Chronic Back Pain? Dr. Oz Reveals Game-Changing Remedies! | Oz Health

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 7

  • @traderj5595
    @traderj5595 2 дня назад +4

    Majority of back pain is caused by weak core muscles and upper back muscles.
    So work your core by sitting in a chair and raising your knee to your chest one at a time to strengthen the core
    To work your back lift moderate to lightweight doing bent over rows and your back will feel better

  • @lenagjolaj8871
    @lenagjolaj8871 День назад +1

    May God help us all who have back problems it’s not easy 🙏🙏🙏

  • @AkmuratGurbannazarov
    @AkmuratGurbannazarov 2 дня назад +1

    Maşallah Allah nazardan saklasın

  • @brittanyfoster4592
    @brittanyfoster4592 День назад +1

    Hi dr.oz what if you have scoliosis back pain and nothing help with it what can you do to stop the painful spasms

  • @sandrarodriguez6931
    @sandrarodriguez6931 2 дня назад +1

    Hello Dr Oz is very hard went you have Fibromyalgia, Spinal Stenosis , rheumatoid arthritis my neck is inside my Spinal is no easy to be in pain 24/7 , 365 day a Year . I see a Dr for a pain cline but is not helping me I'm in pain all the time and know going to my right leg I can even walk like a want to . I'm feel so bad for does people in pain to

    • @brendapettit1095
      @brendapettit1095 День назад

      Watch Doctor Eric Berg, he said lower back pain, you need to take
      D3-K2 vitamin. He also sell this, it has help me.