[당구/Billiard] 강상구의 상구당구 82편! 파이브앤하프 시스템 코너 보정값

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 12

  • @김흥주-q1u
    @김흥주-q1u 6 лет назад +1

    굿 입니다~!!

  • @604smit
    @604smit 6 лет назад +1

    can you explain in english the meaning of the points 1,2,3,4,5 on the long cushion in relation to
    the points of leaving 20,25.30,35,40

    • @오도구-m2i
      @오도구-m2i 6 лет назад +2

      When you try bank shot toward 1st cushion especially around the corner
      3rd cushion points of arrival would be longer than system calculation.
      Around the corner, especially within 1st point of 1st cushion, it makes repulsive power.
      On the basis of system calculation, when the cue ball starts from 20 points
      and it moves towards the corner (0 points) of the 1st cushion,
      it arrives at 20 points of 3rd cushion
      (Starting points 20 - 1st cushion corner 0 = 3rd cushion points 20)
      But actually, it arrives at 25 points of 3rd cushion.
      (Starting points 20 - 1st cushion corner 0 + correction value 5 = 3rd cushion points 25)
      It is because, as I explained earlier, around the corner, especially within 1st point of 1st cushion,
      it makes repulsive power due to rubber cushion.
      In consideration of such correction value, especially within 1st point of 1st cushion around the corner,
      you can divide by the correction value 5.
      According to Mr. Kang, the corner can be applicable the correction value + 5.
      Then, the 1st point of the 1st cushion can be applicable the correction value zero.
      Somewhere in between can be applicable +4, +3, +2, or +1.
      When the cue ball leaving 25, the correction value toward the corner can be +4.
      When the cue ball leaving 30, the correction value toward the corner can be +3.
      When the cue ball leaving 35, the correction value toward the corner can be +2.
      When the cue ball leaving 40, the correction value toward the corner can be +1.

    • @604smit
      @604smit 6 лет назад

      now it is all clear to me, thks for the answer!

  • @박병철-r4o
    @박병철-r4o 6 лет назад


  • @조만성-k7p
    @조만성-k7p 6 лет назад +4

    좀 아리까리 하내요?
    30에서 출발시 1큐션 4지점에 보내면 보상이 3으로 , 30-4+3=29 이렇게 풀이 해도 되나요?

  • @PyroSsd
    @PyroSsd 4 года назад

    English please!!!!! Or spanish!!!

  • @freddiemercury8715
    @freddiemercury8715 6 лет назад

    Just set the 3 tip to the white ball''s 9h 30m and follow shot to 20 point of long cousion..Double Rail System seems like easier than F&H system in this position..^^

  • @뽈탱
    @뽈탱 Год назад

    이해안됩니다. 갑자기 4를 치는것도 모르겠고

  • @윤도환-y8c
    @윤도환-y8c Год назад

    이해가 안 되요.

  • @전성준-c6r
    @전성준-c6r 6 лет назад +2

    맨날 뭐 반만가르쳐주고 마네