הגאון הינוקא על הצדיק הקדוש משטפנשט • ראש מוסדות שטפנשט אצל הגאון הינוקא

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • _________________________________________________________
    להצטרפות לערוץ לחצו על הקישור:
    / @theyanuka5722

Комментарии • 106

  • @מיכאלפטליאר
    @מיכאלפטליאר Год назад +5

    הוא בעצמו גורם לי לדבקות בבורא ברוך הוא רק לשמוע את הקול שלו
    תודה לה' על הזכות. אבא רפואה שלמה לרב אמן אמן אמן

  • @enockpineda1884
    @enockpineda1884 Год назад +5


  • @marlenegonzaganovaes6274
    @marlenegonzaganovaes6274 4 месяца назад +1

    Shalom 🇧🇷🇮🇱

  • @user-xn5lc4ev7q
    @user-xn5lc4ev7q 2 месяца назад

    כמה ענווה מדהים

  • @שלומי-ק4פ
    @שלומי-ק4פ Год назад +2

    שלום רב, אני ציירתי תמונות של צדיקים וברצוני למסור לרב, איך אני עושה זאת?

  • @malachi7948
    @malachi7948 Год назад +2

    The testimony of Messiah from holy scripture (with Jewish numbering):
    The King:
    Genesis 49:10-11
    Zechariah 9:9
    Micah 5:1-3
    Isaiah 7:12
    Isaiah 9:5-6
    Daniel 7:13-14
    Jeremiah 23:5-6
    Zechariah 6:12-13
    Zechariah 14:9
    The Messenger of the Covenant:
    Deuteronomy 18:18-19
    Jeremiah 31:31-34
    Jeremiah 23:5-6
    Isaiah 42:1-4
    Malachi 3:1
    The Lamb:
    Genesis 22:8
    Exodus 12:3-13
    Zechariah 12:10
    Isaiah 16:1-5
    Isaiah 53
    He arrived before the second temple was destroyed:
    Daniel 9:24-27
    ‎שמע ישראל אדוני אלוהינו אדוני אחד
    ‎ישוע לבדו הוא אלוהים ואין אלוהים לידו
    ‎לפניו לא נוצר אל, ולא יהיה אל אחריו
    ‎חוץ ממנו אין מושיע
    ‎ברוך אתה אדוני ישוע אלוהינו מלך העולם
    ‎כי אתה ה' אלוהינו קדוש ישראל מושיענו
    ‎המשיח הנצחי והכל יכול: אתה אבי, אלהי, וסלע ישועתי
    ‎אדוני ישוע, אלוהים, שלך הוא השם מעל כל שאר השמות הנקראים
    ‎כי אין כמוך, ישוע; אתה גדול, ושמך גדול בעוצמה
    ‎אתה הוא יהוה לבדך את עשית את השמים שמי השמים וכל צבאם הארץ וכל אשר עליה הימים וכל אשר בהם ואתה מחיה את כלם וצבא השמים לך משתחוים׃
    ‎אדוני ישוע יהוה עמנואל אלוהינו ומושיענו; שלך היא המלכות והכוח והתהילה לנצח
    ‎הגדל את ה' עמי, ונעלה את שמו יחדיו

  • @julianmontoya428
    @julianmontoya428 Год назад

    Blessed are all of you born to the nation or Isreal! I was not so blessed, ... my heart prays for each of you who post this, and each of the holy rabbi's, the yanuk. ( hope i spelled that correctly) may God hear your prayers, and i ask any and all of your from Israel to please say a prayer for people like myself! I need healing! I need a heart and mind to obey the true God as each of you do with each breath of life your take! For many years you have been scattered! ...i dont know who my true ancestors are, but since my family thinks at some point they came from spain, and my surname is montoya, I ask forgiveness from God, for all things my ancestors did or did not do when his children were scattered to all nations after Israel 2nd temple was destroyed! I sincerely fear the Lord and truly love the Lord! I am in awe of G-D, and feel the times are close for the 3rd temple! ...i live in the usa and was born to the usa nation and catholic church! I never desired the leadership of the catholic church and believed i was born to the two worst nations, the usa with freedom of religion, that allows and promotes lucifer and churches of satan and went to the moone and thinks they will soon declare war on aliens , with their space station, and with the catholic church who claim humans are to be prayed to! ..i thank all of your from Israel for posting your videos! ... God truly loves each of you! And each of your have studied and dress and where your beards as the true God saids a man is to be! May your families be blessed, as each of you know you dont need my prayers i need your prayers! ...i am a disabled army veteran, served knowing about nuclear-biological-chemical weapons and their use against many others! The holocaust is a time of shame for the usa who declared war on japan for pearl harbor ,but dropped a bomb 💣 on pearl harbor and didnt get involved to stop the holocaust! ...thank God Israel was restored! Those who seek to destroy Israel are known to God in the heavens! ...whle greeks have history with the new testament, and also have had an influence on so many nations with democracy and philosophy, so many preachers preach behind the pulpit and give their testimony! While all i have seen and learned for these videos is your devotion and love for truth from G-D! With my deepest parts and most sincere efforts i pray G-D will quicken the day where all nations will know you from Israel are the elect from God! ....if any of you from Israel read this please pray from myself and for may family and all jews and the around the world who truly love G-D and fear G-D but dont have the history and strength given each of you! Amen!

    • @julianmontoya428
      @julianmontoya428 Год назад

      May God bless the yanuka! A man who sincerely loves God and has blessed many with truth from God!

  • @alexanderkaper7881
    @alexanderkaper7881 Год назад +1

    יישר כח

  • @anonymousanonymous-qx7mv
    @anonymousanonymous-qx7mv Год назад +3

    English subtitles for all about the Yanuka please

    @SAVEDBYGRACE2 Год назад +5

    Hebrews 9:28
    King James Version
    28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

  • @amapokua2311
    @amapokua2311 Год назад


  • @mauricioantoniodesouzasamu9534
    @mauricioantoniodesouzasamu9534 Год назад +2


  • @holgertash1
    @holgertash1 Год назад +9


  • @העתידכברכאן
    @העתידכברכאן Год назад +2

    למה הרב עם מסיכה?

  • @מיכאלנבון
    @מיכאלנבון Год назад +6

    פלא של החסידות דברים מאירים

    @SAVEDBYGRACE2 Год назад +1

    1 Thessalonians 1:10
    10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

  • @alliegutierrez2345
    @alliegutierrez2345 Год назад +1

    JesusChrist of Nazareth is the Only King

  • @m.h.s.deepanalizethebrainm6201
    @m.h.s.deepanalizethebrainm6201 Год назад +2

    I like Jewish people, but I think that all Jews are telling this man their sins. Let`s not go into the wrong direction. Jesus is the only way. He`ll come back, very soon, be ready.

  • @בלהשמונוב
    @בלהשמונוב Год назад +2


  • @Godismyfortress
    @Godismyfortress Год назад +1

    How can we arrange to see him....is there a gabbai, or the name of his shul...or a phone number

  • @hugo7506
    @hugo7506 Год назад

    Does anyone know when the Rav Shlomo Yehudah was born, exact time, day, month and year ?

    • @יוני-י7ר
      @יוני-י7ר Год назад

      אני יודע רק שעה
      נראלי 03:56
      או 03:57
      לא בטוח

    • @hugo7506
      @hugo7506 Год назад

      @@יוני-י7ר תודה, איך גילית את המידע הזה?

    • @holgertash1
      @holgertash1 Год назад +1

      6 6 6

    • @anonymousanonymous-qx7mv
      @anonymousanonymous-qx7mv Год назад

      Youre not done yet?

    • @יוני-י7ר
      @יוני-י7ר Год назад

      @@hugo7506 בבקשה.
      היתה לי סוג של התגלות

  • @miketony2826
    @miketony2826 Год назад +4

    If he does miracles and he'll heal people why does he wear a mask

    • @FollowerOfYeshua1974
      @FollowerOfYeshua1974 Год назад

      Is it God's will for everyone to be healed of everything?

    • @breslovfire1
      @breslovfire1 Год назад +1

      He’s wearing the mask because he got sick and didn’t want to make others uncomfortable…

    • @MOE435
      @MOE435 Год назад

      You are not to rely on miracles. GD created a world with nature. And commanded all to care for your body and soul.

    • @FollowerOfYeshua1974
      @FollowerOfYeshua1974 Год назад +2

      Mike, all he does is pray for people asking God to heal them. It's God that does the healing. I don't know why so many people can't understand this simple fact.

    • @alliegutierrez2345
      @alliegutierrez2345 Год назад

      Because he’s fake. Read the Bible King James 1960 in the Bible you find out the truth

  • @riconajmeddine1820
    @riconajmeddine1820 Год назад

    Someone should make English translation in these videos

  • @johankeijser8270
    @johankeijser8270 Год назад +1

    Dear people of Israel, beloved by YHWH. Don't be deceived by this man the yanuka. He is not your messiah. He wears glasses, use protection against Corona. Yeshua HaMashiach who died on the cross, is your Messiah! Repent o Israel!

    • @FollowerOfYeshua1974
      @FollowerOfYeshua1974 Год назад

      Israel hasn't proclaimed him as the Messiah. Just "Christians" and Muslims are proclaiming that.

  • @ugaugauga488
    @ugaugauga488 Год назад

    The new godfather.

  • @leviyitzchok770
    @leviyitzchok770 Год назад

    What does Tehillim (psalms) 49 say? Nobody can pay the price of another’s sins.

    • @FollowerOfYeshua1974
      @FollowerOfYeshua1974 Год назад

      Isaiah 53
      "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities."

    • @leviyitzchok770
      @leviyitzchok770 Год назад

      @@FollowerOfYeshua1974 Kay my friend HaShem doesn’t accept human sacrifice period. The scripture you are quoting is taken out of context. Do yourself a favor learn biblical Hebrew.

    • @FollowerOfYeshua1974
      @FollowerOfYeshua1974 Год назад

      @@leviyitzchok770 Isaiah 53 is about the Messiah who is also Hashem. The Creator made himself an offering for our sin.
      I am learning biblical Hebrew. If my understanding of Isaiah 53 is incorrect, what is the proper understanding?

    • @leviyitzchok770
      @leviyitzchok770 Год назад

      @@FollowerOfYeshua1974 good morning Kay and all who read this! You should first understand that HaShem is all. creator of all. All means all. So all is perfectly orchestrated. If you are looking through the eyes of what you have been taught then you will only see and or accommodate everything to fit your belief system. Unlike Judaism you can believe in under systems but you remain a Jew of course this has under issues that don’t pertain to the scope of our conversation. Now HaShem doesn’t except human sacrifice nor non kosher animal sacrifices and blood doesn’t cover any Humans sins. Each human if interested in forgiveness of there personal sin must do teshuva “return” to HaShem and live according to the guidelines given by HaShem if your a Jew the Commandments if your a non Jew the 7 universal laws. This is very simple HaShem give each person the strength for their mission. Don’t t believe me read the Tanch what many people mislead others to believe is renamed the Old Testament. Jonah was told to go to Ninivah and tell the non Jews to repent “do teshuva” and return to the One and Only G-OD creator of all. They did so and were spared from total annihilation. Please my friends read for yourselves don’t be mislead. HaShem wants everyone to do teshuva return to Him THE ONLY creator of all. Do what He says.

    • @FollowerOfYeshua1974
      @FollowerOfYeshua1974 Год назад

      @@leviyitzchok770 it was God who said that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin.
      If Isaiah 53 isn't about the Messiah, who is it about? What sinless man who was rejected by Israel died for Israel's transgressions?

  • @julianmontoya428
    @julianmontoya428 Год назад

    All who call upon God will get truth from God! If the torah and tanakh was given to the Jews then learn from them and obey the true God, if the new testament was given to greeks and romans then still learn from those who know hebrew to see what prophecy was fulfilled or will be fulfilled soon, while truth is God knows who he is and who each of your are! Seek truth! Repent from all your have trusted and believed and give your heart and mind to God! ....ask for forgiveness ,mercy and compassion! I pray all whom God loves will know peace and health from God! Amen!

    • @FollowerOfYeshua1974
      @FollowerOfYeshua1974 Год назад

      The new testament was given to the Jews to share with everyone else. Yeshua said that salvation is of the Jews.

  • @sitihasmiyati4465
    @sitihasmiyati4465 Год назад +1

    He's not Dajjal,he's not messiah,but he's impostor

    • @julianmontoya428
      @julianmontoya428 Год назад

      He looks like good man who has studied...

    • @FollowerOfYeshua1974
      @FollowerOfYeshua1974 Год назад

      What has he done in order for you to judge him as an imposter? Who is he pretending to be?

    • @sitihasmiyati4465
      @sitihasmiyati4465 Год назад

      @@FollowerOfYeshua1974 because i am muslim bro,he's not messiah,he's only rabbi

    • @FollowerOfYeshua1974
      @FollowerOfYeshua1974 Год назад

      @@sitihasmiyati4465 yes I know he isn't the Messiah and that he is only a rabbi but why do you call him an imposter?

    • @sitihasmiyati4465
      @sitihasmiyati4465 Год назад +1

      @@julianmontoya428 dude, because the jews think he is god and the messiah is the designation of the word god

  • @Joseph.Martelli7.7
    @Joseph.Martelli7.7 Год назад

    Jesus Christ is the only one to have walked planet earth to never have sinned. The yanuka is a sinner and needs to be saved by Jesus Christ.

  • @1618927
    @1618927 Год назад +9

    Jesus is the Word of God(Firstborn Son - Son Of God) in the flesh. Salvation is received by believing the Word of God. He who believes God's Word believes God and believes in God.

  • @יוני-י7ר
    @יוני-י7ר Год назад +1

    רק עדות המזרח ששומעים חידוש יפה עושים רעש של פשששששש
    מה העניין של ה פשששששש

    • @maordahan2969
      @maordahan2969 Год назад

      רק צאצאי עמלק שהתערבבו בעם ישראל, בזים לתורה ,ולפשיטות ולתמימות

    • @MordekhaiDayan
      @MordekhaiDayan Год назад

      זה כמו ה"או עכשיו דברת" של האשכנזים שגם אין לו כ"כ משמעות

    • @נתןקלדרון
      @נתןקלדרון Год назад

      זאת הנהגה מיוחדת סגולה מפי רבי טרפון מאפדלדמדיסרא זכותו תגן עלינו מלאך קודש קודש

  • @007MegaRoll
    @007MegaRoll Год назад

    למה יהודים עוטפים את הצמות שלהם מאחורי האוזניים

  • @נתןקלדרון
    @נתןקלדרון Год назад

    תקשיבו אתם חבורה של משוגעים חחחח
    אבל אני אוהב אותכם אל תשתנו במאומה אתם פשוט מצחיקים אותי😅

  • @maordahan2969
    @maordahan2969 Год назад

    9:38 "מה שהרב יודע מחסידות... הוא קיבל מאחיה השילוני או שלמד מספרים?.."

    • @shai2345
      @shai2345 Год назад +1

      מעניין מאוד השאלה הזאת...גם אני לא הבנתי...את שאר התורה שלו קיבל מאחיה השילוני?

    • @maordahan2969
      @maordahan2969 Год назад +4

      @@shai2345 הרב סלומון שהגיע לרב, שאל אותו מתוך אמונת חכמים ואמונת צדיקים, האם הרב לומד עם אחיה השילוני 😀 , אשריו על אמונת החכמים ,אז הרב השיב לו במבוכה שהוא למד מתוך הספרים..
      למרות שאצלי זה פשוט, שהוא לומד עם אליהו הנביא ועוד

    • @shai2345
      @shai2345 Год назад +5

      תכלס ידע כזה אין שום סיכוי שהוא ישב ולמד לבד . צריך לזה עשרות שנים

  • @srus4123
    @srus4123 Год назад +1

    Satana inpielitat .

  • @tali4963
    @tali4963 Год назад

    למה הרב עם מסיכה?

    • @brianokello1779
      @brianokello1779 Год назад

      So you don't know covid 19

    • @tali4963
      @tali4963 Год назад

      @@brianokello1779 אני יודעת ריסוסים של רעלים מאוירונים, כדי להביא אזרחים למחלות בדרכי הנשימה, ואז להמציא מגיפה חדשה - סדר חולני חדש -. הרב יושב ומדבר בלי מסיכה ב"ה גוג ומגוג, הרשעה תשלם בנקמת ה' עד תום על כל פשעיה

    • @FollowerOfYeshua1974
      @FollowerOfYeshua1974 Год назад

      He wasn't feeling well.