Give Me an Answer - Moral Relativism, Good Luck With All That!

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 715

  • @thattimestampguy
    @thattimestampguy 2 года назад +14

    0:33 Abortion - what it is determines if it is right or wrong
    1:54 Living out Moral Relativism means not feeling hurt when there are different decisions
    • Don’t tell people they’re being mean
    3:55 “I’m gonna fight for my own morals/values/beliefs.” 4:20 To defend myself, preserve my way
    5:00 It’s just a mistake
    • I’m choosing to value human life
    6:01 You can fight or lie down
    6:28 Moral War
    • Is Morality Defined by Power?
    7:30 Child Abuse
    It’s only wrong _on your perspective_ or absolutely/entirely/not dependent on who-what-when-where-why it happens to
    20:30 Biological View vs Biblical Worldview of Human Relations
    Someone gave us numbers
    Discovering Truth or Creating Truth?
    24:35 Love has no 1 definition
    26:00 Free Decision, Free Will

  • @johnjohns2278
    @johnjohns2278 3 года назад +116

    I would really love to meet Cliffe one day.

    • @rayword2794
      @rayword2794 3 года назад +27

      I met him while I was at UT. I had questions and he sat and had lunch with me. A great guy!

    • @johnjohns2278
      @johnjohns2278 3 года назад +16

      @@rayword2794 Wow. I have been watching him for over 10 years. He seems like a great guy to talk with.

    • @joecool8965
      @joecool8965 3 года назад +16

      We will meet him one day! 😜
      Oh what a glorious day!

    • @johnjohns2278
      @johnjohns2278 3 года назад +4

      @@joecool8965 I hope so, my guy.
      Hopefully he doesn't get too famous and in-demand where it will be nearly impossible to get a one-on-one with him. He doesn't seem like the type of person to let that get to his head, though. I almost feel like I should have tried getting in contact with him when he only had a few thousand subscribers.

    • @hablaf12
      @hablaf12 3 года назад +7

      @@johnjohns2278 He meant in heaven, but I hear ya

  • @russellbarnes7732
    @russellbarnes7732 3 года назад +53

    You cannot run a family scientifically. Oh my goodness and this is just coming off the cuff that statement Bravo to u sir

    • @TheMidnightModder
      @TheMidnightModder 3 года назад +3

      The Holy Spirit gives us what we need to say in the moment.
      I believe we have truly great minds of our own, but believers also have a God to help them along.

    • @robertsumners931
      @robertsumners931 3 года назад

      Murder is EVIL he says. yet his beloved god ordered ALL THE NEWBORN of Eygpt to be ''slaughtered'' including pregnant woman, a little hypocritical there .!!! My family are ALL non believers, we are NOT run scientifically.?? Our life's are run by knowing the difference between ''right & wrong'' love, empathy, rational thinking within the realms of reality. Also it's a little absurd that this supposed god relies on his ''faulty humans'' (the fall of adam & eve) to go around and ''convince'' each other that he exists, it's crazy.!!
      Being comfortable in not knowing or asking questions about life/existence with a side of sinful self righteousness. FAITH “knows” that there is only one answer to every question when one is instructed to never question. However, though belief on faith alone may be comforting, it is wholly arbitrary and thus does nothing to ensure that you are more correct than anyone else. So it cannot properly be described as knowledge, but rather as a mere wish, a desire that something be true or false, or else it is a naive trust in guesswork or hearsay.!!
      Faith is an emotional crutch for irrational and unjustified beliefs. It convinces the believer that questioning the beliefs is not necessary, and that all they need to satisfy their doubts is more faith. It’s an excuse to close the mind to questions and shield the beliefs from scrutiny. And from an athiests point of view, faith is not a vertue, it's sheer guilability.! If you base your beliefs soley on faith, then any other of the hundreds of religions can make the same claim, most of them are faith based, or should we use a faith o' meter.???
      It's evidence that determines whether or not your perception of reality is reasonable and in conjunction with the world as it is. There is literally no position that you could not take based on faith. What is a single thing that one could not take based on faith????? I could believe that I'm Napoleon based on faith (i believe i'm Robert though because it's cleary evident lol). I could believe that there is a purple dragon in my garage right now based on faith. ''Faith" is the opposite of rationality, you can take a snake oil salesman's claims based on "faith."
      So i'll let it be known that I am not saying that no religious person could be a scientist, but that their faith must be tossed aside while they work to find the truth. Resistance to change in beliefs when confronted with new evidence has no place in the science lab, and no place in society. We would never progress if faith was held above reason, so the ultimate answer is that faith is a hindrance and should be abandoned.

    • @TheMidnightModder
      @TheMidnightModder 3 года назад +1

      @@robertsumners931 Morality is written on your heart. And God being God, all that He does is moral. And if you'd actually learn what had happened you'd see that God gave Pharoah multiple solid chances to repent and Pharaoh denied it each and every time. Kind of like what you're doing now *cough cough*
      God is not immoral and that's quite arrogant of you to assume Your morality is above God's lmao
      That's all I need to say. If you choose to deny God that's up to you but it's frankly a very ignorant thing to do.
      It's one thing denying Jesus, but denying God? Pfft.

    • @robertsumners931
      @robertsumners931 3 года назад

      @@TheMidnightModder My heart just pumps blood, yours does more.?? morality is coupled with one displaying ''empathy'' ''love'' & compassion & understanding'' acted out in 'reality' whether one is a believer or not.!! You also mentioned >>>> ''God gave Pharoah multiple solid chances to repent and Pharaoh denied it each and every time''

    • @joojotin
      @joojotin 3 года назад

      @@robertsumners931 This is a reasonable question to ask, and certainly worthy of a thoughtful answer. Here are some things we learn from the Bible that put the killing of the first-born in perspective.
      FIRST: While it is true that God did send the death angel to kill the first-born males of Egypt (Exodus 11:4-5), let us remember that Pharaoh (with the support of all Egyptians) ordered that every newborn Israelite male be killed (Exodus 1:8-22).
      SECOND: God publicly warned Pharaoh and Egypt what would happen, but Pharaoh only hardened in his resolve not to let the Israelites go.
      THIRD: The killing of Egypt’s firstborn could have been avoided, had Pharaoh simply released the Israelites as God required.
      FOURTH: While God spared the Israelite firstborn, the Israelites were required to observe the first Passover, and to put sacrificial blood on their door posts. They had to obey God’s command by faith in order to be spared (Hebrews 11:28).
      FIFTH: This is the outworking of God’s covenant with Abraham, many years before:
      Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go out from your country, your relatives, and your father’s household to the land that I will show you.2 Then I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, so that you will exemplify divine blessing.3 I will bless those who bless you, but the one who treats you lightly I must curse, and all the families of the earth will bless one another by your name” (Genesis 12:1-3).
      SIXTH: It was not the Israelites’ goodness which spared their firstborn, but God’s covenant promises, and the blood of an acceptable sacrifice (see Exodus 6:5-8).
      SEVENTH: God is merciful and compassionate, not willing that any should perish. The severity of God’s dealings with Egypt was not pleasurable to God, but was the only just response to the cruelty and oppression of Egypt for many years.
      6 The LORD passed by before him and proclaimed: “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, and abounding in loyal love and faithfulness, 7 keeping loyal love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. But he by no means leaves the guilty unpunished, responding to the transgression of fathers by dealing with children and children’s children, to the third and fourth generation” (Exodus 34:6-7).
      31 Throw away all your sins you have committed and fashion yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! Why should you die, O house of Israel? 32 For I take no delight in the death of anyone, declares the sovereign LORD. Repent and live! (Ezekiel 18:31-32).
      11 Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but prefer that the wicked change his behavior and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil deeds! Why should you die, O house of Israel?’ (Ezekiel 33:11)
      EIGHTH: We learn from the Book of Jonah that God sends those to warn Gentile nations which oppress Israel of impending judgment, and to give them the opportunity to repent and escape God’s judgment.
      NINTH: It is easy (especially from movies related to the exodus) to think of the death of the firstborn primarily in terms of babies and infants. However, we should not assume that the firstborn of Egypt were innocent “collateral damage” in this conflict. I believe we are wrong to think of the firstborn only as infants and toddlers. The firstborn son is the rightful heir of the father, to lead or to rule in his place. Thus, I would think that the middle-age firstborn of Egypt would be the current leaders (or at least would-be leaders) of the nation. If not already leaders, they would be the next generation of leaders. And, if leaders, they would be those largely responsible for the oppression of the Israelites.
      Let us also bear in mind that God Himself (in contrast with Jonah) is well aware of the relative innocence of the very young:
      9 God said to Jonah, “Are you really so very angry about the little plant?” And he said, “I am as angry as I could possibly be!” 10 The LORD said, “You were upset about this little plant, something for which you have not worked nor did you do anything to make it grow. It grew up overnight and died the next day. 11 Should I not be even more concerned about Nineveh, this enormous city? There are more than one hundred twenty thousand people in it who do not know right from wrong, as well as many animals!” (Jonah 4:9-11, emphasis mine)
      TENTH: The oppression and cruel treatment of the Israelites, was carried out by the Egyptians, as a nation, and not just by Pharaoh and his leaders:
      13 The Egyptians compelled the sons of Israel to labor rigorously; 14 and they made their lives bitter with hard labor in mortar and bricks and at all kinds of labor in the field, all their labors which they rigorously imposed on them (Exodus 1:13-14, NAU; see also 3:8-9; 6:5-7).
      ELEVENTH: Pharaoh and the Egyptians had already experienced God’s power to fulfill His warnings in the nine previous plagues. To fail to take this final warning seriously was folly.
      TWELVTH: Previously, there were those Egyptians who feared the word of the Lord and who acted wisely to avoid the judgment which Moses foretold:
      18 I am going to cause very severe hail to rain down about this time tomorrow, such hail as has never occurred in Egypt from the day it was founded until now. 19 So now, send instructions to gather your livestock and all your possessions in the fields to a safe place. Every person or animal caught in the field and not brought into the house- the hail will come down on them, and they will die!”‘“ 20 Those of Pharaoh’s servants who feared the word of the LORD hurried to bring their servants and livestock into the houses, 21 but those who did not take the word of the LORD seriously left their servants and their cattle in the field (Exodus 9:18-21, emphasis mine).
      It would seem that this final judgment could also have been avoided by any Egyptian who believed God and acted accordingly.
      THIRTEENTH: How could a “good” God not also be a just God? Do we really believe that a just and righteous God can turn a blind eye to the horrible oppression of the Israelites by the Egyptians?
      FOURTEENTH: God was equally severe with the Israelites when they were guilty of sin. God did not simply bless Israel, regardless of their sins, and yet punish all other nations for their sins.
      58 “If you refuse to obey all the words of this law, the things written in this scroll, and refuse to fear this glorious and awesome name, the LORD your God, 59 then the LORD will increase your punishments and those of your descendants- great and long-lasting afflictions and severe, enduring illnesses. 60 He will infect you with all the diseases of Egypt that you dreaded, and they will persistently afflict you. 61 Moreover, the LORD will bring upon you every kind of sickness and plague not mentioned in this scroll of commandments, until you have perished” (Deuteronomy 28:58-61, emphasis mine).
      With all these things in mind, I believe that we can safely say this, with the apostle Paul:
      Notice therefore the kindness and harshness of God- harshness toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness toward you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off (Romans 11:22).

  • @karlyost4732
    @karlyost4732 3 года назад +12

    One orther thing, (there is no such thing as luck,), but by faith and Grace Amen 😁 he who endures to the end shall be saved amen

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад

      Amen to that.

    • @robertsumners931
      @robertsumners931 3 года назад

      Murder is EVIL he says. yet his beloved god ordered ALL THE NEWBORN of Eygpt to be ''slaughtered'' including pregnant woman, a little hypocritical there .!!! My family are ALL non believers, we are NOT run scientifically.?? Our life's are run by knowing the difference between ''right & wrong'' love, empathy, rational thinking within the realms of reality. Also it's a little absurd that this supposed god relies on his ''faulty humans'' (the fall of adam & eve) to go around and ''convince'' each other that he exists, it's crazy.!!
      Being comfortable in not knowing or asking questions about life/existence with a side of sinful self righteousness. FAITH “knows” that there is only one answer to every question when one is instructed to never question. However, though belief on faith alone may be comforting, it is wholly arbitrary and thus does nothing to ensure that you are more correct than anyone else. So it cannot properly be described as knowledge, but rather as a mere wish, a desire that something be true or false, or else it is a naive trust in guesswork or hearsay.!!
      Faith is an emotional crutch for irrational and unjustified beliefs. It convinces the believer that questioning the beliefs is not necessary, and that all they need to satisfy their doubts is more faith. It’s an excuse to close the mind to questions and shield the beliefs from scrutiny. And from an athiests point of view, faith is not a vertue, it's sheer guilability.! If you base your beliefs soley on faith, then any other of the hundreds of religions can make the same claim, most of them are faith based, or should we use a faith o' meter.???
      It's evidence that determines whether or not your perception of reality is reasonable and in conjunction with the world as it is. There is literally no position that you could not take based on faith. What is a single thing that one could not take based on faith????? I could believe that I'm Napoleon based on faith (i believe i'm Robert though because it's cleary evident lol). I could believe that there is a purple dragon in my garage right now based on faith. ''Faith" is the opposite of rationality, you can take a snake oil salesman's claims based on "faith."
      So i'll let it be known that I am not saying that no religious person could be a scientist, but that their faith must be tossed aside while they work to find the truth. Resistance to change in beliefs when confronted with new evidence has no place in the science lab, and no place in society. We would never progress if faith was held above reason, so the ultimate answer is that faith is a hindrance and should be abandoned.

    • @oscarsantos2240
      @oscarsantos2240 2 года назад +1

      @@robertsumners931 you sounds so mad… God exist with or without your approval sweetheart ♥️♥️ stay in peace.

  • @gaslowringfa6951
    @gaslowringfa6951 3 года назад +27

    God bless you Mr cliff

    • @robertsumners931
      @robertsumners931 3 года назад

      Murder is EVIL he says. yet his beloved god ordered ALL THE NEWBORN of Eygpt to be ''slaughtered'' including pregnant woman, a little hypocritical there .!!! My family are ALL non believers, we are NOT run scientifically.?? Our life's are run by knowing the difference between ''right & wrong'' love, empathy, rational thinking within the realms of reality. Also it's a little absurd that this supposed god relies on his ''faulty humans'' (the fall of adam & eve) to go around and ''convince'' each other that he exists, it's crazy.!!
      Being comfortable in not knowing or asking questions about life/existence with a side of sinful self righteousness. FAITH “knows” that there is only one answer to every question when one is instructed to never question. However, though belief on faith alone may be comforting, it is wholly arbitrary and thus does nothing to ensure that you are more correct than anyone else. So it cannot properly be described as knowledge, but rather as a mere wish, a desire that something be true or false, or else it is a naive trust in guesswork or hearsay.!!
      Faith is an emotional crutch for irrational and unjustified beliefs. It convinces the believer that questioning the beliefs is not necessary, and that all they need to satisfy their doubts is more faith. It’s an excuse to close the mind to questions and shield the beliefs from scrutiny. And from an athiests point of view, faith is not a vertue, it's sheer guilability.! If you base your beliefs soley on faith, then any other of the hundreds of religions can make the same claim, most of them are faith based, or should we use a faith o' meter.???
      It's evidence that determines whether or not your perception of reality is reasonable and in conjunction with the world as it is. There is literally no position that you could not take based on faith. What is a single thing that one could not take based on faith????? I could believe that I'm Napoleon based on faith (i believe i'm Robert though because it's cleary evident lol). I could believe that there is a purple dragon in my garage right now based on faith. ''Faith" is the opposite of rationality, you can take a snake oil salesman's claims based on "faith."
      So i'll let it be known that I am not saying that no religious person could be a scientist, but that their faith must be tossed aside while they work to find the truth. Resistance to change in beliefs when confronted with new evidence has no place in the science lab, and no place in society. We would never progress if faith was held above reason, so the ultimate answer is that faith is a hindrance and should be abandoned.

    • @childofthelivinggod.
      @childofthelivinggod. 3 года назад +2

      @@robertsumners931 chill bro. If you're so right then why be here reposting this comment on everyone's comment?
      If God is so fake, why care what we believe? You believe we're all space junk destined for nothingness anyways. You have no true reason to care about whether we're right or wrong.

    • @robertsumners931
      @robertsumners931 3 года назад

      @@childofthelivinggod. Chill bro lol, that's cute, For me, ''it's not a matter of caring what you believe, you mentioned >>>>>''if god is fake why care what we believe'' ? > ''You have no true reason to care about whether we're right or wrong.'' > That has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with it, i care about ''what is true'' not ''biblical claims'' the bible is a claim, just that, a claim. In hindsight ''You have no true reason to care about whether we non believers are right or wrong, if you did you wouldn't have replied to me.!!
      May Goodness bless you

  • @itsjoshbarranco
    @itsjoshbarranco 3 года назад +16

    These conversations are just great

  • @dailybibletime-bibleversef2417
    @dailybibletime-bibleversef2417 3 года назад +10

    “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4

  • @kevinmonaco5205
    @kevinmonaco5205 3 года назад +7

    Great job Cliffe opening the door to these kids minds and hearts to God.

  • @Thirty3rty
    @Thirty3rty 3 года назад +22

    Great points actually.
    If morality is relative, the strongest player is right. He said "I would fight for what I think is right" and that is exactly it. Everybody fights for what he thinks is right and the one that comes out on top is right. Until the next fight, of course. That way the most brutal, most powerful player will be able to dictate morality. If we don't get an objective morality, we will each other over it.

    • @zoomkaboom1
      @zoomkaboom1 3 года назад +1

      hey good point there! You are right,....the battles of whos right or wrong would just continually keep on going FOREVER! Coming to no conclusion, just chaos! good point dude :)

    • @kevinwilkis5465
      @kevinwilkis5465 3 года назад +1

      Only the scriptures are right if what one says can't be proven with scripture its a lie - simple

    • @matthewschuster4600
      @matthewschuster4600 3 года назад

      Yes he very well contradicted moral relativism didn't he :) Jesus is king!

    • @JVIPER88
      @JVIPER88 2 года назад +1

      You just described all of human history.
      If anything, you just proved that "morality" IS relative. No one fights for the purpose of doing evil. Everyone thinks they're doing good. And the fact that the bible has been used in many of those circumstances as a justification for all of these acts (including the evil ones), is proof that the bible is less a source of objective morality, and more a conduit for peoples' desires.

    • @Pudekz51790
      @Pudekz51790 2 года назад

      @@JVIPER88 you don’t need the Bible to tell you what is moral. You need God to justify what moral is. That is why no matter where you go, everyone will say killing a new born baby for fun is objectively wrong. Killing babies just for the fun of it is not a relative action. It is objectively wrong. Also if things are relative, you removing truth in everything thus your point of saying everything is relative is pointless and self defeating. When you try to convince me that morality is relative, you are imposing to me that you are right and I’m wrong. You are claiming truth. The moment you make a truth claim you are rising above the bondage of totally subjectivity. And the moment you make a truth claim you are violating determinism. You see, if atheism is true, we are nothing more than a product of random orders and that includes everything in your brain. How can you even trust your brain at that point. Are you aware of Darwin’s doubt? An atheistic world view is simply unlivable if you really be consistent living it out. Morals and ethics cannot be found if atheism is true. Nothing but petty indifference. That is why when you argues about this and that being good or evil, you are borrowing these ideas on a theistic world view. There would be no good or evil if atheism is true. You probably didn’t even realize that. I suggest asking yourself what would the world be if atheism is true.

  • @wisdomdesignedlife
    @wisdomdesignedlife 2 года назад +2

    Can't get enough with Cliffe's application of apologetics on real life conversation

  • @rohnek2
    @rohnek2 3 года назад +6

    Hey cliff! have you gone out and made any brand new videos?? much love God bless.

  • @lilfrappydoo1189
    @lilfrappydoo1189 3 года назад +26

    Second here praise Jesus 🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад +4

    Presumably we can assume that those angels in heaven, who didn’t succumb to being tempted by Lucifer, like the one third that did, and instead the loyal angels to God, fought against Lucifer and his rebellion, have now proved themselves, if such proving was ever necessary, that they are indeed faithful to God.
    And we, who also prove ourselves with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be faithful to Him, who is the express image of God, who died to save us because He loves us, are well satisfied with this opportunity, God has given us, to prove ourselves faithful to God.
    And because of this, we too now have the fruits from being proven, such as this perfect peace.
    And whilst God who knows all things, didn’t need this proof to know, but however, the one who knows all things, knew, that such proving, would give us a beneficial knowing of our great establishment in God, derived from this estimable proof of our fidelity to Him.
    1 Corinthians 1:3
    King James Version
    3 Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @godislove363
    @godislove363 3 года назад +10

    All of us trying to assign morality to ourselves, that does not mean the Morality In our selves is the morality that is true for all that's why I rejected morality exist because people say so, or not just is whether one person supports something that is true or against something that is wrong or thousands, the number doesn't matter either something is objectively right or objectively wrong.

    • @GraftedOliveBranch
      @GraftedOliveBranch 3 года назад +2

      Amen brother.

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад +1

      @@GraftedOliveBranch yes Ryan, and may God Bless You

    • @johnjohns2278
      @johnjohns2278 3 года назад +1

      How are you, my friend? I have a few questions to ask you since you helped me out on a few before.
      1. Would you say that an embryo in a dish has a soul? Basically a fertilized egg outside of the woman's body.
      2. How old was Jesus when he was conscious of him being god, and the reason he was there?
      3. Where did Jesus' physical body go the three days his human body was in the Tomb?
      4. In The Book of Mark, did Jesus ever claim that his true followers would be able to cure the Blind and recover from Poison? Can you elaborate?
      5. Do you take the Bible 100% literal?
      I understand that some of these answers might be your opinion. I would still like to hear your answer.
      I will leave it at that for now. Give me a response whenever you have time. I appreciate it.

    • @GraftedOliveBranch
      @GraftedOliveBranch 3 года назад +1

      @@johnjohns2278 Hi John. Jacob has some things to deal with at the moment. But i sent him an Email and he said that he wouldn't mind me answering your questions... Obviously i don't know everything, but I'll answer your questions to the best of my understanding. i apologize in advance for the elaborate response.
      1: You asked if a Human Embryo in a dish has a soul?.... That is honestly a good question, I have never actually thought about that. But there are numerous verses throughout the Bible which point to the fact that a human life starts at conception once the egg is fertilised by the sperm. There is evidence for this in Psalm 139:16 ...
      "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them".
      Although the bible points to human life starting at conception, that doesn't necessarily mean that a soul exists within that human life that starts at conception. There is more than likely a "spirit" that is present in the existence of human life (no matter what stage of life that may be). James 2:26 is not talking about the beginning of human life, but it does say - "For just as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead"... So that verse explains that the human body is only a living creation due to a God given "spirit" which allows us to live. And apart from the spirit we would be dead. But the "spirit" is also entirely different from the "soul". There is evidence for that in Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword, it pierces to the division of SOUL and of SPIRIT, of joints and marrow, and discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart".
      Notice how Hebrews 4:12 makes a distinction between "soul" and "spirit". i have often wondered what the difference between the two are. But the only conclusion that i could come to, is that the "spirit" is what keeps our body alive, but the "soul" is what continues living after death in one form or another. Although the bible points to the beginning of human life starting at conception, it doesn't specifically answer the question as to when we are given a soul.
      2: You asked - How old was Jesus when he was conscious of being God, and the reason why he was there?. Thats another good question, but again, its not a question that the bible specifically answers. Considering that Jesus was/is eternal, i think its probably safe to say that he always had a good understanding that he was God in the flesh and also why he was there, i think he would have know that even as a child . All we know for sure is that the book of Acts 2:41-52 explains that even by the age of 12 years old, Jesus had a very extensive understanding of the scriptures. Even to the point where all the people of Jerusalem and the Torah teachers were amazed at his knowledge and understanding of the Torah. So even by the age of 12, Jesus had was well acquainted with biblical scriptures. So he clearly had all of his former knowledge that he posessed from the beginning before he entered the world through a virgin birth. I think this comment is already getting too long... so I'll leave it at that for now. I'm about to go to sleep. But I'll reply to your last 3 questions tomorrow sometime... They will be much easier to explain in fewer words. Like i said at the start - sorry for the long comment. God bless.

    • @johnjohns2278
      @johnjohns2278 3 года назад +1

      @@GraftedOliveBranch Thank you for not only taking the time to answer, but to answer my questions very in-depth and provide Bible verses. You also answered what would had been a follow-up question about the difference between a spirit and a soul, I appreciate that. I understand some questions are not completely answered in the Bible and we kind of have to go off of context and the way it was written back then. Whether it be in the Old Testament or the New Testament. Again, I appreciate the copious response. I am looking forward to the rest of your answers later. God bless

  • @2CocoNino
    @2CocoNino 3 года назад +3

    He gets better and better

  • @r.k862
    @r.k862 3 года назад +7

    Some of these people made science their religion.
    The bible says they professed to be wise but they are fools.
    They won't agree to the fact that life is not just all about science.
    I'm not against science but they are claiming things outside of science is still science. I blame mostly the education system

  • @LittleCrashDummy
    @LittleCrashDummy 3 года назад +2

    Good job Mr. Cliffe.

  • @addyzee1335
    @addyzee1335 2 года назад

    God bless you Cliffe 🙏

  • @thepherm
    @thepherm 3 года назад

    Thank you!

  • @marcusbou-samra5929
    @marcusbou-samra5929 2 года назад +1

    Go Cliffe!

  • @mystwolfe7791
    @mystwolfe7791 2 года назад

    10:30 if someone ever says “don’t you have to prove all other religions wrong to know Christianity is true?”
    Just ask “what is two plus two?”
    When they confidently answer “4”
    Say “have you proven all other numbers can not be the correct sum?”
    “If not you can’t KNOW your answer, using your logic.”
    There are an infinite number of numbers ergo you will never prove that 2 plus 2 equals four. You only have good evidence.

  • @landlubbersfishing7260
    @landlubbersfishing7260 3 года назад

    Rocking the Joseph coat. Only missing the tassels to go full Rabbi. Keeping speaking the Truth.

  • @godislove363
    @godislove363 3 года назад +2


    • @rythmhtyr1w2e89
      @rythmhtyr1w2e89 3 года назад


    • @johnjohns2278
      @johnjohns2278 3 года назад

      God bless. I appreciate you taking the time to answer some of my questions.

  • @RichADio
    @RichADio 3 года назад +3

    Relativism is a self-defeating idea.

  • @Spacemuffin147
    @Spacemuffin147 3 года назад +4

    That blonde woman with the blue shirt @ 23:50.

  • @lorab.6993
    @lorab.6993 11 месяцев назад

    A large majority of those at Jonestown were FORCED to drink the kool-aid. That's not suicide.

  • @theoskeptomai2535
    @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

    Morality is the cognitive process of differentiating between intentions, decisions, and actions that are appropriate from those inappropriate.
    And as a cognitive process, moralnassessments are necessarily subjective.
    Each and every individual is the sole arbiter of his/her own moral assessments. Likewise, each and every individual is soley responsible ,accountable, and culpable for the intentions, decisions, and actions based on such assessments.

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад

      @@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Besutifully done my friend.

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      @@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Actually many persons have argued that individuals do not form their own own moral assessments.
      Why would I deny free will?
      And why have you not answered my question. Does the statement "Either an individual acknowledges the existence of a god or does not," follow the form "Either A or not A?"

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      @@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Why are you so in fear of my position of atheism?

    • @trumpbellend6717
      @trumpbellend6717 3 года назад

      @@saintpaulofyoutube4416 you cant have both freewill and pre determinism as the bible claims

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад

      @@saintpaulofyoutube4416 yes, yes, yes, I have had this discussion so many times with Theo and so many others. They don't get the difference and (choose) their free will to ignore the difference between freewill and foreknowledge. I can only conclude as I said that they choose to not know the difference because otherwise it would destroy the basis of any of their arguments that we've had here.

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад +1

    If we should ever tell atheists who constantly badger us for the proof of God’s existence, that sparrows are worry free creatures, without a care in the world, singing in the trees when roosting at night, with apparently no concern for the morrow,
    they will chide us and say “where is your proof?”
    This is difficult for us because clearly sparrows don’t talk.
    However if we should say that our feathered friends don’t wonder what life is all about, and don’t spend any time whatsoever thinking about it , we fear that the atheist will once again say to us, beg pardon friend, but where is your proof?
    But wouldn’t it be nice, a nice change, if they could simply agree and say of course you’re right about the sparrows and who knows, maybe you’re also right about God. Wouldn’t that be something?

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      Maybe you shouldn't tell atheists that. Maybe you should actually present evidence to substantiate you baseless claim or stop falsely claiming that a god exists. You know. A more DIRECT approach.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      @@theoskeptomai2535 thanks for the thought

  • @medicisounds1384
    @medicisounds1384 7 месяцев назад

    Where is the full version to this one? The ending got cut off 😅

  • @eddortedd6158
    @eddortedd6158 3 года назад

    @askcliffe next time ya do a group gathering make sure everyone has a understanding of the words and ideas being exchanged lol for reelz

  • @alexander1982miller
    @alexander1982miller 2 года назад

    Morality is objective

  • @rw3452
    @rw3452 3 года назад +7

    Person around 25 minutes wants to believe in love being is just not chemicals but believes everything is just chemicals/matter etc. Interesting world view…

    • @cameroneagle4370
      @cameroneagle4370 3 года назад

      What ?, you comment doesn't make sense

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад

      Cameron, you just need to read between the lines.

    • @brettgray8339
      @brettgray8339 3 года назад

      Speaking lies in hypocrisy.

    • @bellering.930
      @bellering.930 3 года назад +1

      Cameron Eagle love is more than just a chemical reaction within our brains, but according to her worldview everything is nothing but atoms interacting with each other and that chemical reactions is what drives those emotions

    • @finnfinn2381
      @finnfinn2381 3 года назад +1

      yup cant have it both ways.

  • @octaneswagg
    @octaneswagg 3 года назад +3

    Bruhhh the first dude 😂😂😂😂

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

    Where would we be if we had nowhere to bury the 150,000 people who die every day, if we didn’t have cemeteries or crematoriums?
    But the angels never die. They keep on living.
    Nor do they multiply. They have no wives.
    And as Adam and Eve were fully grown when God created them, so too were the angels.
    And as angels never age, as there are no aged angels in heaven, so too will it be for the redeemed.
    And although we struggle to understand how a man can live forever, nevertheless we seem to comprehend that angels never die.
    But we will die, although the believers will be resurrected with a resurrection that’s lighting fast, along with receiving a vastly improved intellect.
    The redeemed will be a never ageing race of beautified beings, that are sons and daughters of God.
    And like the holy angels they will love worshiping Jesus Christ, who saved us, whom we will adore forevermore with angelic heavenly praises.
    James 1:12
    King James Version
    12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

  • @keananpather6957
    @keananpather6957 3 года назад

    Love the content Cliffe, just one small thing is there is a slight echo on your voice

    • @nabukwe
      @nabukwe 3 года назад

      Yeah. That can happen sometimes because there are 3 microphones: one on Cliffe, the handheld mic that Cliffe is holding, and the mic that the student uses. So after the handheld mics are cut off, the echo goes away.

  • @5150Rockstar
    @5150Rockstar 3 года назад +4

    Having a bad day and a half and then returning as ruler of the universe forever is not a sacrifice

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад

      Once again you are so sadly mistaken. But that is your free will that God gives you enjoy it if you wish

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад +1

      That is an interesting point. It proves you are thinking. Which proves my previously mentioned statement that unbelievers can often times be better thinkers than believers.

  • @loisl5000
    @loisl5000 3 года назад

    At 26 minutes should have talked about the Shroud of Turin... Explain the human design that can not be duplicated.

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      Why should he bring up a forged artifact? The human form has be duplicated billions of times.

    • @westnblu
      @westnblu 3 года назад

      @@theoskeptomai2535 Forged artifact? Who forged it and why?

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      @@westnblu I don't know nor is it necessary to know such answers to see clear evidence as to its forgery. This is a complex topic. But there are many published findings on this forgery. These findings are easy to research.

  • @joannedupreez9230
    @joannedupreez9230 3 года назад

    A lion is not a moral being. When a hyena kills a lioness' cub when the lioness is too far away to do anything about it, but mear enough to see, the lioness will attempt to defend the cub until she chases off the hyena, but will not extract revenge. People are moral beings, however the difference between the morals of one person and another is often the source of their morals.

  • @stevetherush1193
    @stevetherush1193 3 года назад +5

    Moral relativism is quite a funny thing...the moment you give yourself the right raise your morality above another's and fight another's morality....moral relativism kills itself.
    Otherwise justice, judgement and goodness just become acts of ego and arrogance

    • @trumpbellend6717
      @trumpbellend6717 3 года назад +1

      And yet this is what theistic objective morality specifically does

    • @stevetherush1193
      @stevetherush1193 3 года назад

      @@trumpbellend6717 explain

    • @trumpbellend6717
      @trumpbellend6717 3 года назад

      @@stevetherush1193 ok first of all if we are talking about what SIN is and the objectivenes of a god. there are only 2 billion Christians out of 7 billion people on earth so that's 5 billion people dont even think the god with the talking snake & donkey Is the correct one. Let's break that down before we dismantle christianity shall we.
      of followers:
      Here are just 20 of the most popular gods out of THOUSANDS
      Christianity: 2.1 billion
      Islam: 1.3 billion
      Hinduism: 900 million
      Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
      Buddhism: 376 million
      African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
      Sikhism: 23 million
      Juche: 19 million
      Spiritism: 15 million
      Judaism: 14 million
      Baha'i: 7 million
      Jainism: 4.2 million
      Shinto: 4 million
      Cao Dai: 4 million
      Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million
      Tenrikyo: 2 million
      Neo-Paganism: 1 million
      Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
      Rastafarianism: 600 thousand
      Scientology: 500 thousand
      Ok now let's move onto the one that's the correct religion in your subjective opinion
      Christianity is separated into thousands of denominations. Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, Apostolic, Methodist - the list goes on. Estimations show there are more than 200 Christian denominations in the U.S. alone.
      According to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, there exist roughly 43,000 Christian denominations worldwide in 2012. That is up from 500 in 1800 and 39,000 in 2008 and this number is expected to grow to 55,000 by 2025.
      Do they all agree about the trinity ?
      Is the pope the head of the church?
      Can priests marry ?
      Birth control ?
      Can women be ordained ?
      How to attain salvation?
      The nature of mary ?
      Dispensationalism vrs covernantalism
      Freewill vrs predestination ?
      Eternal security ?
      Faith vrs works ?
      Heaven ?
      I'm going to stop here because I could literally go on for hours. They disagree and have different opinions with regard to all of the above that's precisely WHY they have different denominations. ITS ALL SUBJECTIVE.
      "Why do I believe somethings are good in my subjective opinion" you ask well my morals use wellbeing as the reference point. So somthing (in general) can be classed as moral if it causes as little harm, pain, suffering, unhappiness, death ect as possible.
      There are of course exceptions to this
      ( occasionally death is preferable to life ect) and there are always bizarre scenarios that can be set up as an attempt to cause obfuscation with regard to wellbeing. As such this can of course just like religious morality be viewed as subjective.
      However this wellbeing reference point offers much more of a consensus with regards to morality than the Devine command theory.
      Which uses peoples subjective opinion of which particular whims of which subjective god they hold true as being the objective reference point
      All these different gods and denominations past and present offer differing morality that has nothing to do with human wellbeing but often contradict and conflict with each other on almost every issue.
      Now if YOU want to claim your particular god as the objectivity for morality. You first have to show that YOUR particular god is infact THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and not merely the only true god in your subjective opinion.
      Are all the other gods and denominations other than yours false and yours true If so prove it . otherwise you offer nothing but a subjective opinion on morality

    • @stevetherush1193
      @stevetherush1193 3 года назад +1

      @@trumpbellend6717 First off, the fact that theism has many branches is of no consequence...all beliefs(atheism included) suffer this and constantly that's a non issue completely....after all once you become an atheist, you don't magically only think in one way, I'm sure the many ways of thinking apply here too.
      Secondly: number of followers is worthless as well..if number of followers decided who was right, we wouldn't have the same laws on the core issues. If there were more rapists and they took over, the idea that rape is now right is preposterous...legality and rightness are two different things...other example: slavery was right according to that argument since most of the world was doing it...and the abolishment is just another whim of subjectivity.
      Third just coz you have a god doesn't mean she/he's must look at how well a philosophy/belief describes reality...and a God must be what created the universe, not what created a corner of it only...why? Because all life comes from life, all consciousness from cosciousness and the universe from somewhere...even science supports this (it just fails towards the beginning to account for why non-life would become life, or nothing turned into something...serious faith is used for those)..the progenitor of all things..that is God, and the reason i reject many religions is coz their god either has nothing to do with the beginning, or didn't make me (hence has no rights over me). That rules out most of your list, and then youre left with maybe daoism, christianity and islam...then it becomes about historicity...and the problem of Jesus really hurts the other religions, the actions of his followers and the idea of unending love(there's still a case to be wrong, but most of the evidence points to christianity being of a very different breed, one that has real bearing on all cultures, and all people, not just those born in a particular place...and has astounding history to back it up. I could go on but lemme summarize: all things other gods do pale in the face of Jesus, the proof of personhood pales too and the testimony of his death and resurrection(which is the core) is supported by eye witnesses who died not for a belief, but for WHAT THEY SAW. They are credible witnesses, and unlike say islam (where they spread it via murder and threats), they had everything to lose and nothing to gain by standing on their witness accounts. It wasn't ever a good idea, or physically gratifying to become a christian
      Now for the subjective morality idea of've made logical jumps based on fallacies there. Objective morality is about an appeal to something beyond human nature and beyond the doctrine of your have confused belief(which is indeed subjective) and the appeal to objectivity.
      -the case is simple: human morals are built on an intrinsic programming that due to differentiation, cannot simply be from adaptation. Otherwise, we in africa should have completely different core morals(but we don't) fact, i would say human conflict is more about survival and protecting the species than justice, love etc...because it's competition at its best.
      -morality however, stands in the way of progress and says "no, these means are wrong, regardless of their success rate" (which is all that matters in survival). Our justice systems assume objectuve morality, otherwise they wouldn't be laws..human rights is about applying objective morality, not subjective. In subjective morality, it's all about oneself, in objective, it begins outside self...and hence can be used as it was in the case against Nazis in the court trials.
      Subjective morality simply is say that both you and the rapists have equal value in your moral compass, but you will punish them, is just pretentious..and the greatest atheists agree that that brings "a problem that we'll just have to accept" which is a cop out if i ever heard one.
      And a thing to consider: it's funny asking for proof of a non-science thing in a world where we live by trust, evidence and faith most of the time (and we all do....history, philosophy, relationships, jobs, plans for the future, and society as a whole). If we could simply prove what you demanded, there would be no need for study of anything.
      There is more than enough evidence for me to abandon my traditional beliefs and choose christianity, and in this choice, the necessary proof to convince one, is subjective.

    • @stevetherush1193
      @stevetherush1193 3 года назад +1

      @@trumpbellend6717 also, objective morality is far more useful for lawmaking& the progress of a society that something that consistently claims it has equal value to what it considers evil

  • @knxcholx
    @knxcholx 4 месяца назад

    "I don't know that there is a real value of love" "Is love just a biological drive? A chemical reaction?" "no......." Both cannot be true

  • @thegooddeciple486
    @thegooddeciple486 3 года назад

    Anymore for the last video?

  • @karlyost4732
    @karlyost4732 3 года назад +6

    No one will ever change God's 🙏 words if they do you will see what happens when you change God's word read revelation, 22,ver, 18&19 amen

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      How did you come to conclude that this god you've mentioned exists?

    • @Kni7
      @Kni7 3 года назад

      @@theoskeptomai2535 if he didn’t exist Christians atheist and other religions wouldn’t be anything and we wouldn’t be here. No disrespect

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      @@Kni7 How did YOU come to that conclusion?

    • @Kni7
      @Kni7 3 года назад

      @@theoskeptomai2535 wdym

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      @@Kni7 HOW did you conclude that if a god did not exist, we (humans) wouldn't exist either?

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson Год назад

    Matthew 18:18
    Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

  • @jacobpursch696
    @jacobpursch696 3 года назад

    Why didn't Mary and her husbands Joseph, have parts in the Bible where they talked about Yahshua ? In his late 20s.

  • @axsent801
    @axsent801 3 года назад

    23:44 love is in the blonde curly hair confusion un ironically.

  • @jeremiahmckinney8336
    @jeremiahmckinney8336 3 года назад +3

    Yo is Cliffe still alive and doing this?

    • @MarioNotLuigi
      @MarioNotLuigi 3 года назад


    • @jeremiahmckinney8336
      @jeremiahmckinney8336 3 года назад

      @@MarioNotLuigi oh thank goodness lol, do you know if these videos are current?

    • @nabukwe
      @nabukwe 3 года назад

      ​@@jeremiahmckinney8336 No, this video is a few years ago because we don't shoot video on the West Mall any longer. The new place is between Jester Dorm and the PCL library. 2020 was canceled because of...well, guess. Hopefully he'll be back out there in Nov 2021.

    • @jeremiahmckinney8336
      @jeremiahmckinney8336 3 года назад

      @@nabukwe yeah that sucks lol, thank you so much for letting me know!

    • @nabukwe
      @nabukwe 3 года назад

      @@jeremiahmckinney8336 I hope that the new location gets rocking, and if it does, they might have to move to someplace else because it really doesn't lend itself to massive crowds. The West Mall has been the designated "Free Speech" area since the 60s. I've seen crowds of hundreds of eager listeners back in the day, but ever since the campus changed, that area just doesn't have that much student traffic any longer. Now, the students all hang out over by Jester and the new Student Activity Center so I guess it made sense to change with the times.

  • @EchoGuzman
    @EchoGuzman 3 года назад +4

    First bro!

  • @tomjohnson9527
    @tomjohnson9527 3 года назад

    Is it absolutely true that all morals are relative? Yes? So you agree that truth is not relative, therefore why not morals?

  • @atticashes8035
    @atticashes8035 3 года назад +3

    Is this man a pastor? If so, what church does he preach at? I would LOVE to meet him

    • @AL-oy6cg
      @AL-oy6cg 3 года назад +2

      he is the head Pastor at Grace community Church its address is shown throughout the video

    • @atticashes8035
      @atticashes8035 3 года назад +2

      @@AL-oy6cg thank you!

  • @abnett41
    @abnett41 3 года назад +4

    Kid keeps contradicting himself. If you are willing to fight for your beliefs you are not a moraly relative

    • @r.k862
      @r.k862 3 года назад +3

      That kid was debunked long ago in the conversation. His just trying to not make himself look wrong, his very prideful

  • @jakeredhead4945
    @jakeredhead4945 3 года назад

    Anyone know what year these videos were filmed?

    • @nabukwe
      @nabukwe 3 года назад

      This video is a few years ago (probably 2016 or 2017) because we don't shoot video on the West Mall any longer. The new place is on the corner between Jester Dorm, the Graduate School of Business, and the PCL library. 2020 was canceled because of...well, guess. Hopefully he'll be back out there in Nov 2021.

    • @jakeredhead4945
      @jakeredhead4945 3 года назад

      @@nabukwe ah alright, thank ya, hopefully we get back to normal soon enough and we get to see some more great discussions from cliffe

  • @pendragon15
    @pendragon15 3 года назад

    They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity. The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us. Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest.
    (Mic 3:10-12 KJV)
    The ROYAL WE

  • @slam777_
    @slam777_ 3 года назад

    Are these videos archived from the past ?

  • @song4night
    @song4night 3 года назад +1

    Bruce Lee talking religion.

  • @benjamindavid3654
    @benjamindavid3654 3 года назад

    A Testament To The Faith:
    Dear Father Jesus Our Messiah God;
    Thou Art Gracious Father Unto All The World;
    You Father God Did Create The Heavens And The Earth;
    And Have Set The Stars In Their Place By Their Name's;
    In Accordance To The Word Of Your Lord;
    Let Us Praise You Father God In The Name You Have Given Us;
    By Which All May Be Saved;
    And Come To You For Deliverance From Darkness And Oppression;
    For By Your Word You Have Established The Promise Given To All;
    For By Your Word Everything Has Been Established By Thy Faith;
    Lord, Almighty God;
    We Have Our Minds In Fear But Our Hearts Have Been Opened By Thy Grace;
    For Thy Work Is Finished;
    In The Arm's Of Your Word Lord Jesus We Are Safe;
    And Eternal In You;
    For Your Word Has Filled All The World From The Heavens You Declared In Faith;
    And Have Set The Pathways Of The Heavens That None May Reproach Thy Throne;
    And Have Taken The Oppressed As Thy Servants And Children Alike;
    For Thou Art Mighty Too Deliver And Ready To Receive Unto Thee That Which Is Thee;
    For Thy Words Sake;
    And By The Merit You Have Put On Faith That We Can Receive You Lord Father God;
    By Faith Alone In Your Word...
    We Praise You Father Jesus;
    In You Alone We Are Forever Safe;
    We Thank You Jesus...

  • @monkkeygawd
    @monkkeygawd 2 года назад +1

    Here's one of the lovely stories of the Holy Spirit and forgiveness... er... uh....
    Acts 5:1-10 GW
    A man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold some property. They agreed to hold back some of the money ⌞they had pledged⌟ and turned only part of it over to the apostles. Peter asked, “Ananias, why did you let Satan fill you with the idea that you could deceive the Holy Spirit? You’ve held back some of the money you received for the land. While you had the land, it was your own. After it was sold, you could have done as you pleased with the money. So how could you do a thing like this? You didn’t lie to people but to God!” When Ananias heard Peter say this, he dropped dead. Everyone who heard about his death was terrified. Some young men got up, wrapped his body in a sheet, carried him outside, and buried him. About three hours later Ananias’ wife arrived. She didn’t know what had happened. So Peter asked her, “Tell me, did you sell the land for that price?” She answered, “Yes, that was the price.” Then Peter said to her, “How could you and your husband agree to test the Lord’s Spirit? Those who buried your husband are standing at the door, and they will carry you outside for burial.” Immediately, she dropped dead in front of Peter. When the young men came back, they found Sapphira dead. So they carried her outside and buried her next to her husband.

  • @fatnorth723
    @fatnorth723 3 года назад

    For the first part about morals he didn't play it out the other way. Eg. If murder is always wrong then what about in self defense? Would u put a person behind bars for the rest of their life because they killed someone in self defense?

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад +1

      You really asking that question think before you type your question that's not murder self-defense and chilling but it's not murder murder is the sole purpose of chilling with the intent to destroy the other for no reason. There are different grades of killing and the different grades of murder but really the only killing that falls into the classification of not being murder is in fact self-defense or an accident truly an accident behind-the-wheel drunk that's not an accident that's Choice Chucky kill someone that's murder different level of murder obviously it was not intentionally done but it's still murder self-defense is not murder abortion for example is murder.

    • @fatnorth723
      @fatnorth723 3 года назад

      @@godislove363 first off murder is "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another." Let's say a women is kidnapped, beaten and raped every day by someone, and manages to plan a way to kill the guy, and succeeds in doing so. She would have murdered him by definition; however, I wouldn't say what she did was wrong.
      U can't claim moral absolutes when u differentiate thr levels of murder and killing.
      I'm curious how u say a fetus is living, yet I'm assuming u have no issue with removing a tumor. Both are just a lump of cells (depending on the stage)

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад

      @@fatnorth723 what are you talkin about your example makes no sense I already sent self-defense isn't murder dude pink man or woman or child if anyone is kidnapped Health captive beaten rape torture whatever before they're dead and they can defend themselves of course I'm for them killing them if they have to that's not murder that's self-defense during but it's not murderer.

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад

      @@fatnorth723 I'm sorry I did not respond to your second point I miss that when it comes to abortion in the sample you gave to me first abortion isn't murder button example you gave rumor is not the same but you were just a clump of cells vs. Have baby is not a baby is a right even if you don't agree if baby is like a conception baby is it is a human life what you're saying you disagree in the Forum in the woman you're referring to like a tumor growing at the size of ties my baby would be that size or bigger and very young and Eve in the womb don't need to that have herpes and can feel pain but they do surgeries now on babies as young as a month in the womb surgery think long and hard about that.

    • @fatnorth723
      @fatnorth723 3 года назад

      @@godislove363 it still meets the criteria for murder, so if u aren't against it then that mean morality is relative

    @SLINGSHOTSAM 3 года назад

    I don’t know if cliffe answers questions or anything, but I’d love to ask him if there’s anything in the bible that he doesn’t agree with? Views on gay marriage for example

    • @larryluch8178
      @larryluch8178 3 года назад

      I think you know what the answer to this is .

    • @cleancutimage5105
      @cleancutimage5105 3 года назад +3

      Why would he disagree with the Bible? Thats such a liberal question and why I don’t think it is possible for a liberal to be a Christian. Your values are supposed to align with the Bible. The Bible isn’t supposed to align with your values. That’s called deception.

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      @@cleancutimage5105 Any rational person should disagree with the bible. It make false claims.

    • @nabukwe
      @nabukwe 3 года назад

      I've never heard him ever say that he disagrees with anything in the Bible, but I have heard him say that there are several passages that are difficult to understand. Homosexual marriage was not one of them.

    • @hatersgotohell627
      @hatersgotohell627 2 года назад +1

      @@nabukwe he disagrees that genesis is a literal account. Which is huge to a lot of Christians. He believes it's all allegorical. A lot of ppl would say he doesn't believe in the Bible because of that

  • @benjaminallen2
    @benjaminallen2 3 года назад +1

    People want to bring up Jimmy Jones and how the people died for their beliefs and compare it to the Christians that died because they saw the risen Christ. However, there is no comparison. They drank poison and died. Followers of Christ were tortured and many died slow painful deaths. Huge difference. How many of Jones followers would have allow nails driven through their hands, or be boil to death, speared to death. It was a quick death...not much sacrifice in that. Christians were tortured...make their testimony much more credibility and incredible.

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      How did you come to conclude that this Jesus ever existed?

    • @benjaminallen2
      @benjaminallen2 3 года назад

      @@theoskeptomai2535 if this is the case how did you conclude that Jesus didn't exist? We both have the same burden, neither of us were there.

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад +1

      @@benjaminallen2 WRONG. I have not asserted Jesus didn't exist. I have no burden of proof. YOU have asserted that this Jesus did (does) exist. YOU have a burden of proof.
      Is this not true? Yes or no.

    • @benjaminallen2
      @benjaminallen2 3 года назад

      @@theoskeptomai2535 I prefaced my comment with if this is the case because I don't know what you believe. And Yes you are right the burden of proof is on me. I can't prove Jesus exist and never will I try to. In the court of law there are eye witnesses that can testify of what they saw and their testimony will be held up by the courts. The scripture states that the Holy Spirit is the witness that testifies. I have received the Holy Spirit and my life was completely changed. This is proof for me but can't be proof for you unless you were open to my personal testimony.

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      @@benjaminallen2 Was that a "yes" or a "no"?

  • @elkhuntr2816
    @elkhuntr2816 2 года назад

    People are willing to die for what they believe might be true (Jim Jones, islamic terrorists,...). But no one is willing to die for something they KNOW is NOT true. The disciples were in a position to know if Jesus really was raised from the dead, they saw him die, and later saw him alive. They were willing to die to proclaim it was true. Therefore, they definitely believed it was true, they didn't make it up.

  • @michaeljdt9235
    @michaeljdt9235 3 года назад +1

    3rd here my dude

  • @kevinjoseph3960
    @kevinjoseph3960 3 года назад

    I struggle answering this question to atheists . Someone help me
    Proverbs 31:5 don’t drink wine
    Then why did Jesus convert water to wine ?

    • @omesonyabs5244
      @omesonyabs5244 3 года назад

      The bible is not simply a reference so you cannot just take a verse and run with it. To get the full context of the teaching start from verse 4 and end at 7. This teaching is not about the USE of alcohol but rather the MISUSE of it.
      4 It is not for kings, Lemuel-
      it is not for kings to drink wine,
      not for rulers to crave beer,
      5 lest they drink and forget what has been decreed,
      and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.
      6 Let beer be for those who are perishing,
      wine for those who are in anguish!
      7 Let them drink and forget their poverty
      and remember their misery no more.

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      How did you come to conclude this Jesus converted water into wine?

    • @JakeAdkinsOfficial
      @JakeAdkinsOfficial 3 года назад

      Adding to what Omeso said, the teaching is about sobermindedness and the use of alcohol to dull the senses and cloud ones judgment or means of escapism. At the wedding, the wine was part of a days-long Hebrew wedding celebration. Wine was commonplace because it was safe to drink and purified water is not always so easy to come by. So it wasnt being used for this purpose. And this holds true today- Someone having a glass of wine at a restaurant with their dinner is not the same as someone lining up shots at the bar or hitting the Jack Daniel's at home because they can't cope their circumstances.
      I remember hearing something about the wine being either produced at a lower proof or being diluted with water, but this point I haven't researched myself so I'm not sure.

    • @nabukwe
      @nabukwe 3 года назад

      More than likely it is referring to drinking to excess, not drinking period. For instance, look at Eph 5:18 which talks about getting drunk, not merely drinking, which leads to debauchery. Similarly, look at Paul when he advised Timothy to stop drinking only water, but to drink a little wine because of his stomach problems in 1 Tim 5.

    • @kevinjoseph3960
      @kevinjoseph3960 3 года назад

      @@omesonyabs5244 verses 6 and 7 are encouraging drinking . I don’t get your point

  • @TreenighetMaranata
    @TreenighetMaranata 3 года назад +4

    Man, by his fallen nature in his inherited sin, does not want to admit that there is a God outside himself who created everything, because he would rather find a common ground and worldview that explains and confirms himself as the supreme god! You do not want to submit to an Almighty creator and God, because you rather want to remain your own god on your own terms, in every way thought out possible! You are explicitly looking to deny Jesus as best you can, instead of inviting the Lord of Life to a Baptism with Fire, so that you get the faith that is a gift, given to us by the Holy Spirit of Jesus, it comes included in the miracle of the Baptism with Fire!
    True faith does not arise from my conversion choice out of my head, which is based on your own head knowledge, but on becoming a new person from within by Jesus Holy Spirit! That's the reason why there are people who change beliefs so easily, because they do not really know Jesus personally! I call them religious people, who are still enslaved in inherited sin, in guilt and shame! We are all born as murders / sinners because our inherited sin nailed Jesus on the cross, we are all guilty of that, but Jesus came to set us free from our otherwise inevitable disease! Jesus redeems everyone who humbly asks Him for forgiveness, to be baptized in His lovely love by Grace, by His Holy Spirit in Holy Fire in Jesus' name!

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      Well penned.
      The just shall live by faith.

    • @brettgray8339
      @brettgray8339 3 года назад

      The just shall indeed live by faith, I just don't believe the baptism of fire is salvation or even what you think it is.

    • @TreenighetMaranata
      @TreenighetMaranata 3 года назад

      I am convinced that John the Baptist was right in what he said while Jesus was walking in the water toward him!

    • @brettgray8339
      @brettgray8339 3 года назад

      @@TreenighetMaranata John was preaching a baptism of repentance. He said that Jesus was He that would baptise you with the Holy Spirit.
      The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not done is water.

    • @TreenighetMaranata
      @TreenighetMaranata 3 года назад

      Matthew 3 vers 11

  • @yashiro15kings
    @yashiro15kings 3 года назад +8

    The kid has too many excuses for his worldview

    • @garywilson2293
      @garywilson2293 3 года назад

      What? And apologists don't have loads of excuses for their worldview? They wouldn't be called apologists otherwise 😁. Everyone makes excuses for what the believe, it's part of human nature.

    • @aureliotheredeemed7566
      @aureliotheredeemed7566 3 года назад +2

      I think you’re confusing excuses with reasoned arguments.

    • @garywilson2293
      @garywilson2293 3 года назад

      @@aureliotheredeemed7566 would depend on whether you assumed the arguments to be reasoned or even reasonable.

    • @aureliotheredeemed7566
      @aureliotheredeemed7566 3 года назад

      You don’t assume an argument is reasonable you conclude it’s reasonable or not based on its assertions.

    • @garywilson2293
      @garywilson2293 3 года назад

      @@aureliotheredeemed7566 are you sure about that? Religious faith is the assumption that the arguments are reasonable.

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

    Because we are obviously not oblivious to the finer details of our own lives, but instead are acutely aware of them, we can therefore be potentially fascinated, by the fact that God knows us better than we know ourselves, including the number of hairs on our head. Matthew 10:20.
    We are entirely transparent to God but so too are the squirrels.
    He knows every single one of them including the number of nuts stored away in their treehouses. He knows exactly to the millisecond the day they’ll die. But they don’t know God.
    They don’t know that God exists nor do they care. They just want more nuts. And that’s ok .They are squirrels.
    And as we forget about squirrels and think about ourselves, allowing ourselves to realise, that it’s God who knows us more intimately than anyone else, it becomes reassuring to us, particularly as we realise, we are greater than a species such as the squirrels.
    We are more like Him than all the animals in the animal kingdom, who lack our intelligence, and therefore we feel closer to Him than those who have no understanding or comprehension of what He is.
    And whilst God knows every shrimp in the sea, every butterfly in the breeze, and every single solitary ant, He also knows every single one of us.
    And because we, unlike the animals, can appreciate this in-depth intimate knowledge He has of us, we can, because of this appreciation, gain a realisation, of the greatness of the wonderful intimacy the creator has for us.
    And as we know that God must care for the ants because He made them, because how could you not care about your creation, we also know that He cares for us, because He made us too, but far greater than the animals.
    But not only did He make us, He made orchards and corn fields. And houses and clothes and cars and jars of marmalade inside refrigerator doors. Albeit it’s all made by man. But it’s God’s hand who made the man.
    God will provide. God has always provided.
    God will always provide.
    God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform.
    He plants His footsteps in the sea and rides upon the storm.
    Ye fearful Saints fresh courage take, the clouds ye so much dread,
    Are big with mercy and shall break,
    in blessings on your head.
    ( William Cowper 1731-1800 )

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      Again, how did you come to conclude any of this. These are all _baseless_ claims. None of what you stated is even _falsifiable._ Everything you've asserted I could equally justify as being the nature of Phooey Poppycock, Prince of Purple Pixies. Wouldn't you agree?

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      @@theoskeptomai2535 How do I know. Like all the faithful to Jesus Christ, I too am chosen, and also like them I have received this revelation, which hasn’t been revealed to you and perhaps never will be.
      And if you are never chosen by God as we have been, it’s because God knows of your unwillingness to be faithful to Him, and therefore if this is the case, you will eventually be resurrected with the wicked, before being cast into the lake of fire. And when this resurrection of the wicked takes place your rebellion to God will be extremely obvious, for all to see including yourself. You become unwanted by God.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      @@theoskeptomai2535 The reason why some of us treat you kindly, perhaps more so than you deserve, is because it’s possible that God could have elected not to have made mankind at all, because of the many wicked who would need to be destroyed in hell. And if God decided to not make mankind so you wouldn’t go to hell, if that’s indeed going to be your definite destination, then neither would we the believers have come into existence.

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 года назад

      @@paulwilfridhunt So, those _were_ all baseless assertions, none of which comport with reality, nor can be substantiated with corroborative evidence. Glad we came to an agreement. Peace.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      @@theoskeptomai2535 not for you my friend sorry to say

  • @trapfanthom8538
    @trapfanthom8538 3 года назад

    Skip 2 girl

  • @jkm9332
    @jkm9332 3 года назад

    I like chocolate ice cream.

  • @Thundawich
    @Thundawich 3 года назад

    You are convinced that murder is evil, great. Why is it evil though?

  • @bonnie43uk
    @bonnie43uk 3 года назад +1

    who gets the final say on what is moral and what is not moral?, even within Christianity there is no absolute list of things which we can all agree will go on the moral ( good) list and immoral ( bad list), certainly most of us can agree that things like murder and rape are immoral, but within Christianity, you will find a lot of people support abortion ( it has a high support among women generally in the USA), and homosexuality is also generally supported in the States. Just looking at a gallup poll, it's far more acceptable than I imagined in 2021, 69% find it acceptable, only 30% find it morally unacceptable. Our morals change with the times on many issues. On that basis I would say morality is subjective, in that, we all use our own sense of rationale and reason to determine what we view as good and bad.

  • @boltrooktwo
    @boltrooktwo 3 года назад

    Science hardly explains any more than it did even thousands of years ago. There was science then, people observed and tested just with different techniques and not at as fine a detail. The only scientific hard facts we have is to observe details more closely but the root explanation of these things we still do not know it all. It is reductive to claim science has really explained away everything just from knowing more details.

    • @robertsumners931
      @robertsumners931 3 года назад

      In that case get rid of your mobile phone, Computer, don't use any electricity, get rid of you car if you have one, science is EVERYWHERE, Science has nothing to do with whether there is a ''supernatural realm'', It's religion itself and the ones that follow it, Non believers are NOT saying there are no god/gods, we say there is insufficent evidence to suggest that there is, the ''BURDON of PROOF'' is not on us, it's on the believers tha claim it it's true.!!!! This Ray Comfort guy is expressing his personal opinions and opinions are not a pathway to truth/fact, PERIOD.!!

    • @boltrooktwo
      @boltrooktwo 3 года назад

      @@robertsumners931 There is that false unreasonable dilemma, there is no conflict between science, technology, and theology, in fact all are better together. When science claims it has anything to say about God, or that it could, that is a lie. Most Scientists were Christians in the 20th century because people learned from theology we have rational minds and could understand the workings of nature because our minds were oriented toward learning truth from an intelligence that authored truth. To think that your eyes observing things and creating terms to describe things changes reality at all, which is all science does, is irrational. So give up life, technology, understanding, and language because none of that would be possible without God, the creator of order and design in the universe. You want to believe order, design, and life came from an accident of physics thrown together with deep time, there is no reasonable evidence for that, it’s totally implausible, there is more evidence for the existence of God.

    • @robertsumners931
      @robertsumners931 3 года назад

      You mentioned>>>>>''The only scientific hard facts we have is to observe details more closely but the root explanation of these things we still do not know it all.'' Science doesn't claim to know everthing it never has, not sure where you got that idea from, besides if it were not for science we wouldn't be here communicating on the internet, it's strange how you live with and use science in every aspect of your daily life, but condem science when it doesn't fit in with your belief system, how ironic. Another thing is that scientific technology has only been around for a hundred years or so, technology is advancing every year when we learn new things, look at the hubble telescope and the pictures it has taken, we have gained plenty of knowledge of space and how it works, and thats just the tip of the iceberg.

    • @robertsumners931
      @robertsumners931 3 года назад

      @@boltrooktwo The Earth is a tiny blue dot in this vast cosmic dark, yet with all this vastness of billions upon billions, billions, trillions of stars, galaxies and planets that is estimated to be out there some god has anointed not only a TINY SPECK ''the earth'' but a small band of people in the desert to be the one's to past on the so called word of god to the universe. This is the definition of narcissism. Just curious were you indoctrinated when you were a child by any chance.?? For me, i cannot see any reason to declare my allegiance to anyone, deity or otherwise, simply because not to do so means they'll be angry with me and hurt me. For one thing, on god's part, that isn't love, merely power and control, and on my part, it wouldn't be love either, merely fear. That christianity has persuaded millions of its followers to be convinced that power, control and fear are all examples of "loving" behavior is deeply disturbing, as they really distort what love really means out of all recognition. Doing something because you fear being hurt (hell damnation) otherwise is known as terrorism, and doing it for reward (heaven) is selfish.

    • @boltrooktwo
      @boltrooktwo 3 года назад

      @@robertsumners931 I only condemn science when it is wrong or people make irrational claims about it. I love science, it’s wonderful, when people stick to rational conclusions based on it. Again there is zero conflict between Theology and Science, they are in every way compatible, God created raw materials for people to experiment with and create technology with. Science was not invented one hundred years ago, it is more advanced now but because it was built on previous discoveries of truth. Thousands of years ago people discovered technology and techniques from observation we still need to build off today: Agricultural techniques, the wheel, concrete, animal husbandry, fire building, rudimentary chemistry, and many things originated thousands of years ago and were not just discovered less than one hundred years ago, that’s an outrageous historically inaccurate claim.

  • @mattbryant7294
    @mattbryant7294 2 года назад

    That's why you think a dead idol money that is an abomination to God and each other is a blessing from God and to each other. Cause $atan bought and paid for and feed$ you lie$. Debt is a tresspass and sin against each other and God. Wake up !

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад +2

    If a young man or woman in Cliffe’s crowd, asks how come the world is a mess, if God is all powerful, then maybe we can say the following.
    Maybe we can say this. But maybe not, because it’s a wee bit complicated.
    Satan who is essentially a nothing compared to God, has obtained the right to this world and essentially he rules it. God has allowed this rulership.
    To tempt us, that’s why.
    To understand this answer we firstly have to know why we are here. Why did God make us?
    Is it to live for 100 years or is it for all eternity?
    The answer is that He created us to be eternal beings and this became possible with the advent of Satan.
    Prior to Satan rebelling against God, it wasn’t actually possible or viable to make perfect creatures with free will called mankind, with the capacity to live forever.
    God can do anything but He isn’t the author of deformity and therefore there’s no way He would give mankind eternal life, if they were going to become deformed and badly maladjusted creatures.
    God will set man on the road to eternity, if mankind can eradicate from themselves, via the help of Jesus Christ, an eradication that involves completely getting rid of the capacity to disobey God, which once upon a time wasn’t in Satan, when he was Lucifer, until he sinned with no one tempting him.
    This resulted in regression and deformation.
    If therefore, an angel who is superior to us, can rebel against God without being tempted, then we, who being inferior to such an angelic creature, would eventually have no chance of standing against ourselves, and prevent sin from being found in us too.
    And perhaps we can now assume that the remaining angels in the heavenly realm, are sealed by God, making any further rebellion impossible, because they have passed the fidelity test, making it impossible, with the sealing, for them to be beset with the temptation to sin.
    And therefore so too do we need to be tested so we can also be sealed by God.
    This is a difficult concept for an unbeliever to grasp, because theirs is a constant mesmerising preoccupation with their 100 year life span, believing it to be all, and the end all, of all things.
    But God who obviously abides in the great eternal is wanting to prepare us for eternity.
    And as the angels in heaven have presumably been sealed by God, to remain faithful to Him eternally, because they resisted Lucifer’s temptation to rebel against God, therefore we too who love God also need this sealing.
    And if God allowed Satan to be here amongst us, resulting in this messed up world that Satan is messing up, it’s to obtain the faithful whom God desires to redeem.
    However those of us, who have the wherewithal to be loyal to God, will get rescued by God and sealed with a forever thrilling fidelity to Him for evermore.
    However without being in this evil messed up world, the birth into Everlasting Life with Jesus Christ our saviour, wouldn’t be possible.
    And we presume that after the remaining angels in heaven showed their true colours of proving themselves to be loyal and worthy of being sealed by God, we too who God deems as being worthy, because of our desire to be obedient and faithful to God, are also to be sealed by God.
    Hence those who are to become sons and daughters of God, by the will of God, become dead to sin in order to obtain this sealing.
    John 1:13
    King James Version
    13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
    However the prosperity of the new life to come will be amplified by the distant memory of this present messed up world.
    Revelation 7:3
    King James Version
    3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

    • @garywilson2293
      @garywilson2293 3 года назад +1

      You've thought about this for a while haven't you? Sorry but I'm extremely unconvinced, there's nothing there that I would give credence to. Nice story tho

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      @@garywilson2293 why not

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      @@garywilson2293 do you believe in God?

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      @@garywilson2293 No disrespect intended, but what I wrote I didn’t really write for atheists, but instead it was for believers.
      However your reply is to be expected because its consistent with your atheism.
      But if it’s any consolation there will be a good amount of believers who won’t agree with me and instead be in harmony with your response.

    • @garywilson2293
      @garywilson2293 3 года назад

      @@paulwilfridhunt I remain unconvinced by any and all god claims put forth so no I cannot believe in such being(s) until such times that there is sufficient evidence to convince me.
      Whether or not I'm atheist has no bearing on my reply to your post, as you said many believers would disagree as well. Your hypothetical lacks credence and evidence even by biblical standards, as an atheist sometimes I play devils advocate and critique using religious standards so whether or not it was aimed at believers is a moot point.

  • @ericfsu14
    @ericfsu14 3 года назад

    That is a Cosby sweater!

  • @zerubbablestranger6970
    @zerubbablestranger6970 3 года назад

    Actually Cliffe, if you can’t prove that the God of the Bible exists, then why are you spending any time trying to prove His existence?

    • @JakeAdkinsOfficial
      @JakeAdkinsOfficial 3 года назад

      Hes not trying to prove God's existence. No one can prove scientifically by observational proof that there is or is not God. Cliffe is demonstrating how a naturalistic/atheistic worldview is only one of multiple worldviews and we should be open to realizing that science is only one branch of knowledge. He is then demonstrating how an intellectually honest investigation into the evidence of Jesus and his claims both historical and philosophical point to his credibility.

    • @nabukwe
      @nabukwe 3 года назад

      There is a difference between proof and evidence. Prove means "to show that it cannot be another way". Can we prove that George Washington existed? No, but there's a huge amount of evidence he did. We can't prove that sun isn't going to explode in the next 100 years, but evidence shows that it won't. That's how institutes of science and learning operate, through evidence. We don't live our lives through proof, only evidence.

  • @BennyTwennyGrand
    @BennyTwennyGrand 3 года назад

    "I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and CREATE EVIL. I the lord do all these things"
    Isaiah 45:7
    The God concept is such bs. Step into the light and dismiss mysticism.

    • @nikokapanen82
      @nikokapanen82 3 года назад +4

      The hebrew word for evil is calamity or a disaster.
      Its just english trnaslation decided to use the word evil.
      So what God meant is that He causes disaster to happen but disasters are not necessary evil, they can be used to accomplish something good as well like chastise sinners.

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад +2

      You Do not read in context.

    • @BennyTwennyGrand
      @BennyTwennyGrand 3 года назад

      Keep up the mental gymnastics folks. Context, translations, interpretations.... all the more reason to KNOW these are not the words of an all knowing all loving God. He's not the author of confusion though, or is he?🤨🤔🤣

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад +1

      @@nikokapanen82 hey Nico I like gymnastics don't you wait to watch it on TV all the time I can't physically do it but I enjoy it I kind of gymnastics he's referring to is not being participated in whatsoever only integrity

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      Keep thinking Ben

  • @TomSanders-mi2bg
    @TomSanders-mi2bg 12 дней назад

    First thing to do is understand
    .abortion..Cliffe oh he will just try to ramble and justify

  • @mattbryant7294
    @mattbryant7294 2 года назад

    There are no morals when you don't know the truth of God. You only know the master of the world the father of lies by the lies you live to not know the truth the way and the life Jesus.

  • @rackzz9358
    @rackzz9358 3 года назад +1

    Jesus is King

  • @jcsmith3806
    @jcsmith3806 3 года назад

    Dude, I'm begging you, use some scripture to prove your point. Back it up with analogies that fit the audience. These people are absolutely and completely obviously ignorant

    • @RichADio
      @RichADio 3 года назад

      He does use scripture when it calls for it. However, sometimes people attempt to use logic as a means of refute his belief. So in turn, he uses logic to refute their argument. This is apologetics.

  • @jasonnoble7814
    @jasonnoble7814 3 года назад

    There is no such thing as “objective morality”
    You care about something and make it a goal to achieve based on your own subjective perspective.
    The “SHOULD” care about what the Bible says is ultimately subjective period.
    Bring on the hate trolls
    You know who you are

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад +1

      Say your objectively stating right now your subjectivity. Got it, okay now prove what you said.

    • @jasonnoble7814
      @jasonnoble7814 3 года назад

      What do you accept as proof of a claim and steel man my claim so I know you understand it

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 3 года назад +3

      Absolutely right Jason, you and I may well agree on lots of moral issues, but at the end of the day, we've come to those conclusions individually by using our own minds and working it out in our heads that something is either moral or immoral, hence, it's totally subjective.

    • @jasonnoble7814
      @jasonnoble7814 3 года назад +1

      I would say the things we agree on are universal moral subjectives and together we could form agreed-upon goals based on them, then we could formulate the best objective oughts or should dos to achieve them.
      The oughts or should do moves can be objective
      But all morality is ultimately subjective no matter what you're preferred worldview is

    • @jasonnoble7814
      @jasonnoble7814 3 года назад

      I want you to believe I'm a ridiculous child ect
      I want you to have the sympathy you feel
      You're exactly the way I want you to be my Christian troll 🤜🤛
      How's the atheist executions going btw?

  • @FolgeJesusNach
    @FolgeJesusNach 3 года назад

    1. Admit that you are a sinner.
    2. Turn away from sin. (Repent)
    3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
    4. Through prayer, invite our HEAVENLY FATHER THROUGH JESUS into your heart to become your Saviour.

  • @gweilospur5877
    @gweilospur5877 3 года назад

    Argument from ignorance - I don’t know where morals come from, therefore God.

  • @michaelgarner6450
    @michaelgarner6450 3 года назад +1

    "Does the evidence point to your world view as being true?" Christianity and all religions for that matter already in a catch 22. Cliffe you are still choosing to believe everything that happened in the bible is true regardless of what the historical record outside of the bible has to say. There are no original manuscripts of the bible. No historians during Jesus's supposed time on earth mentions him. He is only written about decades later. Not very compelling evidence. You are only left with what you choose to believe which is true.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад +1

      Depending on what type of person you are, will depend upon your capacity to investigate rather than validate what you perceive to be the truth.
      Presumably you are unaware that there have been atheist physicists who have lost their atheism because of the discovery of the Bible codes.
      The Jewish man Jeffrey Satinover who wrote the book The Truth Behind the Bible Codes, wrote it because of these men abandoning their atheism.
      Jeffrey Burke Satinover is an American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and physicist. He is known for books on a number of controversial topics in physics and neuroscience, and on religion, but especially for his writing and public-policy efforts relating to homosexuality, same-sex marriage and the ex-gay movement. Wikipedia

    • @michaelgarner6450
      @michaelgarner6450 3 года назад +1

      @@paulwilfridhunt Most people go through life not waking up. They're going to follow a cookie cut program and have tunnel vision. You need to question authority. Not a lot of investigating needs to be done in order to follow a religion. You just need to do what your told by your priest or follow what's in a book. Who wants to find out that their whole religious view might not be true. Its very unmotivating to do actual research that could threaten your whole world view.
      The bible is full of astrology, paganism, occult, etc. and it was written in a time when allegory was super popular. Their is going to be hidden meanings in their for sure. Especially because it was written by people at different times. They definitely had to come out with a new testament because the old testament was all fire and brimstone.
      Regarding homesexuality, its just a part of nature. They are not positive what actually causes it. But that doesn't really matter it just happens in nature. Its not wrong or right. Why is the male G spot in the rectum?

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      @@michaelgarner6450 sounds like you’re the one with the cookie cutter. Follow the money. Check out Jeffrey

    • @michaelgarner6450
      @michaelgarner6450 3 года назад +1

      @@paulwilfridhunt I'm not the one following an outdated book. I have checked out Jeffery, He's a physicist, psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst, who believes that women came from a man's rib. It all comes down to that Paul haha. I assume you believe that too? Anyways I don't agree with his views on homosexuality.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 3 года назад

      @@michaelgarner6450 If you want to say those brilliant mathematicians are wrong then you might as well join the flat earth society who also won’t check out the evidence.

  • @godislove363
    @godislove363 3 года назад

    @saint paul
    @Jesse Bryant
    This is for all Christians, it's how we do not agree on every topic as no human being can, we do agree on Christ and the love of Christ I'm sure we could all agree that atheist who won't stand for their point of view and are liars shouldn't be here give me a thumbs up if you agree that liars deceivers abusers and people who do not want to discuss their point of view with a proper tone of voice for attitude give me a thumbs up

    • @garywilson2293
      @garywilson2293 3 года назад +1

      I gave a thumbs down for neediness plus its not very 'objectively moral' of you to deny people free speech on a public forum.

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад

      @@garywilson2293 I appreciate your honesty but I think you should re-read my post and really think about it and understands what I'm referring to hear I did not say The Atheist shouldn't have free speech also lastly if you know the atheist number furring to their on here on a regular basis as regular trolls not true atheist searching for truth or not true atheist wanting a discussion easiest were just looking to devour and Destroy anyone's frame of mine anyone spiky anyone's personality anyone's Freedom themselves that's what I'm referring to.

    • @garywilson2293
      @garywilson2293 3 года назад +1

      @@godislove363 You are requesting other christians to agree that people whom YOU disagree with or dislike their discourse shouldn't be here to give their views (however trolling they are). You are also inferring that such people are deceivers, liars and abusers by not discussing their point of view. To make matters worse you want others to give thumbs up to validate your beliefs against people whom YOU have determined a liar etc based on either their disagreement with you or failure to interact in a manner YOU deem suitable. That's what I'm referring to - and you wonder why some atheists and others wont interact.

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад

      @@garywilson2293 I'm going to cover your second Point first, I'm not inferring anything I'm stating a fact yes a fact. Many of the atheist on here have lied multiple times deceived or been intellectually dishonest, and some have been downright abusive. Yes some Christians have been abusive to wish they shouldn't and sometimes even I have been guilty of that only after numerous attempts at conversation and the people we speak to are consistently rude lie that's why this happens. Not to your other point, just as others on here have done they worthless leessang so it should be murdered for ticked off that this Wednesday to call get a survey to see how many atheists would react when he said he thought all ex-all atheist to be executed context of his conversation starter and what has been said in the past people knew he didn't mean it except for one person who was a stickler on attacking him for the rescue he didn't mean it he was making a point also wasn't I. So was I, because many of the atheistic come here don't really look to have dialogue or conversation they just want to look to lie and steal the conversation to be mean to push their own subjective ideas and yet accuse us of not being able to discuss anything or that we lie when we haven't and so forth so if they don't want to really talk on a Christian website they shouldn't be there to figure of speech 2.4 making I'm not physically literally saying if you're legal or they should be kicked off I am not like Facebook with Trump that's not what I'm referring to knowing me enough in a few of our conversations or read my comments you should be able to infer that since you like that word.

    • @godislove363
      @godislove363 3 года назад

      @@garywilson2293 I'll be going to bed I'm just going to check a couple of the comments and then I won't be commenting the rest of the night if you beat me up Coast I will get back to you tomorrow thank you.