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  • @janenightreadsandwrites223
    @janenightreadsandwrites223 5 месяцев назад +1

    I understand completely. I consciously decided to read more indie authors and I sometimes feel really bad when I am DNFing a book that has like 20 reviews because the book wasn't for me. Like, I wanna support authors and give them reviews but I also don't want to spend time reading a book I am not meshing with.

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад +1

      We are out here doing the best we can :)

  • @OoLaLaFrenchGirl
    @OoLaLaFrenchGirl 5 месяцев назад +2

    The way I look at it, the DNF in itself is a review. It's also helpful that you include why you decided to DNF the book. I don't see a problem with it at all.

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah I am in agreement with you 👊

  • @chloebloomfield7185
    @chloebloomfield7185 5 месяцев назад +1

    Love this video 💜
    I agree with everything you say and you definitely shouldn’t feel bad for DNFing - you are fully entitled to your opinions and they are valid whether you finished the book or not. One of the things that I enjoy about your reviews is that you are always fair and balanced with what you say and you don’t assign the worth of a book in relation to your enjoyment of it. I find it very helpful when I read reviews that explain why someone has given a particular rating (even if it’s a DNF) as that can help me decide whether that book is for me or not.
    Keep doing what you’re doing!

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад

      You are always so kind 💜 thank you!!!

  • @rebekahkrumenacker828
    @rebekahkrumenacker828 5 месяцев назад +2

    Go easy on yourself!! You make great content and if anyone ever holds a grudge on you for DNFing, that’s not a problem with you. You always give books your all and you review with your heart and everyone who watches your videos can see that!!

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад

      I wholeheartedly appreciate this 💜

  • @reedmorebooks
    @reedmorebooks 5 месяцев назад +2

    I just reviewed How to Become the Dark Lord over on my channel, while I finished it, in my review I raised the same issues. The IRL humor constantly took me out of the book, and the fact that the main MC was female, extremely thirsty ALL THE TIME and written by a male author was a bit uncomfortable, and no doubt will really rub some people the wrong way even worse. I felt like it overcame that stuff, but I was certainly an issue, and I too came close to DNFing.
    I never feel guilty about DNFing a book I spent my own money and time on, but I agree that when it's an ARC I feel more like it's an obligation. That said,. I try to keep in mind, as long as I gave it an effort, I gave them my time, and time is the most valuable asset we have.
    Edit: Pets for the kitty!

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад

      Oh yeah!!! I remember you saying this in the discord. It all makes sense now. I agree it was off putting, at least for you and I.

  • @Claire.SageGreenCreative
    @Claire.SageGreenCreative 2 месяца назад

    As a former indie author (my novel got pulled from pub) I would love a reviewer like you, even if DNF! I think review cukture does need a shift and less pressure about reviewing books. I’m finally into reading again after many years off as I love movies but I’m nervous to get into BookTube or BookTok cuz of the way people come at you for having an opinion. But so refreshing seeing someone being genuine and fair 💚✨ and yes cats make everything better lol

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 2 месяца назад +1

      I’m so glad to hear this. Thank you for a kind perspective and comment ♥️

  • @jillianmarie6502
    @jillianmarie6502 4 месяца назад

    Very well said Zack! A lot of good food for thought. I appreciate your DNF reviews, both of these books (esp the latter) sound like something I might enjoy so I will still add to the TBR!

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 4 месяца назад

      Appreciate the compliment :) Good, I'm glad you are still adding to your TBR!!

  • @smileycindy
    @smileycindy 2 месяца назад

    Interesting to hear your thoughts on that subject. I have been DNF'ing a bit more now that I borrow books from the library because it freed myself from the guilt associated with having paid for a book, but I still think I could be more selective with what I finish reading, knowing that I have a very long TBR list. I've had to finish mandatory reading I did not enjoy in college and I do have to handle tasks I don't particularly enjoy at work, so at the end of the day, I don't want my reading hobby to be one more obligation on my list of tasks, when it's really meant to be a hobby.
    I tend to be a completist and I can't help but feel that if I am going to offer my opinion on a book, I should have all of the information going in. That being said, I'm finding that by the third-way mark of a book, I usually have a good sense of whether I will enjoy a book or not. I've noticed that this is where my reading start to stagnate if I'm not into a book, so I should work on pulling the plug more often if by then, I'm not feeling it. In the book I'm currently reading, they mention that the rule is to give the book 50 pages to decide if you're into it and as you get older, the rule should be 100 pages minus your age (so if you're 70, then you really just give yourself 30 pages to decide if you're going to keep going with a book).
    I appreciate your candid and honest approach when you review books, so while I can imagine why DNF'ing must be stressful as a reviewer, I find that your approach has always been fair and measured, so I would encourage you not to worry too much over it.

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah you said it, knowing we have a lot of options out there of things we could read so why waste time on things that just don't work for us. And yes, doing work then coming home feeling like reading is again working, good choice to change that :) I appreciate you sharing things about your life and your experience with reading, that's why I love doing this. I actually think the 100 pages minus your age is a good idea, I might give that a try. I think we get less impulsive as we get older and understand ourselves more so it would make sense that as we get older we need less time to decide if we need something. I really like that idea. Writing that down.

  • @donna-mariereads
    @donna-mariereads 4 месяца назад

    Thank you for this video, i have been DNFing books this year alot more and sometimes i feel bad but other times i feel good about it.

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 4 месяца назад

      I’m glad this felt helpful :)

  • @ToCoziesAndBeyond
    @ToCoziesAndBeyond 5 месяцев назад

    OMG! I DNF’d a book this morning with the same feeling of starting the book and the book was talking like it was chapter 15.
    I do not review on RUclips, but I imagine it is hard to find a balance with how to review, what to bring up, when to DNF and how to feel about it.

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад +1

      Here’s to hoping our next books are finishes 🖐️

  • @Mano-Wan
    @Mano-Wan 5 месяцев назад +1

    When I bought books with my hard-earned money, I never DNF'd... But with LIBBY making digital & audio books so easily accessible, I have no issue DNFing... Which is probably why I rarely have a book below 3 stars now 🤷🏻‍♂

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад

      This is very fair!!!!

    • @smileycindy
      @smileycindy 2 месяца назад

      @mano-wan Same! Got my library card for this exact reason!

  • @candicesbooks
    @candicesbooks 5 месяцев назад

    I felt super guilty about DNF-ing books at first, but with time, I think people know exactly if they are going to like or not to the point where at 50 pages I can know myself how I am going to like it. This is also why I only start reading kindle extract before buying the book because otherwise it’s just a waste of money. Basically there are so many books on this planet that DNF-ing isn’t such a big thing anymore… ps : love the birds sounds 😂

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад

      This reminds me of my grandmothers rule which is if she doesn’t like it in the first two pages she moves on with something else 😂

  • @Lillyjoy
    @Lillyjoy 5 месяцев назад

    I’ve been in a reading slump too where I’m dnfing so many books, I also read a lot more now than I used to so that has lead me to more dnfs, but it’s so frustrating because every single book I’ve picked up for the last few weeks has been a dnf and the books I’m picking up have just felt slow and boring and just not for me. It sucks so much, I’m just like how can I not pick up any books I enjoy 😂 it makes me think I should take a break from reading but then again I did try reading a graphic novel and I loved it and that’s the only book I’ve loved and wanted to finish in the last month but yeah I think you can still give a review even if you dnf it, I do feel guilty for dnfing sometimes but now I just feel frustrated that all of the books I pick up have glowing reviews and then I didn’t even like them at all.

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад +1

      Ugh yeah reading slumps are the worst. Has anything in the past helped with them? Like rereading, a break, go to genre??

    • @Lillyjoy
      @Lillyjoy 5 месяцев назад

      @@ryreads yeah in the past switching to graphic novels for a few weeks has helped, and reading a different genre or a favorite has helped as well! I’m gonna just try to take a break from reading for a couple days too

  • @rnee1000
    @rnee1000 3 месяца назад

    Don't ever feel guilty for DNFing books. And you don't need to defend your personal tastes. We are all different and that makes life interesting. I just DNF'd two books, both of which are very positively reviewed almost everywhere. One had to do with the whole book. The other I think was because it just wasn't my genre but I tried it because of all the good reviews.
    I don't have time to force myself to read books that I don't like.
    Reviewers have different ideas and tastes. It's good to try new things but not to force our way through a book that doesn't do it for us.
    Hang in there. It's all good.
    and it's a good video. I like discussions like this about reading and books, aside from specific reviews. Love to see more.

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 3 месяца назад

      I really appreciate the heart put into this comment and the helpful reminders. Thanks for being here and tuning in and taking time to connect! I hope you are enjoying your current read and if not DNF if ;)

    • @rnee1000
      @rnee1000 3 месяца назад

      @@ryreads Reading my first Peter Swanson. No DNF here LOL

  • @Qwordy
    @Qwordy 5 месяцев назад +2

    So here's my hot take. I don't think anyone should feel bad about DNFing, but as a book reviewer myself, I feel like it's my job to make sure I have a full receipt for not liking a book. I don't think other people have to be the same way as me but I just can't DNF to save my life no matter how mad at the book I am. Granted, I am also not a mood reader which I think those are the types of readers that dnf more frequently than readers like me.
    What I do think is that if you DNF a book just because you're not vibing or for no real reason, then that review doesn't even need to be made. It doesn't do much for the audience and it def doesn't do anything to help the book. When I've seen people dnf at like 10% and leave a one star review just for it not vibing with them, that frustrates me because they added nothing to conversation about the book and it did nothing to help the pool of readers determine if the book is for them or not.
    So tldr, I just don't think DNFs in general need reviews because I don't think they contribute much to the overall scheme of a book's worthiness unless it was like a severely problematic thing that needs to be addressed and save people the time. But dnf at your leisure, it's your life you get to make the rules.

    • @neve4812
      @neve4812 5 месяцев назад +1

      I understand what you're saying here but let me raise you this. Someone DNF's and leaves a review about why they didn't vibe with the book (it's inevitable since not everyone will like every book) their review on the particular things may help others decide if they should read the book or not, in turn saving the author from a potentially awful review and low rating from a disgruntled reader.
      I agree that it's not fair for people to rate 1 star after just reading 10%, that is a particular case, I don't know about you but I don't pay attention to those, but I would pay attention to someone rated low and read 100% of the book. Someone who didn't DNF and dragged themself across that finish line, the whole time building up more hatred on the book and the author, who quite frankly doesn't deserve it. The reader would feel that they had wasted their time and it wasn't worth it, their review putting off other people who may have actually liked the book.
      There is no one right way to rate or review. Just like with books, everyone will have a different opinion. Reading isn't for anyone but yourself and you should only aim to have a good time with your reading adventure. As you said, we make our own rules (This coming from someone who had never DNF'd a book for the first 21 years of their life)

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад

      Thanks for sharing!!

    • @smileycindy
      @smileycindy 2 месяца назад

      @qwordy I've finished a lot of books I did not particularly enjoy for that reason, to make an informed opinion based on having read the whole book (despite not being a reviewer, just for discussion purposes). On the rare occasions that I've DNF'ed something, I've never left a rating online, not feeling like I can comment on something I have not finished.
      When I read reviews to try and decide if I want to read a book or not, I base my decision more on the reasons why people loved or disliked a book than on the rating they gave it. I know what draws me to a book and what turns me off, so the reasoning behind the rating is what I focus on, and this is why I might still pick up something that has a lower rating, if the people's reasons for disliking something are not things that I get bothered by myself. A reviewed saying they loved a book does not hold as much value as someone explaining why they enjoyed that book, knowing that tastes are so personal to each individual.

  • @Lululovespatches
    @Lululovespatches 2 месяца назад

    Love this video! I enjoyed hearing your thoughts and opinions 👍👍

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 2 месяца назад +1

      I really appreciate it ♥️

  • @opheliasgrace
    @opheliasgrace 5 месяцев назад

    100 already! Wow!! I'm on book 27. Wth am I doing with my life? 😄 I fret over dnf'ing books. I spent money on it, I wanted to like it and if I'm not shouldn't I push through anyway because I spent money and time on it already? But I'm not enjoying it, why should I keep not enjoying it? I run in circles and I feel bad when I actually dnf.

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад +1

      The secret is audios, I have a lot of drive time, go on walks, etc audios are the secret for me 😂

  • @angelaholmes8888
    @angelaholmes8888 5 месяцев назад +1

    Yep its totally okay to dnf books if you are not feeling it i wasted so much time on books i should had dnf

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад +1

      This is my motivating factor!!! And it helps me stay honest in my reviews!

  • @InsightCreationz
    @InsightCreationz 5 месяцев назад

    My DNF= don’t freaking care but it may be for someone else at another time. You can find a book and million other reviewers over same book. I think the reasons allow the user to decide if they want to try it.

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад

      Yasssss 👏 👏

  • @bevo98506
    @bevo98506 5 месяцев назад +2

    Your time is worth more than a free book. Now if they were giving you $500, then maybe you should finish it.

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад


  • @kiute.c
    @kiute.c 5 месяцев назад +1

    You are wrong. Xander will not tell you to do what makes you happy. He will tell you to do what makes Xander happy, and any happiness you may gain as well is just a bonus but it is not the main goal 😹

    • @ryreads
      @ryreads 5 месяцев назад +1

      You know what you’re right about that. He would prefer to just snuggle.