FIX QuickBooks Online w/ ChatGPT o3-mini

  • Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
  • Check our RightTool FREE:

Комментарии • 36

  • @HectorGarciaCPA
    @HectorGarciaCPA  7 дней назад +1

    Final Script:
    javascript:(function(){var DEBUG=true;function dLog(m,d){if(DEBUG){console.log("[DEBUG]",m,d||"")}}function waitFor(sel,tm){return new Promise(function(res,rej){var,i=setInterval(function(){var e=document.querySelector(sel);if(e){clearInterval(i);dLog("Found",sel);res(e)}else if(>tm){clearInterval(i);rej(new Error("Timeout waiting for "+sel))}},100)})}async function delSelected(){var cells=Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('td[data-testid^="selected_"]'));dLog("Total selectedCells",cells.length);var txs=cells.filter(function(c){return c.querySelector('span[class*="RcCheckbox-containerChecked"]')}).map(function(c){var r=c.closest("tr");return {vendor:r.querySelector('[data-testid^="vendorName"]').innerText.trim(),amt:r.querySelector('[data-testid^="amount"]').innerText.trim()}});if(!txs.length){console.log("No selected transactions found.");return}dLog("Transactions to delete",txs);for(let i=0;i({vendor:r.querySelector('[data-testid^="vendorName"]').innerText.trim(),amt:r.querySelector('[data-testid^="amount"]').innerText.trim()})));let row=rows.find(function(r){return r.querySelector('[data-testid^="vendorName"]').innerText.trim()===tx.vendor&&r.querySelector('[data-testid^="amount"]').innerText.trim()===tx.amt});if(!row){dLog("Transaction row not found (possibly already deleted)",tx);continue}dLog("Found row",{vendor:row.querySelector('[data-testid^="vendorName"]').innerText.trim(),amt:row.querySelector('[data-testid^="amount"]').innerText.trim()});let act=row.querySelector('td[data-testid^="action_"]');if(!act){console.warn("Action cell not found",tx);continue}let menu=act.querySelector('button[aria-haspopup="menu"]');if(!menu){console.warn("Menu button not found",tx);continue};dLog("Clicked menu button",tx);try{let delOpt=await waitFor('ul[data-testid="delete"]',3000);;dLog("Clicked delete option",tx)}catch(e){console.error("Delete menu item not found",tx,e);continue}await new Promise(r=>setTimeout(r,500));dLog("Waiting for DELETE confirmation modal...",tx);try{let conf=await waitFor('div[data-testid="ModalDialog"] button[aria-label="Delete"]',3000);await new Promise(r=>setTimeout(r,500));;dLog("Clicked confirmation delete button",tx)}catch(e){console.error("Confirmation delete button not found",tx,e)}await new Promise(r=>setTimeout(r,1000));dLog("Finished processing transaction "+(i+1))}console.log("Processing complete.")}delSelected().catch(e=>{console.error("Error:",e)})})();

  • @mattbennett2574
    @mattbennett2574 7 дней назад

    I continuously read people say how Chatgpt can help with coding (when your not knowledgeable on writing code), but this video is helpful by giving an visual illustration on how it was done in a specific case. While the videos would be much shorter by editing it, thanks for not cutting any pieces out so we could actually see the whole process.

  • @ivolazy
    @ivolazy 5 дней назад

    Hector, I love how fearlessly you show QB users how they can build their own RightTool. Brilliant! Where this can go next when it gets better reasoning/grounding is inspiring ...

    • @HectorGarciaCPA
      @HectorGarciaCPA  4 дня назад

      Its going to be an interesting couple of years

  • @AmandaChestnut-g6t
    @AmandaChestnut-g6t 3 дня назад

    Hector - Thank you for being a true pioneer! This is fascinating!

  • @timothycore6123
    @timothycore6123 8 дней назад

    Amazing. I never knew about bookmarklets... I am now going to be on a quest to find and create as many as I can.

    • @HectorGarciaCPA
      @HectorGarciaCPA  8 дней назад

      @@timothycore6123 awesome, share your insights!

  • @1982joseline
    @1982joseline 8 дней назад

    You are amazing. Keep on teaching. Thank you for all your videos.

  • @kelvinkhayotta8226
    @kelvinkhayotta8226 4 дня назад

    This amazing insight into understanding how AI can assist us in accounting

  • @rgallegos2234
    @rgallegos2234 8 дней назад

    Wow this is brilliant! Thanks for sharing.

    • @HectorGarciaCPA
      @HectorGarciaCPA  8 дней назад

      @@rgallegos2234 thanks glad you enjoyed it… its so nerdy.

  • @jimsmith5856
    @jimsmith5856 8 дней назад

    Brilliant!! Again. Thank you

  • @leydirei
    @leydirei 5 дней назад

    Thank you so much for all the valuable content that you share. It has been so helpful for my business!!! Have you used AI to also fix issues? My QBO seems to have a glitch that if I put an expense under a customer, the expense can't be changed to a different customer.

    • @HectorGarciaCPA
      @HectorGarciaCPA  5 дней назад

      Download RightTool. So you can see all we have done to fix QBO issues

  • @anashkachaliya
    @anashkachaliya 8 дней назад

    Thanks! Very helpful!

  • @akshayshrimanker5648
    @akshayshrimanker5648 8 дней назад

    Very helpful!

  • @bruceirvine4474
    @bruceirvine4474 3 дня назад +1

    Can we go back to an L8000 posting machine? ha

  • @somenmondal2964
    @somenmondal2964 8 дней назад

    It is very helpful to us

  • @angelas8839
    @angelas8839 8 дней назад

    Holy mackerel! That was genius!! Now can you create a booklet for QBO to number the COA automatically!!

  • @GloriaAnglero-Mercado
    @GloriaAnglero-Mercado 8 дней назад

    Keep up the great AI videos!!!

  • @vilmorevilladolid527
    @vilmorevilladolid527 7 дней назад

    hi :-) really amazing! can you share the completed JS script please? thanks in advance. cheers!