I agree with all of this. I've been bullied online, it never really phased me. I don't understand other people who get so upset. That's not to say it isn't difficult to deal with, but 2 has a very good point.
***** You would think that's how people would feel. But for some reason, most of them would rather embrace their victimization and use it to define who they are in order to gain special attention than to rise above it and fight to get rid of it.
***** I think what everybody means to say is that different kinds of bullying have different effects on some people than they do on others and from their experience and point of view, online bullying was something easier dealt with. Obviously how they deal with it is different from how others do and perhaps they found it easier to handle because of who they are? I've met people who genuinely were bullied online and in 'the real world' and felt awful from both experiences. But i've also met people who use it as a way of getting attention. And I've met people who have been 'bullied' but weren't really being bullied because they didn't let it bother them so they weren't really victims in the first place. We all sort through our problems differently, and I think all of you are correct.
Cyber bullying and a actual Bulling is the same shit if you ask me. There is Mental abuse and Physical Abuse. People go to far with both, there are mentally Ill people and very unstable people, just one vile world or bad thought might set them off.
I don't like blaming the victim but It is hard for me to take cyber bullying seriously. I have been bullied in real life so don't tell me its the same thing.
Eiko Vivi How? Run? Than the bully will catch you, punch back? No, they makes you just as bad as the bully and you're probably smaller than the bully, but you know what you can do when your getting cyber bullied? Press the block/report button.
I blame the enforcement of "political correctness" for our society's problems. When I was growing up the rule was "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". WTF has happened to us since then??? We have become way too hyper-sensitive and now have to worry that even the most innocent word we speak may actually offend someone. And yes, people do get depressed but all depression is treatable. The only difference is that person has to WANT to make a change to end that depression. If they are not willing to make some effort to get help for themselves all the help in the world is not gonna make a difference.
This video is over a decade old now, yet all the points mentioned are still relevant to this day. Social media and the strain it has had on the mental health of everyone who uses has created so much conflict between many online communities, and it is a little worrying to see that this is an issue that has worsened with time because the government had handled the whole ‘cyber-bullying is bad’ think the complete wrong way.
When I was in high school, there was one bullying incident. They stuffed the kid in a locker and sealed it with a handgun lock. It took an hour and a half for anyone to realize he was there
I agree. Cyber bullying laws are extremely anti freedom of speech. One of my teachers did a presentation on how dangerous words are, and she gave an example of someone who went to jail for 3 weeks because a feminist didn't like what they said. They disagreed with someone's idea and were silenced and put in jail for it apparently, and in the presentation, their imprisonment was used as if it was proof of how wrong it is to offend people online.
I can't help but agree with this rant. Taking some pissant's derogatory opinion about you seriously to the point of self-harming and death is ridiculous. Don't take a random person's derogatory opinion about you seriously because you look that insane for doing it.
BatmanStrikesAgain Well, it's not as black and white as you think. Maybe a few of those cowards had to deal with the people that cyber bullied them every day. Bullying isn't just physical. It's emotional and verbal too. Believe me, I know how hellish that is. I've dealt with emotional and verbal abuse throughout my entire school life. It fucked me up. Even more than my asperger's already has... Now, I'm not vindicating people who commit suicide, quite the opposite.
***** in school I've been actually bullied by a female teacher. it wasn't physical for me either. So don't assume i don't know what it's like because you think my point is black and white. I was 7 at the time she was mid 20s.
+Evan Gragg 'his views differ from mine, therefore he's a sociopath. Must be because anyone who says thing I don't agree with sound like sociopaths'. Some logic there
Teebz 1000 thats a strawman. I never said all people who disagree with me are sociopaths. This guy sounds like a sociopath because of his complete lack of empathy, his social darwinist views, & using sociopath talking points.
Just saw YMS' Cyberbully review and it sent me straight to this vid. Awesome video man. Spot on time. When it comes to people who kill themselves because they suffer from depression, that is heart breaking. But when it comes to these dumb bitches who kill themselves because someone called them fat or some other shit and think it's the end of the world, yeah they're cowards. DON'T FEED THE TROLLS.
While I don't agree with the helping people off themselves bit, the rest of this was pretty spot on. What people don't realize is cyber bullies do not cause depression, they only feed off the depression you're already experiencing in your life, and most likely trying to hide from on the internet. And the only solution to that is finding out what is causing your depression and confront it head on; If you run from it believing it will go away on its own, you're only lying to yourself, it doesn't work that way. You can make all the laws you want in to the world to combat cyber bullying, but it's not gonna work. We got laws against pedophiles and drunk drivers, but they still exist in the world now, don't they? The unfortunate fact is bullying is as old has humanity itself, and the internet has not helped at all. But sadly as long as the internet continues to exist, trolls and bullies will continue to exist... that's just the way it is. All you can do is if you feel they start to get to you, unplug the computer and walk away for awhile; Do not feed them the attention they crave.
People don't realize is when they post their problems online they are making themselves an easy target for trolls and bullies. It's also sad that more and more people are trying to use the internet as an escape from the real world, giving themselves a false sense of security that they are perfectly safe online, which is far from the truth.
I completely agree, but what do they do, then? Is it okay to let them die? No. They either get off the Internet or tell someone. If they don't do that and they take their life, I personally have no sympathy because they knew what they were doing. Depression, anxiety, bipolar can take over you, but you're still there. You have the choice to either seek help and get well or stay in the hole you've dug yourself and wither. People who do nothing only have themselves to blame when they start to experience those feelings. I know for me, I quit going to a counselor because I thought I would get better on my own. I'm stupid for thinking that since my disorders only got worse. So instead, I deleted my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, and RUclips, and hung around in the real world with books, movies, and other enjoyable things. Just because you don't think you deserve help doesn't mean you can't do anything about it. I'd think if you thought you didn't deserve help, you'd be really deep into whatever disorder by that time. But still, you don't have the right to pity yourself to the point of death which is what suicide is. An escape from pain can be found nearly everywhere. If that person is set on keeping their Internet personalities, why not go somewhere where they feel accepted? There is no excuse to off yourself because of cyber bullying. None.
People need to learn he's/she's just as human as you, and if they hurt your feelings hurt them back, if you hit you.... FIGHT THEM! Oh and if there's a group of people, you must be doing something right. To get a hole group to talk about you?? That means the get in a group and talk NOTHING BETTER to do.
Finally someone speaks out the truth. I so agree on you with this. Boohoo...someone called me a bad name...there's like, an ignore or block button for that, isn't there, or the little cross at the top of your screen. People getting butthurt over this rant should learn to see the reality and truth in this rant. Thank you for saying that which people don't want to realise.
Emotional bullying can be pretty shitty, but only when the bullies actually harass the victim for a very VERY long time, seeking the person out and trying their best to make their lives as shitty as possible.
I favourited this clip like, a year ago and used to watch it like every week for awhile. My boyfriend just broke up with me (which isn't my point) and while I'm searching frantically to cheer me up, I find this you again. What I want to say, is Thank You Gryphon For Being So Amazing and for cheering me up when I think the world oculdn't get any worse. :)
Please write a transcript for this. This is amazing. And I would love to copy/paste it and smash it into the face of anyone who keeps thinking cyberbullying is the end of the damn world.
I showed my Father this video, He agreed with what you said, but didn't like how you said it.(all the swearing) But That made him a hypocrite seeing how he always swears at Anything and everything.
Hey 2! Im from the future and I've travelled that far to warn you that everything you said is true! Spread the message man! Good luck~ 2023 Edit: I feel sorry for having written the above... I wholeheartely disagree with what you said on the vid. Its worth making laws to protect victims from any kind of bullying, and 2... not everyone has the same mindset as you. Some people have lost hope, or could be vulnerable or guideless and getting attacked or their info exposed, or could have been suffering from major depression prior to getting exposed to bullying; those bullies must be held accountable for their actions and not just throw full accountability on the victims (lol, no1 commits suicide JUST BeCAusE they've been called "fat"). "If you cant add value on your life, then why shouldn't we" because with that way they'd harvest their value to contribute to you and to society. Some people are vulnerable, sad, but they do hold good qualities to offer. Laws are there to protect citizens. No, no1 said that homelessness or parentless people are less important. Last but not least, your quotation had made you sound a bit unexperienced, Idk for now, but Im letting you know this: Maybe some people struggle to add value to their lives... but some managed to add by external help, either from professionals and parents - yes even by law enforcement - so they can move on and shine~ So allow me to say this: Yes, I do feel sorry for them, because with that mental and emotional mindset,I can be at peace, that at least I can help hopless people to find their light and stand on their own feet, becoming eventually more indepedent and develope farther a tough skin by spreading awareness, and for pushing for taugher legislation in order to protect vulnerable people, who might not share the same emotional tough skin as you. Things are more nuanced
Bahaha, some of the hate comments are funny. Like, seriously, I don't agree with everything you say here, and I suffer from depression as well, but I'm not dumb enough to hate someone who makes valid points just because he said ONE thing that made me a bit upset. Who the fuck even does that?
You would be amazed how quickly people go off the deep end for the most insignificant things. Depression is an unfortunate part of life, so long as it doesn't control your life. Trust me, I've been there.
Yesterday morning I'm on the way to work, and I hear on the news that they are trying to pass or update a law here in NJ on cyberbully-ing and harassment, and the radio says "This law will protect individuals from the verbal and *physical* abuse of comes from cyber harassment..." Are people receiving lacerations or bruises from reading insults on the internet now, or are people being held responsible when they act mean to someone, and that person goes and kills or cuts themselves?
omg even though this was so true I was still dying laughing, your brutal honesty was so great and refreshing to hear and keep at it because dear god you are amazing
OMG, 2. This is HILARIOUS and extremely motivating/uplifting at the same time. Rude, crude, straight to the point, and HELLA spot on. WELL done, gryphon-man! B-)
I didn't expect to completely agree with this video so much. I thought it was going to be another unrealistic video about how we should all learn to hold hands and say nice things to everyone all the time or be guilty of manslaughter. Words are just words. Offense is taken, not given, so people should just learn to get over themselves.
We need to post this all over tumblr. I'm sick of all the people like this on that site, and this video is so beautiful. There should be a choir of angels in the background
listen, you like vodka, I like vodka, you can rant about anything, I can rant about anything let's get 200 dollars worth of vodka (for decent stuff, it would be about 6 liters of vodka) and talk about nothing while it means everything @2
I'm sorry but the only part of this video I agree with is that killing yourself so others will feel bad is throwing your life away. But you are aware that feelings are not controllable, right? And that some people are extreme dicks that will not stop until you leave the website or commit suicide? This is more than just saying "you're ugly" or "you're stupid". Many people, myself included, have been bombarded with messages that are extremely hurtful, demeaning,and cruel. And some people can't help their reactions to that, and on sites like tumblr blocking doesn't help. And nobody is sending cyber-bullies to jail. However, it is not that much to ask to kick them off of websites and make life easier for those who didn't ask to be bullied in the first place.
You do realize that trolls and bullies have existed as long as the internet itself right? And sorry, but it's virtually impossible to rid the world wide web of every single troll and bully that exists online. As long as the internet continues to exist, such trash will continue to exist. That's the unfortunate reality of the world we live in. And this may sound harsh, but if you feel the need to validate your entire existence from what you read online, you need to reexamine your priorities in life. There are much worse things to deal with in life than words on a computer screen.
And yes, feelings ARE controllable. It takes a sense of self-awareness to where when you find yourself experiencing those feelings, use the power you have to redirect them from something negative into something positive.
SparkDalmatian You may not be able to rid the internet of every troll and bully, but measures should be taken to protect the victim so they can at least enjoy themselves. Yes, we should teach people that the Internet doesn't define you but for a lot of kids their entire life is social media. And you can control what you do with your feelings but not the feelings themselves.
Sugardaddy501 It's not "letting the internet define them" it's "these words hurt and I can't help that" also maybe you shouldn't be a dick online? Is it really that hard?
2, just because of you I've gotten a bunch of my friends who hate furries to love them now just because of how amazing and right you are about everything. Love you 2!
Apparently, Mr. 2 The Ranting Gryphon has no idea what depression is and why people decide to kill themselves. He doesn’t know that someone doesn’t just decide one day, out of the blue, that they want to die. People don’t kill themselves because one person made fun of them over the internet, in a single event. People kill themselves because the pain that they feel is more than they can handle. It isn’t because they’re weak, it isn’t because they’re looking for attention, and it isn’t because they’re trying to be edgy. People often struggle alone, for years and years, and go through a lot of physical and mental pain before they decide that suicide is their only choice. Can you imagine, that for years, and years, people have told you that you’re basically dirt to be cleaned off of their shoes? What if your own parents didn’t even want you? What if, every time you tried your very hardest to do something, it just was not good enough, even if you worked harder than everyone else? What then? What if you started believing them? I mean, there’s a reason they think this way, right? What if I really am not good enough. Maybe this world would be better without me. What if people beat you at school, left death threats on your phone, and no matter what you said or who you talked to, people didn’t listen. "Oh, they’re just being kids. Bullying builds character. You need to toughen up". It must be your fault, then. And you don’t feel safe anymore. You’re legitimately scared. And it happens again and again. So you start cutting, that’s the only way you can deal with your feelings, because for years, and years, and years, nothing else has worked. It escalates. And you get scars, and people call you a freak. “Why would you cut yourself on purpose, what’s the matter with you, you freak?" And it’s at that point you realise that no one, ever, could care about you, no matter what. You don’t belong here. You don’t deserve to be here. You’re just trash that no one wants to deal with. And that’s when you decide that the only way to fix this is to end your life. Can you imagine that? Because that’s how it works. No one decides to kill themselves just because one person, one time, made fun of them.
Wow. Do you know me? Do you know where I stand on things like depression? All I did was fucking quote the guy and suddenly I'm a sick and twisted failure of a person, apparently. Wanna see who the bully is in this conversation? Check a mirror, if you can find one high enough for your horse to see itself too.
I realize that being bullied online seems like the end of the world (I am purposely excluding anyone with depression or other mental compromises because I dont know what its like having that so I can't judge it) but in the end, these people don't have any power over you. I was bullied and people were mean to me but as long as I showed apathy no one bugged me, because I didn't let them see that they phased me. And after highschool this stuff is nonexistent. The ONLY exception where I find that the law SHOULD come into play is when you are being extorted online.
I get that some people who are already mentally unstable might see being called names on the internet as the last straw... but most of what you see on the internet isn't enough to hurt someone. Can people on the internet manage to really disrupt your life? Sure, maybe. I've heard some crazy stories where people ended up with serious real-life problems because of internet jackasses. And that is definitely bad. But if you go on a forum and everyone calls you names, JUST LEAVE. There's no reason for you to stand there and take it.
Anything to do with death involves natural selection. And if you feel your life isn't worth living because someone is "bullying you" then it probably isn't. And I can say the last part of your comment isn't true for sure because I've been there; I've LIVED through that experience. I do know how she felt. When it all comes down to it, it only matters if your life is valuable to YOU and weather or not YOU have the WILLPOWER to keep on living it.
fedorable content Are you only capable of childishly acting like the world revolves around you? Humor is a subjective term and whats funny to you and whats funny to everybody else is not the same thing.
Its safe assume he uses alts to throw opposition to the reality of how unfunny he is because he is so unfunny he has to use alts to whiteknite his crap or maybe furries are really big fans of untalented dancers singers and self proclaimed comedians that are just retarded people just acting like someone else
fedorable content I am not an alt account at all; look at my channel; and it is 99% music. You do not have to watch what you dislike. Do not assume that just because I say watch something else that I am an alt.
As a psychiatrist I support bullying to no end. Because of it my family is living the life of luxory. I make $400 a week per patient and I see forty patience a week which totals $832,000 a year. I have a house on the beach, a $60,000 custom made hummer, and a private teacher to home school my children so they won't have to deal with bullying. And sometimes I hire a few teenagers to bully some kids so I can improve my number of patients. It is a plan that is fool proof.
2! I Love You!!!!!!! Your Rants Are Full Of Truth, And Hilarity. I Channel My Inner Griffon Whenever I Come Across Stupidity And Ignorance In The World. You Have Been Inspiring Me For Over 8 Years Now. Also, Your Gaming Vids Are A Hoot ^.^ Hope Life Is Treating You Well My Angry Bald Gay Griffon Friend :D Best Wishes ^.^
Bullying through the internet I agree with the view here. But I was bullied long before the internet existed and my bullies are lucky I was not ready to reapond to them at the time.
Back when I was growing up the catchphrase was "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." What the fuck has happened to us since then??? While I don't condone suicide because it is the most selfish act a person can commit, a line has to be drawn somewhere, short of the rest of the world bending itself over backwards because a few select people simply find "life too hard for them to deal with".
I nearly broke the like button on this one, He is so damn funny. I went to my first con this year and I was lucky to see him in action god I never laughed so hard in my life. 2 needs to keep up his work some of its terrible yet true and he makes it funny.
How do you feel about SWATting and Doxing? I know that they are not classified as cyber-bulling, but they are most certainly worse than calling someone fat.
2gryphon, I would like to personally thank you for making this video, I don't care if you never read this, let the record show that you are awesome for this video alone.
In cyberbullying cases, I don't see it as a tragedy and the victims as angels. I see it as normal and the victims as weaklings. Then people call me a cyberbully.
+Nick Lars With cyberbullying, I don't see any victims at all. How can you be a victim of something you are willingly participating in? If the internet is mean to you and you don't like it, turn the damned thing off!
I'm just saying, it's better to have liked this video after seeing it for the first time on another website, than to never know about it in the first place. Also, thank you for your response, I know now to never spam a message ever again.
I am the straitest, none furry guy, and the man here makes the most sence out of our choatic world of America. Thank you 2 for being the worlds most bad ass gryphon on the whole fucking world! :D
Let's just change that good old-fashioned proverb to "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, unless they're being said over the internet, in that case, shit just got so real, you don't even know".
The Xenomorph xD
+Josiah Bazan THAIR HE IZ!!!
Thank you Adam from YourMovieSucks for introducing me to this masterpiece.
+Bailey Jones He's actually sent a good bunch of people here. I'm glad you like it! :)
+Bailey Jones ha thats why im here too, love it.
+2, The Ranting Gryphon this the funniest rant I've seen because it's the first one
+Bailey Jones which episode is that one?
Sebastian Butler Cyberbully Review.
That tour of the internet was so painfully accurate. So who wants to help me set Bambi on fire?
I got the matches!
xercespriest Nah, firewood is better and make sure it's from the same forest. You live in that forest, you will die in that forest.
Arctic Phantom Me! So should we use kerosene?
Hold up... I making a chemical fire right... Now...
I agree with all of this. I've been bullied online, it never really phased me. I don't understand other people who get so upset. That's not to say it isn't difficult to deal with, but 2 has a very good point.
In this day and age, people feel "empowered" by being a victim. It's almost like reverse evolution.
***** You would think that's how people would feel. But for some reason, most of them would rather embrace their victimization and use it to define who they are in order to gain special attention than to rise above it and fight to get rid of it.
***** You can't punch people and steal their lunch money over the internet.
Namecalling is just hot air.
***** I think what everybody means to say is that different kinds of bullying have different effects on some people than they do on others and from their experience and point of view, online bullying was something easier dealt with. Obviously how they deal with it is different from how others do and perhaps they found it easier to handle because of who they are?
I've met people who genuinely were bullied online and in 'the real world' and felt awful from both experiences. But i've also met people who use it as a way of getting attention. And I've met people who have been 'bullied' but weren't really being bullied because they didn't let it bother them so they weren't really victims in the first place. We all sort through our problems differently, and I think all of you are correct.
I'm sorry but if online namecalling makes you feel depressed, grow a fucking skin.
Extreme opinions presented in an unforgiving 'in your face' manner. I agree on every point, though.
That's true but I agree that's the way it has to be done. Exaggerate and aggressively to the point its the only way to get peoples attention nowadays.
*W H A T D I D Y O U D O*
Now, you can get into more trouble for being a "cyber bully" than an actual bully.
Forward-thinking times we're living in.
Cyber bullying and a actual Bulling is the same shit if you ask me. There is Mental abuse and Physical Abuse. People go to far with both, there are mentally Ill people and very unstable people, just one vile world or bad thought might set them off.
@RatzfireStoryteller I'm so sorry, and I know cyber bullying is bad, but just turn it off, it's like drugs, just quit pussy
I don't like blaming the victim but It is hard for me to take cyber bullying seriously. I have been bullied in real life so don't tell me its the same thing.
Yeah same you can escape cyber-bulling. You can't escape real bullying
Yes you can escape real bullying.
Eiko Vivi How? Run? Than the bully will catch you, punch back? No, they makes you just as bad as the bully and you're probably smaller than the bully, but you know what you can do when your getting cyber bullied? Press the block/report button.
Victem blaming isn't real
Came here from YMS. This video is beautiful. You good sir have earned a sub.
+Trollstian Well, thank you! It's great to have you here! :)
+Kyle And Sonic Sorry sir, but your trolling was too obvious. Please try again at a later time.
Don't be a jerk too!
It's been 8 years and this still is one of my favourite videos on the internet
The acid one is also fantastic
I blame the enforcement of "political correctness" for our society's problems. When I was growing up the rule was "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me".
WTF has happened to us since then??? We have become way too hyper-sensitive and now have to worry that even the most innocent word we speak may actually offend someone.
And yes, people do get depressed but all depression is treatable. The only difference is that person has to WANT to make a change to end that depression. If they are not willing to make some effort to get help for themselves all the help in the world is not gonna make a difference.
i blame you, personally, for our society's problems. just fyi
That's a nice way to put it. I'd just say we've turned into pussies. Or... oops! Does that word make people cry now? I forget.
zrok Piss off, troll.
2gryphon What can I say? Our whole society has become pussified... yes, I said "PUSSIFIED"!!!! X3
SparkDalmatian i really rather wish you hadn't
This video is over a decade old now, yet all the points mentioned are still relevant to this day. Social media and the strain it has had on the mental health of everyone who uses has created so much conflict between many online communities, and it is a little worrying to see that this is an issue that has worsened with time because the government had handled the whole ‘cyber-bullying is bad’ think the complete wrong way.
When I was in high school, there was one bullying incident. They stuffed the kid in a locker and sealed it with a handgun lock. It took an hour and a half for anyone to realize he was there
Now THAT'S a bully!
+2, The Ranting Gryphon yeas
That's actually sounds like something a really bully would do and something I need to look out for
John Roberts I didn't live in the nicest neighborhood.
Agreed, cyber bullies would never do that.
I agree. Cyber bullying laws are extremely anti freedom of speech. One of my teachers did a presentation on how dangerous words are, and she gave an example of someone who went to jail for 3 weeks because a feminist didn't like what they said. They disagreed with someone's idea and were silenced and put in jail for it apparently, and in the presentation, their imprisonment was used as if it was proof of how wrong it is to offend people online.
YMS showed me the way here
Yep me too.
Same here
De weyy
I dunno. But I'm glad you're watching at least! :)
2, The Ranting Gryphon what should i respond?
because hes beyond hilarious and his rants are so true.
There's three types of people in the internet, the dickbags, the whiners, and people who don't give a shit.
Kinoko4 because he's too woke and knows too much.
I can't help but agree with this rant. Taking some pissant's derogatory opinion about you seriously to the point of self-harming and death is ridiculous. Don't take a random person's derogatory opinion about you seriously because you look that insane for doing it.
More than half the people who take their own life from this have to be insane. Cyberbullying doesn't exist after all.
They must be. How true.
Adel Antoinette
Or on an episode of Frienemies.
Well, it's not as black and white as you think. Maybe a few of those cowards had to deal with the people that cyber bullied them every day. Bullying isn't just physical. It's emotional and verbal too. Believe me, I know how hellish that is. I've dealt with emotional and verbal abuse throughout my entire school life. It fucked me up. Even more than my asperger's already has...
Now, I'm not vindicating people who commit suicide, quite the opposite.
***** in school I've been actually bullied by a female teacher. it wasn't physical for me either. So don't assume i don't know what it's like because you think my point is black and white. I was 7 at the time she was mid 20s.
This is the best video ever created. period.
+Cadattack123 he sounds like a sociopath to me
+Evan Gragg 'his views differ from mine, therefore he's a sociopath. Must be because anyone who says thing I don't agree with sound like sociopaths'.
Some logic there
Teebz 1000 thats a strawman. I never said all people who disagree with me are sociopaths.
This guy sounds like a sociopath because of his complete lack of empathy, his social darwinist views, & using sociopath talking points.
***** do elaborate on 'sociopath talking points'. What do you mean exactly by that?
Teebz 1000 listen to the video again & tell me this guy has a conscience or empathy
Just saw YMS' Cyberbully review and it sent me straight to this vid. Awesome video man. Spot on time. When it comes to people who kill themselves because they suffer from depression, that is heart breaking. But when it comes to these dumb bitches who kill themselves because someone called them fat or some other shit and think it's the end of the world, yeah they're cowards. DON'T FEED THE TROLLS.
+Kyle And Sonic You, for one
I'm not a bully
+Kyle And Sonic Says the guy whining on some stranger's video.
I'm not a bully, when did I ever say I was? My God..... Also Check out my channel
More then a decade later and it's still relevant
While I don't agree with the helping people off themselves bit, the rest of this was pretty spot on.
What people don't realize is cyber bullies do not cause depression, they only feed off the depression you're already experiencing in your life, and most likely trying to hide from on the internet. And the only solution to that is finding out what is causing your depression and confront it head on; If you run from it believing it will go away on its own, you're only lying to yourself, it doesn't work that way.
You can make all the laws you want in to the world to combat cyber bullying, but it's not gonna work. We got laws against pedophiles and drunk drivers, but they still exist in the world now, don't they?
The unfortunate fact is bullying is as old has humanity itself, and the internet has not helped at all. But sadly as long as the internet continues to exist, trolls and bullies will continue to exist... that's just the way it is. All you can do is if you feel they start to get to you, unplug the computer and walk away for awhile; Do not feed them the attention they crave.
People don't realize is when they post their problems online they are making themselves an easy target for trolls and bullies.
It's also sad that more and more people are trying to use the internet as an escape from the real world, giving themselves a false sense of security that they are perfectly safe online, which is far from the truth.
I was brought here by YourMovieSucksDOTorg. This is an awesome rant by a crazy-awesome dude :)
Suicide is usually caused by a preexisting condition. Being offended doesn't make you decide "I want to not be alive now".
Nami Nuitsuki some people can feel that they don't deserve help, I personally know someone who self-harms and dealt with these feelings.
I completely agree, but what do they do, then? Is it okay to let them die? No. They either get off the Internet or tell someone. If they don't do that and they take their life, I personally have no sympathy because they knew what they were doing. Depression, anxiety, bipolar can take over you, but you're still there. You have the choice to either seek help and get well or stay in the hole you've dug yourself and wither. People who do nothing only have themselves to blame when they start to experience those feelings. I know for me, I quit going to a counselor because I thought I would get better on my own. I'm stupid for thinking that since my disorders only got worse. So instead, I deleted my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, and RUclips, and hung around in the real world with books, movies, and other enjoyable things. Just because you don't think you deserve help doesn't mean you can't do anything about it. I'd think if you thought you didn't deserve help, you'd be really deep into whatever disorder by that time. But still, you don't have the right to pity yourself to the point of death which is what suicide is. An escape from pain can be found nearly everywhere. If that person is set on keeping their Internet personalities, why not go somewhere where they feel accepted? There is no excuse to off yourself because of cyber bullying. None.
Nami Nuitsuki I agree with everything you've said, in the case of cyber bullying.
YMS sent me here....
Same here! :)
People need to learn he's/she's just as human as you, and if they hurt your feelings hurt them back, if you hit you.... FIGHT THEM! Oh and if there's a group of people, you must be doing something right. To get a hole group to talk about you?? That means the get in a group and talk NOTHING BETTER to do.
same here
Me too yms sent us all
Can't believe it's been nearly TEN years since this video was made...
Oh how far we have fallen.
Finally someone speaks out the truth. I so agree on you with this. Boohoo...someone called me a bad name...there's like, an ignore or block button for that, isn't there, or the little cross at the top of your screen.
People getting butthurt over this rant should learn to see the reality and truth in this rant.
Thank you for saying that which people don't want to realise.
Aged EXTREMELY well. Nature WAS working.
People committing suicide to Cyber bullying proves Darwins theory of natural selection.
Emotional bullying can be pretty shitty, but only when the bullies actually harass the victim for a very VERY long time, seeking the person out and trying their best to make their lives as shitty as possible.
thetimmon It depends on the person.
thetimmon Yeah. That's how real life bullying works for me! It's great.
I believe this is what you call a cult classic.
This Video was Posted 2 YEARS before Amanda Todd
I favourited this clip like, a year ago and used to watch it like every week for awhile.
My boyfriend just broke up with me (which isn't my point) and while I'm searching frantically to cheer me up, I find this you again.
What I want to say, is Thank You Gryphon For Being So Amazing and for cheering me up when I think the world oculdn't get any worse. :)
Your rants are a whole level over IHE!!! (This is a good thing)
This is still , ***STILL***, the funniest rant 2 has done to date, and I love his face in too many ways to put into words.
Kangurugirl asphyxiating villains in her pouch of justice.
brb, drawing a comic.
well amanda todd was all over facebook and when I seen this video I was like ''okay this is kinda like amanda todd'' lol
I miss these videos.
Why is your camera in black and white? Its cool, im just wondering
Dramatic effect maybe?
Stylistic choice, it's also easier to fix lighting that way
Please write a transcript for this.
This is amazing. And I would love to copy/paste it and smash it into the face of anyone who keeps thinking cyberbullying is the end of the damn world.
This video is still so important to me and I'm glad he made this.
All hail Captain Selection!
Micah Folf All hail Natural Selection
Where do you get the music from?
I really like those dubstep(?) music.
2 makes his own music
this guy's foul mouthed, rude anger makes me happy!
Spectacular work 2, that's pretty much all that needs to be said, stay outspoken and forever raving.
I showed my Father this video, He agreed with what you said, but didn't like how you said it.(all the swearing) But That made him a hypocrite seeing how he always swears at Anything and everything.
havent laughed at every second of a video since i found carlins old stuff.
man this is some funny, informative shit.
is it to early to say that I love you for saying this?
because I love you for saying this.
Hey 2! Im from the future and I've travelled that far to warn you that everything you said is true! Spread the message man! Good luck~
2023 Edit: I feel sorry for having written the above...
I wholeheartely disagree with what you said on the vid. Its worth making laws to protect victims from any kind of bullying, and 2... not everyone has the same mindset as you. Some people have lost hope, or could be vulnerable or guideless and getting attacked or their info exposed, or could have been suffering from major depression prior to getting exposed to bullying; those bullies must be held accountable for their actions and not just throw full accountability on the victims (lol, no1 commits suicide JUST BeCAusE they've been called "fat").
"If you cant add value on your life, then why shouldn't we" because with that way they'd harvest their value to contribute to you and to society. Some people are vulnerable, sad, but they do hold good qualities to offer. Laws are there to protect citizens. No, no1 said that homelessness or parentless people are less important. Last but not least, your quotation had made you sound a bit unexperienced, Idk for now, but Im letting you know this: Maybe some people struggle to add value to their lives... but some managed to add by external help, either from professionals and parents - yes even by law enforcement - so they can move on and shine~
So allow me to say this: Yes, I do feel sorry for them, because with that mental and emotional mindset,I can be at peace, that at least I can help hopless people to find their light and stand on their own feet, becoming eventually more indepedent and develope farther a tough skin by spreading awareness, and for pushing for taugher legislation in order to protect vulnerable people, who might not share the same emotional tough skin as you. Things are more nuanced
Facts. Also, I've got you now, Star Fox
@@Tailstraw_xD Oh you! I changed my pfp ...after 10 years xP
Also, cant let you do that, Starwolf >:3
@@foxmasque730 I still agree with 2. People seem to have gotten the idea that the entire universe must censor itself for them, which is ludicrous
Bahaha, some of the hate comments are funny. Like, seriously, I don't agree with everything you say here, and I suffer from depression as well, but I'm not dumb enough to hate someone who makes valid points just because he said ONE thing that made me a bit upset. Who the fuck even does that?
You would be amazed how quickly people go off the deep end for the most insignificant things.
Depression is an unfortunate part of life, so long as it doesn't control your life. Trust me, I've been there.
Yesterday morning I'm on the way to work, and I hear on the news that they are trying to pass or update a law here in NJ on cyberbully-ing and harassment, and the radio says "This law will protect individuals from the verbal and *physical* abuse of comes from cyber harassment..."
Are people receiving lacerations or bruises from reading insults on the internet now, or are people being held responsible when they act mean to someone, and that person goes and kills or cuts themselves?
Are you serious? *PHYSICAL ABUSE* from the internet?
what is Captain Selection?
Gabriel The strong I'm derp, forgot about that part.
omg even though this was so true I was still dying laughing, your brutal honesty was so great and refreshing to hear and keep at it because dear god you are amazing
This is so true. Little to nothing is done about face to face bullying which could result in the bully killing you with their own two hands.
people get offended so easily these days and they're just dramatic. grow up and just click the exit button
You know I gotta be honest this is exactly what I needed to hear, thanks 2!
OMG, 2. This is HILARIOUS and extremely motivating/uplifting at the same time. Rude, crude, straight to the point, and HELLA spot on. WELL done, gryphon-man! B-)
This is one of the best videos on the internet.
Captain section just yes
When I'm dead, I'll immortalize Ranting Gryphon's legendary words, "Welcome to the Internet!"
+Jensi Oquendo you and me both
Count me in!
"Yeah, this is what nature planned!"
-Mgr "Rules of Nature"
I didn't expect to completely agree with this video so much. I thought it was going to be another unrealistic video about how we should all learn to hold hands and say nice things to everyone all the time or be guilty of manslaughter.
Words are just words. Offense is taken, not given, so people should just learn to get over themselves.
Do you feel that way when people complain about homophobic insults?
Eiko Vivi What do you mean?
YMS brought me here.
We need to post this all over tumblr. I'm sick of all the people like this on that site, and this video is so beautiful. There should be a choir of angels in the background
listen, you like vodka, I like vodka, you can rant about anything, I can rant about anything let's get 200 dollars worth of vodka (for decent stuff, it would be about 6 liters of vodka) and talk about nothing while it means everything @2
COld COffee I like VoDKa.
So true and yet so sad as that's true of the reality of Internet. And your words speak truth 2 Gryphon.
How come 2 doesn't make videos like these anymore? They're brilliant and eye opening.
Agreed. And I love your avatar.
Alex Gomez Thank fuck 2 has started making ranting videos again
And ya. Jake Gyllenhaal is beautiful
I'm sorry but the only part of this video I agree with is that killing yourself so others will feel bad is throwing your life away. But you are aware that feelings are not controllable, right? And that some people are extreme dicks that will not stop until you leave the website or commit suicide? This is more than just saying "you're ugly" or "you're stupid". Many people, myself included, have been bombarded with messages that are extremely hurtful, demeaning,and cruel. And some people can't help their reactions to that, and on sites like tumblr blocking doesn't help.
And nobody is sending cyber-bullies to jail. However, it is not that much to ask to kick them off of websites and make life easier for those who didn't ask to be bullied in the first place.
You do realize that trolls and bullies have existed as long as the internet itself right?
And sorry, but it's virtually impossible to rid the world wide web of every single troll and bully that exists online. As long as the internet continues to exist, such trash will continue to exist. That's the unfortunate reality of the world we live in.
And this may sound harsh, but if you feel the need to validate your entire existence from what you read online, you need to reexamine your priorities in life. There are much worse things to deal with in life than words on a computer screen.
And yes, feelings ARE controllable. It takes a sense of self-awareness to where when you find yourself experiencing those feelings, use the power you have to redirect them from something negative into something positive.
SparkDalmatian You may not be able to rid the internet of every troll and bully, but measures should be taken to protect the victim so they can at least enjoy themselves. Yes, we should teach people that the Internet doesn't define you but for a lot of kids their entire life is social media. And you can control what you do with your feelings but not the feelings themselves.
Than fuck the kids that let the internet and media define who they are. No offense but I do not let the intenet or tv define me.
Sugardaddy501 It's not "letting the internet define them" it's "these words hurt and I can't help that" also maybe you shouldn't be a dick online? Is it really that hard?
I subscribed because of the noise you made about 39 seconds into the video. Thank you for being you.
This video is so 2010.
2, just because of you I've gotten a bunch of my friends who hate furries to love them now just because of how amazing and right you are about everything. Love you 2!
I love this video, I've seen it so many times. It's so perfect, honest and real. :D
Apparently, Mr. 2 The Ranting Gryphon has no idea what depression is and why people decide to kill themselves. He doesn’t know that someone doesn’t just decide one day, out of the blue, that they want to die. People don’t kill themselves because one person made fun of them over the internet, in a single event.
People kill themselves because the pain that they feel is more than they can handle. It isn’t because they’re weak, it isn’t because they’re looking for attention, and it isn’t because they’re trying to be edgy. People often struggle alone, for years and years, and go through a lot of physical and mental pain before they decide that suicide is their only choice.
Can you imagine, that for years, and years, people have told you that you’re basically dirt to be cleaned off of their shoes? What if your own parents didn’t even want you? What if, every time you tried your very hardest to do something, it just was not good enough, even if you worked harder than everyone else? What then? What if you started believing them? I mean, there’s a reason they think this way, right? What if I really am not good enough. Maybe this world would be better without me.
What if people beat you at school, left death threats on your phone, and no matter what you said or who you talked to, people didn’t listen. "Oh, they’re just being kids. Bullying builds character. You need to toughen up". It must be your fault, then. And you don’t feel safe anymore. You’re legitimately scared. And it happens again and again.
So you start cutting, that’s the only way you can deal with your feelings, because for years, and years, and years, nothing else has worked. It escalates. And you get scars, and people call you a freak. “Why would you cut yourself on purpose, what’s the matter with you, you freak?" And it’s at that point you realise that no one, ever, could care about you, no matter what. You don’t belong here. You don’t deserve to be here. You’re just trash that no one wants to deal with. And that’s when you decide that the only way to fix this is to end your life.
Can you imagine that? Because that’s how it works. No one decides to kill themselves just because one person, one time, made fun of them.
Bless you for saying that!
***** "This is the internet, we are all physotic dickfucks out here."
You must did by replying
Wow. Do you know me? Do you know where I stand on things like depression? All I did was fucking quote the guy and suddenly I'm a sick and twisted failure of a person, apparently. Wanna see who the bully is in this conversation? Check a mirror, if you can find one high enough for your horse to see itself too.
Bryn Palmer Don't mean to butt in, but I think that id you want to stand for something, don't use a negative quote
I realize that being bullied online seems like the end of the world (I am purposely excluding anyone with depression or other mental compromises because I dont know what its like having that so I can't judge it) but in the end, these people don't have any power over you. I was bullied and people were mean to me but as long as I showed apathy no one bugged me, because I didn't let them see that they phased me. And after highschool this stuff is nonexistent. The ONLY exception where I find that the law SHOULD come into play is when you are being extorted online.
I get that some people who are already mentally unstable might see being called names on the internet as the last straw... but most of what you see on the internet isn't enough to hurt someone. Can people on the internet manage to really disrupt your life? Sure, maybe. I've heard some crazy stories where people ended up with serious real-life problems because of internet jackasses. And that is definitely bad. But if you go on a forum and everyone calls you names, JUST LEAVE. There's no reason for you to stand there and take it.
its hard finding a boyfriend-free girl tbh
Wait, what...? Relevance?
Anything to do with death involves natural selection. And if you feel your life isn't worth living because someone is "bullying you" then it probably isn't. And I can say the last part of your comment isn't true for sure because I've been there; I've LIVED through that experience. I do know how she felt. When it all comes down to it, it only matters if your life is valuable to YOU and weather or not YOU have the WILLPOWER to keep on living it.
jump cut jump cut jump cut jump cut jump cut unfunny stuff jump cut jump cut jump cut jump cut jump cut jump cut jump cut jump cut thank you
fedorable content Jump cuts a re a usefull tool; even youtuberts use it to cut boring video segmements.
fedorable content
Are you only capable of childishly acting like the world revolves around you? Humor is a subjective term and whats funny to you and whats funny to everybody else is not the same thing.
Damn you must HAATE JeremyJahns
Its safe assume he uses alts to throw opposition to the reality of how unfunny he is because he is so unfunny he has to use alts to whiteknite his crap or maybe furries are really big fans of untalented dancers singers and self proclaimed comedians that are just retarded people just acting like someone else
fedorable content
I am not an alt account at all; look at my channel; and it is 99% music. You do not have to watch what you dislike. Do not assume that just because I say watch something else that I am an alt.
As a psychiatrist I support bullying to no end. Because of it my family is living the life of luxory. I make $400 a week per patient and I see forty patience a week which totals $832,000 a year. I have a house on the beach, a $60,000 custom made hummer, and a private teacher to home school my children so they won't have to deal with bullying. And sometimes I hire a few teenagers to bully some kids so I can improve my number of patients. It is a plan that is fool proof.
2! I Love You!!!!!!! Your Rants Are Full Of Truth, And Hilarity. I Channel My Inner Griffon Whenever I Come Across Stupidity And Ignorance In The World.
You Have Been Inspiring Me For Over 8 Years Now. Also, Your Gaming Vids Are A Hoot ^.^
Hope Life Is Treating You Well My Angry Bald Gay Griffon Friend :D
Best Wishes ^.^
I'm glad you're enjoying the channel! I'll do the best I can!
5 years later and its still the most relevant thing ever.
You're a smart guy, I wish you made more rants!
+xtremetoxicguy he sounds like a sociopath to me
Bullying through the internet I agree with the view here. But I was bullied long before the internet existed and my bullies are lucky I was not ready to reapond to them at the time.
I love this video so much. It's nice to hear a smart person talk about this "issue" for once.
Now the government gets to make more laws to ensure the survival of people to stupid to survive on their own! I LMAO XD Great video man :)
0:38 that is without a doubt, the greatest noise I've ever heard
She does that now...Anytime she's physically bullied, someone walks away with blood on their face
Back when I was growing up the catchphrase was "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." What the fuck has happened to us since then???
While I don't condone suicide because it is the most selfish act a person can commit, a line has to be drawn somewhere, short of the rest of the world bending itself over backwards because a few select people simply find "life too hard for them to deal with".
Great words my friend, not to mention the whole presentation was awesome. Loved the metaphors XD
5 minutes later
Dude you are awesome, it like you poped out of my mind and you are raw. You are epic, I would consider you a friend, hope to see more
I nearly broke the like button on this one, He is so damn funny. I went to my first con this year and I was lucky to see him in action god I never laughed so hard in my life. 2 needs to keep up his work some of its terrible yet true and he makes it funny.
How do you feel about SWATting and Doxing? I know that they are not classified as cyber-bulling, but they are most certainly worse than calling someone fat.
Never has the Internet been so eloquently summed up, nor so accurately.
2gryphon, I would like to personally thank you for making this video, I don't care if you never read this, let the record show that you are awesome for this video alone.
Actually the last part of this had a great bit of wisdom. If you don't value your life enough to stay alive, don't expect anyone to value it either.
In cyberbullying cases, I don't see it as a tragedy and the victims as angels.
I see it as normal and the victims as weaklings.
Then people call me a cyberbully.
+Nick Lars With cyberbullying, I don't see any victims at all. How can you be a victim of something you are willingly participating in? If the internet is mean to you and you don't like it, turn the damned thing off!
I'm just saying, it's better to have liked this video after seeing it for the first time on another website, than to never know about it in the first place. Also, thank you for your response, I know now to never spam a message ever again.
I am the straitest, none furry guy, and the man here makes the most sence out of our choatic world of America. Thank you 2 for being the worlds most bad ass gryphon on the whole fucking world! :D
"How do you expect your life to mean anything to us if you don't even give a shit about it?"
Let's just change that good old-fashioned proverb to "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, unless they're being said over the internet, in that case, shit just got so real, you don't even know".
I really need to thank TerminallyArtistic for introducing me for this wonderful piece of art so I shall watch this everytime I get bullied XD