The Manual Wheelchair Comparison: Intrepid

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @maryal4540
    @maryal4540 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you so very much for all your help and support in the needs of Paras & Quads .

  • @gduke53
    @gduke53 6 лет назад +1

    Wonderful presentation, Christie!!! Best explanation of Quickie"s base products and mission that I've ever seen.

  • @CripSkillz
    @CripSkillz 5 лет назад +1

    OMG that morph is the coolest bike I have ever seen ,. I could actually use that one, ,. I can only wish but that's sickk

  • @Palomablanca2008
    @Palomablanca2008 9 лет назад +1

    Great video !! Thanks !!!

  • @pradeeptiwary2131
    @pradeeptiwary2131 4 года назад

    It's amazing new look

  • @stockholm3976
    @stockholm3976 Год назад

    Great that everybody can bicycle! 🙂👍

  • @fawnleaver9583
    @fawnleaver9583 2 года назад

    Necessity is the mother of invention.

  • @pradeeptiwary2131
    @pradeeptiwary2131 4 года назад

    I need one

  • @morgansmitley5740
    @morgansmitley5740 8 лет назад +1

    you are so sweet! it's so obvious you care about people! hopefully I'll own one of these bad boys someday haha :)

  • @6122ula
    @6122ula 5 лет назад

    ...Anyone know if the X11 Morphing Handcycle exists anywhere?...May have never gone into production...But it is just what I need at this point in my life...sigh (

  • @DavidJohnson-xr2rz
    @DavidJohnson-xr2rz 5 лет назад

    ANOTHER OUTDOORS WHEELCHAIR APPROACH:видео.html After the video was posted I installed modified BMX wheels with 2 1/4" tires. Now I can just ride down over a curb without having to stop to let the wheels down. And the difference going up was amazing. No struggle, just pull the wheel up, and up onto the sidewalk it comes.
    One huge drawback is common to most wheelchairs: if you're working at it, you're ruining your shoulder and neck muscles. I plan to add a small motor that's geared 'way down, so going up a ramp or steep slope you can let the motor do the work. Sure, you can get a good mobility scooter for less than $ 2,000 these days, but there's no mobility scooter that can navigate indoors, go up and down curbs, and be loaded into most cars with the heaviest piece less than 30 pounds.

  • @jkellyiii
    @jkellyiii 6 лет назад +2

    They are closed now

    • @goldpictures
      @goldpictures  6 лет назад

      So sad :(

    • @brin57
      @brin57 3 года назад

      Probably killed off by the corrupt wheelchair industry machine!! Can't have people getting affordable equipment can we!!

  • @acidicbricks6966
    @acidicbricks6966 5 лет назад

    I shiwed my dad and he is getting me one cant wait

  • @fawnleaver9583
    @fawnleaver9583 2 года назад

    What about paraplegic people?

  • @tanyasweatland9244
    @tanyasweatland9244 5 лет назад

    put them brakes on that wheelchair your gonna wind up falling on the ground

    • @emiliesmith9917
      @emiliesmith9917 5 лет назад +1

      tanya sweatland he has no handrims either!! Absolute mad lad

    • @brin57
      @brin57 3 года назад

      I've been a wheelchair user for 43 years and never had brakes. I've also never torn up my hands or clothes or car seats with brakes.