UC Berkeley ranks top 5 in the most major global U ranking leagues. QS ranking has been well-criticized in the past years. Now it has rectified the issues.
"The three longest established and most influential global rankings are those produced by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), Times Higher Education (THE) and Shanghai Ranking Consultancy (the Academic Ranking of World Universities; ARWU). All of these, along with other global rankings, primarily measure the research performance of universities rather than their teaching.[4][5][6][7][8][9] They have been criticized for being "largely based on what can be measured rather than what is necessarily relevant and important to the university",[8] and the validity of the data available globally has been questioned.[5] "
sour grapes! apparently, u have never studied in any of the top 20 UNI in UK. I tell u what, one gets to study really hard to get into the top 20 plus putting lots of effort in order to graduate with a honor degree like 2nd hon upper and above.
@@aircharter1852 I agree, but why should one pay 50K pound a year to Cambridge throwing one Benz to sea a year and four Benz in four years? Grant, loan should be arranged for top notch candidates, isn’t it?
Thanks 胡主任 支持胡思頻道
謝謝你詳細資料📃update 我哋☺️🙏🏻
thanks for your information
QS真的不可信,前幾年港大牙科連續幾年排第一,是名過其實,嚴重依賴PArt time lecturers
UC Berkeley ranks top 5 in the most major global U ranking leagues. QS ranking has been well-criticized in the past years. Now it has rectified the issues.
I guess so
"The three longest established and most influential global rankings are those produced by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), Times Higher Education (THE) and Shanghai Ranking Consultancy (the Academic Ranking of World Universities; ARWU). All of these, along with other global rankings, primarily measure the research performance of universities rather than their teaching.[4][5][6][7][8][9] They have been criticized for being "largely based on what can be measured rather than what is necessarily relevant and important to the university",[8] and the validity of the data available globally has been questioned.[5] "
Agreed. That's why I said don't trust these rankings too much in the beginning
University of Bristol Law School has a very good reputation in legal sector and its graduates are highly sought-after by legal firms
香港劍橋羅畢業生 黑人都唔請嗰啲香港人打官司喎 逼住要返嚟香港謀生喎 係咪咁呀 呢 個作死仔咪要返嚟 loewe
Thanks for your info
十幾年前,我大仔獨個兒到英國UCL讀完碩士,那時UCL 連續排第四,最差第七,現在跌了,他在英差不多十三年了。😢
Global Top IB Schools 2022 Results
World's Best IB Schools - by IB DP Score
not university ranking
Ib school 也一樣爭崩頭
用普通話教學 排名便全線升囉
普通話教學大學排名榜 :)
真係冇人講都唔多覺, 傷講大多數都有特別部門, 專家專職去迎合外來排名機構, 例如再之前有專人為XX採購 PhD !
專門部門應酬外來評審排名乃公開的天機, 耐咗点會冇外人知!
@@woo-see 胡Sir ! 嚇親你呢?有啲老牌廣 C 仲未有 PhD!咁咪有專人出動團購!
特別係教授, 去邊度都可以
同意不能盡信, 香港教授人工咁高都走, 係有古怪
排名無意義,排前面皆是理工學院,理工學院是職業導向 ,不應稱為大學。
十大都係得麻省理工省算是「職業導向」啫, 牛劍都算全人教育噃
2022 雙冠軍?
Hold on ! 誰敢說完全沒有小雞, 早年有啲被送升格的因長期收唔夠生被迫專收猜吓吖拿仔女,,,,咁咪走上小雞之途
QS 排名- 淨係睇香港城大仲高過英國St Andrews 就已經唔使睇啦😆
@@woo-see 淨係憑"國際師生"人數高而拉高個排名已經係詐騙啦,平時講政治正確唔准講中港,計排名是就竟然將中國人當國際人!
其實香港既大學都係抄人地課程番來教, 而且無咩更新, 奇怪還有咁高排名
送德國讀書,vorwärts für Klimagerechtigkeit !
德國免費讀大學, 但能否入藉就唔知了
@@woo-see 德文:B1五年入籍,C1三年入籍.而家唔知有無改。
奇怪見到留言各位家長幫仔女安排毒大學劍橋呀其他呀咁 好似香港啲新移民 幫仔女安排幼稚園補習班小學呀咁 乜大學唔係仔女自己搞掂啦咩 你當啲仔女白痴嘅咩 因住搶曬啲仔女咪 搞到佢哋冇曬人生故事變咗啃老族
@@woo-see 明白做主持係要持平啲嘅 其實仔女 食得幾飽 自己話事啦
英國大學當一盤生意去做. 社會又無競爭力, 治安又差. 就算咁多大學高排名比咁貴學費, 出到黎社會咪又係死慳死做. 最多入到出名大學就似著件名牌去招搖.
原來如此 唔怪得劍橋博士生返嚟香港都係見一份海關嘅入職三萬蚊嘅工 啦
sour grapes! apparently, u have never studied in any of the top 20 UNI in UK. I tell u what, one gets to study really hard to get into the top 20 plus putting lots of effort in order to graduate with a honor degree like 2nd hon upper and above.
@@miketsai75 oxbridge is good for those who prefer to stay in public administration or politics
@@aircharter1852 I agree, but why should one pay 50K pound a year to Cambridge throwing one Benz to sea a year and four Benz in four years? Grant, loan should be arranged for top notch candidates, isn’t it?
@@aircharter1852 Oh I see, learned something. How about staying in Cambridge as professor? What do you think?
Hold on ! 誰敢說完全沒有小雞, 早年有啲被送升格的因長期收唔夠生被迫專收猜吓吖拿仔女,,,,咁咪走上小雞之途