Top Ten Saddest Bluey Moments - Bentendo’s Top Lists


Комментарии • 2,5 тыс.

  • @Vrochian
    @Vrochian 3 года назад +2853

    (( CW : Mention of miscarriage! ))
    Whats really upsetting is the fact that the balloon popping with Bingo, it cuts to the parents, where chili seems upset and has to be comforted by the father. It has an EXTREMELY heavy implication of chili having a miscarriage. In the episode where the family is represented by planets, there is a planet before Bluey, which isnt named. :(

    • @-VoDkAsVengeance-
      @-VoDkAsVengeance- 2 года назад +563

      ...that makes more sense as to why Bandit mentioned she "wants to keep their options open" when talking to Fido about being fixed/getting a vasectomy.

    • @queenbe420
      @queenbe420 2 года назад +251

      Jesus that was so effing sad. I've had one and it's such an emotional rollercoaster. I wish for the best for anyone who has one and trying to conceive after.

    • @ShinyHunterMuck
      @ShinyHunterMuck 2 года назад +137


    • @ashleighstoutner4795
      @ashleighstoutner4795 2 года назад +26

      @@-VoDkAsVengeance- what is the episode called?

    • @inspirationalquotesaboutli2345
      @inspirationalquotesaboutli2345 2 года назад +112

      @Ashleigh Stoutner it's "Sleepytime". Recontextualized with a miscarriage in mind, the title is kind of gut-wrenching.

  • @orangeslice6887
    @orangeslice6887 3 года назад +1740

    At the end of the ep "Baby race" bingo says "maybe you saw something you wanted" when they're told about bluey learning to walk. That part always hits me hard

    • @deliriousacer5096
      @deliriousacer5096 3 года назад +55

      That was the first time i cried

    • @Conifer_Cons
      @Conifer_Cons 3 года назад +6


    • @chloeorigenes3859
      @chloeorigenes3859 3 года назад +13

      Im not even adult but its hit em

    • @cathleendanielle1398
      @cathleendanielle1398 3 года назад +124

      When Coco’s mom tells Chili she’s doing just fine.. any mom dealing with baby blues just needs to hear that sometimes. Chili stops going to mum and baby class, her house becomes messy, stops answering her phone.. I sob so much in that episode.

    • @warriorofdramaclan8107
      @warriorofdramaclan8107 3 года назад +33

      Hearing that quote, I just wanted to say something like,
      "No, not some *thing.* Some *one.* :')

  • @tdb7992
    @tdb7992 3 года назад +2675

    I'm actually surprised Bluey has done so well overseas. It's such a perfect representation of normal Australian life. The ups and the downs being lessons in life that you need to learn in order to become a balanced adult. When I heard it was going to be aired outside of Australia, I (and everyone else in the nation) was so worried that they'd take out the Aussie accents. We're not that hard to understand! I'm glad they kept our accent in it.

    • @daylinhesford3116
      @daylinhesford3116 3 года назад +123

      Bro it's easier to understand than peppa pig. Aussie accent Is more similar to American English I believe.

    • @isabellek-q3183
      @isabellek-q3183 3 года назад +39

      @@daylinhesford3116 it's actually more similar to the UK but I agree

    • @juluke8385
      @juluke8385 3 года назад +4

      what about the venomous spiders

    • @susieconley9199
      @susieconley9199 3 года назад +2

      My 1 year old loves bluey

    • @johnschwalb
      @johnschwalb 3 года назад +30

      As an American I can say the lessons I have seen in the show are ones that I want my kids learning.
      As long as it stays on the tack that it has from what I have seen from the few episodes I have seen it will make itself something great by not talking down to kids and showing them real situations, like the old thomas the tank engine show did.

  • @Jesta747200
    @Jesta747200 3 года назад +669

    The creators of Bluey make me proud to be Australian. All characters are based on our lifestyle, sense of humour and compassion. I’m glad you like it mate

    • @daylinhesford3116
      @daylinhesford3116 3 года назад +13

      I love it so much its such a different perspective and atmosphere. I also love how the main characters are litteraly heelers haha

    • @gwendolinemambwe2557
      @gwendolinemambwe2557 2 года назад +4

      Most importantly there's no woke moment.

    • @toastedtoastontoast
      @toastedtoastontoast Год назад

      As a kiwi I really enjoy this show because it also shows how kiwis live. Also there being kiwis in the show as well as aussies made me so excited too

    • @cloudshifter
      @cloudshifter Год назад

      If Australian life is as good as in Bluey then where the heck do I sign?!

  • @JKDoodleJack
    @JKDoodleJack 3 года назад +227

    Number 5 truly got me crying in front of my kid. It’s beautiful portrayal of Bluey’s future, with a healthy daughter, and reunited with her Mum and Dad in Heaven.

    • @Themusslegend
      @Themusslegend Год назад +6

      once ive seen number 5 i didnt know what happened but when i read your comment i bursted out crying

    • @Caca-r5b
      @Caca-r5b Год назад

      I just realized that!!! OH MY GOSH! They really snuck the concept in didn’t they!

  • @moonlightmanor5463
    @moonlightmanor5463 4 года назад +1574

    I love how this is a realistic show that has moments that aren't always baby talking the audience and isn't happy every scene and has such sing song "SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS" quote everywhere

    • @skisike589
      @skisike589 3 года назад +6


    • @ernestandrews1606
      @ernestandrews1606 3 года назад +7


    • @brightmacsworld8353
      @brightmacsworld8353 3 года назад +6

      I really love Bluey I watch it Everytime on Disney+

    • @kaylasilverstein4137
      @kaylasilverstein4137 2 года назад +19

      And the characters don’t TALK in sing-songy voices either lol they talk like regular people instead of kids reading scripts

    • @arthas640
      @arthas640 2 года назад +6

      I kind of hate that many TV shows have taken a cue from RUclips and have to say "share with your friends!" often. It's nothing new, I can remember shows from the 90s and maybe even 80s doing the same, but it seems like it's gotten more widespread.

  • @bluemew123
    @bluemew123 4 года назад +1708

    The scene where Bluey is grown up and sees Jean-Luc again still gives me chills every time I see it. It’s such a beautiful scene that really hits home, as I was separated from my childhood best friend for almost a decade, then we met back up in highschool and were able to pick right back up. Now 21, he and I are still best friends and more like family.
    Bluey is such an amazing show and I can’t wait for season 2 to get on Disney+, as that’s my only way of watching the episodes right now.

    • @Nonexistent097
      @Nonexistent097 4 года назад +20

      I’m dying for season 2 on Disney+ as well

    • @mintymilkshake6754
      @mintymilkshake6754 4 года назад +9

      I love it!

    • @icypop36
      @icypop36 4 года назад +5

      @@Nonexistent097 Same!

    • @icypop36
      @icypop36 4 года назад +10

      @The EthanGamer Idk, I think it is just on Disney+
      I hope it’s not owned by Disney the last show I watched that was taken over by Disney has become incredibly boring in the newest episodes and I keep watching the older ones

    • @NeNe-lu2ne
      @NeNe-lu2ne 4 года назад +5

      There is going to be a new episode desember 1st YAY!!!!!!!!

  • @mkaplan1383
    @mkaplan1383 4 года назад +1214

    4:26 You forgot the inside sad moment in this episode. When Chilli & Bandit hold each other's hands silently at this scene, I at first thought it was because they knew how Bingo was going to react. But many have confirmed that the reason they held their hands like that is because both Chilli & Bandit may have went through a heartbreaking miscarriage before they had Bluey.

    • @stanisawjurek9775
      @stanisawjurek9775 4 года назад +73

      Oh my god.

    • @mkaplan1383
      @mkaplan1383 4 года назад +83

      @@stanisawjurek9775 I call it as I see it, and the community in the forums seem to have confirmed it.

    • @lavendertease
      @lavendertease 3 года назад +34

      Wow. Got me in tears.

    • @roseanndalley5342
      @roseanndalley5342 3 года назад +18


    • @mkaplan1383
      @mkaplan1383 3 года назад +111

      @@roseanndalley5342 Remember the scene in Disney's "Up" where Ellie is burying her face in her hands crying while her husband Carl is comforting her as the gynecologist is trying explain the inability to be fertile? Swap out Carl & Ellie in that scene and insert Bandit & Chilli.

  • @ChemiGlowAngel
    @ChemiGlowAngel 3 года назад +536

    I was a kid with undiagnosed ADHD (I'm diagnosed now) and my son is Jack's age now and has been struggling in preschool. So the Army episode hit me SO HARD. I cried. Like cried, cried. Full-on tears, couldn't breathe, it took me a looong time to calm down after that episode. As both a kid like Jack (who had no idea why everything was so hard) and the parent of a kid like Jack that it just hurt. But it also gave me hope. Jack was able to find someone who took him as he was, not who he *should* have been, and actually point out what he was good at. And in at least one later episode you see him and Rusty at school still playing Army and it seems like Jack is fitting in just fine at this new school. I did like though that ADHD was never actually *said* in the episode. But you just know. They handled it well.

    • @DeathnoteBB
      @DeathnoteBB 2 года назад +4

      Nah I wish they named it. Give kids like Rusty a name for what’s their problem is, so they can understand better

    • @Adamant_Adam
      @Adamant_Adam 2 года назад +13

      ​@@DeathnoteBB yeah but some kids are like that without it actually being ADHD. To keep it unnamed keeps it more open ended for the viewer to take what they need from it. And it isn't really ABOUT ADHD, they just use ADHD to push the message of your value not being based in your ability/inability to function like other people. It wasn't about the weaknesses, it was about the strengths despite the weaknesses. That's just how I read it as some one with ADHD and other problems this episode could also describe.
      also, I knew I had ADHD and was being medicated for it since I was 8. I knew that there was something "wrong with me", but I didn't understand what that meant. It was all so focused on what I couldn't do, I never saw what I could. Wish I had a show like this as a kid

    • @arthas640
      @arthas640 2 года назад +6

      @@Adamant_Adam True. I actually got misdiagnosed with ADHD as a kid since it has a bunch of shared symptoms with Autism (fidgety behavior, short attention span on boring things, bad memory, evasiveness in social interaction, can seem distracted since we avoid eye contact, etc).

    • @Pawshacat
      @Pawshacat 2 года назад

      I still don't know what ADHD means

    • @arthas640
      @arthas640 2 года назад +1

      @@Pawshacat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. TL;DR version: it means you're fidgety, impatient, and have difficulty concentrating, especially on tasks you dislike.

  • @JammyJames1234
    @JammyJames1234 3 года назад +227

    Every single episode of Bluey makes me emotional for different reasons. But the one that makes me a blubbering cry baby is "Baby race." The way Chili gets so raw about her baby stage of parenting just hits me every time. I also feel that it's an accurate depiction of postpartum blues (or post partum depression) as when CoCo's mom comes to her house, Chili tells her that her house is a mess and Chili is pretty mentally exhausted/outwardly showing signs of exhaustion. She cries in another moms arms. Something I've personally experienced with my own children. I have watched that episode about 10 times and every single time, I can not hold back tears. This show is possibly the greatest family show I have ever experienced. It is full of lessons with real life examples, not only for children, but for parents as well.

  • @lozzap4624
    @lozzap4624 3 года назад +957

    One really sad moment for me was when chillies dad is unwell and meant to be resting- at the end of the episode chillie says to her dad “seems like yesterday that you took me swimming here” and he goes “it was” as it switches to when they were younger & chillie as a kid 💕

    • @kirstend9390
      @kirstend9390 3 года назад +33

      I just watched that episode, it’s called ‘Grandad’ 😊

    • @trishamontes9079
      @trishamontes9079 3 года назад +4

      IT wasn't nice to see Boy beef men

    • @icantthinkofaname8139
      @icantthinkofaname8139 2 года назад +47

      “He should take care of himself because… i still need him”

    • @gravetiger9333
      @gravetiger9333 2 года назад +8

      That scene gets me too

    • @franknbeans1176
      @franknbeans1176 2 года назад +18

      Seems late but I kinda realized that Chili's dad was a Digger, he prolly fought in Vietnam as he's too young from how he acts to be a Digger in WW2 I dunno just kina cool details

  • @shaynawhite1099
    @shaynawhite1099 3 года назад +2104

    So glad I’m not the only adult obsessed with this show. I sound crazy every time I try to explain it to someone else.

    • @Inactive20000
      @Inactive20000 3 года назад +25

      I love this show to

    • @SegaChann3l
      @SegaChann3l 3 года назад +13

      @@Inactive20000, I love dis show on Disney jr

    • @Lyza0327
      @Lyza0327 3 года назад +41

      Im also an adult and I have a 6 year old daughter. And I think I love this show more than she does 😂

    • @nyny2263
      @nyny2263 3 года назад +27

      Lol same 😭 I tried letting my mom know how good the show was , she looked at me like I was dumb .

    • @Atasteofnostalgia
      @Atasteofnostalgia 3 года назад +6

      I have ADHD

  • @casualcanines1023
    @casualcanines1023 3 года назад +951

    I like to think that the ending of “Flat Pack” is a symbol for death, Bluey’s character in the game sets aside her crown and joins her parents in the swing that Badit refers to as “heaven” which was kinda hard to catch at first, I think it should also be noticed that when Bingo and Bluey are “cave men” they’ve illustrated their parents as higher beings on the box’s wall

    • @lizh.6060
      @lizh.6060 3 года назад +109

      100% symbolic of death: she literally "crosses over" onto the porch (the "bridge") and grabs on- and their hands are illuminated to mark the moment.

    • 3 года назад +68

      that scene always makes me cry because of the symbolism. i’m deeply religious and i lost my grandmother just this year so watching that episode is comforting,, but also makes me extremely emotional.

    • @dreamypurrz
      @dreamypurrz 3 года назад +19

      i never thought about it like that, now it really hits me :,c

    • @SerialDesignationaN
      @SerialDesignationaN 3 года назад +8

      It makes sense

    • @oopsididitagain2556
      @oopsididitagain2556 2 года назад +8 I’m sorry for your loss, I’m glad this vid could comfort you. God bless you and your family ❤️

  • @astrophile7427
    @astrophile7427 3 года назад +138

    Unrelated but I'm a teenager yet I'm learning a lot from a children's show, Bluey. Previously I had scored really bad in an important exam for a prestigious college and its second attempt is coming by closer but I was very low on motivation and I doubted myself if I could even pass it, and it was taking a toll on my mental health, and I felt like giving up. So one day I randomly switched to Disney Jr and Bluey was airing at that time and the episode was, 'Bike', and it was all about not giving up. It was an amazing co-incidence but after watching that episode it really gave me lots of motivation on not giving up and having faith in myself. Thanks, Bluey❤

    • @daylinhesford3116
      @daylinhesford3116 3 года назад +5

      Omg I just made a comment about the episode bike. I just loved how bluey really took a look of her surroundings and felt like trying again despite her efforts. I'm also a teenager watching a Disney Jr show lol

    • @astrophile7427
      @astrophile7427 3 года назад +6

      @@daylinhesford3116 Haha, nice co-incidence! I really loved the episode too, the way Bluey took inspiration from the others and didn't give up. And the background music which played, Ode to Joy reprise I think, that felt very motivational as well. Lol same here, I'm 17 yet I watch Disney Jr. instead of Netflix. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Bluey are my all time favourites!

  • @janesigabaro7593
    @janesigabaro7593 3 года назад +295

    I feel like this show does a excellent job with teaching children about emotions in the real world. It's very straightforward and realistic, and doesn't vear far from how children actually experience emotions in real life.(or just how anyone experiences emotions in real lie)It dosent shy away or try to protect children from real and raw emotions/situations. Its messages run deeper as well making even grown people cry or feel relatable. It teaches children great emotional intelligence especially if it can teach me (a grown person) emotional intelligence.

    • @geministrial950
      @geministrial950 2 года назад +8

      This. It really is something else when a kids show nowadays isnt all loud noises, bright colors and expecting kids to always be happy. Its so important to let kids know that you cant be happy all the time; and that's *okay.*

  • @mckenzie.latham91
    @mckenzie.latham91 4 года назад +1109

    The australian accents make the adults sound amazingly awsome and the kids sound even cuter.

  • @claytongoode5715
    @claytongoode5715 4 года назад +887

    My saddest Bluey moment is Trampoline, when Bluey says goodbye to her dad as he walks off to work, fading into the horizon. It broke my heart because the first time I watched that episode, my own dad had passed away the day before. I know it's a matter of coincidence, but I still believe this episode helped me cope with the loss.
    On a brighter note, its very interesting to hear what international audiences think of Bluey. As an Australian, I'm really touched that this little preschool cartoon has affected so many.
    Consider me subscribed.

    • @QueefJerkyy
      @QueefJerkyy 4 года назад +21

      I’m sorry for your loss 😭😢

    • @Sylvia1335
      @Sylvia1335 4 года назад +11

      I,m so sorry I had no idea

    • @steamrollerboi16
      @steamrollerboi16 4 года назад +8


    • @sgrantham6739
      @sgrantham6739 3 года назад +9

      Omg I feel so sad for you

    • @marianaorozcouribe9264
      @marianaorozcouribe9264 3 года назад +11

      I am from Mexico and I am loving this show, especially because I had the opportunity to live in Melb for few months and this makes me feel closer to the friends I left behind there!

  • @sjb5169
    @sjb5169 3 года назад +317

    This truly is a beautiful show. It has even helped myself and my husband regain perspective from our kids eyes who are 2 & 5 years. Getting older you tend to forget how kids see things in the world and this show really helps you remember to appreciate the small things and how important quality time and playing with your kiddos is. Also our family is so excited about the newest season!

    • @rachelfajardo8821
      @rachelfajardo8821 3 года назад +3

      Yes I'm not a parent but work with young kids it make understand and relate there's time where there watching and I laugh more or I start tearing up and half to walk away so they don't see me hahah

  • @drag0nemper0r97
    @drag0nemper0r97 3 года назад +156

    Dude. That sleepytime episode was actually beautifully animated. This is one of the few kids shows that is competent and well made. You can tell there's a lot of work in this show. My 2 year old niece loves it and I can actually watch it with her without wanting to claw my eyes and ears out.
    Edit: Also that scene when Bluey joins her parents on the bench. I saw it as an analogy for death. Its even more so when the dad says, "this is heaven". Such a deep meaning behind a fun kids show

  • @raggedyanarchist
    @raggedyanarchist 2 года назад +150

    That "Is it a dream or is it real" ending with Jean Luc actually reminds of the ending of Shawshank Redemption thematically. Haha... not a comparison I ever thought I'd make in a show for preschoolers, but here we are.
    Another gut-punch this show delivered me was in the episode "Granddad".
    "That was a long time ago"
    "No. It was yesterday."
    I don't want to do spoilers, but if you know, you know.

  • @Volteletric-ih5lp
    @Volteletric-ih5lp 3 года назад +408

    Am I the only one who cried when the grandpa said “it was yesterday” to Chili and the episode ended

    • @rynomusic57
      @rynomusic57 3 года назад +18

      I was so close. You have no idea how close i was.

    • @princessdianabeaniebaby6607
      @princessdianabeaniebaby6607 3 года назад +18

      That episode was called "Grandad"

    • @lozzap4624
      @lozzap4624 3 года назад +3

      Oh god yes every time

    • @rachelfajardo8821
      @rachelfajardo8821 3 года назад +10

      That one made me sad to made me think of my dad who had pass

    • @anitaholland8634
      @anitaholland8634 3 года назад +2

      In Grandad, it is so heartwarming at the end so I rlly feel ya. I had a big smile on my face and almost cried.

  • @relocated8034
    @relocated8034 3 года назад +426

    11:32 its even more sad, her seeing her parents kind of means she died, and joined her parents in heaven. Watching over her "daughter". 😭

    • @athabalqis8131
      @athabalqis8131 3 года назад +62

      I interpret it in that way too, supported by Bandit's line "this is heaven". That shit hit me harder than I thought.

    • @relocated8034
      @relocated8034 3 года назад +4

      @@athabalqis8131 ikr

    • @ShelbyG33
      @ShelbyG33 3 года назад +5

      A really underrated moment

    • @PlumFace_Wcue
      @PlumFace_Wcue 3 года назад +2


    • @autobotavengerfireballxl5339
      @autobotavengerfireballxl5339 3 года назад +6

      Watching your kids grow is heaven ❤

  • @dango6266
    @dango6266 4 года назад +1023

    Bluey uses actual symbolism, character progression, and mature sounding duologue dispite being a show on disney junior... Bruh

    • @TheChickenGD
      @TheChickenGD 4 года назад +71

      They also aren't afraid to say dead

    • @gamer-dork
      @gamer-dork 3 года назад +99

      Peppa pig: The reason hes gone peppa is Isaac iguana moved away to a far away land
      Bluey: I'm sorry to inform you the Budgie died

    • @NaturallyInspire
      @NaturallyInspire 3 года назад +4

      No it doesn’t symbolism is much more then is presented in this crappy children’s show
      And yes I’ve watched it

    • @TheChickenGD
      @TheChickenGD 3 года назад +39

      @@NaturallyInspire you need to look up what symbolism is

    • @rynomusic57
      @rynomusic57 3 года назад +52

      @@NaturallyInspire if this is a "crappy cartoon show" then why are you here 😂

  • @spacedog7513
    @spacedog7513 3 года назад +171

    11:35 gets me every time. It’s so powerful. When I first saw this episode I cried for a whole 10 minutes. Especially when Chilli reaches out for Bluey’s hand, oh boy do I cry an ocean.

    • @nickwhoppayt6202
      @nickwhoppayt6202 2 года назад +6

      I got chills at this part as well. The symbolism and the music work so well together.

    • @johngancarcik5682
      @johngancarcik5682 2 года назад +2

      Just the ending alone brings along the water works I'm 31 and very close with my mom and all my family so this definitely hits me deep

  • @EMBT_
    @EMBT_ 2 года назад +92

    11:33 Oh my god that's a representation of death, going down the memory lane, watching everything you've done and accomplish, to finally get your deserved rest. Jesus.

    • @joannesreyes-ib2ks
      @joannesreyes-ib2ks 11 месяцев назад

      Please respect their names

    • @EMBT_
      @EMBT_ 11 месяцев назад

      Uhh the names of who? The characters of bluey? What...why would I need to even name them in this interpretation of the scene?​@@joannesreyes-ib2ks

    • @joannesreyes-ib2ks
      @joannesreyes-ib2ks 11 месяцев назад

      God the Father and Son

    • @EMBT_
      @EMBT_ 11 месяцев назад


    • @joannesreyes-ib2ks
      @joannesreyes-ib2ks 11 месяцев назад

      @@EMBT_ God: Father, Jesus: Son

  • @97Mizzo
    @97Mizzo 4 года назад +454

    camping absolutely broke me. I'm still coping with the separation of two special people who were a part of my life when I was younger but Chilli's advice really helped.

      @LLLIIIIEEENNNNN 3 года назад +9

      I kept crying and replaying that.

    • @texasroze2371
      @texasroze2371 3 года назад +11

      I was checking out the show and I was watching that episode, I actually almost cried but at the end I was really surprised and happy

    • @dissapointment1501
      @dissapointment1501 3 года назад

      *silence in the canoe ep*

    • @azimmeme9994
      @azimmeme9994 3 года назад +2

      Who were the 2 people?

    • @milliethefrugglepup6438
      @milliethefrugglepup6438 3 года назад +1

      Yeah. One time, my family was in the drive thru and there were two teenage kids behind us, and we kept showing her pictures on our Nintendo. They laughed for a long time. Then we got our food and drove away. We were sad to leave them.😢

  • @alliris
    @alliris 4 года назад +487

    I think one of my most favorite episodes of the show is when this girl narrates this episode of her meeting bingo as her first friend and the ending clips show them growing up together in each picture up till college while she is saying "I hope we are friends forever and ever and ever!" I forgot the episode name but it really hit me, I call it more wholesome than sad because of how great that was

    • @alliris
      @alliris 4 года назад +21

      Also in the last sad clip when Bluey was older I heard her saying "I know Muffin . . ."
      Potential new sibling in the future?? Idk we'll just have to wait and see unless if it's just nickname for bingo 😅

    • @thefabarooneymilo99
      @thefabarooneymilo99 4 года назад +51

      @@alliris Nope, Muffin is actually Bluey and Bingo’s cousin!

    • @ihatescottsdale251
      @ihatescottsdale251 4 года назад +17

      @@alliris muffin is bluey and bingos cousin

    • @Wolfmyth100
      @Wolfmyth100 4 года назад +19

      Daddy Drop off!

    • @Solar_Planet_YT
      @Solar_Planet_YT 4 года назад +5

      Ariava gacha, the girl who narrated the story was named lila she even grew up with bingo cause they are best friends

  • @TheCaptainbeefylog
    @TheCaptainbeefylog 4 года назад +258

    I'm 48 and a huge fan of Bluey. My grandson squeals with joy when Bluey comes on tv. It's made here in Queensland and is on free to air. I've even got a Bluey slideshow on my monitors so when he sits on my knee at the computer he yells out their names and claps. Notice the names of the children who voice the characters aren't listed in the credits. They're the children of various staff members of the show. One of the main writers is from a popular band from Brisbane and I believe he has a lot to do with writing the music for the show. I even have a fair idea which suburb the show is set in lol.

  • @ashfoxx85
    @ashfoxx85 2 года назад +242

    Maybe it's because I'm a dad, but the scene I always think of that hits me pretty hard is from Duck Cake, when Bandit breaks down after the cake he is making for Bingo's birthday falls apart and Bluey helps him by cleaning up. It probably hits pretty hard also because I look at Bandit as a role model for the dad I want to be, and while he has shown numerous times that he isn't perfect and makes many mistakes, this was one of the only times I have really seen him almost give up entirely.

    • @joshikyou
      @joshikyou Год назад +2

      Man I remember that episode

    • @lemonboi5833
      @lemonboi5833 Год назад

      @@joshikyou Same 😭

    • @SadFacePlayz1233
      @SadFacePlayz1233 Год назад

      *sigh* I remember that

    • @cloudshifter
      @cloudshifter Год назад +3

      It really humanized him even more to show that he isn't the facade we're meant to believe that he puts for his kids. In reality he is just another guy like everyone else. You can see him I a fresh perspective if you see the CD special short where he does a PowerPoint presentation at work about a discovery / breakthrough he made in all serious tones in front of the science world. They even call him formally. As "Doctor Bandit Heeler". If you haven't seen it I'm sure you'll find it, there is a low quality vid on RUclips. Just type Bluey Bandit archeology short.

    • @Azure_Gust931
      @Azure_Gust931 Год назад

      Bandit rarely react like that, it really something in that episode

  • @sk3llyb0nes
    @sk3llyb0nes 3 года назад +114

    Me: "I'm not going to cry over a kids show about dogs."
    Bluey: "Hold my juice"

  • @Whisperingwhispp
    @Whisperingwhispp 3 года назад +230

    Army was an episode that broke me, I myself have struggled with mental disorders and seeing the hardships shown on screen in a realistic way broke me. It hit so close to home. But in the end it helped me feel content with the way I am and always have been. Because with help it doesn't have to be a disability that pulls me down. It can lift me up and makes me who I am. And that isn't a bad thing. Seeing how happy rusty gets when he realises that he can control it and he can live with it. Made me so happy. It's rare to see mental disorders shown in a good light realistically in the media. And in a cartoon even more so.

    • @Dystnine
      @Dystnine 3 года назад +14

      Jack is relatable. I have Aspergers and ADHD and kind of had the same actions as him. Seeing him fidget and kind of go to one topic to another like him with the goat.
      They handled it well also.

    • @joeysucksatlife
      @joeysucksatlife 3 года назад +3

      @@Dystnine I have aspergers too

  • @mrmoustachio206
    @mrmoustachio206 4 года назад +274

    The composition in the episode “sleepytime” was a piece of classical music by Holst, called Jupiter the bringer of Jollity from the Planets suite.

    • @mrmoustachio206
      @mrmoustachio206 4 года назад +6

      @Lola-May VANDYCK You can disagree all you want, but you can’t argue with the truth. Look up the song and listen to it if you don’t believe me.

    • @patrickkabugi414
      @patrickkabugi414 4 года назад


    • @tonybarde2572
      @tonybarde2572 3 года назад +3

      Also known as I Vow To Thee My Country, played at the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales

    • @miriamvlachoulis6875
      @miriamvlachoulis6875 3 года назад +1

      Yep and its a banger

    • @hannahmartin9705
      @hannahmartin9705 3 года назад +1

      I hope it gets nominated for an emmy

  • @sherriekeller4586
    @sherriekeller4586 4 года назад +293

    When bingo separated with her bunny was just like when I lost my bunny

    • @SD-V_lover
      @SD-V_lover 4 года назад +7

      It was just like when i lost my doggie toy

    • @jeffparkes2899
      @jeffparkes2899 4 года назад +6

      Its like when I lost my mermaid teddy

    • @Inactive20000
      @Inactive20000 3 года назад +6

      It made me cry because of what her mum told her before she goes back to sleep

    • @princearonibias4985
      @princearonibias4985 3 года назад +3

      Me too i had a black rabit and he died

    • @princearonibias4985
      @princearonibias4985 3 года назад +4


  • @CalTheHogNosedBat
    @CalTheHogNosedBat 3 года назад +102

    Good list. For me, as a parent, on a more personal level in the episode Baby Races, when the one mom just turns to Chili and says, "You're doing great", on raising Bluey after she shows that she's got like 8 kids, it just hit me. Tears me up almost every time. I was like, Jeez when did they get the woman from The Let Down to write an episode?

  • @mughill551
    @mughill551 3 года назад +80

    Flat Pack really got me with one line.
    "This is Heaven."
    It gave me goosebumps over my goosebumps.

  • @EdgyRobot
    @EdgyRobot 3 года назад +142

    I know how bluey feels about the budgie dying, a few years back my budgie had to get put down and I was distraught. I really wish my friends where as supportive as blueys dad and not just laugh at me for crying about a bird

    • @warriorofdramaclan8107
      @warriorofdramaclan8107 3 года назад +9

      I'm sorry to hear that :'(

    • @Autizm_factory
      @Autizm_factory 3 года назад +5

      Rip that-
      Sorry wrong time 😓

    • @milliethefrugglepup6438
      @milliethefrugglepup6438 3 года назад +6

      Aww. I'm sorry those kids were laughing at you. Don't worry about what they say. Just be kind

    • @PhoenixMoth
      @PhoenixMoth 2 года назад +3


    • @godzillaboy011
      @godzillaboy011 2 года назад +6

      Wow, that's Laughing at someone's loss, can you imagine how cruel that is??
      It doesn't matter if its a human or an animal, death is DEATH. I would felt sorry for someone losing a snail, dammit!

  • @georgiamaria2412
    @georgiamaria2412 3 года назад +79

    i personally blubbered so hard during 'Duck Cake' because seeing Bluey happy and her tail wagging after she had cleaned up everything without being asked to and Bandit and Chilli smiling saying "thanks Bluey" it just made me so emotional

  • @now_a_bluey_chanel_98i58
    @now_a_bluey_chanel_98i58 3 года назад +174

    The part when jean-luc came back literally almost made me cry

    • @rynomusic57
      @rynomusic57 3 года назад +6

      It made me cry, 4 hours after i watched it

    • @birdie_pop
      @birdie_pop 3 года назад +10

      It feels like the end of monsters inc where sully sees boo again 🥺

    • @jodeciS
      @jodeciS 2 года назад +1

      And the fact the stay silent for a second, bro

  • @sheakirkness4735
    @sheakirkness4735 3 года назад +56

    This is what I call an example of a family show. Too bad they don't make a lot of type of shows like this today. Even though kids watch it, but anybody at any age would enjoy it because some of the emotional episodes, the great music, the realism in the characters, and the great morals.

  • @gothicwitch_9993
    @gothicwitch_9993 2 года назад +23

    Baby race was also an emotional one for me. As a mom I have the struggle of raising my first child. My one year old son is mostly nonverbal. My sister in law had a nonverbal child until she was 2 but her second child adapted very early and she started speaking after 9 months so my Sister in law compared her second daughter to my first child. So, I tried to do everything to make my son communicate and got him checked up by doctors but I was told that he's fine. I tried to believe what the doctor said but my mother in law and sister in law constantly comparing our children which made me more worthless, like I couldn't do anything right and I wasn't a good mom but one day, my son was watching Bluey so I joined him, the episode Baby Race came up and when Chili couldn't get Bluey to walk she felt the same way I did. But what made me emotional was when Chili's mother group freind, Bella looked to the camera and said "You're doing great" I cried at that because it's all I wanted to be told
    so now I'm letting my son run his own race and now he's trying to speak to me, it's a long way to go but I know he's doing his best

  • @rynomusic57
    @rynomusic57 3 года назад +78

    The #1 saddest moment was a part that I watched about 4 hours ago. Now as an American Teenager who got into this series about 3 months ago just because i was bored and me and my friend usually comment on children's shows and how bad they were. This series was not on that list.
    As a 14 year old I lost my best friend 8 years ago from moving state lines. Now after watching this series for months I never thought this show could get more sadder then sleepy time which i watched about 2 weeks ago. This #1 moment brought out a side that even i didn't know I had. Im litteraly sitting in my bed thinking of this moment because it is such an emotional moment. Such an amazing moment. Such an inspirational moment. So my advice to everyone out there is, stay close to your friends. You never know when they might just leave your life.

  • @JDT-Loadsamoney
    @JDT-Loadsamoney 4 года назад +82

    John-Luc really is the equivalent of making a friend while on holiday. Most likely, you will never meet again

  • @slyrax4154
    @slyrax4154 3 года назад +123

    I get that it isn't the same kind of sad, but Indie explaining how an "Early Baby" works from her perspective is terribly sad. Her parents are going through a really rough time, and she's using play to help understand it. It is very similar to the last half of "Copycat" where Bluey is trying to understand how Bandit deals with loss by experiencing it over again as him.

  • @marktrowbridge9770
    @marktrowbridge9770 2 года назад +15

    As a 54 year old grown ass man, I'd say your top 10 was spot on. If it weren't for the grand kids I'd never would have known about this show.

  • @SpiritedHeart94
    @SpiritedHeart94 2 года назад +42

    The whole thing with the budgie kinda reminds me of the Calvin and Hobbes comic when Calvin found an injured baby raccoon but it ended up dying at the end, and Calvin’s dad had to explain the concept of life & death to him. Yet another great series (though this time in comic form) that managed to be lighthearted & fun while still tackling serious issues in a way kids could understand without talking down to them.

  • @colk5373
    @colk5373 4 года назад +173

    So my class loved Bluey (even though we’re gonna graduate) and we just randomly watched episodes
    I never knew that Bluey is now the new Simpsons. Holy shit

  • @wolfjedisamuel
    @wolfjedisamuel 3 года назад +45

    The episode with Bluey and Jean-Luc was actually the very first episode I ever saw back in 2019/2020...and what a first impression it left. That episode alone had so much substance, had so much to give. Great and topical message, adorable interaction, and a wonderful end. And to those who always wondered what Bluey would look like as an adult, there you go. And I love the little hint that Jean-Luc learned to speak English over time. It's like both worlds finally coming together. Overall a great episode, and a great show.
    And what a wonderful review, great job. Thanks for doing this.

  • @caitybarter9988
    @caitybarter9988 3 года назад +211

    What I think Bandits response should have been when Bingo says “you can’t have 2 homes” is “you can but that’s a different story” and then made another episode explaining divorce. Maybe Bluey and Bingo meet someone who has divorced parents. It’s a close to home subject to me because my parents are divorced and I have 2 homes.

    • @texasroze2371
      @texasroze2371 3 года назад +1

      @John Campagna I thought winton was a male bulldog

    • @MM-yv3kr
      @MM-yv3kr 3 года назад +1

      Me too I have two homes

    • @juliefarrell6688
      @juliefarrell6688 3 года назад +9

      When I was little that's what I always told kids. "I have 2 homes" and other kids thought it was the coolest thing. It was actually really good for me since 5yo me was kinda insecure about having spilt parents. So I actually ended up incredibly proud to have divorced parents. The teachers in school themselves would entertain the idea and also said it was very neat. So maybe something like that.

  • @z-max9033
    @z-max9033 3 года назад +63

    The episode with Jean Luc hit close for me. I remember in 5th grade I made a really good friend. I was bullied by most of the other kids but he was always kind to me and we hung out every day. Eventually he had to move and I lost all contact with him, but he gave me a ring to remember him by. Part of me still hopes I'll see him again someday

    • @thankgoodnessforglinda
      @thankgoodnessforglinda 2 года назад

      you will. trust me. maybe youve already seen him again! you never know...

    • @peterpham9061
      @peterpham9061 2 года назад

      Same I had a friend in the 1st he was a great friend. Ironically I didn’t choose him when the teacher learned I had no friends they paired me up with three people who were around my age. It started off with me playing soccer with them. Then I and the other great friend made a game that was about super heroes. At the start of year 2 I wondered why he wasn’t there after 2 weeks later I thought he got really sick but by the middle of the year I accepted that he left and well he did I replaced him with another person like him just much younger but now the person I replace him with (who I don’t like) is now a massive jerk and a crybaby. To this day I still think of him, wondering where he is or how he is now I wonder why he even left but for me it’s a mystery.

  • @afrplayz9109
    @afrplayz9109 3 года назад +41

    The end of grand dad hit hard when chille’s dad said “no it was yesterday..” then it shows chille as a little kid with him 😭

  • @tonybarde2572
    @tonybarde2572 3 года назад +32

    Sleepytime would probably make me cry because the music in it was played at the Funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997). I would feel the pain that William and Harry felt. The pain of losing a mother. As Diana was their mother. May she Rest In Peace for all eternity.

  • @mayahmontilla8703
    @mayahmontilla8703 3 года назад +62

    I cried when bluey acting like a mum to bingo and bingo left to become a astronaut and his mum “said your welcome here”

  • @cynicalcharclone5894
    @cynicalcharclone5894 4 года назад +118

    I think you’ve gotten me curious about this show now

    • @zhackiethedog
      @zhackiethedog 4 года назад +8

      Ya dang same

    • @m0istur
      @m0istur 4 года назад +4

      Yall should watch it, I was watching it on Friday and it was pretty good. I wanted to watch the mandalorian season 2, but this show got my attention

    • @GarciaGamer1000
      @GarciaGamer1000 4 года назад +2

      Give Bluey a go

    • @GarciaGamer1000
      @GarciaGamer1000 4 года назад +1

      @Sophia Olvera De Anda I wish i could watch the season but I don't have any cable or money to do some of that subscription stuff for apps

    • @GarciaGamer1000
      @GarciaGamer1000 4 года назад +1

      @Sophia Olvera De Anda I wish I could see and you're making me that I wanna see it more...😢

  • @kaitybethh
    @kaitybethh 3 года назад +13

    Sleepytime makes me cry with every watch. Granted, I'm a full grown adult with a child and I still wish I could snuggle my mom on rough nights. Such a great show and a wonderful video!!

  • @ScintillatingSusie
    @ScintillatingSusie 2 года назад +19

    I think Bingo leaving Floppy is even sadder when you realize it is symbolic of her maturing and starting to sleep by herself.

  • @rudyolfschiermeister8167
    @rudyolfschiermeister8167 4 года назад +86

    For a kids show it gets really emotional like that jack moment that just hit me in the face at random

  • @tinkerbrittany
    @tinkerbrittany 4 года назад +31

    Me: whom was randomly recommended this video and never heard of the show
    Also me: now crying

  • @dhbillings
    @dhbillings 3 года назад +87

    Sleepytime makes me tear up. Every single time. Especially the part where Bingo is being carried and is still crying with such sorrow while also being filled with such joy and wonder.

    • @texasroze2371
      @texasroze2371 3 года назад +5

      I love that episode too but I don't like watching it often because I always seem to get teary eyed every time I watch it

    • @cocoispreppyashismines
      @cocoispreppyashismines 3 года назад +3

      my thoughts exactly I thought I was dumb for crying everytime while watching it

    • @courtlynwashington308
      @courtlynwashington308 3 года назад +5

      My favorite episode by far!!! I always get emotional once you realize that the sun is actually Chili. What gives the earth (Bingo) life 😭

    • @texasroze2371
      @texasroze2371 3 года назад +9

      @@courtlynwashington308 The part where she says 'I will still be here with you, even though you can't see me' always gets me, like dang..

    • @courtlynwashington308
      @courtlynwashington308 3 года назад +5

      @@texasroze2371 “because i love you” IM IN TEARS

  • @alyssabullock6421
    @alyssabullock6421 2 года назад +11

    the part with Bingo learning to sleep alone and telling her mother "I have to go, im a big girl now" as that music plays just .... what the heck man, i didnt expect Bluey to make me cry

  • @Rose-bi2rg
    @Rose-bi2rg 2 года назад +15

    I’ve never seen the seen the show but the “this is heaven” line made me tear up. I’m such a softy deep down

  • @steamrollerboi16
    @steamrollerboi16 4 года назад +116


    • @The_Scientist626
      @The_Scientist626 4 года назад +4

      IKR LOL

    • @marialm582
      @marialm582 4 года назад +2


    • @marialm582
      @marialm582 4 года назад +2

      LOL 😂 oof

    • @marialm582
      @marialm582 4 года назад +2

      Selena Quintanilla (1971-1995)

    • @marialm582
      @marialm582 4 года назад +2


  • @isasmelli6412
    @isasmelli6412 4 года назад +90

    The saddest moment in the show for me is the dead bird episode I didn’t expect death in a kids show tbh

    • @fok8252
      @fok8252 4 года назад +16

      True but don t forgot abot Sesame Street were are 2 episodes about death and for me are more sad

    • @lpsbrooklyn2023
      @lpsbrooklyn2023 4 года назад +5

      @@fok8252 Yea about when they drawed picture then big bird drew the person who died

    • @finleysgaming4076
      @finleysgaming4076 4 года назад +2

      Think You Mean Copycat

    • @isasmelli6412
      @isasmelli6412 4 года назад +1

      @@finleysgaming4076 yeah that thx

    • @rapidlyvids
      @rapidlyvids 3 года назад +2

      @@finleysgaming4076 aka copying Arthur.

  • @birdie_pop
    @birdie_pop 3 года назад +16

    just mentioning the name Jean luc makes me tear up lmao 💔💔💔 I’ve watched this episode so many times and cry each time. so glad there’s others out there that appreciate this wonderful show. great list, great video!

  • @growingupgrigsby6777
    @growingupgrigsby6777 2 года назад +15

    This past summer, we went on a cruise, and my 6 year old daughter became friends with another little girl on the ship. They played together every chance they got, and they looked forward to seeing each other every day. I asked the girl's parents if they were on the cruise Facebook page, or had any other social media where they could keep in touch, but they didn't. I knew that after the cruise was over they would most likely never see each other again. It reminded me of Bluey and Jean Luc in the camping episode. That was one of the first things I thought about as the trip was ending. My daughter was really sad when we got home, and I reminded her of that episode, and maybe someday, she and her friend would see each other on another cruise.

    • @holynootnoot
      @holynootnoot 2 года назад +3

      This happened to me once at a McDonald's I became good friends with this girl and i remember leaving so sad bc I wouldn't ever see her again :(

  • @embear4210
    @embear4210 3 года назад +13

    The episode that made me cry was The Dump. Bluey realizing her drawings were going to the dump and saying her dad isn't the best dad after all broke my heart!

  • @meraq2836
    @meraq2836 3 года назад +36

    Bingo saying “You can’t have to homes” makes me think about Bluestar saying “You can’t live with a paw in each world.” And the fact that Bluestar, in the books has a horrible Deputy (and doesn’t even know how bad he is), and Bluestar also dies in the books, makes me sad. And it reminds me that everyone dies at some point. The fact that everyone dies at some point reminds me that my grandma died and now I’m sad.

    • @warriorofdramaclan8107
      @warriorofdramaclan8107 3 года назад +4

      I guess....?

  • @legonerd6870
    @legonerd6870 4 года назад +69

    Bingo is my favorite character and I think no I know she’s the cutest ever 🥺🥺🥺she deserves a spin-off series

    • @alondralaureano6598
      @alondralaureano6598 3 года назад

      Bingo is a boy

    • @legonerd6870
      @legonerd6870 3 года назад +3

      @@alondralaureano6598 no

    • @kestrelthesoldier
      @kestrelthesoldier 3 года назад +11

      @@alondralaureano6598 Bingo is a girl

    • @RockLeesgirl7
      @RockLeesgirl7 3 года назад +9

      To be 100% honest, even though Bingo isn't the "titular" character, I feel she is every bit a main character as her sister. This show is meant to illustrate the development of emotional maturity in young children and gives an intimate look at a healthy, realistic family dynamic. It's hard to really focus on Bluey without also focusing on Bingo since the two have very similar positions in the family.

    • @texasroze2371
      @texasroze2371 3 года назад +6

      There was in fact an episode called bingo where the episode is based on her

  • @chickenwingchickenwinghotd192
    @chickenwingchickenwinghotd192 4 года назад +55

    When Jack reflects on his old school it reminds me of my brother 😓😓😓😓😥😥😥😭😭😭😭

  • @creamiemilk474
    @creamiemilk474 2 года назад +8

    Man the moment when chilli was the sun and said that she loves bingo and will always be there for her even when she cant see her hits me hard, it brings back the topic of death or being seperated in such a good way Ghhajhsd

  • @jaimedavis5457
    @jaimedavis5457 3 года назад +8

    The count down transition is very touching

  • @mica.llanduress
    @mica.llanduress 4 года назад +98

    I just realised what the “ah this is heaven” line meant🥺🥺🥺🥺

    • @Mcpickles45
      @Mcpickles45 3 года назад +1

      Omg I get it now

    • @ashyseal
      @ashyseal 3 года назад +1

      I still don’t get it 😞

    • @Mcpickles45
      @Mcpickles45 3 года назад +1

      @@ashyseal you want me to tell you

    • @ashyseal
      @ashyseal 3 года назад +2

      @@Mcpickles45 sure if you can

    • @Mcpickles45
      @Mcpickles45 3 года назад +6

      @@ashyseal “this is heven” I think means that the person that bluey was playing as died

  • @letsplaywithari8162
    @letsplaywithari8162 3 года назад +11

    all these episodes that you mentioned were eye-waterers. they were simple and yet so thoughtful
    *starts crying*

  • @creedleonard9016
    @creedleonard9016 3 года назад +9

    I didn't think this would be sad, but dang. So many moments made me actually cry.

  • @flowershroom8402
    @flowershroom8402 3 года назад +33

    The episode “The Show” is also sad to me because whenever the ballon pops, Bandit holds Chili’s hand, kind of making it look like Chili had a miscarriage, and Bandit holding her hand to comfort her.
    That one hit me hard because my mother had a miscarriage before having my little sister, and I was seven at the time so that was traumatizing

  • @LavenderLoverrr
    @LavenderLoverrr 2 года назад +6

    The whole "Even though it's just a game, _____" is the thing that makes this show so cool to me. It's way of making happy games emotional.

  • @zaydenthebaconhair8924
    @zaydenthebaconhair8924 4 года назад +41

    The 6 and the 3 made me cry :,(

  • @t4rgetedd
    @t4rgetedd 4 года назад +21

    No. 3 is like
    "Friends come and go..."
    Everything good always has to come to an end, always appreciate the moments with your special someone/friend, dont be sad cause it ended, smile because it happened :)

  • @blancamollineda8175
    @blancamollineda8175 3 года назад +14

    The episode "butterfly" actually broke me since it's sad that bluey leaves bingo bc she has no choice.

    @NAVEMAN3 2 года назад +5

    Number 3 always gets me crying. Since my grandfather died and hearing the worrying my mom has for me if she ever passes away, I always cry at this scene cause I'm like bingo. First I gave up Barney since I didn't have many friends at the time I considered Barney as one, then I lost grandpa 2 years ago, and now I'm scared for the future if my mom isn't around. This episode hits all sorts of feelings for me when it comes to the past, present, and future.

  • @cq67
    @cq67 3 года назад +6

    I watch Bluey with my son every morning while we get ready for work ☺️. I love that they brought it to the USA. I love how real and straight forward this show is for kids.

  • @HI-bp1xt
    @HI-bp1xt 2 года назад +10

    When judo ran away screaming from bingo I felt a sting in my heart, when I was a kid kids would do this when they wanted to ditch me.
    They wouldn't be honest and tell me they wanted to go, I would have grown up without abandonment issues if they would have just been honest.

  • @Mimiootto
    @Mimiootto 3 года назад +6

    I love Jack for many reason. First, he reminds of my aunts Jack Russel, but also I have autism and ADHD, so he also were a character I could relate too

  • @spacewolfie1920
    @spacewolfie1920 3 года назад +11

    I only started to cry ehen hes talking to how separation hits hard with loved ones and i remembered, when i was little, i had a dog that i loved but he acadently bit me and then he had to leave. I never really got to say goodbye and before i was able
    To see him again, he died of old age. I never said goodbye and i was getting emotional.

  • @KDJ_Studios
    @KDJ_Studios 2 года назад +2

    This video made me tear up because in the final one, I remember those times where I met friends for 1 day when I was younger, and never met again, Thank You I really needed to watch this

  • @EsmeAmelia
    @EsmeAmelia 3 года назад +6

    The ending of the Camping episode seriously hit me with the feels. It's amazing how a show for little kids can be so genuine and heartbreaking.

  • @peeperleviathan7057
    @peeperleviathan7057 4 года назад +38

    The ep sleepytime is sad for me is cuz the Chili said “I will be here even if you can’t see me” :(

  • @camicool5589
    @camicool5589 3 года назад +4

    Amazing video! I was so surprised you didn’t add any parts of of “barky boats”, especially when captain an mia talk about big school and in the end when mia cries over the letter bluey wants to write.

  • @chlo780
    @chlo780 3 года назад +7

    I think for the camping episode when she sees Jean Luc when she’s older I believe it is a flashback to her first camping trip when she met a friend and remembers him fondly

  • @NxcturnalSounds
    @NxcturnalSounds 2 года назад +5

    I wish kid shows were like this when I was young. Actually teaches you sentimental lessons that stick with you emotionally instead of just pointless kindergarten essentials...

  • @samanthahunter4720
    @samanthahunter4720 Год назад +2

    So, in regards to the music in Sleepytime, that’s Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity by Gustav Holst, from his suite called The Planets.

  • @BrendanBarney
    @BrendanBarney 3 года назад +325

    The saddest moment of all:
    When Peppa beat Bluey’s butt in merchandise.

    • @gabrielkylepadillatv
      @gabrielkylepadillatv 3 года назад +3

      sus you can’t do that what about wolfoo and Red

    • @BrendanBarney
      @BrendanBarney 3 года назад +6

      @@gabrielkylepadillatv That doesn’t count because they’re RUclips garbage filler.

    • @Gundam_JAY
      @Gundam_JAY 3 года назад +1

      Wait does it really??

    • @Warmishmalk
      @Warmishmalk 3 года назад +2


    • @alannakalamau-ranis5732
      @alannakalamau-ranis5732 3 года назад +1

      Wtf did she do I

  • @memorylooser
    @memorylooser 3 года назад +18

    I genuinely didn't expect bluey to have a small cult following- it's a pretty nice show though since it's a mix of Sesame Street and Arthur

  • @AmyJ_ThaFurryWitch
    @AmyJ_ThaFurryWitch 3 года назад +8

    "Sleepytime" always makes me cry, no matter how many times I watch it.

  • @Spacebun236
    @Spacebun236 Год назад +6

    The Army episode hit me pretty hard too, I have adhd and was pretty much alienated for most of my childhood so to see Jack make friends with Rusty and when he said “no there’s something wrong with me.” I fell apart
    Also the fairy episode was the first one to make me cry because I was already dealing with a person in my life hurting my feelings and not apologizing so to see Bandit apologize and doing whatever it took to cheer bingo up even though he didn’t know what hurt her really hit me in that moment

  • @mezzomae_1
    @mezzomae_1 3 года назад +6

    This is the only show my little sister watches that I'll gladly turn on the tv for her.

  • @mokachan3988
    @mokachan3988 3 года назад +16

    I really love bluey becouse of how the backrouds are drawn:) the shading&highlight are something you would find in a lofi music video. And the messeges the show deliverd are so well written, wich these days cartoon with both good story and grapfic are hard to find in my opinion:( so i'm glad this show exist

  • @mayahmontilla8703
    @mayahmontilla8703 3 года назад +7

    And when the little dog said “I hope me and bingo can be friends forever “ and a replay of them growing up together reminds me of one of my best friends

  • @sgste
    @sgste 3 года назад +10

    I love the inclusion of classical music in the score of Bluey - the best example being the use of Gustav Holst's The Planet's Suite in the sleepytime episode.

  • @cipherquartz6153
    @cipherquartz6153 2 года назад +2

    i’ve never watched this show but i teared up throughout this video because yeah, it’s incredible that a kids show is capable of teaching such valuable lessons

  • @lupita9041
    @lupita9041 3 года назад +15

    Is it just me or did that ending of the camping episode warm your heart?
    So amazing to see them when they’re older :D