Amazing Crystalline Gold Found In Nevada From Jeff Williams Gold Mine!

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 126

  • @KubotaManDan
    @KubotaManDan Год назад +2

    I'm winning on 2 bids for those specimens, nice your sharing.

  • @scrappydoo7887
    @scrappydoo7887 Год назад +1

    I love it when you and Jeff do a collab

  • @123bbbooobbb
    @123bbbooobbb Год назад +4

    Glad to see your channel evolving. Your content is top. Hope to see a lot more more in the future. And great to see you selling samples.

  • @falcosparverius1
    @falcosparverius1 Год назад +10

    Great video: A great example of why gold is so expensive. The energy/work it takes to extract and purify it is staggering.

    • @ricknelson1137
      @ricknelson1137 Год назад +2

      More because of it's rarity.

    • @ssnerd583
      @ssnerd583 Год назад +2

      @@ricknelson1137 the determining factor in the production of gold from a commercial standpoint is if it can be mined for a profit. there is gold everywhere, but much of it isnt concentrated enough to make it viable to produce.

    • @TwoFingeredMamma
      @TwoFingeredMamma Год назад

      We were gentically engineered by aliens to mine gold. They ship it off to their planet Niburi to create an atmospheric shield against solar radiation according to Zercheria Sitchin.
      This is why gold is expensive.

  • @meryemsevgioyundoluvideola9612
    @meryemsevgioyundoluvideola9612 Год назад +497

    people are running to solar cloud farm mining to mine their bitcoins because they can’t trade anymore, and I think that's a smart move.

  • @Dave_9547
    @Dave_9547 Год назад +1

    This video was interesting and very informative. Those gold samples from Jeff Williams mine were beautiful.

  • @josephcormier5974
    @josephcormier5974 Год назад

    Thanks Jason for another awesome video six stars brother

  • @johannesdesloper8434
    @johannesdesloper8434 Год назад

    Yeah awesome vid Jason. I like to see new things and it where cool things.

  • @ronsmith3065
    @ronsmith3065 Год назад +1

    Just realized that a ceramic tile saw is what you need for slabbing smaller samples. Harbor freight sells these tile saws w diamond water cooled blade.

  • @johnnyfercik2455
    @johnnyfercik2455 Год назад +1

    That's what my dad goes after, the hard rock stuff and he Douses for the veins. GodBlessAmen.

  • @ÖmerSadak-c9u
    @ÖmerSadak-c9u Год назад +713

    Many of us have started mining on solar cloud farm mining; I no longer want to hold or trade Gold.

  • @stevenyuhas1510
    @stevenyuhas1510 Год назад

    Excellent video!

  • @garrettmillsap
    @garrettmillsap Год назад

    Think it's all great news Jason! Sending thanks from oregon!

  • @lookingforsomething505
    @lookingforsomething505 Год назад

    I hope you keep going this direction. Really enjoyed this video.

  • @wigi49
    @wigi49 Год назад

    at 1:27, is that a speck of gold in the middle-upper right?

  • @shanna74
    @shanna74 Год назад

    Hello from small town pa. That little microscope phone attachment is awesome. Never seen anything like that before. Great shots of beautiful shiny gold!

  • @jameswatt8841
    @jameswatt8841 Год назад

    Ok I’m obsessed now this is awesome

  • @chrislilly1463
    @chrislilly1463 Год назад +2

    You had me geeking out through the whole video. Microscope gold, slabbing, polishing.
    About the e-Bay samples, would you ship to Canada? I know the shipping would suck, but I'm game if you are.

    • @TeddyBear-os7is
      @TeddyBear-os7is Год назад

      He has a special rock just for you that he was going to toss.

  • @Pitbull.Prospecting
    @Pitbull.Prospecting Год назад

    Awesome idea Jason can't wait to see how it all works

  • @rustybarbacles355
    @rustybarbacles355 Год назад

    Good looking stuff

  • @jimmime
    @jimmime Год назад

    Thanks, Jason. Good luck with getting a rock saw!

  • @williamscoggin1509
    @williamscoggin1509 Год назад +2

    I've seen the microscope used to look at cut agates but gold in quartz looked great under it too. 👍🏻

  • @markroper9269
    @markroper9269 Год назад

    Love the video! Some of that gold looks like a mass of plant roots.....nice microscope!

  • @inqwit1
    @inqwit1 Год назад

    Great to see the crystals, getting a better closeup video tour of these spcimens could take it to the next level.

  • @donaldfitzgerald8950
    @donaldfitzgerald8950 Год назад

    Love it Jason, especially some of that shiny from Jeff's hole in the wall, I'd just like to try finding it ...,.lol!😊

  • @Rjtarpon14
    @Rjtarpon14 Год назад


  • @ironhorse7588
    @ironhorse7588 Год назад +1

    Great content and walking us through what we're looking at.
    I'm a happy subscriber. Keep up the great work Jason. 👍

  • @Phoenix_Enterprises
    @Phoenix_Enterprises Год назад +1

    Haha love it. Nice to be able to see into the rock and see exactly how/where the gold is running.

  • @bobboyington5106
    @bobboyington5106 Год назад

    Yes , like the gold from Jeff W and want to see the stuff off the pillar and the heli gold. Awsome stuff , ps I like how Jeff does his give aways too. Thanks for all the videos , awsome

  • @TeddyBear-os7is
    @TeddyBear-os7is Год назад

    I hope u come to BC this summer and spend some time panning with Dan and Pauly

  • @Escarii66
    @Escarii66 Год назад

    Fantastic video! It'd be amazing to put some acid on a couple of small gold bearing spots so you can see how the gold structure is distributed over the host minerals in 3D!

  • @swedenfrommycam
    @swedenfrommycam Год назад

    Thanks J, keep on digging! Your vlogs helps a bunch 😀

  • @dodgeit3014
    @dodgeit3014 Год назад

    Good idea on getting it funded through a membership type program

  • @johnramirez5032
    @johnramirez5032 Год назад

    Funny thing is i was thinking of doing slabbing and polishing. I been slowly crushingvand panning looking for gold. Its takes time cause im not set for it. My samples are coming from gravel base rock that have been threw igneous temperature and they loom promising. Not for making a strike but to satisfy my idea of there being gold at all. I have alot of respect for Yours and Jeff perseverance and knowledge. I know it took a lot of time and effort to get to the point you have gotten to. With the power of this utube you now can hopefully make some money which will allow you to do more of what you love to do more. Thankyou and i will consider helping you out if i can.

  • @tommymasters9410
    @tommymasters9410 3 месяца назад

    is that small electrum wires?

  • @victorbryant2791
    @victorbryant2791 Год назад

    Just curious but when you cut slabs of ore like that do you/can you pan the cuttings from the saw? Is it feasible?

  • @KD0CAC
    @KD0CAC Год назад

    Thanks again Jason ,
    Not sure about vug & bug - are they 2 different terms & some definitions ?

  • @aredditor4272
    @aredditor4272 Год назад +1

    Possibly silver in those rocks. Looks a lot like a silver ore sample I have.

  • @laurat5143
    @laurat5143 Год назад

    I really wasn't expecting to see the gold in such crystal forms. Thoes samples were very gorgeous and very special to through a microscope. Thank you for sharing your amazing adventure, looking in to the rock/crystals.❤😊😮wow.

  • @ChannonWW2214
    @ChannonWW2214 Год назад

    That's a great video Jason great content and like getting The view with everyone else will let that little gold looks like and those little nooks..🤔🤔👍🇺🇸

  • @Slipknot60
    @Slipknot60 Год назад +1

    Jason I'd love to support you and Jeff but I'm on a budget at this time of my life! But if I get some extra money I'd love to help support you guys!! Love y'all's channel and enjoy watching!!

  • @ponesty
    @ponesty Год назад


  • @kitliong1997
    @kitliong1997 Год назад

    U r a good person

  • @carlgruver695
    @carlgruver695 Год назад +1

    Meminer cuts his rocks mostly silver they look beautiful

  • @ahricchappell6937
    @ahricchappell6937 Год назад

    "There is some gold, wow there is some really good gold right there, wow this works really well actually" made me laugh

  • @berkay8617
    @berkay8617 Год назад

    What is the best mining plan to use with solar cloud farm mining?

  • @LeTrashPanda
    @LeTrashPanda Год назад

    Last time I saw crystalline gold was in a bench jeweler's class @ GIA, this journey was super cool glad you lived through that adventure at Cerro Gordo. 😉

  • @me5768
    @me5768 Год назад +2

    I had several tons of that ore when we mined that mine back in 1985. Nobody would buy it then as specimens so I milled it all guess I should have starved and saved it for the future. 🤣

  • @blainemilliron3870
    @blainemilliron3870 Год назад

    let me recommend dimnon pacific for a good maching for polishing

  • @snchilders
    @snchilders Год назад

    You need to fix up a tiny LED right next to the camera lens, so it would reflect the light from the gold.

  • @scotturquhart4311
    @scotturquhart4311 Год назад

    How can I find the video of you chipping off that really rich but really dangerous pillar Jason?

  • @engelkep504
    @engelkep504 Год назад

    Thanks Jason, Nice Video!, would like to support but as I'm from other side of the globe, it doesn't make sense as shipping costs would be outragious... but please go on.. I learn a lot here!

  • @calebfast8088
    @calebfast8088 Год назад

    I wish I knew you were in the market for a rock saw, I just saw one at an estate sale near me a few weeks back!
    That being said, that could be a good place to look for yourself, maybe get a whole suite of that sort of equipment. There are lots of rock hounders out there! :)

  • @HansFormerlyTraffer
    @HansFormerlyTraffer Год назад

    Maybe you could make little mounts with some of your own milled wood from your forest. Wouldn't that be cool?

  • @silverdawn2767
    @silverdawn2767 Год назад

    You should check the specimens for interconnected gold it will let you know if one bit of gold on the specimen connects too other bits im pretty sure you use a voltage meter

  • @MrYabbie
    @MrYabbie Год назад

    try a caustic shallow bath to remove the quartz

  • @larry785
    @larry785 Год назад +1

    You really should start saving up for an X-ray machine or an XRF machine!

  • @Jammer.1
    @Jammer.1 Год назад

    Once you get the rock saw your going love it so i would love to suggest try getting bigger rocks the biggest the saw can cut then offer slab slices and paper weights myself u'd buy one slab 1" thick if it was like 8" round or square !

  • @Ltn.Immelmann
    @Ltn.Immelmann Год назад

    Best regards from Germany. If I didn't know Prospector Trip, I would never have found your channel.
    Always interesting, pal ⚒👍🤠

  • @lisambogart5355
    @lisambogart5355 Год назад

    Yes, thank-you for the great videos! I have learned a lot! Awesome job!😎❤️✌🏻🕷🦇🦉🔮👻🇺🇸

  • @antoniocambaya4834
    @antoniocambaya4834 Год назад


  • @robertbriggs1968
    @robertbriggs1968 Год назад +1

    Will a metal detector or a pinpoiter get a signal ?

  • @glennmiller2494
    @glennmiller2494 Год назад

    Jason, I took a picture of the moon threw my telescope and you could see the holes on the moon, and told my brother look how good my cellphone magnifies and he told me his could do that to. I've been looking for something like that, thanks for the info

  • @rayroripaugh3222
    @rayroripaugh3222 Год назад

    I was wondering about the helicopter sample

  • @scruggsbuster9458
    @scruggsbuster9458 Год назад +2

    You are so right it is cool gold is so beautiful in its natural rock😮 I have never seen gold like this before close up😮 so thank you for the video😮 I look forward to seeing more of the helicopter rocks being crushed or cut thank you for the video❤❤❤😂😂🎉🎉🎉

  • @chucksweet7533
    @chucksweet7533 Год назад

    That gold is all vugged up!

  • @monkfoobar
    @monkfoobar Год назад

    7:00 it looks like a lava lamp. The vugs are floating bubbles in a fluid of white quartz

  • @seanb3516
    @seanb3516 Год назад

    Glue an eyelash to the end of the lens and you can user it as a pointer

  • @jeffreyromanelli1708
    @jeffreyromanelli1708 Год назад

    Hi Jason. I've followed your shows for years and enjoy them. I have two vibrating slab polishers that I was gifted years ago and have never used. Don't know if you'd be interested.... Here in Conway (south of Mount Vernon) just off I-5.

  • @abelincoln95
    @abelincoln95 Год назад +2

    Great video series, Matt!! You said those samples from Jeff had a lot of Wulfenite in it. Is that some of the yellow???

  • @StevenMartin8000
    @StevenMartin8000 Год назад

    Great. I will buy a sample. We talked a while back. I make cedar leaf essential oil. My business has grown ten times since we last talked. I am now purchasing mining equipment with my cedar business profits.

  • @mcjdubpower
    @mcjdubpower Год назад

    Lovin the vids, thank you 💯😆❤️🔥👍👌💪😁

  • @snchilders
    @snchilders Год назад

    I wonder how much gold the saw blade took out?

  • @almilaboz9660
    @almilaboz9660 Год назад

    How many people are mining with solar cloud farm mining?

  • @twisttwister8254
    @twisttwister8254 Год назад

    Wow 😮

  • @ThrowingItAway
    @ThrowingItAway Год назад

    This would be great with a back light through the rock.

  • @gyvren
    @gyvren Год назад

    That lens would be good for looking at your trichromes too.. 😉

  • @kralpro6807
    @kralpro6807 Год назад

    It’s high time you start talking about Solar Cloud Farms mining

  • @judgehastheword9069
    @judgehastheword9069 Год назад

    I just placed bets on 3 different ones. Would love just to win one.

  • @CherrYxDragon
    @CherrYxDragon Год назад

    The mining machines for solar cloud farm mining are booming. Wow.

  • @NexVoidGaming
    @NexVoidGaming Год назад

    ROCKS! EFF YEAH! 🥳🥳🥳

  • @petersacpa7000
    @petersacpa7000 Год назад

    Nice I want to work there,,,😂😂😂

  • @sterfwastaken
    @sterfwastaken Год назад

    What is solar cloud farm mining all about?

  • @heidirausch9735
    @heidirausch9735 Год назад

    Any truth to what l've heard that metal detectors don't pick up the presence of gold dust? If so, it is true even with large quantities of gold dust?

  • @Augoldensage
    @Augoldensage Год назад

    Minute 12:06 ! ! !

  • @ethanwilson1001
    @ethanwilson1001 Год назад

    That white-ish metal could be a Titanium oxide.

  • @memyshelfandeye318
    @memyshelfandeye318 Год назад

    13:57 Looks like there's another shiny, whitisch metal associated with the gold. Silver?

  • @billythekid-tm5ed
    @billythekid-tm5ed Год назад

    That white substance your talking about is "White Gold !" You got the mentally of O'Slim !

  • @onurismet7426
    @onurismet7426 Год назад

    Who’s using the custom mining plans on solar cloud farm mining?

  • @loriazevedo5994
    @loriazevedo5994 Год назад

    I think all the yellow is gold

  • @fikriyeklc
    @fikriyeklc Год назад

    Why are they only mining bitcoins on solar cloud farm mining ??

  • @glennhird8398
    @glennhird8398 Год назад

    They are so cool that you 2 could go into business . They will sell like hotcakes? How much? SO COME ON.. LETS GO !!!

  • @rh5563
    @rh5563 Год назад


  • @akd3634
    @akd3634 Год назад

    Hi gold find help sir please

  • @Sönmezkırlangıç
    @Sönmezkırlangıç Год назад

    I am a crypto trader and a gold seller, and I would most advise you to stick with Solar Cloud Farms mining.

  • @jeffreylamb4520
    @jeffreylamb4520 Год назад

    I have a rock that I cut open and no one so far can tell me what it is.

  • @revolt7829
    @revolt7829 Год назад


  • @luisarias8077
    @luisarias8077 Год назад

    Give it it for free. To patrons.

  • @gulsumceyhan8748
    @gulsumceyhan8748 Год назад

    How many people came from TikTok to watch this video ?? And just started with Solar Cloud Farms mining, changing people’s lives.

  • @daniellecrawford6933
    @daniellecrawford6933 Год назад

    You just gave away NASA's secret on how they take pictures of planets