Random blueberries were already completely unaware of gun sounds and when to turn around when their teammates died around them. It's absolute madness now. You can kill entire squads before someone pays attention. Very happy to have the influx new players, and to teach the ones with mics how to play, etc. But it's also fun feasting on the blissfully-unaware masses.
Random blueberries were already completely unaware of gun sounds and when to turn around when their teammates died around them. It's absolute madness now. You can kill entire squads before someone pays attention.
Very happy to have the influx new players, and to teach the ones with mics how to play, etc. But it's also fun feasting on the blissfully-unaware masses.
yeah its an interesting time
New fresh conscripts have arrived to join the battlefield.
How did u get this zoom on top?
Cheating is not cool
I agree!