Hope4mee 2 месяца назад

      How are you dealing with it. I'm just dying with this. Like I want things to work out with him. He thinks that only his needs are not getting fulfilled but the same is with me too. But I still want it to work out for the love we have. We can work on it right rather than ending everything

  • @mariettewarris7923
    @mariettewarris7923 2 месяца назад

    Your wisdom and natural gift is absolutely amazing! Pile 1 made perfect sense because my astrology shows clearly that I am in this life to deal with all past life karma. I have come a long way as I'm already of advanced age and am now working on a creative project. It has done me the world of good to listen to you. You are a most advanced being and my respect for your intuition is strong. Thank you from my heart.

  • @ingelaikagunnarsson6610
    @ingelaikagunnarsson6610 2 месяца назад +4

    1 ❤❤❤❤❤
    Thank you so much for these readings! They are really helpful and i feel so empowered after! Even though it sometimes shows difficulties. Thank you! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @IAMElectRA711
    @IAMElectRA711 2 месяца назад +1

    All piles are tremendously powerful for my current life events. THANK YOU! for your wisdom and love through your readings

  • @theresashetler
    @theresashetler 2 месяца назад +1

    Pile 3 Pluto...The Pallas card said it all for me...she is sitting on the roots of the tree communing with Tree Wisdom and the Crone(Hermit). The root system shows deep connection to mother earth and staying grounded in adversity. The tree and Lotus are my special symbols. No mud- no lotus. Without the struggles and adversity 'the mud' the Lotus cannot bloom. There are 6 lotus on the path!! Thank you for this beautiful read. I just wrnt back and listened to Pile 1 as well. It was so spot on for my journey!! I have just closed a huge karmic door with a family member. As a Sirian B Star seed i crave other beings on this journey like me. Thank you for this beautiful read and i have no doubt you and i will meet in the future. No one can read the tarot for me like you. You vibe with me at 110%. Love you so much soulsister. Take care of youraelf.
    Namaste 🙏🫂🕊🦋💙🐬🧚‍♀️💦🎇💙

  • @taivin.lorenzo5619
    @taivin.lorenzo5619 2 месяца назад +1

    Pile 1: literally just left my 7 year relationship less than a week ago! Hit a lot of points right on the money 😭 but I really feel like I’ve been handling it well! Now I’m heavily longing for hermit mode. I also have been so supported and surrounded by sisterhood which is something I’ve been really calling out for subconsciously. All good things on the way I know! Just a wild time right now. Thank you soooo much for your messages ❤️

  • @Michelle-qc7oo
    @Michelle-qc7oo 2 месяца назад

    Thank you so much I chose pike 2 but felt drawn to pike 1 too xxxx

  • @shasjadekker
    @shasjadekker 2 месяца назад

    Pile 1 I’ve got my North node in Aries! On my way 😉

  • @ruthroberts8868
    @ruthroberts8868 2 месяца назад

    Thank you, my friend! I really hope that one day we will all get to sit down together and share our journeys.

  • @PalomaCumplido
    @PalomaCumplido 2 месяца назад

    Oh wow, pile 3 . I claim this with great joy, gratitude and humility. Thank you

  • @Toshiboyai
    @Toshiboyai 2 месяца назад

    Pile 3: just had kundalini awakening and 5 somatic release experiences, most intense experience ever and feel inflammed and sore from how much it’s happened over last month. I’m hoping this leads to a clearing

  • @AnnHolloway-i4c
    @AnnHolloway-i4c 2 месяца назад

    I watched pile one then pile two. Great to hear the work I've been doing is having effects

  • @이아현-y6w
    @이아현-y6w 2 месяца назад

    Pile 3, thank you

  • @Blessed-tf5yw
    @Blessed-tf5yw 2 месяца назад +5

    Timely and helpful reading. Thank you💗
    Thank you Universe🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻

  • @LuisaQuinn-ul6bv
    @LuisaQuinn-ul6bv 2 месяца назад +1

    Pile #1: it blew my mind... no... my heart-chakra. Since a few hours I felt like "birth-pains" in this Chakra. On and off in the past weeks whenever I felt this, I asked the Arcturian Energies to help me out with that weird physical poignant pain. As I learned to stay with it, it went away and left me stronger than ever. - The pattern of numbers you said from 43 to 47 have to do with my actual human age and the shifts I am going through spiritually. I have my natal Moon conjunct Chiron in the 12th HS, my South Node is there too. I often read that going towards the South Node issues in this lifetime was counterproductive. One already knows this part by heart (!). So my hurdle would be moving towards natal North Node in ♎️ in the 6th HS, close to natal Pluto. I just feel that although moving UP inside, it's like walking/ treading on the same spot outside (treadmill=wheel of Karma ?? 🤣). Anyway: by connecting to You and all others that chose Pile 1: we just keep on going in that coral sea!!!
    A big warm embrace to you Angel from 🇨🇭! 🙏🏻👋🏻

  • @mizkilla
    @mizkilla 2 месяца назад

    Pile 3 and then 1 ❤ After the shift came a self love period and now I'm flowing, glowing up! I really hope to meet you one day and always have you in my thoughts 😊

    @LADYDARKSLADE 2 месяца назад

    Pile 1: You nail it every time and give great insight on moving through our journeys. I love the crystal store you always suggest. I'm looking forward to ordering from them again! 🙂

  • @elenagabrielachiriac4252
    @elenagabrielachiriac4252 2 месяца назад


  • @donnafitzgerald-oh8ms
    @donnafitzgerald-oh8ms 2 месяца назад

    Omg pile 2 every single word was spot on and the exact confirmation I needed right down to the Aries card just in case I had ANY doubt left it was speaking to me! Thank you for sharing your gift as you have become my absolute go to for guidance and I absolutely love your oracle card deck and the wisdom they have been providing me, thank you! Now on to pile 1 as you suggested!

  • @georgia-carolinafrenchbulldogs
    @georgia-carolinafrenchbulldogs 2 месяца назад

    I was called to watch Pile 1 first, but I'm going to watch them all bc we were hit by Hurricane Helene, and I haven't had electricity for 4 days 😅 Mother nature is really setting the stage for me to receive, alright. One of the themes that keeps surfacing is the difference between a lack and abundance mindset. I've been around more ppl helping cleanup and sharing resources, and it's frustrating to hear the negativity that they speak into existence. I've also noticed how guilty and ashamed I feel in the presence of their negativity for being optimistic. I'm surrendering my old desire to manage their way of thinking. I will continue to express myself authentically. This is what works for me and how I protect my energy.

  • @mizkilla
    @mizkilla 2 месяца назад

    As a mother of two men 34 and 30 and Big Music lover I prayed they wouldn't want to be hip hop artists or actors I would have had many pairs l issues coz I knew they collected the weird friends in one place to be who they wanted . My heart is so full of joy today !!!!!!! The world is cleaning slate

  • @SofiNilsson.SWEDEN
    @SofiNilsson.SWEDEN 2 месяца назад

    Pile 1.
    I'm crying and smiling at the same time.
    Thank you! 😍🙏

  • @ДарьяТюрина22
    @ДарьяТюрина22 2 месяца назад

    Благодарю стопка 3 ❤ внутреннее умиротворение, Гармония и спокойствие. Многое осталось позади, но неуверенность и сомнения пеленой ещё навесают над мной, а ваш расклад подтверждения- все хорошо, тебе не о чем беспокоится. Ты открыла для себя новый мир

  • @Shaz19754
    @Shaz19754 2 месяца назад

    Pile 1 😮 truly amazing ❤ so grateful 😊

  • @maryodonnell6200
    @maryodonnell6200 2 месяца назад

    Pile 1 for me. I’m always in your pile. 😀 agree with all you say here ❤❤

  • @tamarajones-sn9ph
    @tamarajones-sn9ph 2 месяца назад


  • @JeanWoods-vr8sm
    @JeanWoods-vr8sm 2 месяца назад

    I understand reading pile #2 and status quo. Pile #1 & 3 seem to also apply to me, just different timing!!!

  • @firefly4704
    @firefly4704 2 месяца назад

    Pile #2 - "Feline" is a cat.
    "Status quo" is the way things are, 'the existing state of affairs". Change disrupts or threatens the ststus quo

  • @magic-view7209
    @magic-view7209 2 месяца назад +4

    You nailed it absolut on point!
    YES! I'VE SAID NO! No to toxic people that DO'NT want to be peaceful.
    Thank you so much. 👍🎯🙏❤️‍🩹💚💜😇🖖

  • @u-r-light
    @u-r-light 2 месяца назад +1

    Pile 2 - I don't like this reading because it's true. I have to muster up my courage to say NO! The reading was totally accurate and now I do have to find the courage. Thank you for this supportive reading, Angel. ❤

  • @Premus101
    @Premus101 2 месяца назад

    Pile 2: love it! I live for the bat sounds 😂❤

  • @lisagarrett6966
    @lisagarrett6966 2 месяца назад

    Oh my gosh, My daughter calls me Dori, from that movie, LOL., so you are SPOT ON ABOUT EVERYTHING!! I just stopped talking to " a friend of 15 years that Is so unawake, I could not have a conversation with her anymore. That's your blank space. But I had to let go of several people. Thank God I know several people who are where I'm at. I'm enjoying where I'm at as I love solitude. Angel, I have been for Trump since 2012. I'm proud of it. He is known as "17". He was the 45th president and will be the 47th as well. He is currently CIC, even though most of the people are asleep this will become known. I've always felt like this will be like the original, escape to witch mountain, where all of our star family will reunite.

  • @michellehay2394
    @michellehay2394 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for explaining about energetic cords...that we can say no, but we can still have them (people)in our lives....that helped my anxiety a lot....

  • @Theholisticsouldier
    @Theholisticsouldier 2 месяца назад

    Pile 2 & 3. Definitely made sense to watch them both. Pile 2 was the back story. As for 22, I see it all the time. I put gas today $20.02, 22 in the piles 2:22 with the time, etc. I see 4s and 3s a lot too. I am finally living my dream. New job and new home business❣️Thank you so much❣️ Namaste 🙏🏼

  • @barbhedger7369
    @barbhedger7369 2 месяца назад

    Pile 1. Beautiful reading and so true. Thank you❤