Hey daley, just wanted to notify you that there is a Star Wars The Old Republic mod for Call to Arms (the other one) and I was hoping you could check it out and maybe do some vids in it. It is a shame the Galaxy at War team hasn't got their hands on the SWTOR models because apparently there are literally thousands of them, and they look fairly good too!
Okay Daley. New year New challenges UEBS 2 Why is it that the troops, special forces, jedi, etc. are always the ones who defend mount olympus? Why not put the orcs., trolls, catapults, zombies etc on the mountain then try to have jedi and special forces retake the mountain. 100 K Jedi V 8 million orcs with trolls and catapults 100K special force with 150 tanks v 8 million zombies with ghosts werewolves? Last idea: 2 million spartans and roman generals try to retake the mountain from 8 million mongols The people on the mountain are on defense and the attacks are in the attack 3 videos. Hope that helps and Happy new year!
My fellow Hydro Homies it is time we UNITE!
0:14 “Russians that are going to be coming on us” Ha
I love this kind of missions. Keep it up man!
It did play out IRL, and the answer is NO, the german panzers simply gor encircled and destroyed or got forced to retreat at the vert least.
I was missing these long and hard defenses. You gotta do more!
An alternative title might be "can german panzer stop the 2000 soviet tanks advancing in two at a time in very orderly manner?"
It did play out IRL, and the answer is NO, the german panzers simply gor encircled and destroyed or got forced to retreat at the vert least.
Schumacher the legendary german commando🤣
Hey daley, just wanted to notify you that there is a Star Wars The Old Republic mod for Call to Arms (the other one) and I was hoping you could check it out and maybe do some vids in it. It is a shame the Galaxy at War team hasn't got their hands on the SWTOR models because apparently there are literally thousands of them, and they look fairly good too!
Damn, Germany was also asking that question in 1945
Let the hydro homies unite !
Mission name or mod name is "Graden of tigers" for anyone who missed it.
Daley, just wondering, whats your favorite tank in WW2? mine would either have to be the tiger 1 Ausf.e or the T34/85
I think i found the grandpa of Michael Schumacker
Hydro Armies .... *ASSEMBLE !*
My fellow hydrohomies unite!
1:47 you need a heavy enggenier to build that big gun
3:03 I think that might be a T34/76 and a T34/85 since one of the T34s sloped armor was a bit too lowered
thats legend dude wil not be forgot
Okay Daley.
New year
New challenges
Why is it that the troops, special forces, jedi, etc. are always the ones who defend mount olympus?
Why not put the orcs., trolls, catapults, zombies etc on the mountain then try to have jedi and special forces retake the mountain.
100 K Jedi V 8 million orcs with trolls and catapults
100K special force with 150 tanks v 8 million zombies with ghosts werewolves?
Last idea: 2 million spartans and roman generals try to retake the mountain from 8 million mongols
The people on the mountain are on defense and the attacks are in the attack
3 videos.
Hope that helps and Happy new year!
this gives me KURSK flashbacks I dont actually have.... Love it
Hydro homes unite....... Great video mate
Hydrohomis unite!!!
The Hydro Homies must unite
Schumacher like the german formel1 driver.
Hydros Homies unite.
What is the spread out button?
Nice mission bro Hydro homies unite!!
Why did u ignore the tanks that where coming through?
Stefan Schumacher = Shteffan Shoomacker
Missed watching these!
You could have taken some of your AT troops and fired at the convoy. That way you’d be able to repair the vehicles and then they’d be yours.
0:15 sussss
HYDRO HOMIES UUUUNNIITTE! (storm clouds form... rain starts to fall... the world will know.
That's not anywhere close to 2000 tanks, my guy! No false advertising. 🤣
love the vids daley
What kind of mission is that? Is this mod?
All to Hydro homes unite.btw i think one day can you more like this Daley?keep up with the good work.
I sub
and know a lot of history and star war lore and love your vids
Hydro Homies Unite!!!💧
Hydro-homies unite
Hydro homies unite! XD
hydro homies Unite ( I'm French excuse my English )
hydro homies unite least there is no kv-2 or su-122
Who the heck are Hydro Homies?
Ripping that peniamin to this
Nice and long defence hydro homies
I like it! Germans Vs Rooskies.
Enjoyed very much hydrohomie unite B)
Is this mission available for download?
Ya, In Steam work shop
Hydro homies unite keep this up
Hydro Homies it is time we UNITE!
Hydros homies unite
hydro homilies unite
Love the vids keep it up
Great video and hydro homies unite
also hydroe homies unite what a word lol
Is dayley a werhaboo?
Hydro-homies, UNITE !!!
Schumacher is pronounced shoemaker… 😂
Hydro-homies unite.
Hydro homeys unite🤣
Hydro homies unite!!!!!!!!!!🎉
Hydro homies unite bro!
Hydro homes unite...
Hydrohomies unite
Hydro homies unite!
Hydro Homies unite 😂
Hydro Homies Hollering Here 🥃
Hydro homies unite 😂
We have made it this far. Hydro Homies, UNITE
Nice Game , Could you show which Countrys are playable ... (Germans ,Americans, Russians ,Britains , Japanese)
But is there Italy aswell or ?
Only germany and russia
Hydro homies!!!! Let's unite
Hydro homies unite. Hahaha
Hydro Homies Unite XD ✌️
Hydro homie unite !!
hydro homilies unite
Hydro Homies, UNITE!!
Hydro homiest unite
Hydro Homies unite
I lost a tooth
Hydro homies!!
Hydro homies unite
Peak content
Hydro homies Unite
Hydro homies Unite!!
Hydro Homies Unite!
Hydro homey’s unite
Hydro homes unite
Hydro homies united
Can you do a vietnam war mod again
you haf a god vedos
hydro homes unite
hydro homies unite
Hydro homies unit
Amazing video! Hydro homies unite ;)
Click bait. But a very nice video.
hydro Homies unite