Hola i bon dia ! Em agraden molt Barcelona i Muenchen ! Baviera es un pais que coneixo molt be i puc comprender un poc el dialect ! Tinc una tendresa molt important per Catalunya , pero podria viure tambe a Baviera . Al prop de Rosenheim on viven la hermana de la meva dona i el seu marit , hi ha camins de excursiones a mitja montaña qu son fantastics . Tambe es pot menjar una cuina molt rustica i beure un mass cervesa ! Naturalment Sant Feliu , Tossa i Cadaques sont meravelloses !
bellissimo video! im neapolitan and i speak with my family and my friends only in Neapolitan! ahahha our dialect is a Language very important for us more than italian 😅
Deu ser dificil fer una entrevista amb el propi germá. Es com si no conegueras tots els detalls que ja saps. Ha segut interessant i estic content de entendre-ho casi tot. Probablement tinc mes problemes amb un accent/dialecte de Granada que u de catalá prou estándar. Supose que el fet de sentir el valenciá practicament tots els dies fa que inclòs te acostumes més a captar altres formes de parlar. Ademés, en general es vocalitza molt millor el catalá/valenciá que comúnment el castellá. Molts gent parla el castellá molt de presa i sense donarli importància a parlar bé. Malgrat aixo, a voltes em costa molt comprendre els dialects locals. Cuan més tancat, pitjor.
@@CouchPolyglot Hi Laura. I'll write in English. It's easier for me. This laptop is old and I can't do the special accented letters because it only has the numbers at the top of the teclado. I really miss Barcelona. I was there from 95 to 2001. Teaching English in Mollet, Sabadell, Granollers etc. Then the last 3 years I mainly taught English privately en casa meva. I've been back in Nottingham since 2001. I feel that if I speak a foreign language it's really appreciated by people from that country but British people don't like it. The good thing about Nottingham is that it's very cosmopolitan. There are so many different nationalities here. I only watched una mica of your video yesterday as I was out most of the day and then when I came back I made another little comedy corto/cort. I'll watch the rest today. Your channel is excellent. I'm thinking of posting some of your videos on my site for people learning different languages. Catalan is a really beautiful language. I started learning Catalan in 1998. I had already been in Barcelona for 3 years. I bought a book called Digui Digui. Anway, I have a lesson starting at 11.00. That's British time. The student hardly ever comes because he owns a restaurant and often has to work. Anyway, fins despres. Que vagi be.
@@CouchPolyglot Hi Laura, Business has been pretty bad recently so I'm busy trying to rescue things. Can I contact you directly? Do you have an email address? There are some videos that you've done which would be really useful for our students, like 'consejos para aprender un idioma'. I was wanting to do something similar but we have an expression in English. You don't have to re-invent the wheel. If something good already exists, I don't need to duplicate it.
@@CouchPolyglot Hi Laura. I liked the video. It's great that your brother can combine journalism with his love of Basketball. We don't call it Basket. Basket just means cesta sin pelota. I love Barcelona but to live I need the green of England. Most people here live in houses so lots of the barrios pijos have beautiful gardens. Also, I don't think I could tolerate the noise. I lived for 4 years in Gracia and 3 of those in Torrent de L'olla. I had to sleep with earplugs. Massa soroll. It's the scooters at les 3 de la matinada, I would like to have some connection with Barcelona. Maybe have something that I could do in England and Barcelona. I have some ideas.
Hola ami me agrada mol estas charlas en catalan yo apendro poc poc no parlo.mol catalan solo una mica gracias
Molt bé! :)
Muchas gracias a ambos
Moltes gràcies!! :)
A mi m'agrada oir el teu germà amb una pronunciaciò molta diferent.
Moltes gràcies, Jordi
Gràcies 😊
Vídeo excepcional i molt interessant la teva conversa amb el teu germà 💯💯💯💯💯👏👏💯🙌🙌🙌🤗🤗🤗
M'alegro que t'hagi agradat! :)
Moltes gracies..m'agrada molt...bona nit...⚘⚘⚘
Me n'alegro, moltes gràcies! :)
Hola i bon dia ! Em agraden molt Barcelona i Muenchen ! Baviera es un pais que coneixo molt be i puc comprender un poc el dialect ! Tinc una tendresa molt important per Catalunya , pero podria viure tambe a Baviera . Al prop de Rosenheim on viven la hermana de la meva dona i el seu marit , hi ha camins de excursiones a mitja montaña qu son fantastics . Tambe es pot menjar una cuina molt rustica i beure un mass cervesa ! Naturalment Sant Feliu , Tossa i Cadaques sont meravelloses !
És maco tenir "el cor dividit" entre diferents països 😄
Vagis on vagis sempre ets a casa ☺️
Hola Laura! Molt bo aquest vídeo i el podcast també, he ascoltat tot dos i m'han agradat molt 🙂.
Que bé, moltes gràcies :)
Que interessant i entretinguda la xerrada!També trobo a faltar el Staples Center i veure els partits de l'NBA en directe :).
Que bé que t'hagi agradat! Veig que teniu molt en comú amb el meu germà :)
muito bom !!!
Moltes gràcies! :)
bellissimo video! im neapolitan and i speak with my family and my friends only in Neapolitan! ahahha our dialect is a Language very important for us more than italian 😅
grazie tante, se vuoi poi scrivere in napoletano :)
@@CouchPolyglot 😅😉
Yo tamben molt feliz con laura🎉lengua catalana❤mes facil qui el castelllano❤
Moltes gràcies!
Zero books published? I thought you co-authored some textbooks for Catalan?
yeeeah, that is true, we were focussing on fiction :)
I have tried to publish fiction in the past too, but it never worked out hehe
Maybe one day!
Soc el like 200!
Que bé :)
Interesting when you are with your family do you speak catalan exclusively
yes :)
@@CouchPolyglot that's so cool!
Moltes gràcies per ho vídeo en català, només parlo una mica, però m'agrada molt practicar així.
Que bé, moltes gràcies 🥰
Seria perfecte si pots compartir els vídeos, així li serveixen a més gent 😄
Deu ser dificil fer una entrevista amb el propi germá. Es com si no conegueras tots els detalls que ja saps. Ha segut interessant i estic content de entendre-ho casi tot. Probablement tinc mes problemes amb un accent/dialecte de Granada que u de catalá prou estándar. Supose que el fet de sentir el valenciá practicament tots els dies fa que inclòs te acostumes més a captar altres formes de parlar. Ademés, en general es vocalitza molt millor el catalá/valenciá que comúnment el castellá. Molts gent parla el castellá molt de presa i sense donarli importància a parlar bé. Malgrat aixo, a voltes em costa molt comprendre els dialects locals. Cuan més tancat, pitjor.
Sí, també és difícil parlar una mica més a poc a poc, normalment parlem més ràpid :)
Loved it! M'ha fet somriure aquesta petita conversa ☺️ No sé, ara tinc una mica de Fernweh per Barcelona i moltes ganes d'anar-hi!
Oh Nihar, que bé, me n'alegro!! Com estàs? Ara fa dies que no parlem! Una abraçada! :)
Laura!! Sí, ara fa dies que no parlem! Estic bé, et poso al dia aviat! Com estàs tu? Una abraçada!
Tot el camp es un clam...
Hola Carlitos, què t'ha semblat el vídeo? :)
@@CouchPolyglot Hi Laura. I'll write in English. It's easier for me. This laptop is old and I can't do the special accented letters because it only has the numbers at the top of the teclado. I really miss Barcelona. I was there from 95 to 2001. Teaching English in Mollet, Sabadell, Granollers etc. Then the last 3 years I mainly taught English privately en casa meva. I've been back in Nottingham since 2001. I feel that if I speak a foreign language it's really appreciated by people from that country but British people don't like it. The good thing about Nottingham is that it's very cosmopolitan. There are so many different nationalities here.
I only watched una mica of your video yesterday as I was out most of the day and then when I came back I made another little comedy corto/cort. I'll watch the rest today. Your channel is excellent. I'm thinking of posting some of your videos on my site for people learning different languages. Catalan is a really beautiful language. I started learning Catalan in 1998. I had already been in Barcelona for 3 years. I bought a book called Digui Digui.
Anway, I have a lesson starting at 11.00. That's British time. The student hardly ever comes because he owns a restaurant and often has to work.
Anyway, fins despres. Que vagi be.
@@archetypesandstereotypes que interessant, fins després :)
@@CouchPolyglot Hi Laura, Business has been pretty bad recently so I'm busy trying to rescue things. Can I contact you directly? Do you have an email address? There are some videos that you've done which would be really useful for our students, like 'consejos para aprender un idioma'. I was wanting to do something similar but we have an expression in English. You don't have to re-invent the wheel. If something good already exists, I don't need to duplicate it.
@@CouchPolyglot Hi Laura. I liked the video. It's great that your brother can combine journalism with his love of Basketball. We don't call it Basket. Basket just means cesta sin pelota. I love Barcelona but to live I need the green of England. Most people here live in houses so lots of the barrios pijos have beautiful gardens. Also, I don't think I could tolerate the noise. I lived for 4 years in Gracia and 3 of those in Torrent de L'olla. I had to sleep with earplugs. Massa soroll. It's the scooters at les 3 de la matinada, I would like to have some connection with Barcelona. Maybe have something that I could do in England and Barcelona. I have some ideas.