“Therefore all flesh is like grass, and all its glory is like the flower of the grass, and the grass dries out, and the flower falls” (I Peter 1:24). “It is up to man to die once, and after that there shall be judgment” (Hebrews 9:27) There is no one free from sin in this world. “Everyone has sinned and has not come to the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) Meet Jesus Christ. Any sin can be forgiven. “Even if your sin is like scarlet, it will be as white as snow, and as red as crimson, it will be as white as fleece” (Isaiah 1:18). “Trust the Lord Jesus Christ! Then you and your house will be saved.”Acts 16:31 Those who want to meet Jesus Christ can nearby church or in the Bible.
대박!! 선생님 감사합니다. 알려주신대로 재활운동 했더니 많이 좋아져서 감사인사 드리러 다시 왔습니다. 그리고 공 칠때는 럽바디 전완근 보호대 착용해서 병행관리했더니 통증이 많이 없어졌어요! 감사합니다!
좋아지셨다니 다행이네요! 재발하지 않도록 너무 무리하지 마시구요 ^^
“Therefore all flesh is like grass, and all its glory is like the flower of the grass,
and the grass dries out, and the flower falls” (I Peter 1:24).
“It is up to man to die once, and after that there shall be judgment” (Hebrews 9:27)
There is no one free from sin in this world.
“Everyone has sinned and has not come to the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)
Meet Jesus Christ. Any sin can be forgiven.
“Even if your sin is like scarlet, it will be as white as snow, and as red as crimson, it will be as white as fleece” (Isaiah 1:18).
“Trust the Lord Jesus Christ! Then you and your house will be saved.”Acts 16:31
Those who want to meet Jesus Christ can nearby church or in the Bible.
아주 유용한정보 감사합니다
감사합니다! ^^
요즈음 겪는 증상인데 유익한 정보 감사드립니다!
감사합니다! 😄
만성테니스2년차인데 프롤로요법 그리고 아령운동 .뜨거운물에30분이상담그기 하는중인데요 엘보는 주사요법후 아예쓰질마세요..완치까지최저6개월잡으시구요..만성엘보기준
팔을많이쓰는직업상 아무리좋고비싼주사를맞아도 염증부위가다시찢어집니다..전일도아예그만뒀구..주사치료후 아예오른팔을안써요 근력스트레칭할때빼구요
여기의사선생님 영상중에 아령으로하는저운동 정말중요합니다.prp주사.고농동프롤로주사 몇십만원짜리 6회이상 맞아도 팔을또쓰면 바닥에돈뿌리는격임...통증이크게느끼시면하지마시고 조금저릿저릿할정도면 몇세트꼭하시길..드라마틱하게낳진않지만..엘보는진짜 본인의노력없이 주사.약처방만으로는 절대낳지않아요(급성엘보는제외)
좋은 말씀 감사드립니다.
감사합니다! ^^ㅎㅎ