Doom II - UAC Invasion: The Supply Depot (Ultra-Violence 100%)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 319

  • @enricopaolocoronado2511
    @enricopaolocoronado2511 2 года назад +224

    11 years of development.
    That right there is some serious dedication and passion from the creator of the map.

    • @dinitroacetylen
      @dinitroacetylen 2 года назад +19

      Either serious dedication, or 11 years' worth of procrastination.

    • @madcio
      @madcio 2 года назад +15

      @@dinitroacetylen I dont think anyone expected creator to work on this map 8 hours daily, 5 days a week.

    • @cursedjade9585
      @cursedjade9585 2 года назад +24

      @@madcio you're right, we expected him to work 12 hours a day 7 days a week on this map

    • @narmale
      @narmale 2 года назад +7

      pretty sure there were alot of beer breaks in there, otherwise insanegazebo never would have release a single one of his maps in his lifetime

    • @lordmuhehe4605
      @lordmuhehe4605 2 года назад +1

      @@narmale Wasn't this made by DooMknight?

  • @NightAsterisk
    @NightAsterisk 2 года назад +192

    When decino says "it's incredible" , that probably means I should give myself the delight of playing the map first before watching the vid.

    • @iguana9173
      @iguana9173 2 года назад +5

      That’s what I was thinking too.

    • @MountainLWolf
      @MountainLWolf 2 года назад +5

      I'm feeling that dude. I'm going to play it first.

    • @Humongous_Pig_Benis
      @Humongous_Pig_Benis 2 года назад +2

      11 years in the making? Gonna play that fist!

    • @uraldamasis6887
      @uraldamasis6887 2 года назад +3

      I don't know, I feel like play vicariously through him

    • @mateuszwaligora7049
      @mateuszwaligora7049 2 года назад

      @@MountainLWolf ml mi. Mo . Ml.. My little

  • @VolcanoPenguin
    @VolcanoPenguin 2 года назад +88

    This is one of those maps that you have to take a couple of bathroom breaks to finish. Or at least that's how it is for me.
    Mad respect for the map creator. 11 years on 1 map is insane dedication and passion.

    • @Qobp
      @Qobp 2 года назад

      this the time of WAD to make u pee hard

  • @trianglepowered
    @trianglepowered 2 года назад +18

    It's always a good Decino video when he refers to an enemy as a "Boney Bastard."

  • @blackheart004
    @blackheart004 2 года назад +12

    Fun detail - the music that starts for the final battle with the Cyberdemons (1:08:55) is track 2 from the Lotus 3 - The Ultimate Challenge car racing game.
    You can hear it here, beginning at minute 3:00видео.html

  • @Zerodius1
    @Zerodius1 2 года назад +38

    I remember browsing the Cacowards looking for things to play when I saw this map. Was an incredible joy to play, and it's a joy to watch Decino play!

  • @AegisAmaranth
    @AegisAmaranth 2 года назад +33

    Crusader: no regret music.
    Great choice to complement your map.
    Which is great in it's own right as well.
    I love the doomcutes and voxel designs, and they explode too?
    Big heart to the maker. A work of passion.

    • @RUSRhythmic
      @RUSRhythmic 2 года назад +2

      I knew the music was familiar. I couldn't tell if it was some Unreal remix or something different. It definitely sounds late 90s.

  • @Morbidtales1984
    @Morbidtales1984 2 года назад +29

    from the general vibe and playstyle of this map it reminds me a lot of Surface Tension from Half Life, how youre being pulled from one linear set piece to another at this really well timed pace, the desert setting helps too

  • @dzonialucard
    @dzonialucard 2 года назад +48

    Not only did we get a new Ducino upload that is an hour long
    we also got a fully raytraced version of doom!
    Emperor blesses us today!

    • @RedhotIta1
      @RedhotIta1 2 года назад

      @@alexeyvlasenko6622 Sadly only the first 3 episodes of Doom 1 are playable in RT for what I understood
      EDIT: "Sadly" I'm glad I am replaying the first 3 episode in Ray Tracing. It looks so cool and gives me another chance to replay it. Can't wait for Doom 2 though. It's also PrBoom+

  • @aguilefo
    @aguilefo 2 года назад +1

    1:12:15 "OOOH YOU MVP SHOTGUNNER THANK YOU OOOH DEAR LORD" we really felt that lmao

  • @juand.g.2602
    @juand.g.2602 2 года назад +12

    25 secrets is nothing for you, you've found more in more open spaces
    This is a very cool submission

  • @silky_merkin
    @silky_merkin 2 года назад +6

    I'm sorry but I laughed so hard at your disgust when hit by the blob. 14:29

    • @iguana9173
      @iguana9173 2 года назад +2

      I laughed at that too.

  • @Zephyrbal
    @Zephyrbal 2 года назад +20

    Love this map. Took me a couple sessions to finish

  • @Phryj
    @Phryj 2 года назад +51

    Not only is the map enormous, but it's filled with cool details and interesting monster fights. The music is really cool too.
    As for the problem with the bars, a simple fix would be to have killing the Spider Mastermind reveal a switch that opens the bars, that way players are able to get back out if they accidentally re-close the bars.

  • @gamerman7276
    @gamerman7276 2 года назад +2

    I like this WAD it gives me Doom 3 vibes.

  • @Martsigras
    @Martsigras 2 года назад +1

    The Predator homage was great "I'm here! shoot me, do it!"

  • @Kinnakeeter
    @Kinnakeeter 2 года назад +6

    That was awesome. I was impressed by the 2 Easter eggs and the vehicles laid out across the map. Absolutely amazing

  • @Runie549
    @Runie549 2 года назад +24

    IIRC, the invisibility works very similarly in the SNES version of Doom to how GZDoom handles it here. Perhaps that version was more ahead of its time than we tend to give it credit for XD

    • @DinnerForkTongue
      @DinnerForkTongue 2 года назад +3

      And in case folks don't like it, that is a compatibility option. I tend to play with it off because that's how Boom wads were designed, so stealth can cheese or even break the map.

  • @w0lfram582
    @w0lfram582 2 года назад +6

    So much dedication from this map here and it deserve to be chosen on the submissions. Very good map with some other new enemies and the gameplay itself is fair challenging. Also the last shotgunner there is indeed the MVP of this, otherwise it would've taken a long time to find that final enemy if it weren't the shotgunner.

  • @y0LAs_
    @y0LAs_ 2 года назад +3

    11 years that's some serious dedication! But from you too, Decimo, you're pretty dedicated too ^^

  • @RevolverRez
    @RevolverRez Год назад +1

    I went to download this amazing map, only to discover I've had it sitting in my Doom folder for the last five years. Time to actually play it, then!

  • @Veezyjung
    @Veezyjung 2 года назад +5

    I genuinely applauded IRL when you found that last shotgunner.

  • @mugwump7049
    @mugwump7049 2 года назад +18

    Great map in every sense of the word, with an amazing sense of place. For once, a realistic environment doesn't look ridiculous in Doom. 1200+ enemies could be exhausting but it flows like melted butter, a bit like an AD map. 👌

  • @GabeDaNoob
    @GabeDaNoob 2 года назад +1

    Epic WAD and video | Also a rare footage of Decino using GZDoom as a source port lol

  • @georgeheilman885
    @georgeheilman885 2 года назад +1

    I half-expected you to do something cheeky with that stuck Cyber like punch his glutes. Still, this was a hell of ride to take, and I really like the rotating music.

  • @RenegadeVile
    @RenegadeVile 2 года назад +5

    Song at 17:16 is from Crusader: No Remorse. Amazing game and most of its OST is excellent. It's all industrial and grungy

    • @TychoHoward
      @TychoHoward 2 года назад

      Most of the music is from the Crusader series, at least as far as I am at 17:33. First track was also from there, and I think the second was too.

    • @IsoMacintosh
      @IsoMacintosh 2 года назад +1

      i gotta check that ost out, only track i recognized was the last one thats from lotus 3

    • @RenegadeVile
      @RenegadeVile 2 года назад

      @@TychoHoward yeah but I wasn't paying attention to the music so only noticed from there. Most are actually fromthe sequel No Regret.

  • @mono4643
    @mono4643 2 года назад +3

    Woohoo Decino long plays. My favorite past time!

  • @tebanll
    @tebanll Год назад

    What an amazing video. The dedication of the Map Maker and yours to learn this map by memory. The emotions, the laughs, and even the panic for that last shotgunner. Everything here is pure gold.
    One of the best videos on RUclips, hands down!

  • @Batgirl_fangirl
    @Batgirl_fangirl 2 года назад +1

    So much Doom cute!😀I think the tank maybe my favorite. 27:15 and 54:40 although the helicopter and the digger are pretty sweet too. Love the custom enemies as well. Whoever submitted it, nice choice.
    Very well done decino🙂💛

  • @groove66
    @groove66 2 года назад +3

    1 hr?
    Doom gods have blessed us this evening

  • @kakhome1
    @kakhome1 2 года назад +38

    This map deserved its Caco! An epic adventure, love many of the areas especially the big wide open outdoor section. Notably better huge map IMO compared to Foursite.

  • @foxbonesmulder
    @foxbonesmulder 2 года назад +2

    12:01 you could almost say they're "camel-flouged" 😉
    Incredible map and yet another display of skill, great work

  • @janosmarothy5409
    @janosmarothy5409 2 года назад +9

    What a playthrough, like a much more forgiving Anagnorisis

  • @calciumboxer8239
    @calciumboxer8239 2 года назад +4

    Omg Decino posted 10 seconds ago. This is epic. Thx Decino for being best Doom goober! Also post more Dogcino.

  • @eduardodiaz9942
    @eduardodiaz9942 2 года назад +1

    11 years, holy crap. A true passion project right there.

  • @craigwright9685
    @craigwright9685 2 года назад +1

    That was amazing bro. what a run through. At the end I was thinking you poor man all that time but it worked out awesome, well done my friend.

  • @PorscheAddict
    @PorscheAddict 2 года назад +7

    such a cool map, feels like a whole game experience

  • @BlakeGameYT
    @BlakeGameYT 2 года назад +8

    I just finished this map. It's an amazing experience that I believe everyone should play. Only Problems is I triggered the pillars that softlock you and the vehicles kill my framerate so it was really bad at the end fighting the cyberdemons. Overall it a solid map.

  • @RevenantFTS97
    @RevenantFTS97 2 года назад +1

    mmm.... I can see why the author took 11 yaars in finishing the map. It's so huge and obviously a lot of thought and detail was put in not only crafting it, but also in the enemy placement, the custom textures, etc.
    BTW: the shield boss from 44:49 basicly consists of modified sprites of the Undead Warrior, one of the monsters from Heretic. It also seems like the shield from HeXen's centaur was added to it, and its projectile attack pattern seems quite similar to the Fighter's Quietus attack

  • @osmo_9577
    @osmo_9577 2 года назад +1

    Dang i loved this! It felt like a combo of Going Down and TNT. This was long video, but i could watch this map for 15 hours. And that final enemy thought that he would give middle finger but you got him😄 And all those vehicles are awesome!

  • @keywade2452
    @keywade2452 2 года назад +1

    This map is insane in the best way possible. So much detail. Kudos to the map maker.

  • @iguana9173
    @iguana9173 2 года назад +1

    Decino uploads a new video before bedtime
    Sees running time yikes! You’ve got to be kidding me!
    31:15 Decino: greetings everyone and welcome to my 100% play through of Wolfenstein 3D on the I am death incarnate difficulty this episode one floor one.

  • @the_fatshark
    @the_fatshark 2 года назад

    If i enjoyed , heck yes! This is a map you have to appreciate. So much effort, time spent you can see it back throughout the whole map. Top Job remembering every secret and monster hideouts!

  • @Whiterabbit124
    @Whiterabbit124 2 года назад +2

    I love the sense of scale in these new Doom maps. Other games show you epic vistas and block everything with invisible walls.
    Even in the souls games, the tower in background will be explorable later on but you cannot interact with it while far away.

  • @arnold4769
    @arnold4769 2 года назад

    Wouw.. music from 16:55 is from my favorite game Crusader no regret. Brings back many memories. Thanks Decino

  • @redcell2852
    @redcell2852 2 года назад

    Dude that is totally a badass map I love Urban type Maps and this is perfect!"
    Thanks for doing a playthrough and showing us this map!"

  • @qrtrx4
    @qrtrx4 2 года назад

    decino's been sent a lot of gzdoom stuff this round of viewer submissions, glad he's enjoying it

  • @parallelcircuit
    @parallelcircuit 2 года назад +4

    An hour fourteen? Holy crap, better make some popcorn!

    • @iguana9173
      @iguana9173 2 года назад +1

      And some pizza candy and beer

  • @DarkstarArchangel
    @DarkstarArchangel 2 года назад +4

    You know decino sees an A-tier map design like this.

  • @michaelwong1969
    @michaelwong1969 2 года назад +1

    Incredible. This is really a piece

  • @difquin
    @difquin 2 года назад +1

    Played it a while back, what an awesome wad. Tricky fights, doom cute galore, AND a great soundtrack!
    About the soft locking Spiderdemon - I had that very issue happen to me but I have no problem idclip'ing out of the area :)

  • @HansCampbell
    @HansCampbell Год назад +1

    I think you will really enjoy playing my new map for GZDoom - HGC City. I posted a video about the map on my channel. A download link is in the description. 😃

  • @danieljestice4500
    @danieljestice4500 2 года назад +10

    Do you think Doom Guy is forklift certified?

    • @TheRogueWolf
      @TheRogueWolf 2 года назад +2

      No, but the forklift isn't going to say anything about it, if it knows what's good for it.

    • @bentilbury2002
      @bentilbury2002 2 года назад +1

      You can kill demons with a forklift, so yes.

  • @ChicDead26
    @ChicDead26 2 года назад

    I really enjoyed this one! Man, you did sound so hopeless in the end, thinking you missed some enemy lol

  • @DrearierSpider1
    @DrearierSpider1 2 года назад +9

    Is the excavator named Ken a homage to the Build Engine? I believe the creator of Build was named Ken.

  • @TheRealNormanBates
    @TheRealNormanBates 2 года назад +2

    44:00 that boss is a combination of creatures from *Heretic* and *Hexen.* It is the *Heretic* Revenant equivalent who usually throws out a green axe, with an occasional "blood" axe that leaves splash damage in the wake of the axe projectile. It looks like the author gave it the shield (and reflecting power) of the *Hexen* Imp equivalent, as well as the Mage fireballs (which have semi tracking abilities) and a few other novel attacks.

    • @DinnerForkTongue
      @DinnerForkTongue 2 года назад

      Close but no cigar. The Hexen monster the Death Knight borrows from is the Slaughtaur, not the Imp equivalent, which would be the Afrit (little black gargoyle).

    • @TheRealNormanBates
      @TheRealNormanBates 2 года назад

      @@DinnerForkTongue I was thinking of the Slaughtaurs, but I didn't know their name. I guess they would be the Hell Knight equivalent, since they're pretty tanky? I guess the Imp (aka "the work horse") would be the 2 headed creatures with the maces? The little flying black bitches are like more annoying pistol zombies.
      What is the Revenant creature from *Heretic* that throws out the green axes?

    • @DinnerForkTongue
      @DinnerForkTongue 2 года назад

      Imps = Ettins (two heads)
      Pinkies = Centaurs
      Slaughtaurs = Mancubi (because they can put down a lotta hurt with the shield blasts and deflection)
      Hell Knights = Chaos Serpents

  • @johndoe7270
    @johndoe7270 2 года назад

    Thank you for spending an hour+ of your life to show us this awesome level.
    This looks like some straight up GZDoom magic! Like did the person sell their soul to make this map? No, they used GZDoom lol.

  • @Kingdramana
    @Kingdramana 2 года назад

    That's the most relief based "oh" I have ever heard xD haha oh that was amazing. MVP Shotgunner, just hitting you for a 10 minutes straight without you realizing.

  • @kkonti1113
    @kkonti1113 2 года назад

    Thank you for the HUD stats for GZDoom!!! Much appreciated, they should use it as an official feature!

  • @danman8671
    @danman8671 2 года назад

    This is super amazing..thanks for all the cool new shit you are show casing..these mods are so nostalgic tbh 💪🏼💪🏼gg slayer

  • @Bon3_witch
    @Bon3_witch 2 года назад

    Omg, the doom cute! I absolutely love when you showcase all the doom cute, I appreciate it, it's my favorite! ^_^

  • @timothyquinn4919
    @timothyquinn4919 2 года назад +1

    Dear hugo Martin this is what we want for the next doom. demons tons of demons on huge maps, more ripping... more tearing...

  • @pleb_76
    @pleb_76 2 года назад +1

    the image at the start of the video looks very cool

  • @DrWho-vc2go
    @DrWho-vc2go 2 года назад +1

    35:13 Does shooting at an enemy, who is beside an Armour with your chaingun, actually damage the Armour?

    • @decino
      @decino  2 года назад +2


    • @DrWho-vc2go
      @DrWho-vc2go 2 года назад

      @@decino Thanx, I always wondered.

  • @zachkiss8870
    @zachkiss8870 2 года назад +1

    When he was looking up in the elevator and turned my brain broke. I forgot about mouse look and I thought it was a hallway that was twisting as he ran though. Ouch, my brain will not recover from that very easily

  • @TVdinnermasterchef
    @TVdinnermasterchef 2 года назад

    Proper adventure map that, really enjoyed the playthrough, thanks.

  • @johnromero1029
    @johnromero1029 2 года назад

    Love these long videos. Keep making them, mate.

  • @JharedPH
    @JharedPH 2 года назад +1

    Mad respect to the creator bro, he spent 11 FUCKING YEARS. Man, this must've been hard to make

  • @AjStormheart
    @AjStormheart 2 года назад +1

    I feel like this is what a wad would feel like if you removed the level loads and it was all seamless, having the music change depending on progress is a really nice quality of life, would love to try this map.

  • @JangianTV
    @JangianTV 2 года назад +1

    "Go away chainsaw!" A simple thing but very funny! 😅

  • @enenra6417
    @enenra6417 2 года назад +5

    Big map, big kills, big enemies, big tearing

  • @EMDakka
    @EMDakka 2 года назад

    17:07 STRAIGHT from Crusader: No Remorse OST. oh man, dat nostalgia.
    a game that i have no freaking idea hasnt been resurrected by this day and age.

  • @ArchangelG2000
    @ArchangelG2000 Год назад

    Great video. Nobody seems to have mentioned it, but there IS a way to kill the 3 mancubus in the towers without free look. (killing them early with free look kinda removes a big portion of the challenge.) At the base of each tower, there is a switch. (you even stopped at one to say you have no idea what it does.) Each switch activates a crusher for their respective towers to kill the Mancubus inside.
    Figured I'll mention in case someone wants to take on the challenge without free look.

  • @metallife8395
    @metallife8395 2 года назад +1

    Seriously like a whole new doom

  • @pixelcat29
    @pixelcat29 2 года назад +4

    I do love me some good voxel art still cannot believe the map took 11 years to make

  • @philipbarriesda9239
    @philipbarriesda9239 2 года назад

    The mini boss music from 17:16 is from Crusader No Regret by Origin Systems

  • @kelleroid
    @kelleroid 2 года назад

    Ah, finally I am watching the most recommended decino playthrough video in the past year. Honestly I thought the cars visible in the thumbnail were going to be cheap doomcute while the rest of the map was pretty basic, so it was nice to see it was quite the opposite, with very detailed and very thought out environments.
    The final Cyberdemon fight was hilarious, probably the most scared fully armed pumpkin man we've ever seen 😂

  • @lepe
    @lepe 2 года назад +1

    Love this map, had fun playing it a second time with Project Brutality.

  • @Godseyyy
    @Godseyyy 2 года назад +3

    I imagine that that shotgunner at the end was the same one that you called smart for opening doors to reach you earlier in the video, and he was forever on a chase to reach you about your car's extended warranty
    (He probably wasn't, but it makes for an enjoyable headcanon)

  • @johnszabo6564
    @johnszabo6564 2 года назад

    Loved that map Decino! Bravo

  • @rodylermglez
    @rodylermglez 2 года назад

    I didn't know about the partial invisibility stealth thing. Now there's a reason to turn autorun off at times. Thanks!

    @PICKLESIEMER 2 года назад

    ken the forklift is really cool, nice video decino

  • @Leahi84
    @Leahi84 2 года назад

    This map was really freaking impressive. Im looking forward to playing this myself!

  • @RetroGamingWithEdgarRivera
    @RetroGamingWithEdgarRivera 2 года назад

    oh boy now this is a big boy map indeed with a lot cool amazing stuff. With 11 years of development definitely the map creator put a lot time and effort on it.

  • @majamystic256
    @majamystic256 2 года назад +2

    This is a different UAC Invasion wad than the one I'm thinking of
    The one I remember was on ZDaemon servers a lot

  • @steubens7
    @steubens7 2 года назад +2

    pretty sure the ken on the backhoe is a reference to ken silverman, the author of the BUILD engine, which famously supported voxels

  • @ZomB1986
    @ZomB1986 2 года назад +1

    - "Please no" (1 enemy left)
    - \*shoots at you from afar*

  • @ІванДмитренко-х6э
    @ІванДмитренко-х6э 2 года назад

    Ooh, I remember playing on a lot of servers with Invasion UAC back in the days. That was so fun.

  • @trajonduclos7931
    @trajonduclos7931 2 года назад +1

    Awesome map, well played

  • @potatosga
    @potatosga 2 года назад +5

    I saw a car and Instantly clicked

  • @lukebehrendsbro.
    @lukebehrendsbro. 2 года назад

    Man this game is something else! 1:08:42 Look at the bright side, at least you get to stare at Cyber's ass for your pleasures lol! Couple new enemies are getting annoying at times, but thankfully they're not that bad. Missing 100% Kills is never a good thing indeed. Aside from that, this map is a very interesting one to look at if I say so myself. I even bet that new players might take this even longer than your decino. Probably over 2 hours tops if I correct myself. 11 years for just this map? That's insane!
    I bet all that hard work for this map really pays off! That's a thumbs up in my book!

  • @cornmike1854
    @cornmike1854 2 года назад

    My compliments to the author, and nice playthrough!

  • @sharpfalcon6196
    @sharpfalcon6196 2 года назад +1

    The KEN excavator is a reference to Ken Silverman, author of the Build Engine (known for its voxel support), and also made Ken's Labyrinth.

  • @marcelopardo4791
    @marcelopardo4791 2 года назад +1

    31:41 IMPSE?, could someone please explain the reference/eastern egg? 🤔

    • @decino
      @decino  2 года назад +1видео.html

    • @marcelopardo4791
      @marcelopardo4791 2 года назад

      @@decino hahahhaah oh yead, ive seen that at some point in my life, forgot about it hahaha, thabk you Ducino ❤️

  • @jehovasabettor9080
    @jehovasabettor9080 2 года назад +1

    Looks like someone tried his best at recreating his workplace in Doom. Reminds me of the CS map that recreated a soviet apartment block, only bigger. Much bigger.

  • @corbenya
    @corbenya 2 года назад

    Sorry to fall asleep right after starting the video. I'm finishing it now!

  • @marineguy
    @marineguy 4 месяца назад

    If you pause at 1:11:29, you can see the last enemy (shotgunner) shooting next to the small car

  • @MrEW1985
    @MrEW1985 2 года назад +1

    Looks awesome. How e1m1 might have looked like if it were published a generation later.

  • @spyvsspyrax
    @spyvsspyrax 2 года назад

    11:45 that fireball just curved over to you at the perfect time

  • @Doomy_Doom
    @Doomy_Doom 2 года назад

    @25:24 "+compat_missileclip 1" should revert that obstacle nonsense from GZD default compat to standard Doom (the only compatmode that has it - Doom/Boom/MBF all set the flag).
    @1:01:30 Always, always, *always* have a repeatable opener for W1 sector moving arena lock-ins. Even multiple W1 lines mistake aside, you never know when accidental linedef skip screws the player over.