It makes me very happy to see Japanese nswers, nmixx hasn't even released any Japanese songs but it's still popular in Japan, I wish haters who pretended to be Japanese would watch this video
Once again, nmixx proved to be the most talented girl group of the fourth generation. I hope the festivals that ignored nmixx will regret it, although nmixx does not have time for paid events
In this video, the remix is not heard. You can see on KBS kpop they aired it before the production editing. Even inteo rfr and sonar are not aired here.
Nmixx has already come so far! Hope to see them perform on more big stages like this soon, cause their charisma matches them so well 🥲
전광판에 잡히는 관객분들이 너무 귀엽게 웃고 있당 ㅋㅋ 아무래도 우리 믻둥이들이 잘하니까 ㅎㅎ
리믹스 버전 별별별도 너무 좋네
*NMIXX this PERFORMANCE was Outstanding, FIRE and Amazing. They are never disappoint us with their perfect VOICE'S* 🖤🤍
How beautiful they are, this is their best style to see that
Coachella should invite nmixx as soon as possible, all kpop fans know that nmixx's vocal skills are on a different level
It makes me very happy to see Japanese nswers, nmixx hasn't even released any Japanese songs but it's still popular in Japan, I wish haters who pretended to be Japanese would watch this video
This was soooo gooood! Love you NMIXX!!! 😍
Bae in thumbnail ❤
No loud backtrack, no lip sync and their mic always on, NMIXX are the real performers.
what are you even saying? this is clearly full lip sync?? how delusional have kpop fans become?
@@kanyonw4831nmixx always sing live lol
@@kanyonw4831listen to 2:26 again xx
@@kanyonw4831ops someone jealous
@@kanyonw4831 2:08 you can still hear sullyoon voice behind the track here
performing with a loud voice, energetic dancing, this is NMIXX, their performance is always amazing
*NMIXX girls are SLAY EVERYONE hardly. They are together powerful and strong combination* 🤍🖤🔥
NMIXXXXX 정말 멋지고, 아름다워요. 당신이 정말 자랑스러워요😍😍😍❤️
NMIXX best of the best ❤
All the members are so pretty and talented
Once again, nmixx proved to be the most talented girl group of the fourth generation. I hope the festivals that ignored nmixx will regret it, although nmixx does not have time for paid events
오늘도 무대를 찢어 버리는 우리 엔믹스. 귀국 전에 무대 수리는 하고 왔지 😅
lily looks so good with the new hair ❤️
the makeup and outfit, great work!! Amazing perfromance, too!! go NMIXX!!
The microphones are on and the nmixx sings live to the best of its ability without the slightest mistake
Wow so cute
Nmixx super❤
I saw this in Music Bank Madrid 12th October 😊🎉
I wish they had posted it with the actual remix 😢
nmixx yooo daebakkk its cool... time to nmixx... time its yours nmixx
This camerawork really pisses me tf off
Every time the girls do a new dance, move the camera backs up or looked away
nmixx is a stranger to lip syncing, they are known for their great talent
How can I hold back the thumbnail !!
I saw a lot of candy bong 😂❤
Lily’s lil’ HEY
Sounded like Haewon
OHH this is crazy
0:45 💀💀
was waiting for the remix🥲
Remix version
Zooms way out, shows the crowd, anything but showing the new choreo properly
Thanks KBS 👍
Lilly’s brown hair is sooo pretty and of course the girls ate this performance
I don't understand the camera work.
uhh is it just me or WHERE IS THE REMIX? i dont hear it lol
Yeah me too
The choreo
Yeahhh I was waiting for it too 😢
They post with the wrong backtrack, the melody still the same but in another videos you can hear the remix in the background
In this video, the remix is not heard. You can see on KBS kpop they aired it before the production editing. Even inteo rfr and sonar are not aired here.
직캠이랑 다르게 라이브소리가 좀 작게 들어갔네
관객좀 그만잡아라