太實用了,好感激,雖然我在悉尼無訊號問題,但又担心EMF健康傷害,政府規劃EMF exposure distance limits standard 越來越不可靠 ,電力和電訊商家一定以最低成本最近民居装置供應用戶,5G4G towers,overhead powerlines and underground padmount substation ,transformer... 等,總近在你家前或後院,EMF can cause cancer...
My house cleaner lives here in Melbourne, she's with Optus , she said is OK. Recently, all Optus customers informations have been hacked. It might happen to other carriers as well, who knows!
Best deaks are prepaid, not contract. Regularly, deals at 4.99 for 30 days, voice, txt, 20GB......use s hk no to set up whatsapp account.. Unnecessary ti keep the hk no. I have been on whatsapp started with hk no. The hk no has not been paid up for 6 years.
Besides the big 3, there are many resellers like Aldimobile and Kogan, Which resells off the Big 3 networks but costs a lot less, however, it would seem that those big 3 networks have priority for their customers on the networks.
@@澳洲生活 明白了🙏 唔該曬。 想問我哋現在用telstra, 買了新的telstra prepaid card, 想activate同搬埋舊number, system就唔俾。如果我想extend, 同一個台只可以recharge, 不可以搬去同一個台的new prepaid card? Otherwise I need to change another service providers, such as optus, 係唔係咁呢? 唔好意思唔該曬🙇♀️
剛到步澳洲。 發現Amaysim 真係好正, AUD30 一個月有成32GB, 最仲要係有無限IDD比我打返香港。 我同朋友傾咗成個鐘都好清晰。
啱曬初嚟報到 咩都唔知嘅人 🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️
太實用了,好感激,雖然我在悉尼無訊號問題,但又担心EMF健康傷害,政府規劃EMF exposure distance limits standard 越來越不可靠 ,電力和電訊商家一定以最低成本最近民居装置供應用戶,5G4G towers,overhead powerlines and underground padmount substation ,transformer... 等,總近在你家前或後院,EMF can cause cancer...
Very informative ! Thank you for sharing. 😆
Glad it was helpful!
My house cleaner lives here in Melbourne, she's with Optus , she said is OK.
Recently, all Optus customers informations have been hacked.
It might happen to other carriers as well, who knows!
Best deaks are prepaid, not contract. Regularly, deals at 4.99 for 30 days, voice, txt, 20GB......use s hk no to set up whatsapp account.. Unnecessary ti keep the hk no. I have been on whatsapp started with hk no. The hk no has not been paid up for 6 years.
Besides the big 3, there are many resellers like Aldimobile and Kogan, Which resells off the Big 3 networks but costs a lot less, however, it would seem that those big 3 networks have priority for their customers on the networks.
想請問如果喺澳洲買當地電話卡,譬如買starter plan, 用完嗰一個月,想攜號轉另一個prepaid card, 手續如何?會唔會係好繁複呢?要唔要去上台搞呢?
因為我見好多地方,話買prepaid card係抵,但由於舊電話號碼已經用開,如果想攜號轉台,買另一張prepaid card, 怎樣將舊電話號碼轉入新一張prepaid card呢?
非常方便,只要你買了另一張新電話卡,按照它的指示,通常指示的第一、二步已經問你係帶no.過台,定用新no. 然後只要你選帶no.並將no.輸入,做埋其他開卡程序,非常快就會成功轉台(我哋嘅經驗試過完成程序之後,幾分鐘已經由一個台轉左去另一個台)
@@澳洲生活 oh, 原來如此😱
Hello Alan, 多謝有關電話網絡資訊🙏,想另外問下有無網站可以check到自己住既地方固網寬頻覆蓋及速度呢?
可否講下,來了澳洲後,如何檢和申請最抵用的credit card ? 假設剛來時沒有固定入息證明。
有無免年費的 ?
我想問問用了艇仔卡,如果我上網用starter plan, 用了一個月之後又再轉plan咁嗰張艇仔卡使唔使轉㗎?(所謂艇仔卡是大台附屬公司出的卡對嗎?)🤔
所有(絕絕大部分)澳洲sim 轉台都可以keep number。
我用Optus, 最好係佢有free roaming, 去世界大部份國家旅行不用加錢就有roaming, 而Vodafone就收五蚊一日,遖合我這些每年去國外旅遊一兩個月的人。
Dear Both, very nice tips. If can add subtitle, Will be perfect.
好多時打返香港銀行,信用卡中心之類嘅通話,無半個鐘唔駛旨意搞得掂,都係用澳洲包IDD 嘅plan放心啲。
@@澳洲生活 片中講AU$20月費是包idd 打出打入?有無限幾多分鐘?
仲想問其實香港啲銀行contact no.你地係唔係update 做澳洲號碼?咁其實有乜會sms去香港號碼呢?
@@澳洲生活 : Hi, 請問你用邊個IDD plan ? 可否介紹一下,謝謝
littlelamb 對的,是包打出28個國家國際長途電話,無限分鐘;我哋無將香港的銀行contact no update 做澳洲號碼;至於sms去香港的號碼,通常係我哋要網上用信用卡時,銀行會send 一個雙重認證碼sms比你,然後先至可以完成交易
超級市場搵prepaid電話卡,封面明明寫住40蚊40gb, 但一打開裏面,就寫40蚊係recharge value, 我唔係好明白。
我明明係用40蚊買40gb, 點解裏面個內容係40 recharge values呢?
即係我上佢哋個網activate, 就可以直接當40蚊咁用?可否解釋一下呢?唔好意思唔該曬🙇♀️
首先你用咗幾多錢買張卡,例如用了$40,就有$40儲值用來recharge個plan. $40 40Gb 我估係 for 28 days. 之後要每28天recharge.
@@澳洲生活 明白了🙏 唔該曬。
想問我哋現在用telstra, 買了新的telstra prepaid card, 想activate同搬埋舊number, system就唔俾。如果我想extend, 同一個台只可以recharge, 不可以搬去同一個台的new prepaid card? Otherwise I need to change another service providers, such as optus, 係唔係咁呢?