Dunno if anyone gives a damn but if you are bored like me during the covid times then you can stream all of the new movies and series on InstaFlixxer. Been watching with my brother recently xD
My first ever standard tournament i played momo red burn with guttersnipe everyone there was so pissed like wtf is that jank ass deck ur playing went 5 1 never used the deck again sadly it rotated out im contemplating on making a modern deck revolving around guttersnipe now
I ran a deck very similar to this a few years ago, splashed black for tainted strike and deaths shadow before death shadow was all over the place. This deck was also great with GProbe before that got banned. Enigma Drake almost made me try this deck again. Best I did at a fnm was second place.
Heck yes!!! Finally a burn deck deck tech from you. This is a deck I will definitely build. I am so looking forward to this. I will probably make a couple changes to fit my play group but will definitely stick close to this budget build. Also, you could look at adding some of the dual lands that enter tapped unless you control a mountain or island. Probably gonna be what I do. Thank you so much for this deck tech again
Hey Joey, I told you I was gonna make a couple changes and add and stuff, well here is the deck list for what I am building. tappedout.net/mtg-decks/badboymtg/ Tapped out is a great site. Great stuff like test playing it helped me tweak this deck to my needs. Hope you like the changes
been testing this deck and i made a few changes that i think helps it play better: first drop the gutter snipes they just slow this normaly aggro deck. i dropped the lands down to 18 (9 of each) i run a playset of brainstorm and 2 faithless looting and i put up a playset of turn aside in the main board this deck wins off creature damage but only has two of them has saved my bacon more than once.
I have legacy version of this deck but its mono red using fury of the horde to get 2 combat phases with double strike spell as early as turn 2, rite of flame to cast kiln fiend or ghitu amplifier turn 1, and bolt bend to stave off the hate in red. I run 4 Street wraiths, 4 mishra's and 4 urza's baubles, so there are only basically 48 cards in the deck running a mere 11 lands. Very easy turn 3 and about 20% turn 2. Bolt bend works with the baubles so i can pump if i don't need them to counter.
Digging that Nivix Cyclops!!! I have a blue red prowess deck and this is what i needed! awesome! And i'm still asking myself why i haven't seen these cards before!! Like some of them are super useful on this deck! Thanks dude!
Id replace the walls for monasterys swiftspear and add some Titan's Strength to the deck by removing some lands. Because you dont really need 22 lands for a quick deck. Also Id change brainstorm for opt as the deck would be legal in modern by making that change and that would be great to see in a friday night! Also Id add the +0/+3 and hexproof for 1 blue instant. To protect the kiln from removals
ive been running a similar build for almost a year now and it's u/r prowess. same thing, potential turn 3 or 4 win if you have a lucky hand. this deck is a glass cannon but tons of fun to play though. i love it
I like the new content! A very interesting deck. Much of this reminds me when I used to run mono red burn with 4 Tibalts since they were all so cheap and gabe card draw. maybe put a few in this deck, he seems a good fit!
Omg. This might have convinced me to leak into a format other Than Standard and Commander. I can totally afford all these! Thank you so so much!! Time to go kick some butt at my lgs >:D
I made a very similar deck, but had no Kiln Fiend or Nivix Cyclops, but added Pyre Hound, Elusive Spellfist, Weaver of Lightning, Thermo-Alchemest and Fluxcharger.
oooooooooo..... deck tech. lovin it brotha! you should do one for the deck list I sent you, lol... but maybe try it out first. deck looks good and fun, I love the idea of a quick win deck.
Bad Boy MTG, I regret not being super into magic back than but I had a turn 3 win deck in standard and won a few local tournaments at the mall and the LGS my friends would drive me to. It was during zendikar because I remember I used plated geopede, assault strobe, and harrow. Or it could win with this weird black enchantment that let me cast infernal titan early for the game win with a haste enabler. I do not remember it to well but I regret not trying to do work with it and improve with because I was so casual. At the time everyone played this slow ramp deck that did damage with mountains and primeval titan I think. Just wanted to share this because there is a lot of good deck ideas but they need tuning by smart people!
My version of this deck looks like this: 16 lands (I'm a madman I know), 4 kiln fiends, 4 nivix cyclops, 4 serum, 4 sleight of hand, 4 artful dodge, 4 assault strobe, 4 manamorphose, 4 faithless lootings, 4 spell pierce, 4 dispel, 4 apostle's blessings. Consider replacing sleight of hands with mutagenic, and artful dodge with slip through space. I love artful dodge though because you can pitch it to faithless looting and still use it. This helps you get through your deck and find your combo for turn 3. Turn 4 is safer however, because if you play kiln fiends on turn 2 they die, almost guaranteed, you gotta play them turn 3 so you have mana for a counter to keep them alive. If you add simian spirit guide it's possible to win turn 2, but you need a perfect hand for that. Turn 4 is where the moneys at. But you really really, aboslutely, cannot live without apostle's blessing. It's cheap and it counters abrupt decay. You NEED IT.
I feel like it could use some faithless looting just to keep your hand going if you can't get it out quickly enough, other than that, i'm probably going to build this
Yeah I was thinking like just a simple negate would do it to help out, maybe mana leak, but I don't think that would work, but I am for sure going to build this, with faithless looting of course
Turn aside is a good option, if not perfect option, but some decks, especially if you are competitive can win turn like 2-3 if you don't counter it, so that's what negate would be for, i'll have to test these all out once I go to the magic shop this weekend
A few suggestions, you should swap out the lava spikes and lightning bolts for Preordains and Ponders. As far as I see, this deck isn't conformed to any format so both those cards can be played. The reason for the suggestion is that you will never win without your creatures. If you draw all your lava spikes and lightning bolts, you might win, but if you only draw a few of them, you're gonna fall short. Basically you rely on Kiln Fiend. So the advantages of Preordain and Ponder is that you can shape your hand on turn 1 so you can get your ideal turn 3. Those are also commons and are quite cheap. Gitaxian Probe is another suggestion which is a free card draw and see your opponent's hand so you can play around his removal (if able), but its like $5 so I don't recommend. It also triggers your Kiln Fiend and Nivix Cyclops to make them bigger. Lastly, I would definitely suggest atleast 6 rare lands which can come in untapped and make either colour. This deck relies very heavily on turns 1-3 so you want to ensure being able to play both colours starting turn 1. City of Brass is cheap Shivan Reef is probably the next cheapest land. Then Fast land Shock land Fetch land (Added advantage of deck thinning) As for sideboard, as funny as it is, I wouldn't suggest Vexing Devil, because a one shot 4 damage is not playable in this deck. That card is for mono red burn where every card deals damage. This deck relies on those 2 creatures, any other damage sources is just dilutes your deck. If sideboarding, I would suggest Delver of Secrets since your deck has so many instant or sorceries. This is good against heavier removal opponents. Also put some negates or dispels in your sideboard against combo players or removals. You can sideboard lightning bolts if your opponent is playing a faster deck (like infect). This deck just looks like modern Kiln fiend minus money lands, removal of brainstorm, and random burn spells =p Assault strobe can also be substituted for Temur Battle Rage, which gives double strike and trample.
this lools like a variant ive seen before. very very dirty combo, you. id expect nothing less from this beautiful man here. ill be dropping that 40 or so bucks down soon.
I have an idea for a turn 3 win for black/red win on standard Turn 1- play a swamp Turn 2- play a mountain, then azors gateway Turn 3- play a land, tap a land to transform to sanctum of the sun, tap for the 20 red mana plus (with the extra swamp and land) play revel in riches and then brass’ bounty In order to do this, make sure your opponents don’t drop your life total, because then that would screw things up. Comment if you can help with improvements because I only know ixalan I just looked at azors gateway and it doesn’t work how I want it to ._.
I would put apostle's blessing in there for protection against removal like fatal push for exemple;). And Delver for a turn one beater. Fun deck. would play that for sure!
so I can see how assault strobe is great, but I run a similar deck and use Temur battle rage to give him trample for 1 colorless more. I was running 4x thing in the ice with it as well as 2 to 3 snapcaster mages. I also run manamorphose for the free card and 2 floating mana of your choice. my sideboard had 3 surgical extraction because why not lol
+Andrew J keyword here is "budget". There's a hundred ways to make it better. I thought of including thing in the ice but even that extra few bucks was too much.
Bad Boy MTG, fair. totally see why lol. I should have made it clear that I started with something extremely similar to this deck, except I used delver of secrets and monastery swiftspear. this version is much better rounded as far as triggering kiln fiend, and I didn't even think to make him uncounterable Tbh, so ill be using those blue cards for that thanks to you lol. I unfortunately had to sell off my snapcasters and things in the ice, but they were great upgrades. same for S.E..
A card that I HIGHLY recommend for this deck is Apostle's Blessing. it is a one mana way to protect your creatures and get past blockers. It is in pretty much every Kiln Fiend modern deck
Hey dude, nice deck and good video. Would be helpful to put what format this deck is for in the description or even mention it at the start of the video. Thanks
I used to build mono red burn decks that were stupid fast. not turn 3, but they were quick games. makes me miss the core sets in standard. so many cheap burn spells!
Instead of Lava Spikes, I would put in Apostle's Blessings. It protects your creatures and your deck doesn't really want Burn that much. Instead of Guttersnipes, with whom you will rarely get anywhere, I would put Monastery Swiftspear to increase pressure.
Guttersnipe is aids and I love it lol
Spells don't even have to resolve to get the trigger.
Dunno if anyone gives a damn but if you are bored like me during the covid times then you can stream all of the new movies and series on InstaFlixxer. Been watching with my brother recently xD
@Merrick Scott Definitely, I've been watching on instaflixxer for since november myself :)
My first ever standard tournament i played momo red burn with guttersnipe everyone there was so pissed like wtf is that jank ass deck ur playing went 5 1 never used the deck again sadly it rotated out im contemplating on making a modern deck revolving around guttersnipe now
I used to run a modern legal deck similar to this. It was lots of fun. Built then they banned gitaxian probe. Sweet deck! Thanks for posting.
I ran a deck very similar to this a few years ago, splashed black for tainted strike and deaths shadow before death shadow was all over the place. This deck was also great with GProbe before that got banned. Enigma Drake almost made me try this deck again. Best I did at a fnm was second place.
+Jonathan Wolf second place it's pretty good
I added in Apostle's Blessing from your mono green deck. It works like another artful dodge and can also deal with removal.
+Zex The Animator nice!
Also, maybe consider Temur Battle Rage for an alternate win.
Zachary Lane too much ? Nah. Tainted strike adds another color. Id rather run temur battle rage
Oh nice this can be my next work in progress modern deck this is a great deck not only it's under 40 bucks nice
Just bought the cards needed to make this deck cost $14
+Joel Strauss hell yeah!
I had some beta lighting bolts laying around so that save a little cash lol
Nice deck tech.....think I have at least half of these.....gunna have to build and play test now!
Can you make an Updated version of this budget deck 2020? Hoping for your upload bro!
Heck yes!!! Finally a burn deck deck tech from you. This is a deck I will definitely build. I am so looking forward to this. I will probably make a couple changes to fit my play group but will definitely stick close to this budget build. Also, you could look at adding some of the dual lands that enter tapped unless you control a mountain or island. Probably gonna be what I do. Thank you so much for this deck tech again
Hey Joey, I told you I was gonna make a couple changes and add and stuff, well here is the deck list for what I am building. tappedout.net/mtg-decks/badboymtg/ Tapped out is a great site. Great stuff like test playing it helped me tweak this deck to my needs. Hope you like the changes
Baller on a budget you are correct my friend
i might try that deck out
hello random person how are u doing Do it!
This could be a pauper deck take out the Gutter Snips throw in a Thermo-Alchemist and/or Wee Dragonauts. :)
Damnationization it is a pauper deck. he made a cheaper version of a tier 1 pauper deck.
TY. Your correct. That's what I thought. :)
Holy ass, you turned a million commons, into a broken combo! 😂😂😂😂
+Kason Zechiel Basically lol
Bad Boy MTG lol
Kason Zechiel my thoughts exactly. but how great of a combo it is!
Kason Zechiel not broken. This deck does to black removal and blue counters.
Philosophicalyoungmind that's why the actual build of this tier 1 pauper deck runs apostles blessing and daze/counterspell
been testing this deck and i made a few changes that i think helps it play better:
first drop the gutter snipes they just slow this normaly aggro deck. i dropped the lands down to 18 (9 of each) i run a playset of brainstorm and 2 faithless looting and i put up a playset of turn aside in the main board this deck wins off creature damage but only has two of them has saved my bacon more than once.
+Alex St. John It's a fun deck, several variations. I ditched a couple unblockable spells for counter spells and found the deck works a lot better
Shivan Reef would be a lovely edition to this old timer of a deck.
Thank you for the deck tech!! Bought most of the cards (without lighting bolt). It still works great.
+Jonah Yas nice!
Think i might have to build this one, great deck!
I have legacy version of this deck but its mono red using fury of the horde to get 2 combat phases with double strike spell as early as turn 2, rite of flame to cast kiln fiend or ghitu amplifier turn 1, and bolt bend to stave off the hate in red. I run 4 Street wraiths, 4 mishra's and 4 urza's baubles, so there are only basically 48 cards in the deck running a mere 11 lands. Very easy turn 3 and about 20% turn 2. Bolt bend works with the baubles so i can pump if i don't need them to counter.
I would run 4 slip trough space
not bad Moss, I want to get into modern and this looks like a pretty solid start for me, I might give her a try
Digging that Nivix Cyclops!!! I have a blue red prowess deck and this is what i needed! awesome! And i'm still asking myself why i haven't seen these cards before!! Like some of them are super useful on this deck!
Thanks dude!
+Matthew Ford You're welcome
You made me laugh out loud six different times in this video
Christian Schrader :)
Gatherer says that brainstorm isn't modern legal. Am I missing something?
Dope ass deck man. There's a bloodrush deck that I built that's a turn 3 win and it's around that price. Love the deck
Real fun and interesting to see you strategize; please keep the deck building videos coming!
I've seen variations of this deck but without any alternate win cons, just mono red burn with a Kiln Fiend. I like this one better to be honest
Ryder Hanson its a prowess/delver variant. mine runs GS and thing in the ice as alternate wincons
Id replace the walls for monasterys swiftspear and add some Titan's Strength to the deck by removing some lands. Because you dont really need 22 lands for a quick deck. Also Id change brainstorm for opt as the deck would be legal in modern by making that change and that would be great to see in a friday night! Also Id add the +0/+3 and hexproof for 1 blue instant. To protect the kiln from removals
Dive down
@@infecteddragoon5489 thx
ive been running a similar build for almost a year now and it's u/r prowess. same thing, potential turn 3 or 4 win if you have a lucky hand. this deck is a glass cannon but tons of fun to play though. i love it
+Ernest\m/ true
awesome combo... I need to watch this a few times and make a list...
I run a similar deck and usually rock a chalice of the void at x=4 t
Early in case they stomp something and want to pull out big guns.
I like the new content! A very interesting deck. Much of this reminds me when I used to run mono red burn with 4 Tibalts since they were all so cheap and gabe card draw. maybe put a few in this deck, he seems a good fit!
Shared this to Facebook :) absolutely love it
+Jakub Moeller thanks playa!
I want to build a burn deck with young pyromancer and gutter snipe but but I need better burn spells
possibly add expedite, it enables turn 2 kills (with a perfect draw) and replaces itself while triggering fiend and cyclops.
+kingdoc11421 Hmmm
kingdoc11421 how exactly are you going to cast expedite on turn 2 when you had to spend 2 mana for kiln fiend...
correct, I apparently can not count to 2. It does make turn 3 kills easy tho.
how? it doesnt need haste if it was already on the field from turn 2
I've been looking for a cheap fast modern deck to use when I get tired of playing infect. Thanks for the deck seems really fun.
+Charles Curl you'll have to make a couple changes for legal purposes but after that good to go
Omg. This might have convinced me to leak into a format other Than Standard and Commander. I can totally afford all these! Thank you so so much!! Time to go kick some butt at my lgs >:D
+Matthew Brauer Have fun, kick out Brainstorm for legality
I made a very similar deck, but had no Kiln Fiend or Nivix Cyclops, but added Pyre Hound, Elusive Spellfist, Weaver of Lightning, Thermo-Alchemest and Fluxcharger.
What can I replace brainstorm with since it's not modern legal
Btw you should do more of these! These kinda of videos help me, and I'm sure other people.
M&GDubstep M&G I'll do a deck tech once a month or so
Just bought this deck at a local card shop. Well a watered down version. Have to stay on budget!
Paul McKeever lemme know how it does
Will play in a tourney on Friday at local card shop!
So howd you do?
Paul McKeever poorly. Did not even win 1 game. Will redo the deck later this week.
oooooooooo..... deck tech. lovin it brotha! you should do one for the deck list I sent you, lol... but maybe try it out first. deck looks good and fun, I love the idea of a quick win deck.
Isn't it the best to play this deck in pauper? I see very similar decks floating around all the time and kicking my ass
How many total Guttersnipes, Slip Through Space, Serum Visions, and Assault Strobe?
Bad Boy MTG, I regret not being super into magic back than but I had a turn 3 win deck in standard and won a few local tournaments at the mall and the LGS my friends would drive me to. It was during zendikar because I remember I used plated geopede, assault strobe, and harrow. Or it could win with this weird black enchantment that let me cast infernal titan early for the game win with a haste enabler. I do not remember it to well but I regret not trying to do work with it and improve with because I was so casual. At the time everyone played this slow ramp deck that did damage with mountains and primeval titan I think. Just wanted to share this because there is a lot of good deck ideas but they need tuning by smart people!
My version of this deck looks like this: 16 lands (I'm a madman I know), 4 kiln fiends, 4 nivix cyclops, 4 serum, 4 sleight of hand, 4 artful dodge, 4 assault strobe, 4 manamorphose, 4 faithless lootings, 4 spell pierce, 4 dispel, 4 apostle's blessings. Consider replacing sleight of hands with mutagenic, and artful dodge with slip through space. I love artful dodge though because you can pitch it to faithless looting and still use it. This helps you get through your deck and find your combo for turn 3. Turn 4 is safer however, because if you play kiln fiends on turn 2 they die, almost guaranteed, you gotta play them turn 3 so you have mana for a counter to keep them alive. If you add simian spirit guide it's possible to win turn 2, but you need a perfect hand for that. Turn 4 is where the moneys at. But you really really, aboslutely, cannot live without apostle's blessing. It's cheap and it counters abrupt decay. You NEED IT.
Awesome deck, my only modification is flame rift instead of lava spike
I feel like it could use some faithless looting just to keep your hand going if you can't get it out quickly enough, other than that, i'm probably going to build this
+Tristian anderson-waite It's fun, I swapped a few cards for counterspells. Works better
Yeah I was thinking like just a simple negate would do it to help out, maybe mana leak, but I don't think that would work, but I am for sure going to build this, with faithless looting of course
x4 turn aside and for causal throw in some daze
Turn aside is a good option, if not perfect option, but some decks, especially if you are competitive can win turn like 2-3 if you don't counter it, so that's what negate would be for, i'll have to test these all out once I go to the magic shop this weekend
A few suggestions, you should swap out the lava spikes and lightning bolts for Preordains and Ponders. As far as I see, this deck isn't conformed to any format so both those cards can be played. The reason for the suggestion is that you will never win without your creatures. If you draw all your lava spikes and lightning bolts, you might win, but if you only draw a few of them, you're gonna fall short. Basically you rely on Kiln Fiend.
So the advantages of Preordain and Ponder is that you can shape your hand on turn 1 so you can get your ideal turn 3. Those are also commons and are quite cheap.
Gitaxian Probe is another suggestion which is a free card draw and see your opponent's hand so you can play around his removal (if able), but its like $5 so I don't recommend. It also triggers your Kiln Fiend and Nivix Cyclops to make them bigger.
Lastly, I would definitely suggest atleast 6 rare lands which can come in untapped and make either colour. This deck relies very heavily on turns 1-3 so you want to ensure being able to play both colours starting turn 1.
City of Brass is cheap
Shivan Reef is probably the next cheapest land.
Fast land
Shock land
Fetch land (Added advantage of deck thinning)
As for sideboard, as funny as it is, I wouldn't suggest Vexing Devil, because a one shot 4 damage is not playable in this deck. That card is for mono red burn where every card deals damage. This deck relies on those 2 creatures, any other damage sources is just dilutes your deck. If sideboarding, I would suggest Delver of Secrets since your deck has so many instant or sorceries. This is good against heavier removal opponents. Also put some negates or dispels in your sideboard against combo players or removals. You can sideboard lightning bolts if your opponent is playing a faster deck (like infect).
This deck just looks like modern Kiln fiend minus money lands, removal of brainstorm, and random burn spells =p
Assault strobe can also be substituted for Temur Battle Rage, which gives double strike and trample.
Starfury117 Deck only legal in legacy with those cards.
this lools like a variant ive seen before. very very dirty combo, you. id expect nothing less from this beautiful man here. ill be dropping that 40 or so bucks down soon.
I so would but I'm saving up to play in another prerelease. Great deck. What if he has a blocker? Put a spell in that gives it trample
+Ryan Weigle I have 9 cards in the video that make target creature unlockable.....
Ok maybe I missed that...
Great Deck!
You could also add in built to smash a good 1 mana spell giving kiln fiend +3+3
Are these all return to ravnica and up
love the deck tech, the only thing I'd change would be titan strength in place of mutagenic growth
10:21 as i mentioned.
Brute Force is a must in this deck, red giant growth.
Thank you very much for the deck tech! I love them!
+Julian Mono This ones a lot of fun
Great compilation of cards, I believe I have nearly all of them. I'll be sure to test it out at the next meet up. :)
Got a very similar deck to this though runs delvers and stormchaser, might consider retooling it closer to this
I have an idea for a turn 3 win for black/red win on standard
Turn 1- play a swamp
Turn 2- play a mountain, then azors gateway
Turn 3- play a land, tap a land to transform to sanctum of the sun, tap for the 20 red mana plus (with the extra swamp and land) play revel in riches and then brass’ bounty
In order to do this, make sure your opponents don’t drop your life total, because then that would screw things up. Comment if you can help with improvements because I only know ixalan
I just looked at azors gateway and it doesn’t work how I want it to ._.
Cool deck
I’m thinking of putting a dark ritual, but then I could only play legacy.
Shivan reef would be a good semi-cheap land upgrade in place Mana confluence.
I would put apostle's blessing in there for protection against removal like fatal push for exemple;). And Delver for a turn one beater. Fun deck. would play that for sure!
+Al Burn great idea
seems like a pretty neat deck
so I can see how assault strobe is great, but I run a similar deck and use Temur battle rage to give him trample for 1 colorless more. I was running 4x thing in the ice with it as well as 2 to 3 snapcaster mages. I also run manamorphose for the free card and 2 floating mana of your choice. my sideboard had 3 surgical extraction because why not lol
+Andrew J keyword here is "budget". There's a hundred ways to make it better. I thought of including thing in the ice but even that extra few bucks was too much.
Bad Boy MTG, fair. totally see why lol. I should have made it clear that I started with something extremely similar to this deck, except I used delver of secrets and monastery swiftspear. this version is much better rounded as far as triggering kiln fiend, and I didn't even think to make him uncounterable Tbh, so ill be using those blue cards for that thanks to you lol. I unfortunately had to sell off my snapcasters and things in the ice, but they were great upgrades. same for S.E..
broken are you planning on doing more techs?
in regards to the mana base upgrades, shouldn't you also throw in some steam vents for disgustingly consistent colors?
+MudkipDJ _ yes
sick deck tech very cool you should do more videos like this I like them very good video as all ways keep it up bro
+Michael Sarno ty
this maybe my gateway to modern
+Kester Marañon daze x4
Throw in a cryptic serpant or enigma drake for the long game???
How did you have 3 lands on two turns? None of your creatures had haste so I’m missing some details
nice budget, I wanted to do something like that in standard but couldn't pull it off
A card that I HIGHLY recommend for this deck is Apostle's Blessing. it is a one mana way to protect your creatures and get past blockers. It is in pretty much every Kiln Fiend modern deck
+Solomon Somers I completely agree
Is there a written list ?
Trying making Sack Outlet deck
steven villarreal sure
I'm building this deck in a week cuz it seems great, thx for the deck list
+Brody Darling sure thing
Omg thank you I'm trying this against my friends murfolk, might add in a splash of black
+illigit channels I swapped out the brainstorms, serum vision, and a couple unblockable spells for 4 one drop counters. The deck works much better
Can you make a red green trample/pump?
how many serum visions?
nice deck , how are you doing?
I wonder how this stacks up to Affinity..
+Pyrux LoL Probably not that great
Also couldn't you also use some galvanic bombardments
I like the sideboard.
Hey dude, nice deck and good video. Would be helpful to put what format this deck is for in the description or even mention it at the start of the video. Thanks
Its not hard to replace brainstorm, lool
nice combo, thanks for the deck tech. when can we expect the next Commander deck?
wild slash shld trigger BC when you cast it our dude gets +3/+0 so it will have 4 power at the time of resolution
what if you ran infuriate instead of mutagenic growth
can you make a blue black budget deck?
I play basically this in pauper with gitaxian probe and manamorphose. Stupid scary deck.
Is there a list of cards?
I have a deck like this. It has less creatures and I don't play Nivix Cyclops but I do run Nivmagus Elemental.
can you add decklist to the videos plz
look at cards like kor spirit dancer, rancor, ancestral mask. They work pretty similarly
nice deck tech and thanks for sharing. U should do more
I'm going to Hour of Devastation Saturday. I am so pumped, really going to try Blacl, Blue and Red. I'm prepared for the Crazines of White, Green
+illigit channels good luck!
I used to build mono red burn decks that were stupid fast. not turn 3, but they were quick games. makes me miss the core sets in standard. so many cheap burn spells!
This is very similar to a deck that I run. Pretty effective
Instead of Lava Spikes, I would put in Apostle's Blessings. It protects your creatures and your deck doesn't really want Burn that much. Instead of Guttersnipes, with whom you will rarely get anywhere, I would put Monastery Swiftspear to increase pressure.
+A Random Opinion apostle would be a great addition
seems pretty good I would love to see what would happen if the deck went against another deck similar to it
Kieran Bupit that would be fun
that is a badass deck I want to make one your the best badboy. and if I send you a elspeth can you make a video with her in it.
mtg guilder I think I have every Elspeth. Not sure about a video anytime soon
5:22 best quote
I literally built this deck before I even found this channel. XD Mine is a bit slower though.
If you want to play this deck in modern, replace the brainstorms with expedites, and the chain lightings with Mana leaks, remands, or spell snares.
+Nathin Chong you bet