Odd One Out big and small Read Along Book영어책읽기/영어동화/틀린그림찾기/유아영어/집중력기르기
- Опубликовано: 4 янв 2025
- #kidsbookreading#kidsbookreadaloud#storytime#adjectives#opposites
This will help kids to learn adjectives, especially the opposites!
This is not just reading a book, it is about learning through games having fun!
Here are the opposites in the book:
big and small
fat and thin
long and short
happy and sad
dirty and clean
open and closed
standing still and running
asleep and awake
틀린그림 찾기로 집중력과 어휘력을 길러봐요.
게임하듯이 재미있게 영어반의어를 배울수있어요~^^