Seems like some place on Earth called uk have new king and , " You have forgotten about GOD word and it said " NO TO ANY TAPE OF CHURCH OR RELIGION " and those are a word's of ALMIGHTY GOD and you will address Him as A LIGHT and A LIGHT is A KING nobody else . " . Please share the news and add a cross was put down long time ago so the rose is gone for a long long long time now and GLORY OF A LIGHT ALWAYS WILL BE .
Seems like some place on Earth called uk have new king and ,
" You have forgotten about GOD word and it said " NO TO ANY TAPE OF CHURCH OR RELIGION " and those are a word's of ALMIGHTY GOD and you will address Him as A LIGHT and A LIGHT is A KING nobody else . " .
Please share the news and add a cross was put down long time ago so the rose is gone for a long long long time now and GLORY OF A LIGHT ALWAYS WILL BE .
Na pewno jest niejeden taki samotny dom... Szacun dla solistki za wykonanie, ale to nie ta moc w głosie do tego utworu.
Krzysztof Cugowski jest jedyny w swoim rodzaju. A wiadomo, że każdy ma inny głos i każdy zaśpiewa inaczej.
Albo wokalistka olała sprawę i nie nauczyła się tekstu, albo z premedytacją zmieniła słowa. Jedno i drugie świadczy o totalnym braku profesjonalizmu.