Wave1: Place Killua, first=last.Place vegeta x2. Wave2: Place Killua Strongest=first, set vegeta’s closest. Wave3: Place Toji Strongest, Place SJW Strongest. Set killua 2x first, Set vegeta 2x last. set Killua 2x Last. wave 3 ends at 18:30 Wave4: Place vegeta 2x strongest,Place SJW Strongest, killua 2x last. Wave5: Place Igris Last, sell 2x vegeta, Place vegeta strongest, Place toji Strongest at 17:45. Wave6: Place Igris Last, Place killua last, Place SJW Strongest at 17:20. Wave7: Place Igris Last, Place vegeta strongest, Place killua first, Place toji Strongest at 16:51. Wave8: Upgrade 2 igris once, Place Killua Last, Place Killua strongest, Place Takaroda, upgrade takaroda. Wave9: Upgrade takaroda. Upgrade takaroda. Wave10: Set Igris 3x Strongest, upgrade takaroda. Wave11: Upgrade takaroda. Wave12: Upgrade takaroda. Wave13: sell 1 vegeta place in back? sell 1 igris, place in mid upgrade once and put on last. Wave14: Spam upgrade igris. Replace two igris set Strongest. Sell 1 SJW, Set Igris to First, Defend the back with vegeta. Wave15: Sell SJW and Place SJW next to igris and set weakest + upgrade 2. sell 2 SJW, Sell 2 Killua,Place 2 SJW Weakest, place 1 Killua Last 1 Killua Strongest. Upgrade 2 igris’s. Wave16: Upgrade SJW x2 twice, Upgrade igris, Defend Back with vegeta. Wave17: Spam upgrade igris. Wave18: Upgrade Igris, Upgrade SJW. Wave19: Upgrade SJW. Wave20: Upgrade SJW. Wave21: use Arise at 8:51 Wave22: Upgrade 2 igris. Wave23: Upgrade 2 igris. Upgrade 2 SJW. Wave24: Upgrade SJW. Wave25: Upgrade SJW. use Arise at 6:30, Upgrade 2 SJW. Wave26: Upgrade 2 SJW. Wave27: Upgrade 2 SJW, replace 1 toji. Wave28: UPGRADE IGRIS. Wave29: Max igris. 2 SJW set Strongest. Wave30: Max SJW. Wave31: Upgrade 2 SJ. Wave32: nothing. Wave33: Put all to First. Arise at 1:54, Set SJW last, 2 SJW closest, 2 Igris closest. Wave34: Upgrade 2 igris, Wave35: upgrade last 2 SJW and try place some vegeta’s. EZZZZZ
1) kirua last then first 2) place 2 vegetas and 1 kirua(strongest) then (first) 3) Toji and Sjw (strongest) vegetas(last) and alternate Kirua 4) 2 Vegetas on left side (strongest) + Sjw(strongest) alternate Kiruas 5) Wait shield break then place Igris Sell 2 vegetas and replace 1 | place toji 6) Igris(last) + Kirua(last) + Sjw at the end 7) Igris(first) + Vegeta(strongest) Toji at the end + Upgrade 2 Igris(lvl 1) 8) Add Kirua(last) + Kirua(strongest) + TAKARODA(lvl 1) 9)Upgrade TAKA 10)Upgrade TAKA + When boss Igris(Strongest) 11)Upgrade TAKA 12)Upgrade TAKA 13)Upgrade TAKA MAX + Replace 1 vegeta to kill leaks Replace Igris(Last)(Lvl 1) then (Lvl 2) 14)Igris(lvl 4)(First) Replace 2 Igris (Strongest) Replace the 3 Vegetas 15)Replace Sjw(lvl 2)(Weakest) behind Igris Replace 2 Sjw(Weakest) | add 2 Kirua(Strongest) Igris(Lvl 1) and Igris(Lvl 2) Both Sjw(lvl 1) 16)Igris(lvl 5)then(lvl 6) after replace Vegeta for BOSS 17)Igris(lvl 7) | Alternate Priorities 18)Igris(lvl 8) + Sjw(lvl 3)(First) then (lvl 4) 19)Igris(lvl 9) corner Sjw(Weakest)(Lvl 5) 20)Sjw(lvl 6) then (lvl 7) boss spawn Sjw(strongest)(lvl 8) then (weakest) Arise at 8:52 22)both Igris(lvl 4) 23) Sell vegita | both Igris(lvl 5) + Sjw(lvl 2) 24) Sjw(lvl 9) 25) Sjw(lvl 10) Arise 6:30 Both Sjw(lvl 3) 26) Both Sjw(lvl 4) then one Sjw(lvl 5) 27) Sjw(lvl 5) and other Sjw(lvl 6) 28) Igris(lvl 10) 29) Igris (lvl 11) 30) Sjw(lvl 11) + Sjw(lvl 6) 31) Sjw (lvl 7) Igris and Sjw (First) 33) Arise 1:53 | Place perfectly TOJI for Jiece SHIELD 34) Sjw and Igris (not fully up) (closest) 35) Both Igris(lvl 8) 36) Sjw(lvl 8) then other (lvl 8)
Yo GGs tournament resetted , Congrats to those who won 🎉. Got kicked out from the trait lb but Im still getting my shiny mecha. Guess I'll get mahito in another day
he's holding on out on upgrading igris to let his SJW get more kills for passive, no reason to upgrade your units ASAP because those enemies will die anyway and it won't net you any extra damage. just squeezing out that last bit of damage from SJW :)
he waited to spent his money because if you look at the time he upgraded and the spa of igris(5.3) he waits until 53-54 seconds left on the clock to upgrade him so once its around 0.1-1 seconds remaining on the clock igris with attack again, hope this helps!
I have a godly stat, to whom should I transfer it, igris, sjw or toji? godly is spa -12,2% on igris i have Z+ on spa 10,5% me need transfer for tournament to get higher score
@@kakeuj3king777 stats are a key role in it and im just not capable of remembering to change the priority of all the units that quickly. Im sure others have the same problem but not saying everyone does
bro done grinding all the td games
"All" you sure?
He became so good at td games that he had to break the barrier
bro wants beaf around all brackets
wave-1: killua x1 Last | 2hit → First
pre-wave-2: vegeta x2 | 盾没有了 → Closest 2x
wave-2: killua x1 Last | 盾没有了 → First 2x kinnua
pre-wave-3: toji x1(strongest)
sjw (strongest
wave-3: *vegita x2 | Closest → Last
*kinnua x2 | Fist → Last → Fist
pre-wave-4: vegita x2 ( strongest )
wave-4:place sjw x1 ( strongest )
*kinnua x2 | Fist → Last
wave 5:place igros x1 ( Last )
sell veguta x2
vegita x1 (strongest )
toji x1
pre-wave 6: igros x1 ( Last )
wave 6:place killua x1 (Last)
sjw x1
pre-wave 7: igros x1 ( Last )
wave 7: vegita x1 | all Stringest
toji x1
pre wave 8: igros x2 | Upg0 → 1
wave 8: kinnua x1 ( Last )
sjw/toji → stringest
kinnua x1 ( strongest )
bulma x1
pre-wave 9: takaroda | Upg0 → upg1
wave 9: takaroda | Upg1 → upg2
wave 10: takaroda | Up2 → Up3
boss spawn:
igros x3 | Last → Strongest
W but i think bro exposed his identity mid way through the text
Bro missed the whole point of the strat
noone is following this bro
@@CarelessArtmaybe, but he didnt i js followed everything he made until wave 10 and got 376.6m
your the king
Bro life goals is too become one of the best in all td games
i see this literally when tournaments are about to end
Tysm bro i got top 1 in my traitless last 40 minutes u saved me from number 5
When a td game expert enters the newly made game and destroys everyone with ease
Thank for your video even though I didn't reach it but you are crazy fr
Why am i always seeing this when the first tournament is done 😭
Wave1: Place Killua, first=last.Place vegeta x2.
Wave2: Place Killua Strongest=first, set vegeta’s closest.
Wave3: Place Toji Strongest, Place SJW Strongest. Set killua
2x first, Set vegeta 2x last. set Killua 2x Last.
wave 3 ends at 18:30
Wave4: Place vegeta 2x strongest,Place SJW Strongest, killua 2x last.
Wave5: Place Igris Last, sell 2x vegeta, Place vegeta strongest, Place toji Strongest at 17:45.
Wave6: Place Igris Last, Place killua last, Place SJW Strongest at 17:20.
Wave7: Place Igris Last, Place vegeta strongest, Place killua first, Place toji Strongest at 16:51.
Wave8: Upgrade 2 igris once, Place Killua Last, Place Killua strongest, Place Takaroda, upgrade takaroda.
Wave9: Upgrade takaroda. Upgrade takaroda.
Wave10: Set Igris 3x Strongest, upgrade takaroda.
Wave11: Upgrade takaroda.
Wave12: Upgrade takaroda.
Wave13: sell 1 vegeta place in back? sell 1 igris, place in mid upgrade once and put on last.
Wave14: Spam upgrade igris. Replace two igris set Strongest. Sell 1 SJW, Set Igris to First, Defend the back with vegeta.
Wave15: Sell SJW and Place SJW next to igris and set weakest + upgrade 2. sell 2 SJW, Sell 2 Killua,Place 2 SJW Weakest, place 1 Killua Last 1 Killua Strongest. Upgrade 2 igris’s.
Wave16: Upgrade SJW x2 twice, Upgrade igris, Defend Back with vegeta.
Wave17: Spam upgrade igris.
Wave18: Upgrade Igris, Upgrade SJW.
Wave19: Upgrade SJW.
Wave20: Upgrade SJW.
Wave21: use Arise at 8:51
Wave22: Upgrade 2 igris.
Wave23: Upgrade 2 igris. Upgrade 2 SJW.
Wave24: Upgrade SJW.
Wave25: Upgrade SJW. use Arise at 6:30, Upgrade 2 SJW.
Wave26: Upgrade 2 SJW.
Wave27: Upgrade 2 SJW, replace 1 toji.
Wave29: Max igris. 2 SJW set Strongest.
Wave30: Max SJW.
Wave31: Upgrade 2 SJ.
Wave32: nothing.
Wave33: Put all to First. Arise at 1:54, Set SJW last, 2 SJW closest, 2 Igris closest.
Wave34: Upgrade 2 igris,
Wave35: upgrade last 2 SJW and try place some vegeta’s.
thx to this video, came first in traitless in the last minute run
This guy is the king of tower defense games
1) kirua last then first
2) place 2 vegetas and 1 kirua(strongest) then (first)
3) Toji and Sjw (strongest)
vegetas(last) and alternate Kirua
4) 2 Vegetas on left side (strongest) + Sjw(strongest)
alternate Kiruas
5) Wait shield break then place Igris
Sell 2 vegetas and replace 1 | place toji
6) Igris(last) + Kirua(last) + Sjw at the end
7) Igris(first) + Vegeta(strongest)
Toji at the end + Upgrade 2 Igris(lvl 1)
8) Add Kirua(last) + Kirua(strongest) + TAKARODA(lvl 1)
9)Upgrade TAKA
10)Upgrade TAKA + When boss Igris(Strongest)
11)Upgrade TAKA
12)Upgrade TAKA
13)Upgrade TAKA MAX + Replace 1 vegeta to kill leaks
Replace Igris(Last)(Lvl 1) then (Lvl 2)
14)Igris(lvl 4)(First)
Replace 2 Igris (Strongest)
Replace the 3 Vegetas
15)Replace Sjw(lvl 2)(Weakest) behind Igris
Replace 2 Sjw(Weakest) | add 2 Kirua(Strongest)
Igris(Lvl 1) and Igris(Lvl 2)
Both Sjw(lvl 1)
16)Igris(lvl 5)then(lvl 6) after replace Vegeta for BOSS
17)Igris(lvl 7) | Alternate Priorities
18)Igris(lvl 8) + Sjw(lvl 3)(First) then (lvl 4)
19)Igris(lvl 9) corner Sjw(Weakest)(Lvl 5)
20)Sjw(lvl 6) then (lvl 7)
boss spawn Sjw(strongest)(lvl 8) then (weakest)
Arise at 8:52
22)both Igris(lvl 4)
23) Sell vegita | both Igris(lvl 5) + Sjw(lvl 2)
24) Sjw(lvl 9)
25) Sjw(lvl 10) Arise 6:30
Both Sjw(lvl 3)
26) Both Sjw(lvl 4) then one Sjw(lvl 5)
27) Sjw(lvl 5) and other Sjw(lvl 6)
28) Igris(lvl 10)
29) Igris (lvl 11)
30) Sjw(lvl 11) + Sjw(lvl 6)
31) Sjw (lvl 7)
Igris and Sjw (First)
33) Arise 1:53 | Place perfectly TOJI for Jiece SHIELD
34) Sjw and Igris (not fully up) (closest)
35) Both Igris(lvl 8)
36) Sjw(lvl 8) then other (lvl 8)
This the new goat of tower defense games??
Bros going to be the master at all games
bros netfing every tower on every td game on roblox
I love you, you got me 1st in my bracket
Yo GGs tournament resetted , Congrats to those who won 🎉.
Got kicked out from the trait lb but Im still getting my shiny mecha. Guess I'll get mahito in another day
how do you know when to place for the last enemy?
This new move one tower defende is goat ngl
i came here and realised that ur in my bracket :)
Ty for strat bro
i have all Z+ on everything + godly dmg on vegita but cant get over 370.8m
Posted this video when the tour has 5 more... Bro GOAT.
u are my hero
can u make a strat in new tournament 2
Why does this only appear after the event ends💀
this guy would've been way popular if he actually explained his strat
bro just flexing
why would he want to do that, he wants to stay first which is why he didnt upload this video sooner its to give people less time to copy him
Is there reason why you don’t spend ur money right away around 18:50
Yea i was also questioning that he could get more dps with no downside after igris done attacking
@@Kyouka69420fr and instead of a 3rd SJW UPG 8 i might just do 4 vegetas upg 1-2
he's holding on out on upgrading igris to let his SJW get more kills for passive, no reason to upgrade your units ASAP because those enemies will die anyway and it won't net you any extra damage. just squeezing out that last bit of damage from SJW :)
@@aliwashere10sjw does 150% more damage than vegeta. Prioritise upgrading him
he waited to spent his money because if you look at the time he upgraded and the spa of igris(5.3) he waits until 53-54 seconds left on the clock to upgrade him so once its around 0.1-1 seconds remaining on the clock igris with attack again, hope this helps!
Any way to replace vegeta? Mine doesn't have 3k dmg on placement and they slip through with 1hp
been doin this for hours and the highest i got was 367m, any idea what i coulda done wrong?
New tdx event is so fire🔥🔥🔥
bros now even on Vanguards you can't beat it
I have a godly stat, to whom should I transfer it, igris, sjw or toji?
godly is spa -12,2%
on igris i have Z+ on spa 10,5%
me need transfer for tournament to get higher score
would been able to get higher if i didnt let boss leak at end
You can't be saved 💀. This guy is a God in tdx where strats are way WAY more difficult and complex than this.
This guy makes insane strats for other td games. There’s no escape from this youtuber.
@@axiom5862 no wonder av must feel kinda easy for this guy
My vegeta is only doing 3.04k with max ascension and Z+ dmg so one of the first guys get through💔
Bro thx for this strategy I hace 377M and the first place
your next bracket is going to be sweaty afs
Bro decides to leak the method in the last hours while I’m in school
John didn't write - nerfing brb. XD
idk man i tried like ton of times all units z+ stats but i still dont go over 357M
i dont understand how ur clearing the first 9 waves so fast im literally doing everything u do and cant clear it that fast
@@spooky3965 nah bro i have z+ everything and kami spa on jin woo, i think im just trash at this game
Bro might be better than Andrevious
bro really played this🔻🔻🔻
The god of td games strike again 😭
alright what next? , Doomspire Defense?
i really can't understand the priority changing shit
can you make a text guide for every wave?
Brain issue
@@scyvo I can barely keep up with what hes doing while in game lol, he changes a LOT every wave.
ur in my bracket bruh
Oh god, why am I in your bracket...
Wait... this isn't TDX
is it possible to do this with tengen 3 star all z+ instead of igris?
No. You need igris since he gets 150% buff in tournament
bro is return back to anime aventure arc
If i have all z and s instead of z+ can i still do this method?
I HAVE THE SAME STATS on vegeta why iiiis mine not working? i am always 5 secs laeteee
3 star
jesus, 16:16 is insane from 8 to 9, well done
dawg wtf are ur unit stats
Bro I woke up at 4am to check now I'm third I have 3 hours
Thank you sir i just got 375m from this 😎
Bro can you please help me reach top 1 my vegeta only does 2.7k damage for some reason it is 1 ascended max lvl z+ on dmg
Ascend it to +3 smarto?
@@Kreagon010iv spent so many gems w my trash luck i only get choso no vegeta
@@hsstreameryt i dont care Dawg thats the only reason u dont do 3K
Why do i barely see this bro
omg this is so hard to remember
Hes cooked
we have the exact same stats on everyone same damage same everything except that i have an ascension 1 sjw ...
what is ur stats
What the skibidi is this?
I just went from #7 to #1 in my bracket, this video BETTER not reach the others in my bracket
IT works for u why is mione nnot working?
i have mostly same stats except sung jin woo
@@idontknow9776 you need god stat on vegeta and level 50+ killua if you're messing up at the start
can someone help me with this strat
Aren't you the TDX guy
Tdx chapter 3 leak?????
question why do you use killua
Everyone uses it because it’s an early game shield breaker and for the stun
trying to recreate this is near impossible In my opinion I recommend finding a different video but congrats to getting 378M
why is that?
he has skill issues
It's maybe a bit hard to recreate with the right stats. But i got it down and got 376M so stats matter.
ofc you need atleast z+ to even compete for top 3
@@kakeuj3king777 stats are a key role in it and im just not capable of remembering to change the priority of all the units that quickly. Im sure others have the same problem but not saying everyone does
Is it possible to hit 375M+ without a 3k dmg Vegeta?
Can I use Alucard instead of Toji? My Alu has triple Godly my Toji has Z+Z+Z
toji is shield breaker, alucard doesnt provide much substance to this team
I can't do this i quit
nahh bruh he moved on to mid!!!
i sold a god run where i was 2s earlier than u BRO I HATE THISSS
I hate u but respect u
thats so hard to do XD
bro can you do it on my acc i can pay
would gojo make it better
What stats did you had on your units?
@@tejaswaparihar1917 everything has Z+ but my SJW is ascend 2 that’s why I didn’t get 378
@@pttedits9550 z+
Player TDX Come back
Bro quit tdx for nerfing everything 💀💀💀💀
I dare u to do it on mobile 😆
Isnt hard
What the sigma
um why are you in anime vanguard
The man likes his TD games, and Jailbreak
can u help me out
is it still possible without evolved vegita