Transistor working | Class 12 (India) | Physics | Khan Academy

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 208

  • @BharathinfinityHegde
    @BharathinfinityHegde 4 года назад +297

    i wasted hours and hours trying to make sense of the absolute madness that NCERT is, when i could've just watched a 11min video....a simply brilliant explanation

    • @OmarKhan-ds1si
      @OmarKhan-ds1si 4 года назад +2

      When 5V are applied to pull electrons then why we need forward biasing volatge of 0.7V at base ?

    • @revanthreddy5239
      @revanthreddy5239 3 года назад +7

      Dude NCERT is not mad. A book is never mad, every book is great and special in its own way

    • @teratrox4685
      @teratrox4685 2 года назад +21

      @@revanthreddy5239 NCERT is a joke. Not all books are divine. If you are still adamant that every book is special, I'd like to know how you feel about Mein Kampf.

    • @rishabhranjan5162
      @rishabhranjan5162 2 года назад +3

      @@teratrox4685 Ok clown🤡

    • @siddharthamondal4346
      @siddharthamondal4346 2 года назад +11

      @@teratrox4685 I agree with you. Such a weird book. Never updated even once moreover many erratic piece of information given in NCERT. Our chem sir hunted lots of misinformation in NCERT

  • @thunderbolt6276
    @thunderbolt6276 6 лет назад +170

    No lecture can match urs not even the paid ones hats off💂

  • @meghwati8373
    @meghwati8373 3 года назад +120

    I almost felt like crying 'cause i couldn't understand the concept of transistor no matter how many videos i watch, no matter how many times my teacher explains to me. This video cleared all my confusion and gave a very clear explanation. Also, when the teacher in the video explains things he sounds so excited and happy that it makes me feel like I am actually studying something very exciting. Thank you for this video. It saved my day.

    • @furiousarpan7473
      @furiousarpan7473 Год назад +1

      He is the king

    • @sanjanasathsarani3573
      @sanjanasathsarani3573 Год назад +1

      I can understand the the feeling we both were in the same boat before watching the video

    • @Rohan_Verma__25
      @Rohan_Verma__25 5 месяцев назад +3

      Really bro
      For me transistor is very tough in entire 12th physics

  • @pritisarmah1688
    @pritisarmah1688 5 лет назад +56

    This is the only vid in RUclips which made my understand the concept. Thanks a lot😁

  • @260eeeprasuna2
    @260eeeprasuna2 4 года назад +35

    I'm very possessive soo that's the reason I won't suggest anyone to watch your videos cause you are the best best best teacher in my life.... And your teaching is damn excellent... 👍🏻

  • @fahimm3905
    @fahimm3905 2 года назад +18

    Long story short: EXCELLENT teaching technique and the way to approaching to the key concept is just mind blowing! 😳

  • @rajangidwani2007
    @rajangidwani2007 6 лет назад +19

    You have been my motivation !
    I have been loving physics since I started watching your videos. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @sanjanasathsarani3573
    @sanjanasathsarani3573 Год назад +3

    i actually do not have words to say ... i wasted lot of time to grap the thing inside a transister and finally i can rest in peace ....THANK YOU VERY MUCH

  • @shiwamkarn5215
    @shiwamkarn5215 3 года назад +4

    finally i found a teacher who teaches in the way i wanted to learn..thank u so much bhaiya u soo much

  • @Spear8
    @Spear8 2 года назад +7

    i cant tell u how thankful i am . i will definitely try to help you guys when I start earning on my own . Your that physics teacher we never knew we wanted

  • @saturnjupiter6837
    @saturnjupiter6837 2 года назад +2

    This is probably the best video on transistor... I totally wasted hours to understand this concept but i couldn't. This video cleared the concept within 11 minutes .

  • @FeeltheMusic_2024
    @FeeltheMusic_2024 Месяц назад

    Man i tried to understand for the whole last night but this one single video made me understand everything... hats off fr

  • @rameshjain17
    @rameshjain17 6 лет назад +11

    What a explaination ! ❤️
    Hats off 🔥

  • @iamtb100
    @iamtb100 11 месяцев назад +1

    Yes. In very less time you explained a difficult topic. Thank you so much.. Teaching tools are also great.

  • @niranjan7457
    @niranjan7457 3 года назад +6

    Sir, at 04:55, you mentioned that no amount of supplied voltage would cause flow of electrons due to the presence of the barrier in the PN Junction. But a PN Junction is weakened by increasing voltage, right? So doesn't a weak barrier result in more flow of electrons sir?
    Kindly clarify

    • @KhanAcademyIndiaEnglish
      @KhanAcademyIndiaEnglish  3 года назад +9

      There are two barriers, right? Almost all the supplied voltage comes across the top barrier (collector/base junction) reverse biasing it. The lower PN barrier (Emitter/base junction) is pretty much unaffected, and so electrons cannot be pulled out.

    • @ianbrewis8354
      @ianbrewis8354 3 года назад +4

      I was thinking the same thing thanks for the explanation.

  • @shafiajabeen9785
    @shafiajabeen9785 3 года назад +4

    What good have i done to deserve you Khan academy❤️.
    thank u Soo Soo much

  • @rajobakhatun2201
    @rajobakhatun2201 3 года назад +4

    if there had had a way to rate, I would have rated this video 10 out of 10 over this topic! Honestly all of my confusions have gone over it, thanks💝

  • @tahmidislamtasen1602
    @tahmidislamtasen1602 Год назад +1

    Best video on transistor on the internet 🎉

  • @pamudusachintha5869
    @pamudusachintha5869 9 месяцев назад +1

    Great explanation..Nothing can match that

  • @manjeiy2453
    @manjeiy2453 Год назад +1

    Alhamdullilah ☝️❤ now i have understood amplification atleast....thank you so much mister

  • @vishnuprasadspillai2002
    @vishnuprasadspillai2002 3 года назад +1

    Great video.. I ended up here to understand this thing... A crystal clear approach.. Thank you Khan Academy...

  • @imsonecka
    @imsonecka 7 месяцев назад +1

    istg bestest teacher ever on electronics

  • @so.meYeah
    @so.meYeah 2 года назад +1

    I don't know why most of the books teach this theory using the direction of current. It is more convenient to learn this part using the direction of flow of electron. I wasted hours to understand it until I came across this video. Thank You... Nothing Like This Channel...♥️

  • @08athakwaninandish16
    @08athakwaninandish16 2 года назад

    बहुत ही अच्छा और अतुलनीय विवरण दिया गया है।

  • @dawnwatching6382
    @dawnwatching6382 2 года назад +5

    Great stuff, Mahesh up there as one of Khan Academy's best instructors!

    • @khawjariyaz511
      @khawjariyaz511 Год назад +2

      Honestly better than physics wallah but underrated due to less drama... He gives education not drama

  • @ayushchoubey635
    @ayushchoubey635 2 года назад

    Teachers like this are blessing to humanity

  • @shivangsingh2329
    @shivangsingh2329 4 года назад +1

    This is just like gift from god. Feels like only thing i needed

  • @fardowsoabdisaid
    @fardowsoabdisaid 23 дня назад

    Wow 👌 the first video made me understood this concept
    Thank khan ❤

  • @sujithgowdakr46
    @sujithgowdakr46 Год назад

    Really ... khan academy videos are the best .... the explanation of theory is so good . I wasted many hours in understanding this concept. But here I got the concept within 10 min . Thank you khan academy

  • @thrupthishetty896
    @thrupthishetty896 5 лет назад +1

    Omy god his explanation is so awesome

  • @RazaDarain
    @RazaDarain 10 месяцев назад +1

    I'm lucky to be here 😊

  • @moody261
    @moody261 3 месяца назад

    Wohh .. first time lecture on black screen seemed really interesting.. wanna watch others of your too

  • @sreehariharikumar5865
    @sreehariharikumar5865 Год назад

    Simply brillant! LOVED IT❤

  • @dawitabebe
    @dawitabebe 10 месяцев назад +1

    ''When u think about sth u don't understand, u hv a terrible Uncomfortable feeling called Confusion some times it is very difficult and unhappy buisness ''

  • @aashibbaloch
    @aashibbaloch 3 месяца назад

    Finally understood the concept

  • @tusharchaudhari8107
    @tusharchaudhari8107 10 месяцев назад

    Absolutely insane🤯🤯🤯🤯

  • @mohitgrover1915
    @mohitgrover1915 3 года назад

    Finally got the best channel after watching sooooo many videos..🙏🙏💯💯💯

  • @rishujain0721
    @rishujain0721 4 года назад

    Best conceptual videos on semiconductors on this channel..👍👍👍

  • @patakotisrinivas1918
    @patakotisrinivas1918 2 года назад

    Beautifully explained, as it explained practical example...hats off to u r lecture...really awesome

  • @cyndia3663
    @cyndia3663 3 года назад +2

    thank you so much for this and btw i like your handwriting :D

  • @fl7866
    @fl7866 4 года назад +8

    The video is great!! But why is it necessary for the electrons to undergo recombination in order to get pulled out?

    • @OmarKhan-ds1si
      @OmarKhan-ds1si 4 года назад +4

      When 5V are applied to pull electrons then why we need forward biasing volatge of 0.7V at base ?

    • @gauravav1635
      @gauravav1635 2 года назад +1

      @@OmarKhan-ds1si same doubt

    • @lakshitadixit5
      @lakshitadixit5 Год назад

      @@OmarKhan-ds1si because 0.7 V is the breaking voltage for silicon diode, means it cannot pass the the potential barrier which is the in built electric field in a PN junction from N to P which repels the flow of holes from P to N so in order for the holes to pass from P to N a voltage of 0.7 volt is required for a silicon diode doped with phosphorus and boron.

    • @lakshitadixit5
      @lakshitadixit5 Год назад

      @@OmarKhan-ds1si there is no potential barrier bw the metallic plate and N so electrons can be pulled easily

    • @lakshitadixit5
      @lakshitadixit5 Год назад +1

      Because recombination destroys holes and electron so for every electron destroyed another electron gets pulled and then the electron that gets pulled generates a new hole.

  • @Aditya-ir1ko
    @Aditya-ir1ko 3 года назад

    Sir these are the things which makes my concept in ECE
    luv from nit kkr

  • @TheMariapparaj
    @TheMariapparaj Год назад

    Very simple and brilliant explanation.

  • @Skz716
    @Skz716 2 года назад +1

    Sir I thank you from bottom of my heart.❤️

  • @ganeshbodepu9845
    @ganeshbodepu9845 3 года назад +2

    At 8:25 mins, when you talk about the small fraction of recombined electrons and as a result get pulled out of the base. Why would they be pulled out after recombining?

    • @deeCodes-1
      @deeCodes-1 3 года назад +2

      I don't think every electron gets the chance to recombine because P region is very lightly doped. And before an electron gets the chance to recombine, it might get pulled into the 0.7v terminal because the probability of recombination is very less here.

  • @Physicssimplifiedbyshivam
    @Physicssimplifiedbyshivam 2 года назад

    Your explanation is the best on you tube. Thank you

  • @beautlin3652
    @beautlin3652 5 лет назад +6

    I'm very lucky to see this video😍😍
    But my friends don't 😈😈

  • @priyeshvishwakarma2655
    @priyeshvishwakarma2655 3 года назад +1

    Great explanation sir ,this is what I needed 🙏❤️

  • @shawarmasharma4293
    @shawarmasharma4293 2 года назад


  • @krithikashree1957
    @krithikashree1957 Год назад

    perfect explanation with a nice example👏

  • @manjumk0501
    @manjumk0501 4 года назад

    Simply wonderful.. Thank you soo much.

  • @ahmadeldesokey9844
    @ahmadeldesokey9844 5 лет назад

    Best video on transistors .♥♥

  • @akashhera
    @akashhera Год назад

    Finally I understood how a transistor works! Hats off😍

    • @Msmsm184
      @Msmsm184 9 месяцев назадвидео.htmlsi=BhPuTiSGQulM87F2

  • @cheese348
    @cheese348 Год назад

    Mahesh thank you so much, I love you man!!! ❤❤

  • @gayathribhat6323
    @gayathribhat6323 Год назад

    wow just wow

  • @mosalah151
    @mosalah151 Год назад

    Incredible explanation

  • @arunasolanki3034
    @arunasolanki3034 6 лет назад

    It's really concept clearing.

  • @sabassrana6768
    @sabassrana6768 2 года назад

    I can just say a huge huge thnx sr

  • @tasnimul0096
    @tasnimul0096 Год назад

    great lecture sir!!

  • @jauhar.k
    @jauhar.k 6 лет назад

    Now i know what transistor actually do....thanks dude😊

  • @shrutishankar2158
    @shrutishankar2158 4 года назад +8

    I don't understand how the recombined electrons would give rise to base current..

    • @SajjadKhan-jx4ql
      @SajjadKhan-jx4ql Месяц назад

      Electrons are attracted by the 0.7 V from base

  • @whiskyguzzler982
    @whiskyguzzler982 4 года назад

    When peeps google Transistor they should be pointed here. Wonderful and easy to understand.

  • @varunsingh8322
    @varunsingh8322 3 года назад

    that was phenomenal

  • @advaitagautam3505
    @advaitagautam3505 2 года назад +1

    thank youuu 😄

  • @dharmendrarathod3753
    @dharmendrarathod3753 2 года назад

    Love your channel sir. ❤ 👏 🙌 👌

  • @yewedmund
    @yewedmund 4 года назад +4

    If the sound to the mic is very loud to a point that makes the voltage higher than 5V, what would happen? since now the reverse bias becomes forward bias on top

    • @revitharevitha5356
      @revitharevitha5356 10 месяцев назад

      We could add a resistor so that it doesn't exceed 5V.We could make the voltage drop

  • @freidarhealness5216
    @freidarhealness5216 5 лет назад +3

    The transistor is probably the most genius invention in the history of human beings.

  • @vijaypanta9778
    @vijaypanta9778 4 года назад


  • @eliasthurner7142
    @eliasthurner7142 Год назад

    very well said

  • @jamnachoudhary5243
    @jamnachoudhary5243 3 года назад

    your explanation is awesome ............ so,thanks sir😊😊

  • @dishajha815
    @dishajha815 2 года назад

    Brilliant explaination ,,, thanx a lot 😭

  • @harindudilipa1559
    @harindudilipa1559 5 лет назад +2

    It would be even great if u answer peoples question in comments khan acadamy

  • @I20PH039SuryaPrakashG
    @I20PH039SuryaPrakashG Год назад +2

    recombined electrons become neutral, how they can be pulled out left side? anyone please

  • @allrounder2367
    @allrounder2367 3 года назад +1

    Kindly explain more how an electron must go under recombination to be attracted from the base voltage?

  • @phalgunarao5877
    @phalgunarao5877 2 года назад

    Great explanation sir.

  • @bhuvaneshwarisaravanan9682
    @bhuvaneshwarisaravanan9682 3 года назад

    Super explanation.....

  • @amitkumarsaroj6071
    @amitkumarsaroj6071 2 года назад

    Thank You so much sir 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
    Really very well explained

  • @michaelcummings6178
    @michaelcummings6178 3 года назад +1

    A lot of this has to do with proper polarization from external power sources to properly bias the devices

  • @ChayanGhosh-d2i
    @ChayanGhosh-d2i 2 месяца назад

    Boss thank uuuuuuuuuuuuu:)

  • @jashkadu8618
    @jashkadu8618 6 лет назад +1

    Excellent video

  • @Shubham-rl7zw
    @Shubham-rl7zw 3 года назад +2

    Sir you said we have to connect speakers on +5 V side so that we get higher current or voice but how could the current or sound come out from +5v side becuase from that side their is movement of electron occuring so current will move opposite to that direction ... Please clear this doubt sir

  • @hirunrashentha1082
    @hirunrashentha1082 3 года назад

    Great explaination 💪👌

  • @abishangar8680
    @abishangar8680 Год назад

    4:30 =>
    Only 0.7V is enough to break the depletion layer. But there is 2 depletion layers. So, 1.4V is enough to break it. Then Why electrons can't diffuse from N region to P region while 5V potential difference is connected?

    • @lakshitadixit5
      @lakshitadixit5 Год назад +1

      No only 0.7 V is enough because first depletion region is from N to P so 0.7 is enough for electrons(majority charges) to overcome the potential barrier. The second depletion region is from P to N where electrons are now a minority so the in built electric field in that region is in favour to accelerate those minority electrons from P to N

    • @lakshitadixit5
      @lakshitadixit5 Год назад +1

      The electrons can not diffuse from N to P region even with the 5 volt because N is negative type connected to a Positive+5V terminal so electrons instead of getting diffused to P will get pulled from that N by +5V as opposites attract.

  • @lpokiiim
    @lpokiiim 3 месяца назад

    nice vid cheers

  • @boobalang9997
    @boobalang9997 5 лет назад


  • @markszlazak
    @markszlazak 4 года назад +1

    Will you add some lectures on JFET's and MOSFET's?

  • @patelrushil3323
    @patelrushil3323 5 лет назад

    Very well teached !

  • @sakshi6532
    @sakshi6532 Год назад +1

    Imagine getting like from this guy behind this legendary vedio

  • @mdsakilbhuiya8689
    @mdsakilbhuiya8689 4 года назад

    You are really a great teacher

  • @niranjan7457
    @niranjan7457 3 года назад +1

    Sir, a silly doubt...
    At 07:20, you mentioned that the chances of recombination is very small because of low number of holes in P
    But in recombination process, the electrons get recombined in N only right? (видео.htmlm54s )
    I don't quite get how recombination in P helps - because recombination in N only causes the continuous flow of charges

    • @KhanAcademyIndiaEnglish
      @KhanAcademyIndiaEnglish  3 года назад +4

      Recombination happens wherever there are holes and electrons, so they can happen in both N and P-type conductors. In that video, I only chose to look at what happens in N. But, something similar happens in P-type as well. Electrons injected into the P-type from N also recombine and contribute to forward current. The current in forwarding bias is due to the sum of electron and hole current. In our transistor, both the electron and the hole current in the Emitter-base junction are very small. Feel free to ask more questions.

    • @MehediHasan-wm1ix
      @MehediHasan-wm1ix 2 года назад +3

      @@KhanAcademyIndiaEnglish In the P region some electrons recombined with holes, and you said this recombination cause current flow from base, which is base current. But how can electrons or holes cause current flow after recombination?

  • @SamiAl-Amir
    @SamiAl-Amir 4 месяца назад +1

    If the voltage is more than 0,7 why the electrons cant go through the deplition region.
    I dont understand why the transistor cant work with one battery

  • @inanis6707
    @inanis6707 Год назад


  • @roopas8462
    @roopas8462 4 года назад +1

    how does electron get pulled out if it recombines. shoudnt it form covalent bond

  • @akashrawat29227
    @akashrawat29227 4 года назад

    Best explanation

  • @nipunijayarathne2028
    @nipunijayarathne2028 5 лет назад

    Woooow thankss

  • @akbarrahmatullah6701
    @akbarrahmatullah6701 5 лет назад

    Well explained.

  • @prashanthkumar0
    @prashanthkumar0 2 года назад

    3 guys made triode xD
    teen tigada transistor banaya ..

  • @bonexs3294
    @bonexs3294 Год назад

    Sir, please do course video on electronics and communication

  • @copernicus6420
    @copernicus6420 Год назад

    Opacity is really important

  • @260eeeprasuna2
    @260eeeprasuna2 4 года назад

    🎩 🎩 off.....