Petter Solberg is an absolute legend and a true gent with an awesome sense of humour. Loved following him in rallying and then rallycross and love his cheeky vids 😁
Just awesome! I think that the guy who asked whether the old guy is Petter Solberg might have recognized him earlier or at least he knew that there is some twist in the story. He was not scared at all. He knew that some professional must have been driving.
Chapeau bas Monsieur vous êtes un grand pilote de plus simple et très sympathique .Dans cette vidéo vous avez brillé j'aimerai beaucoup vous rencontrer !
hei jeg har vert på lonke, alle løpene du har kjørt der.du kjener sikkert ikke north norwegian rally fanclub, men de har tat bilde med deg og henning.jeg ble med i fancluben din da jeg var noen måner gammel.du rocker.go petter go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Oeman 123 I think it is a commercial, because I guess it is hard to get several mechanics to a parking lot, it is even harder for them not to suspect something after they see lot of tyre tracks on the parking, the cameras in the car can't be completely invisible, etc.
Enhver 18-åring fra norge, eller et annet land med vinterføre, samt bakhjulstrekk, får til det petter solberg gjorde på denne videoen. Dårlig filmet og klippet, for gutta virket redd, men det kom ikke fram av kjøringen. Synd for Solberg, for han kan kjøre bil. Dette var bare en fjomp i en amg på en parkeringsplass(slik som det ble filmet og klippet).
"It's not the fart that kills you, it's the smell" is supposed to be a quote by Petter Solberg. The Norwegian words "fart" and "smell" mean speed and impact/crash/bang, respectively. It is unclear if he actually ever said this.
Mercedes man:”He doesnt know how to drive”
Petter:”Three times world rally champion, Petter Solberg..nice to meet you”
One of the best car pranks I've ever seen. Intelligent and funny!
"Is this your parkling lot ?" LMAO!
Greatings from Poland to Petter Solberg 🎉
Excellent driving, and his acting skills are second to none, even the little head jolt when the technician approached his car
Petter Solberg is an absolute legend and a true gent with an awesome sense of humour. Loved following him in rallying and then rallycross and love his cheeky vids 😁
It's not the fart that kills you, it's the smell
The girkasse gone to hell~petter
Hi, I'm Petter Solberg, welcome to Jackass!
+DizNation It's not the fart that kills, it's the smell!
+Henrik Nilsen the girkasse gone to hell
+Henrik Nilsen its not the potato that kills its the knife
Just awesome! I think that the guy who asked whether the old guy is Petter Solberg might have recognized him earlier or at least he knew that there is some twist in the story. He was not scared at all. He knew that some professional must have been driving.
You know that the moment he starts handling the wheel. A person who's not trained to do so simply can't.
11 years left now, since I put my racing-driver license beside. Maybe should I dare a restart ...
Thanks Petter for the incentive ;) ...
It's not the fart that kills you, it's the smell =).
what he tried to say was "its not the speed thats kill you, its the crash" xD
+Erling Kristiansen SUBSCRIBE ME
It's not only only you know, - but, but...
Sadly, 99.7% of AMG owners will never experience 40% of this kind of experience and excitement.
They think they buy the skills with the car . . . 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
That was great i had really good laugh which is good i am usually miserable thank you to the legend that is Mr Petter Solberg.;)
Chapeau bas Monsieur vous êtes un grand pilote de plus simple et très sympathique .Dans cette vidéo vous avez brillé j'aimerai beaucoup vous rencontrer !
Petter, do more of this... and more at the mall in Spydeberg! Yes tryed it ;-)
This was so well acted 👌
Absolutely brilliant 😂
what a legend solberg is hahaha that was awesome
Veldi bra Petter ... det er det... samma spill i Stavanger Lunde marine....
Big Hi from Russian Visitors!!! You are the Champion, Peter!!!!
Back in the good old days when people were allowed to hug.
Depends on where you are mate. Where I am we still hug. We almost never stopped hugging. Stay safe though mate.
hey petter i watched this on another channel and even i didnt realize it was u......luv u dude
"It was a moose in the engine"
"There was not enough pigs in my decks"
- Petter solberg spiller Magic... eller kjører bil (uklarert hvilken)
Very well done sir !
The problem might be that the rat is loose!
The Norwegian Schumacher
Allways good to watch
ahahah omg. At some point he should pop into the citroen rally cross car and ask them to go in. xD
Peter Solberg il est géant le bonhomme ! quel pilote .
"Faen å moro detta var a" hehe
Jeg burde være litt mer på bjerke skjønner jeg :) Når ble dette filmet?
Petter great clip..
hei jeg har vert på lonke, alle løpene du har kjørt der.du kjener sikkert ikke north norwegian rally fanclub, men de har tat bilde med deg og henning.jeg ble med i fancluben din da jeg var noen måner gammel.du rocker.go petter go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Petter Solberg!
Omg he is class I love cars
Is this a prank or a commercial for Mercedes???
+Oeman 123 I think it's more like a self-promo for Petter.
+kitnbent obviously for Bertel O Steen
+Oeman 123 I think it is a commercial, because I guess it is hard to get several mechanics to a parking lot, it is even harder for them not to suspect something after they see lot of tyre tracks on the parking, the cameras in the car can't be completely invisible, etc.
FSXgta but they are liers. This car is registeres as E220cdi. You can see it if you check
@@ЛюбомирКръстев-о5р probably just hiding it's original identity so the next owner will not see his car on youtube :-)
What a fantastic thing to do for the workers
damn my smile is big now xD! greetings from Sweden
Jest sila mocne augo i dobry kierowca
"Aren't you afraid of the police?"
What are they gonna do? Catch him?
MB for sale, family car, only one owner since new, hardly any miles
great petter
AMG Version ?
Maximum Attack!
Hører du lyden nå eller?
That Mercedes is automatic gear or manual?
This car is only build with automatic transmission
The camera's outside just happened to be there
Yyeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 GAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is it a c 63?
Simon Neugebauer Its the E class E63
😍 From Land like no other
Sri Lanka
Awesome! =D
Ohhhh ! Exciting (y)
Great video
But not the best caption font and colour choice I'm afraid :/
If you ask me it`s Music to my ears.
what is that for a car?
which car is this
Mercedes C63ST ///AMG.
very nice Renault engine :-P
you should do the trick --- with a subaru sti taxi ..........du bør gjøre triks med en subaru sti taxi
Why you are using a tag number from E220cdi. I will report you to statensvedvesen
Så ingen märkte dom som filmade utifrån, och de mercedesanställda märkte inte kamerorna i bilen? -.- trist dret
Sykeste! :D Rått!
it's not the fart that kills its the smell
-Petter Solberg
Wow. Be careful
Vart du skræmt, no? :D
Crazy old man💪
2:10 is that a saab? 😂😁
Kyllä taitaa ylettyä ihan itse kaasupolkimeen. Rallicross autollakin tekee aina samaa.
Hører jo at det er Petter
Btw the guy in the parkinglot was in on it
Hvem er Petter Solberg
Du kødder?
hvem er det
+PetterOnius takk
+PetterOnius ikke bare det! 3 ganger verdensmesterskaps vinner!
C63s AMG for anyone wondering
Krispy check tag number of the car in Bil og Henger. You will be surprice. The car is E220cdi not 63AMG
Kreizmann No, it’s a C63s AMG. I have a E63s AMG, so i know how it looks.
I have 3 bugs
I think you should do a taxi service for one day.
Don’t do this home!
5:25: priceless
han er drit god til og kjøre rælli
The rat is loose.
omg!!! mercedes drift!!😎
ESP is an insult to that pro
Enhver 18-åring fra norge, eller et annet land med vinterføre, samt bakhjulstrekk, får til det petter solberg gjorde på denne videoen. Dårlig filmet og klippet, for gutta virket redd, men det kom ikke fram av kjøringen. Synd for Solberg, for han kan kjøre bil. Dette var bare en fjomp i en amg på en parkeringsplass(slik som det ble filmet og klippet).
Det er å sykt bra🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's not the fart that kills you, it's the smell. - Petter Solberg
Det er deg Petter vel
Not that I mind, but why is everyone talking about farts?
"It's not the fart that kills you, it's the smell" is supposed to be a quote by Petter Solberg. The Norwegian words "fart" and "smell" mean speed and impact/crash/bang, respectively. It is unclear if he actually ever said this.
@@opaulsrud Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me! I finally understand.
3 bugs
awwww thats sooooo cool XD
It's brake NOT break...
it's not the fart that kills you it's the smell