It can be translated as " we are watching you or watch your step carefully." No matter how close the meaning is, the West and the East have total differences in culture, and both are equally good. The Chinese diplomat is not internationally well-versed in how they handle the Western thinking approaches. Misunderstanding is everywhere. The Chinese often believed that their deep philosophy of Confucius study could give them better short-cut and straightforward kind of staff. But when the Americans take it, they take it very lightly without any difficulty. They can smell and tell straight in your face that no bullets will be spared But the Chinese communists are naive to have thought that bullets can be borrowed from the enemy if you have run out of them.
watch your behavior
應該是 ‘watchout go figure yourself’ 他才會知道有多大條
好自為之, 自好為之的倒裝, 白話就是你自己好好做吧! 言下之意就是我看好你, 也不看好你, 你要慎重其事.
好自为之,Behave yourself.
好自為之 台語: 你不要又,皮在癢!
You'd rather behave yourself, failing which you should face the consequences
美國智照就是貴呀 百姓要願意付錢
好自为之意译:Do it again you will cry like a bloody baby. 或者文绉绉一点: If you dare to do it again, you'll be wailing like a helpless crying baby.
应该是“ watch ur back"
The ball is in your court now!
好自為之 = 你看著辦吧 😂
百分之二十五的關稅差價夠不夠把加拿大及墨西哥的廠搬去美國 需要精算 勞力密集的產業如伺服器搬去美國肯定成本更高 汽車工業及鋼鐵工業應該會搬回去
马保国:耗子尾汁,rat tail juice
He should not keep talking to much, just listen sometimes.
哈哈! 應譯成 "Take good care of yourself, my darling." 😂😂😂
Deepseek 是如何翻譯的?
我覺得這中國的問題吧 兩國語言本就容易有翻譯上的問題 還愛講些成語什麼的😅😅😅
It can be translated as " we are watching you or watch your step carefully." No matter how close the meaning is, the West and the East have total differences in culture, and both are equally good.
The Chinese diplomat is not internationally well-versed in how they handle the Western thinking approaches. Misunderstanding is everywhere. The Chinese often believed that their deep philosophy of Confucius study could give them better short-cut and straightforward kind of staff. But when the Americans take it, they take it very lightly without any difficulty. They can smell and tell straight in your face that no bullets will be spared But the Chinese communists are naive to have thought that bullets can be borrowed from the enemy if you have run out of them.
好自為之be careful what you do
好自為之 》Google Translate 》Take care of yourself