10 MIN CARDIO HIIT WORKOUT // Intense Calorie Burn | MrandMrsMuscle

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 270

  • @az6298
    @az6298 4 года назад +261

    Love everything abt this video! No talking, no flexing, and start directly with workout!!! You guys rock

    • @melmel7011
      @melmel7011 4 года назад +3

      Wow thought I was the only one who hates the talking

    • @naazm9609
      @naazm9609 4 года назад +2

      Same! Only reason why I am here

  • @sherrriethelyn
    @sherrriethelyn 3 года назад +24

    Your synchronisation is so satisfying to watch

  • @ravenqueen9132
    @ravenqueen9132 4 года назад +104

    This was great! I love workouts that don't require me to lay down or sit :)

    • @minty9675
      @minty9675 3 года назад +2

      Thought I was the only one! Standing always yes, yes!!

  • @williedouse5187
    @williedouse5187 4 года назад +5

    I'm Willie Douse , 30 yrs old I use to play basketball and I tell you that this routine is challenging but pushing through is rewarding.

  • @nadinenickelsonable
    @nadinenickelsonable 4 года назад +25

    I'm in love this channel. I'm so glad that I found MrandMrs Muscle! I'm re starting my weightloss journey and these workouts are great! Especially, the ones with no equipment. I don't have any equipment and I'm more motivated to perform the exercises since I don't have to go out and try to find different equipment. Thank you for a wonderful channel! 💜

    • @MegaMedMinds
      @MegaMedMinds 3 года назад

      soooo did it work? its been 10 months since u started the workout?

  • @scarlet132011
    @scarlet132011 4 года назад +17

    Luv the orange coordination! Thank you so much for putting modifications for us beginners, so much appreciated. 🙂

  • @cheyenneb8378
    @cheyenneb8378 4 года назад +7

    Your videos are everything I was looking for. Exercises with and without modification, short video, and fun music in the background! It’s perfect!! you guys rock

  • @bonkersallday
    @bonkersallday 4 года назад

    Mr and Mrs. Muscle are saving myself from myself.
    I have no excuse when you have the modifications in the corner.
    I go through all of your videos and create workouts for myself by picking amd choosing certain excercises targeting the muscle groups I have trouble with.
    And I do the modified workouts.
    My knee pain has improved. And I've lost weight.
    I choose 3 days a week to workout. I do 20 minutes and then I'm active at my job.

  • @robertdais7569
    @robertdais7569 4 года назад +5

    I freaking love this couple, their workouts and their DJ is the BOMB!!!😁 I listen to their soundtrack while I'm driving and shopping so I love the workouts and the music just as much! Keep up the awesome and inspirational videos.😁

  • @EWhite-vc3kq
    @EWhite-vc3kq 4 года назад +12

    I'm definitely doing this with my husband! Thank you for the modified version. We are definitely beginners.

  • @sarahrah6035
    @sarahrah6035 11 месяцев назад +1

    I truly recommend ppl who are trying to lose weight effectively should do this everyday I lost madddd weight by doing this, thank you for these workout videos.

  • @sandyvdh6226
    @sandyvdh6226 4 года назад +39

    Could u add an *estimated calorie burn range* for both male and (less than 1m 60) female ?
    It really helps for motivation!

  • @shamainpadayachee1877
    @shamainpadayachee1877 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for the modified version...so glad o found you guys..been on meds for my neck but putting on weight so I'm using a lot of your workout routine.

  • @hauckcecilia
    @hauckcecilia 3 года назад

    I just want to thank you. I have knee and back pains, also plantar fasciitis, swollen muscles and bursa on my left arm, so thank you for these low impact and modified versions, it is the best thing that has happened, since I thought I would never have intense workouts ever again. I will keep pushing hoping that one day I can go back to high intense.

  • @howoriginal1986
    @howoriginal1986 4 года назад +16

    This was really fun and it still got my heart rate up! Glad I found this channel!

  • @martacielma8759
    @martacielma8759 4 года назад +7

    The music is so dynamic and optimistic that this sweaty cardio is just great! Thank you for the quality and the music:-)

    • @talisaajayy
      @talisaajayy 3 года назад

      Do u know the name of the music?

  • @02986-M
    @02986-M 4 года назад +1

    Love your videos because you add the modified video with it. Thank you so much.

  • @JesusIsLov3
    @JesusIsLov3 3 года назад +1

    Short yet intense! Thank you. You two are THE best!

  • @monopeps
    @monopeps 4 года назад +39

    The videos in this series, are my favorites!!!
    And those outfits are amazing 😉👌💪

    • @Mrandmrsmuscle
      @Mrandmrsmuscle  4 года назад +14

      🙏❤️ thank you! so glad that you are enjoying them 🤗 aww thanks 🙏 ❤️ I love matching our outfits and am really into color atm ( I used to only wear black 🙈 although I still love it lol ) 🙏 stay safe and keep crushing these. So much more fun coming your way 💪😉

    • @Livelovelaughes
      @Livelovelaughes 4 года назад +2

      @@Mrandmrsmuscle always

  • @kokemxusmm3256
    @kokemxusmm3256 4 года назад +1

    Great work out guys. Thank you. Am gonna practice this at home with my wife. And maybe my kids.

  • @biancapuchalski1987
    @biancapuchalski1987 4 года назад +1

    This is my favorite workout on RUclips from now on.

  • @LaLa-i8h
    @LaLa-i8h 4 года назад +7

    Love the music, love everything about it. You guys rock it ❤️❤️

  • @adriannathornton840
    @adriannathornton840 5 месяцев назад

    What a killer cardio workout! Truly amazing what can be accomplished in under 11 minutes. 🥰 MrandMrsMuscle!

  • @NoName-wv4oq
    @NoName-wv4oq 4 года назад +2

    This video is so well set up and makes it so much more fun and pleasant to look at and follow along to

  • @itsALYcheea
    @itsALYcheea 3 года назад +1

    Adding to my list! I’ve been seeing you guys all over my Pinterest so I typed in “full body workout” and got excited when I finally found you guys on RUclips!

  • @Sp-gh8gk
    @Sp-gh8gk 4 года назад +13

    This video is awesome I'm going to use this on days where I feel lonely music on days I'm high of energy it does both for the mind and body but the music is great

  • @arddeguzman4856
    @arddeguzman4856 4 года назад +1

    Love this video. No talk, straight to what you should be doing. Thank you

  • @esterp.t.8994
    @esterp.t.8994 4 года назад +6

    En pocos sitios dan la versión fuerte y la versión flojita del ejercicio para evitar lesiones y lo pueda hacer todo tipo de personas, enhorabuena, gracias son muy chulos los vídeos

  • @fatimazesysy3747
    @fatimazesysy3747 4 года назад +3

    Ce que vous faites c'est incroyable je vous adore j'espère avoir le courage et la force de ce que vous faites un jour devenu maigre oui c'est super

  • @hannahblinkeu
    @hannahblinkeu 4 года назад +2

    you guys are now my favorite workout youtubers 💛

  • @Motorcyclewindtherapy
    @Motorcyclewindtherapy 4 года назад +86

    If this virus proves anything, it's that gyms aren't needed. Calisthenics, home work outs, and some.sort of running, walking, jump rope is all ya need. The rest is ego, pickup attempts, or just plain wasted money to me. Of course, I dropped my gym membership about 4 years ago (after 15 years of paying and going a lot) and discovered home workouts in YT, some basic dumbbells, a jump rope, and I ended up dropping to around 10-15% bodyfat and enjoying it all a lot more. I'm in my 50s and ripped more than when I turned 40. Feel like I did in the Army in my early 20s a lot of the time now. Basic bodyweight and some small dumbbells and a lot of movement... tons of great stuff on YT for free.

    • @avanlingleesiang9138
      @avanlingleesiang9138 4 года назад

      Solocanoe facts !! True sir

    • @bonkersallday
      @bonkersallday 4 года назад +1

      So true
      I used to be a music type of working out person, but honestly now I prefer the quiet time while I work out. I found myself using the treadmill more often than anything else at the gym.
      So I agree with you, the gym is not needed. Especially when we have RUclipsrs like Mr and Mrs.Muscle posting great content, with easy to follow details and even examples of the muscle groups the excercises target. That's way more than Planet Fitness has ever offered.

    • @sabrinawhite4467
      @sabrinawhite4467 4 года назад +1

      I love Mr and Mrs Muscle at home workouts and going to the gym! I need the accountability of my gym family! Accountability is the main reason why I became a fitness instructor, 7 years strong. And my gym membership is free for me and my husband at my place of employment! I love helping my gym family reach their fitness goals. We're in this together!!!! And I'm in my 50's also.

  • @MichelleRoots
    @MichelleRoots 4 года назад +1

    Awesome workout guys!!!💪🏻👌🏻

  • @zahraarabek8588
    @zahraarabek8588 4 года назад +1

    Vous faites des exercices très efficaces bon courage et merci

  • @olivier.383
    @olivier.383 4 года назад +1

    The best cardio workout on internet 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

  • @i.a.n.8515
    @i.a.n.8515 3 года назад +1

    The choosed music for this Cardio Video is really good, it makes me motivated and happy :D

  • @deec.1358
    @deec.1358 4 года назад +1

    You guys are amazing, and these workouts are tremendous!!☺️💛 Enjoy your covering of all the bases of modifications and countdown. Thanks!

  • @rockytravels7879
    @rockytravels7879 4 года назад +1

    I tried this today. Did my best. Hard to catch up with the tempo though. anyway I managed the full 11mins. And I always find myself great after these 11mins boosters! Thanks guys... Very reliable and motivating

  • @jaimegonzalez103
    @jaimegonzalez103 4 года назад +1

    OMG! This is a great video for my students!! Thank you for taking the time to make it!!

  • @frankieschymanski6268
    @frankieschymanski6268 3 года назад +1

    Wah! This was tough... Looks easy. "Mind over matter" doors it! Phew! thanks to both of you.

  • @sargentmajorpaige
    @sargentmajorpaige 4 года назад +2

    Corrr, when I typed in sweaty workout - I didn't think you would deliver like this! Awesome 🔥

  • @MamaLifeCooking
    @MamaLifeCooking 3 года назад +1

    Great 10 min cardio workout, especially for mamas with littles. Sometimes all I have is 20 mins, so this with another 10 minute video is perfect for those struggling days! Thanks!🙂

    • @dinaaguilar8299
      @dinaaguilar8299 2 года назад +3

      I agree is perfect for us ... I got 3 kids and almost no time for me

    • @MamaLifeCooking
      @MamaLifeCooking 2 года назад +1

      @@dinaaguilar8299 I have 3 as well!! 3 boys to be exact 🙂

  • @amelenpatrisantanamachado1007
    @amelenpatrisantanamachado1007 4 года назад +2

    Amei os exercícios, estou treinando pela primeira vez, vamos ver os resultados em casa, parabéns gostei muito. 💪🏋️‍♂️😊💚

  • @zumbagirly72
    @zumbagirly72 4 года назад +11

    Did this morning!! Loved the pogo squat!! Awesome you are doing beginner series for those needing that♡

  • @loriglory6345
    @loriglory6345 3 года назад


  • @alisonostrin679
    @alisonostrin679 Год назад +1

    Did it again and loved it! Thank you!

  • @indigo991
    @indigo991 4 года назад +1

    This is GREAT!!!!! I looped it aiming for 4 sets. I got to 3, but I got a new goal!

  • @fruitplantfairynpups
    @fruitplantfairynpups 4 года назад +1

    Love the modifications!! Thank you so much!! I have a knee injury 😅💃✨💗✨

  • @QueenofHearts02
    @QueenofHearts02 2 года назад

    Great Cardio FAST before handling shoulders & obliques! Happy pre-day to me!!! 7.12.2022!

  • @juliaquejadacuesta4110
    @juliaquejadacuesta4110 3 года назад +1

    Love your job, from Colombia !

  • @Juxxvani904
    @Juxxvani904 3 года назад +1

    Just earned a new sub!! Loving the sweat !! And I can bounce to modified when I get tired instead of stopping ! That's awesome thank you!!

  • @Nicole38401
    @Nicole38401 4 года назад +2

    Just found your channel and I'm hooked! Thank you for the great workouts to do while staying home

  • @joshc8171
    @joshc8171 4 года назад +1

    I love this got me out of breath and sweaty thanks guys x

  • @lizmarkey3298
    @lizmarkey3298 4 года назад +1

    Always the right about of butt kicking. Out of breath! Thank you

  • @neerajsikander1944
    @neerajsikander1944 4 года назад +4

    Excellent.... Thanx for sharing....specially modification workout.....bless u both

    • @Mrandmrsmuscle
      @Mrandmrsmuscle  4 года назад +1

      Anytime 🙏❤️ we are so happy that you are finding the modifications helpful . Hope you are taking care and still enjoying these 🤗

  • @PrettyPrincess1422
    @PrettyPrincess1422 4 года назад +2

    This workout totally kicked my ass! Thanks guys!

  • @danielabispo4625
    @danielabispo4625 4 года назад +1

    Amei,vou fazer hoje mesmo

    @GODSPEAKS898 3 года назад

    I was trying to decide what type of workout I wanted to do (to be honest, I was procrastinating), but then I came upon your cardio hiit workout and I had to do it!! It was a challenge but I got through it and I am looking forward to the next workout. Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @quietstorm6710
    @quietstorm6710 4 года назад +8

    I finally found you guys. You're all over Pinterest but couldn't find you on RUclips. Yay

  • @Mslector
    @Mslector 4 года назад +2

    You both look lovely in orange! Thank you for these workouts :)

  • @oneluv1870
    @oneluv1870 4 года назад +9

    Thank you for modifications!!

  • @lilia4383
    @lilia4383 4 года назад

    Me encantan sus rutinas.... Una porque sin una persona no puede hacer los ejercicios dan la opción de realizarlos y la otra indican los músculos que se esta trabajando....super padre sus videos.

  • @tripleaaadoublea
    @tripleaaadoublea 4 года назад +31

    This workout makes me feel like an Irish step dancer LOL

  • @chrissypuffins1295
    @chrissypuffins1295 4 года назад +4

    They are my motivation every day ✌️

  • @amnaamjad6396
    @amnaamjad6396 4 года назад +3

    29 November 2020 start my workout with this exercise feeling burn 🥵💥💪🏽✅

  • @praepurr8352
    @praepurr8352 3 года назад +3

    love this one. The moves is easy and i'm sweating but not dying

  • @irenetrotski6768
    @irenetrotski6768 4 года назад +2

    Just seen some of these videos which look great. Do you think doing one of these every other day is good enough to see results or should it be everyday?

  • @83prettyblack
    @83prettyblack 4 года назад

    Thank you for all you do.!

  • @thyiff2219
    @thyiff2219 4 года назад +1

    Love all the cardio sesh that I did so far! I can't believe it took me two months to start trying the cardio workouts. 😬 166 max HR. 6/2

  • @waveney6262
    @waveney6262 4 года назад +1

    Short n sweet sweaty workout. Smashingggg!

  • @abdulwajid3524
    @abdulwajid3524 4 года назад

    Very nice way of involving people! Can you guide for which age group are these videos or in other words do you have any recommendation for 50+, males and females? Thanks

  • @nrwind
    @nrwind 3 года назад

    Fabulous workout. Adding this to my morning cardio!

  • @rosieruiz8164
    @rosieruiz8164 4 года назад +1

    Highly recommend! This has a modified workout in video for beginners 😊

  • @joyfull1409
    @joyfull1409 4 года назад +6

    You guys are great! Thanks for not talking!

  • @d.a.6444
    @d.a.6444 4 года назад

    Love you workouts! Thank you so.much🥰

  • @hemaramdas3885
    @hemaramdas3885 4 года назад

    U guys r just superb...love ur coordination....n moves

  • @Dixy24r
    @Dixy24r 2 года назад +1

    Omg! You killed me but I am pretty well ! Thanks a lot to both of you big kisses from Paris

  • @mechimaikuoci
    @mechimaikuoci 4 года назад

    Estan buenisimos los videos!!!!!!! Gracias!!!!!!!!!!

  • @dolly_jen
    @dolly_jen 4 года назад +16

    Am I able to do this everyday? Planning to do it with my husband 😁.

  • @suzetteg1865
    @suzetteg1865 4 года назад +1

    First time trying it!.. I Love it!!

  • @TanyaScorpio
    @TanyaScorpio 3 года назад

    I love this.. saving to my routine and already a subbie

  • @FirstLadyKaterina
    @FirstLadyKaterina 4 года назад +3

    Love your workout :) Orange is definitely yours colour, you look so great! Cheers :)

  • @soniawatt633
    @soniawatt633 4 года назад

    I really love your workouts thank you so much for sharing

  • @JP-qx2wb
    @JP-qx2wb 3 года назад +2

    How many calories do we burn during this workout ?😁 also - thank you ! As a busy mom I couldn’t never find time to go to the gym so I have been going to my garage , turning RUclips on and working out with you guys! 😄

  • @susanafradejas9535
    @susanafradejas9535 Год назад +1

    Hard but lovely!! I'll do it after an arms routine 😅 💪 💪 thanx😊😊

    • @Mrandmrsmuscle
      @Mrandmrsmuscle  Год назад

      Ooo I love that combo. cardio is always great to pair with upper body or an ab/core workout. How did you get on?

  • @tiam7609
    @tiam7609 4 года назад +20

    Great workout how many calories did I burn on this 11:00 min video just curious??

  • @ashwiniramnithin4320
    @ashwiniramnithin4320 4 года назад +1

    I m love this channel

  • @almo6337
    @almo6337 4 года назад

    Best canal of training

  • @jesuschristislord23
    @jesuschristislord23 4 года назад +4

    You guys are amazing, thanks so muc💪💪💪

    • @Mrandmrsmuscle
      @Mrandmrsmuscle  4 года назад

      Thank you!! So glad you enjoyed this workout 🤗🙏

  • @patricia19551
    @patricia19551 3 года назад

    Well done! thanks.

  • @ashliepickering433
    @ashliepickering433 4 года назад +1

    I'm new to your channel! I'm loving the workouts at home!!! ❤❤❤

  • @hopechola4539
    @hopechola4539 4 года назад +3

    Just finished a 4.5 km run followed by this exercise. I am #DeadTired but happy.

  • @Iris-ow1zo
    @Iris-ow1zo 3 года назад

    I just practiced 2 rounds and I'm tired and sweat a lot, like this somuchhh

  • @alisonostrin679
    @alisonostrin679 Год назад


  • @almo6337
    @almo6337 4 года назад

    Es el Mejor canal de entrenamiento que bien

  • @magalielanga6300
    @magalielanga6300 4 года назад +1

    I' m French and I like this video.

  • @mariesecretsdenutritionnis1302
    @mariesecretsdenutritionnis1302 3 года назад

    Monday yesss !

  • @AishaMwamalopa-zy9iv
    @AishaMwamalopa-zy9iv Год назад +1

    Super fun❤🎉Thanks alot

    • @Mrandmrsmuscle
      @Mrandmrsmuscle  Год назад +1

      Awesome!! So glad you enjoyed this one. Definitely have a look at our cardio playlist for more like this xx

  • @mildredduffie6587
    @mildredduffie6587 3 года назад

    I'm wondering why no one has hit the like button (except I just did) and they have over 900,000 views. I love there workouts.

  • @LuckyLemmons
    @LuckyLemmons 4 года назад +1

    Great workout! Really gets your heart rate going.

  • @clarismiles3174
    @clarismiles3174 4 года назад

    These videos are awesome!