‘이달의 와인킹픽’은 수입사들로부터 출품을 받아서 블라인드 테이스팅으로 심사합니다. 중대형 수입사들 뿐만 아니라 소형수입사나 개인수입사 분들도 쉽게 참여하실 수 있도록 기획을 하였습니다. 이번 계기로 소형 수입사들의 참여를 많이 이끌어 냈으면 하는 것이 제 개인적인 바램입니다. 그렇다고 해서 큰 수입사들을 여러분들께서 너무 배척하지는 않으셨으면 하는 것도 제 바램입니다. 사자도 있고, 기린도 있고, 이구아나도 있고, 풍뎅이도 있어야 풍요로운 생태계가 형성되는 법이니까요.참여 수입사들로부터 소정의 참가비를 받기 때문에 유료광고로 진행하였습니다. 영상에 등장한 와인들은 시중 여러 곳에서 구매 가능하고, 편의점 CU에도 의뢰하여 여러분들께서 편리하게 구매하실 수 있도록 준비 했으니 관심 있는 분들께서는 편하신 대로 구매하시면 좋을 듯 합니다. 어플로도 구매 가능하지만, 혹시 필요하신 분들을 위해서 아래에 CU링크를 올려드립니다. pocketcu.co.kr/special/detail/1071 한스 패밀리 구매처를 질문하시는 분들이 계신데 현재 Podo라는 와인샵에서만 구매 가능해보입니다. 재고가 있는지 전화확인 후에 방문하시는 편이 좋을 것 같습니다. 필요하신 분들을 위해 링크를 올려드립니다. www.podo-official.com/22
Louis Bouillot hit above its price class when I had it with other $20-50 champagne and other French bubbly. It was consistently in the top 3 for people.
@@jagjag217 That makes sense and would have been my guess. But what does it say about Jay as an "objective" wine critic? Then again, plenty of other even more famous critics aren't that "objective" either. Many incentives to inflate scores, etc.
Nothing makes me miss Peter more than when JAY absolutely hates so many wines in a video - to be fair though, I really loved this video. One of the best ones I've seen on the channel in a little while. Such a nice, chill, summery vibe and a good mix of wines.
@@masaiwhite5933 I'm not entirely sure, but I've yet to see anything showing there being any animosity and stuff (like with the Patrick stuff), so I'm assuming it's just cause they're both busy with their own thing? Jay seems to be getting a lot out of all this travelling, and Peter likely has business to handle in the US. I don't know for sure though, maybe something will come out about it. Wouldn't be TOO shocked if there was a disagreement or something, the channel is pretty big, but I hope there isn't - Peter is awesome.
I still don’t understand why you use thin flute glasses for sparkling wines. High-quality sparkling wine should be tasted/ compared in white wine or tulip glasses. That’s not my opinion, it’s what high-end producers like Krug Champagne recommend as well!
백화점쪽 유통와인들이 많아 cu랑 금액차이가없는 부분도있지만 이번 한스 피노누아금액대가 좀 애매해요 보통 소개 한금액에 서 할인해서 4만원후반정도에만 팔아도 한번 사마실만한데 요즘 파는 샵에. 물어보니 7만2천원이더라구요 5-10만원사이금액대가 좀 애매해서 그금액이면2-3만원더주면 더괜찮은 피노마시지 하게되는 금액대인거같아요
I haven't watched this yet but seeing the Arras Brut Elite in the thumbnail has me intrigued to see your thoughts If you can find their Grand Vintage it is well worth it! Edit: it's the blanc de blanc, my bad 😂 still a very good wine
@@Fitzrovialitter Since your remark i noticed that i make this mistake a lot when writing in English. In my mother tongue this is correct, that's why. Thx for the feedback.
@WineKing I love the content as always! Between you and me, and others here, in English when you say sweet, that normally means the wine has residual sugar. I think you mean nasty ripe new-world wines, which are atrocious. So, I only say, that it may help your watchers, like me, to know the difference when you are tasting, unless you always meant residual sugar in this video! As always LOVE the content and I have mad respect!!! Be well!!
The girl trying the wasabi again and smelling her fishy hands had me dying hahahahaa and the plastic surgery had me chuckle again, well said! Thanks for this great video and the history lesson on Korean people and what they have witnessed in the past. With all the comments here I have learned a lot
와인킹님! 질문 해도 될지 모르겠지만 너무 궁금해서 남겨봐요. 예전에 유명한 레스토랑에서 Lagone (18년도 빈티지였던거같은..) 를 너무 향긋하게 마신 기억이 있는데, 이게 원래 꽃향기처럼 나는 와인이 맞나요? 품종이 여러개가 블렌딩 되었다고 설명해주셨어요. 그 이후에 동네에서 사서 마셔봤는데, 같이 곁들인 식사가 달라져서인지 그저 평범한 와인 맛이 나서 좀 아쉬웠어요..
It's really a pity that in order to maintain your relationships with the Korean wine importers/distributors, you can't reveal the wines you think are s***. Especially as many of your viewers are outside Korea who couldn't care less about that. As many have said, we just want to know what we should avoid.
안녕하세요 항상 잘보고 있습니다~ 음 이건 제이님에게는 없을듯 하지만 저는 와인이 양이 많아서 항상 남기게 되는데요. 일주일 이주일 한달이 되도록 남은 와인을 못마시고 놔둘때가 있는데 아까워서요. 혹시 남은 오래된 와인을 어디에 쓰면 좋을까해서요. 찾아보니 다들 고기재는데 쓰라는데... 오래된것인데 그래야되나해서요 😊😅
Very good an interesting video! I think, on can find interesting Sauvingon Blanc and Argentinian Malbec at reasonable prices - very gppd value! Hans winery: very good job! Also for sparkling wines: good choices! Crémant de Bourgogne can be very good - if it has been good selected! But one can also find lots of rubbish there - unfortunately!
Greetings oh great wine king. Do thou have a recommendation on how to get wines like these in Germany? It feels quite hard for somebody that is not deeply involved in winery to find contacts like importers and importing them oneself is extremely expensive. How could someone like myself get to taste the wines you recommend?
It's a term used when doing blind tasting, it means that you are fully sure of what wine it is. So if you get a flight of wines, and you right away can identify one of them, that's a "banker" and you can concentrate on the other wines.
To try and quote your friend, stop hiding the shit wine!!! Show the world how bad it is! I really would like to know which wines you didn't like. #Mieomi!!!!
It seems that this video could not directly damage their products because there is cooperation with the company🤔 Maybe looks like a video for Korean viewers
He gets the wines from the distributors for free, against the promise of only showing the wines if he can recommend them to the viewers. I think it is a fair deal.
I am Australian and was shocked that you have a prejudice against Australian wine. If are prepared to pay there are truly world class wines from Australia, and some are good value!
Family run small wineries produce some of the best wines from my experience. Wine tasting at the cellar door on long road trips (of course I have designated driver 😊) is a must if you live in Australia.
The distances are immense, and a lot research would be needed to pinpoint cellars worth visiting. However, my brother has a very good collection of some of Australia's best wines, such as Leeuwin Estate Art House Chardonnay and Rockford Shiraz, still and sparkling, to name a couple.
넘버링을 보니 스파클링 1번부터 마지막 7만원 안팎 피노까지 30번으로 영상이 끝나는데, 1~30번에서 9종을 골랐으니 애초에 출품된 와인 종류가 많지 않은 듯 하네요.. 넉넉하게 잡아도 40종 정도? 꼭 마셔야할 와인이 출품된 와인 4병 중 1병 정도인건 조금 아쉽네요 그리고 9종 선정인데 8종이 중복 선정된 수입사네요 9개중 6개는 대기업.. 1~4번 같은 수입사 5,7번 같은 수입사 6,9번 같은 수입사 뭐.. 그냥 그렇다구요
같은 수입사라고 묶어서 그걸 뭔가 이상하다는 양 지적하는건 무슨 논리인지.. 앞에서는 애초에 출품된 와인 종류가 많지 않다고 해놓고. 그말은 의뢰한 수입사들이 많지 않다는 말이잖아요? 그중에서 고르면 당연히 같은 수입사가 묶이는건 자연스러운 현상일텐데.. 모든 수입사가 고르는 안목이 비슷하지도 않고, 성향도 제각기 다를텐데 오히려 수입사별로 1개씩 나오거나 하는게 정말 더 이상한거죠. 그건 배정이나 할당에 가까운거고.. 짧은글에서도 포인트가 왔다갔다해서 뭘 말하자고 하는건지도 모르겠네요. 뭐... 그냥 그렇다구요.
@@alberttresslevic914 then you don’t make a big deal about how shit a wine is. He could keep it low key and just point out the negatives, and say ”I don’t recommend this”..
Without Peter, I find the content very "thin". Moved on to other content providers with more depth. Saw this video so skimmed through it and found it "wanting"! Sorry Jay!
I would like to see what were the wines you didn't like. You don't even have to say the name or write it in the description text if you just display it to the camera. Or are you hoping you might get some business from the shit-wine-companies in future and do not wish to make them look bad?
‘이달의 와인킹픽’은 수입사들로부터 출품을 받아서 블라인드 테이스팅으로 심사합니다. 중대형 수입사들 뿐만 아니라 소형수입사나 개인수입사 분들도 쉽게 참여하실 수 있도록 기획을 하였습니다. 이번 계기로 소형 수입사들의 참여를 많이 이끌어 냈으면 하는 것이 제 개인적인 바램입니다. 그렇다고 해서 큰 수입사들을 여러분들께서 너무 배척하지는 않으셨으면 하는 것도 제 바램입니다. 사자도 있고, 기린도 있고, 이구아나도 있고, 풍뎅이도 있어야 풍요로운 생태계가 형성되는 법이니까요.참여 수입사들로부터 소정의 참가비를 받기 때문에 유료광고로 진행하였습니다.
영상에 등장한 와인들은 시중 여러 곳에서 구매 가능하고, 편의점 CU에도 의뢰하여 여러분들께서 편리하게 구매하실 수 있도록 준비 했으니 관심 있는 분들께서는 편하신 대로 구매하시면 좋을 듯 합니다. 어플로도 구매 가능하지만, 혹시 필요하신 분들을 위해서 아래에 CU링크를 올려드립니다.
한스 패밀리 구매처를 질문하시는 분들이 계신데 현재 Podo라는 와인샵에서만 구매 가능해보입니다. 재고가 있는지 전화확인 후에 방문하시는 편이 좋을 것 같습니다. 필요하신 분들을 위해 링크를 올려드립니다. www.podo-official.com/22
헉 고맙읍니다 이렇게 마셔보게 되는군
그리고 댓글 고정이 필요해보입니다
quality content, but...where`s Peter??😋
지방이라 와인 추천을 받아도 구하지 못하는 경우가 왕왕 있는데, 포켓씨유까지! 감사합니다
한스 와이너리는 왠지 빠졌네요
한스 몇년전에 한국 어느 식당에서 마셔보고 너무 맛있었는데, 그 때도 정보가 별로 없더니 지금은 더 없는 느낌… (같은 식당의 와인리스트에서도 진작 사라졌음) 이렇게 알려질 수 있게 돼서 좋아요
I hope that we'll see Peter again soon
I miss Peter
Seems to me Peter is not part of this business anymore.
Thats so sad, their chemistry was insane 🍷
Jay should explain what happened with Peter, subscribers deserve to know!
@@Wine_guy93 I think he just moved away from California
앞으로 월마다 자주 볼 수 있어서 기대 됩니다. 최고!
Louis Bouillot hit above its price class when I had it with other $20-50 champagne and other French bubbly. It was consistently in the top 3 for people.
Love the variety of different countries and regions in this video. House of Arras is a great value Blanc de Blanc down under.
I did a tasting at Hans Herzorg Family vineyard last year, all the wines tasted were absolutely phenomenal.
Mayacaba GS25도 팔고 CU도 팔게 됐는데, CU는 와인킹님의 후광도 업고 있는데 GS25보다는 저렴했으면 좋겠네요. 다른 와인들도 가격적인 메리트가 많이 없어서 조금 아쉽긴 합니다.
nice to see you doing wine tastings again!
Good to see NZ representation again. Our chardonnays are very underrated.
Why aren't you showing the bad wine so we can avoid them? Isn't that the whole purpose of endorsing wine, making it easier to avoid the bad?
It's the deal he makes with the importers. They provide their wines on the condition that only recommended wines are revealed.
@@jagjag217 That makes sense and would have been my guess. But what does it say about Jay as an "objective" wine critic? Then again, plenty of other even more famous critics aren't that "objective" either. Many incentives to inflate scores, etc.
The type of content I love to see on the channel! Great video Jay!
Nothing makes me miss Peter more than when JAY absolutely hates so many wines in a video - to be fair though, I really loved this video. One of the best ones I've seen on the channel in a little while. Such a nice, chill, summery vibe and a good mix of wines.
OH! And I just noticed that this pick format will continue, that will be so good!
where is that peter guy?Have they parted ways or has something happened to the oldboy?
@@masaiwhite5933 I'm not entirely sure, but I've yet to see anything showing there being any animosity and stuff (like with the Patrick stuff), so I'm assuming it's just cause they're both busy with their own thing? Jay seems to be getting a lot out of all this travelling, and Peter likely has business to handle in the US.
I don't know for sure though, maybe something will come out about it. Wouldn't be TOO shocked if there was a disagreement or something, the channel is pretty big, but I hope there isn't - Peter is awesome.
Hearing you call them sh*t wines is great. You learned a lot from your mentor!
I still don’t understand why you use thin flute glasses for sparkling wines. High-quality sparkling wine should be tasted/ compared in white wine or tulip glasses. That’s not my opinion, it’s what high-end producers like Krug Champagne recommend as well!
백화점쪽 유통와인들이 많아 cu랑 금액차이가없는 부분도있지만 이번 한스 피노누아금액대가 좀 애매해요 보통 소개 한금액에 서 할인해서 4만원후반정도에만 팔아도 한번 사마실만한데 요즘 파는 샵에. 물어보니 7만2천원이더라구요 5-10만원사이금액대가 좀 애매해서 그금액이면2-3만원더주면 더괜찮은 피노마시지 하게되는 금액대인거같아요
I haven't watched this yet but seeing the Arras Brut Elite in the thumbnail has me intrigued to see your thoughts
If you can find their Grand Vintage it is well worth it!
Edit: it's the blanc de blanc, my bad 😂 still a very good wine
The cremant Louis Bouillot is good value. I like it alot.
부럽습니다. 호주살아서 뉴질랜드 와인 나오길래 오 반가워서 봤더니 여기서도 보통 보틀샵에서는 찾기 쉽지않은 와인들이네요 ㅋㅋㅋ 한국은 편의점에서 접할수 딨다니🥲👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
호주는 호주자체적으로도 좋은 와인생산지가 많아서 굳이 수입을 많이안하죠.......... 레드는 까베르네 소비뇽 좋아하시면 지역 마가렛리버,쿠나와라 쉬라즈 좋아하시면 맥라렌베일,바로사,야라밸리 이런데 선택하시면 되구 피노누아는 태즈매니아,모닝턴페닌슐라 샤르도네 태즈매니아,마가렛리버,모닝턴페닌슐라 리슬링은 클레어밸리,에덴밸리
Peter and Patrick are not doing video's anymore?
@@Fitzrovialitter Since your remark i noticed that i make this mistake a lot when writing in English. In my mother tongue this is correct, that's why. Thx for the feedback.
@WineKing I love the content as always! Between you and me, and others here, in English when you say sweet, that normally means the wine has residual sugar. I think you mean nasty ripe new-world wines, which are atrocious. So, I only say, that it may help your watchers, like me, to know the difference when you are tasting, unless you always meant residual sugar in this video! As always LOVE the content and I have mad respect!!! Be well!!
The girl trying the wasabi again and smelling her fishy hands had me dying hahahahaa and the plastic surgery had me chuckle again, well said!
Thanks for this great video and the history lesson on Korean people and what they have witnessed in the past. With all the comments here I have learned a lot
드디어 기다리고 기다리던 와인킹픽!!!
Where is Peter, Jay ? Is he allright ?
So happy to see you conducting wine tasting!!!
Wish to see more free videos...
궁금한게 옛날에 추천해주셧던 와인과 빈티지가 달라도 먹을만한지 궁금하네요
Hans 와인은 cu에 없던데 나중에 따로 판매하는건가요?
밴드 가입 잘 했습니다!
영상 보고 잘 따라가볼게요~!^^
와인킹님! 질문 해도 될지 모르겠지만 너무 궁금해서 남겨봐요. 예전에 유명한 레스토랑에서 Lagone (18년도 빈티지였던거같은..) 를 너무 향긋하게 마신 기억이 있는데, 이게 원래 꽃향기처럼 나는 와인이 맞나요? 품종이 여러개가 블렌딩 되었다고 설명해주셨어요. 그 이후에 동네에서 사서 마셔봤는데, 같이 곁들인 식사가 달라져서인지 그저 평범한 와인 맛이 나서 좀 아쉬웠어요..
Louis Bouillot is very solid for the price.
How do you taste that they are from the New World?
언제한번 뉴질랜드 오시면 Waipara Valley 지역 와인들도 소개시켜드리고싶네요
와인킹님 덕분에 좋은와인들 잘 마시고있습니다
Hans Herzog is a good one
10:44 is that bird a paid actor? XD
It's really a pity that in order to maintain your relationships with the Korean wine importers/distributors, you can't reveal the wines you think are s***. Especially as many of your viewers are outside Korea who couldn't care less about that. As many have said, we just want to know what we should avoid.
그냥 이 아저씨 영상 보면 기분이 좋아서 봤는데요. 어쩌다보니 와인공부시켜주심 😂😂
더 다크 한번 마셔봐야겠어요~
한스 직구해서 사먹고 있는데 국내 수입사가 있구나..
안녕하세요 항상 잘보고 있습니다~ 음 이건 제이님에게는 없을듯 하지만 저는 와인이 양이 많아서 항상 남기게 되는데요. 일주일 이주일 한달이 되도록 남은 와인을 못마시고 놔둘때가 있는데 아까워서요. 혹시 남은 오래된 와인을 어디에 쓰면 좋을까해서요. 찾아보니 다들 고기재는데 쓰라는데... 오래된것인데 그래야되나해서요 😊😅
Odd that the restaurants and wine shops are not accepting Hans…..maybe because of the name?? They think it’s Korean 😅
Have you moved back to Korea?
Traditional method using barrel
Mass production using giant tank
Very good an interesting video! I think, on can find interesting Sauvingon Blanc and Argentinian Malbec at reasonable prices - very gppd value! Hans winery: very good job! Also for sparkling wines: good choices! Crémant de Bourgogne can be very good - if it has been good selected! But one can also find lots of rubbish there - unfortunately!
가성비갑 패키지 샀는데
안주로 추천해주실 것이 있을까요
5분대에 나오는 와인 두 개 입니다!
Could you perform some testing on Italian wines ? Cannonau di Sardegna especially..
Wait, what was the first shitty wine???
Thank you for everything :)
Greetings oh great wine king. Do thou have a recommendation on how to get wines like these in Germany? It feels quite hard for somebody that is not deeply involved in winery to find contacts like importers and importing them oneself is extremely expensive. How could someone like myself get to taste the wines you recommend?
이번달 와인킹픽은 이번 영상이 마지막인가요?
Don't you like Spanish wines? Ribera, Rioja.. In Spain we have a very deep wine culture.
한국으로 아주 오신건가요?
Please give the names of the bad wines so I know what not to buy. 😆
My thought exactly!
cu 와인킹픽 최고~
쉬라즈 템프라니요도 부탁해요
What does it mean to call a wine a banker?
It's a term used when doing blind tasting, it means that you are fully sure of what wine it is. So if you get a flight of wines, and you right away can identify one of them, that's a "banker" and you can concentrate on the other wines.
To try and quote your friend, stop hiding the shit wine!!! Show the world how bad it is! I really would like to know which wines you didn't like. #Mieomi!!!!
CU어플에서 추천해주신 (7)번 The Dark 와인 대신 The Cap이 판매되고 있는데 찾아보니 같은 와이너리에서 나온 다른 와인인것 같은데 비슷한건가 모르겠어요
이미지만 하나가 잘못 올라간 것 같습니다. 나머지 이미지 및 실제로 판매되고 있는 와인은 The Dark가 맞습니다~
@@wineking 감사합니다!!
좋은 화이트와인을 알수있어서 좋습니다
Hey guys I just bought a bottle of Almaviva 2019. When is the best time to open it?
Id say 5-10 yrs
형, 너무 멋있어요!
항상 감사한채널입니다.
9:09 왠지 이분이 틀릴리가 없는데? 라고 생각했어..
Where is Peter
잘보고 있습니다
개인적으로 아주강한 냄새 아니면 못맏아서 어떤냄새일지 궁금해요
전 능력이 안되 5천원에서 2만원대 와인만 마시고 가끔씩 선물들어온 7만원 이상급은 저가형이랑 확실히 목에감기는게 다르긴하더라구요
냄새도 아주 약간은 나고
항상 잘보고갑니다
좋아 시원이세트를 한번 마셔봐야지
그리고 점점 위의 것을 접해보자
분명 즐거울거야
"Why did you like it?" "Because it was the first alcohol of the day". Funny!!
16:53 추천와인
I really don't like that you only show the good wines and hide the bad ones from us. What is the point of these blind tasting then?
It seems that this video could not directly damage their products because there is cooperation with the company🤔
Maybe looks like a video for Korean viewers
He gets the wines from the distributors for free, against the promise of only showing the wines if he can recommend them to the viewers. I think it is a fair deal.
I am Australian and was shocked that you have a prejudice against Australian wine. If are prepared to pay there are truly world class wines from Australia, and some are good value!
Family run small wineries produce some of the best wines from my experience. Wine tasting at the cellar door on long road trips (of course I have designated driver 😊) is a must if you live in Australia.
The distances are immense, and a lot research would be needed to pinpoint cellars worth visiting. However, my brother has a very good collection of some of Australia's best wines, such as Leeuwin Estate Art House Chardonnay and Rockford Shiraz, still and sparkling, to name a couple.
난 술도 안마시는데 왜 구독하고있지
Where is Peter ?
친구분 목소리 좋네요
한스패밀리 메모.. 메모..!
넘버링을 보니 스파클링 1번부터 마지막 7만원 안팎 피노까지 30번으로 영상이 끝나는데,
1~30번에서 9종을 골랐으니 애초에 출품된 와인 종류가 많지 않은 듯 하네요..
넉넉하게 잡아도 40종 정도?
꼭 마셔야할 와인이 출품된 와인 4병 중 1병 정도인건 조금 아쉽네요
그리고 9종 선정인데 8종이 중복 선정된 수입사네요
9개중 6개는 대기업..
1~4번 같은 수입사
5,7번 같은 수입사
6,9번 같은 수입사
뭐.. 그냥 그렇다구요
혹시 몰라서 와인킹 밴드 들어가보니...
아니나다를까 같은 대기업 수입사끼리 묶어서 세트 판매를....😊
애초에 블라인드를 해서 뽑은건데 안믿고 싶으면 뭐 무슨 이유를 못갖다 붙이겠습니까..
역시 대기업이 잘고르는구만
와인을 잘 고르는 수입사죠. 블라인드 테스트했는데 못 믿으면 보질 말아야지
같은 수입사라고 묶어서 그걸 뭔가 이상하다는 양 지적하는건 무슨 논리인지..
앞에서는 애초에 출품된 와인 종류가 많지 않다고 해놓고. 그말은 의뢰한 수입사들이 많지 않다는 말이잖아요?
그중에서 고르면 당연히 같은 수입사가 묶이는건 자연스러운 현상일텐데..
모든 수입사가 고르는 안목이 비슷하지도 않고, 성향도 제각기 다를텐데 오히려 수입사별로 1개씩 나오거나 하는게 정말 더 이상한거죠.
그건 배정이나 할당에 가까운거고.. 짧은글에서도 포인트가 왔다갔다해서 뭘 말하자고 하는건지도 모르겠네요.
뭐... 그냥 그렇다구요.
I wish you would show the shit wines as well..
Exactly, what is the point then??
Would be nice but he works with the distributors on these videos, it would be poor form to publicly crap on the product they provided
@@alberttresslevic914 then you don’t make a big deal about how shit a wine is. He could keep it low key and just point out the negatives, and say ”I don’t recommend this”..
@@tipitii7388 🤷
피터 스승님은 잘지내시나요 ㅎㅎ 요즘 통 안나오셔서 궁금해요~
수입사가 어딩교..
Without Peter, I find the content very "thin". Moved on to other content providers with more depth. Saw this video so skimmed through it and found it "wanting"! Sorry Jay!
피터옹께서 나오시는 걸 보고 싶은데ㅜㅡ
구독자들 모집해서 시음하는거 좋은 아이디어인듯… 구독자들한테 블라인드로 테스트해서 점수 매기면 더 대중적으로 취향에 맞는 와인 고르기도 쉬울 것 같고 좋네요.
오 6월 와인킹픽 드디어 나왔군요 ㅎㅎ
내이름 와인먹어봐야겠군
We need more Peter and Patrick videos!!!
This is much better content.
we need more peter
안마시면 때릴꼬야??
피터아저씨 보고싶네요ㅋ
Can you tell us the identity of the shit wines?
where is peter dude.
😢 P r o m o S M
I would like to see what were the wines you didn't like. You don't even have to say the name or write it in the description text if you just display it to the camera. Or are you hoping you might get some business from the shit-wine-companies in future and do not wish to make them look bad?
I wish he would show the shit wines so I know not to buy them
Are you going to go make some videos with Peter soon? I enjoy the content but miss Peter's dry sense of humor.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ후루꾸 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Permission to be geeky.
I miss Peter and Patrick.