I've lived in Florida over 40 years and last year, for the first time, was bitten by a large red ant. They've got two huge mounds in my yard. It was one of the most painful experiences I've ever had and the pain lasted days. Not sure if that might be your culprit. Hope you get answers soon, as that is very disconcerting.
Glad you're okay. I hope you can figure out what your trigger is and possibly get immunotherapy for it. I'm in my 40s and just out of the blue suddenly became allergic to bees, wasps, hornets (and likely fire ants, but haven't been tested). I was stung in my yard and within two minutes, I had rapid shallow breathing, an elevated heart rate and I became weak then lost consciousness and collapsed. I was so weak that once I regained consciousness it took me an hour to crawl ten feet to my phone so I could call 911. Not one month later, I was on a day hike with my wife and our dogs in an area without cellphone service and I was stung 5 times by yellowjackets. I took two epipens but still had the same reactions. I had labored, rapid breathing again, started to get tunnel vision and became too weak to walk. I didn't make it out of the woods on my own. I sat down and lost consciousness again. I rolled down a hill. My wife had to leave me in the woods so she could get cell service to call 911. I had to be rescued by the police, fire department and EMT's. My blood pressure was so low that their machine wouldn't read it. It was terrifying. I no longer do any hiking or even mow my lawn. I am getting immunotherapy, but it's not a foolproof solution. If you're going to continue to be outdoors in remote locations alone, always take your epipens (obviously) but take a PLB or a Garmin in-reach. I barely made it that day and if I were alone, I wouldn't have. And in the future if you start to feel like you're going into anaphylaxis, don't drive anywhere. Call 911 from where you are. Usually future reactions are worse than the first one that cause anaphylactic shock and you could lose consciousness while driving. I hope you can figure out what the cause was. I'm glad you're okay. Good luck and take care.
I carry an epipen too (wasp type bugs) but I also carry benadryl and pepcid...kinda covers the rest of the symptoms that go with the reaction.....the first aid kit keeps growing! 😂🤦🏼♀️
Awwww Kelly!! We are so sad this happened to you and that we got delayed for this trip! So glad you were okay and we got to spend time together and can’t wait for the next adventure!! Much love ❤️
Glad you’re ok!! This same exact thing happened to me after being in the sun and beach all day, was rinsing off outside and got stung by a wasp (i think) on my back. Didn’t ever know what it was exactly and went running into the ER in my bikini lol. I had hives EVERYWHERE. It was insane. That was ten years ago. Been stung 3 different times by bees and wasps since then. Waited for a reaction and nothing like that ever happened again. Thank goodness. I keep liquid Benadryl in my truck
Glad you made the choice to go to the hospital! Hopefully you can get some answers soon. Showing that scared and vulnerable look might just help the next person make the right decision as well.
Kelly, I usually address you as 9L, but, today it’s Kelly. I’ve subscribed before you left on your AT journey. I watched as you earned that trail name. I use it as a show of respect. I watched as you have lived this full, exciting life since that fateful day. You hiked the Florida Trail, for Pete’s sake! In my head, for the last month or so, I’ve been calling you, Kelly Hays, The Girl Who Lived. (As you probably know, that’s a Harry Potter reference) Again, that is a show of respect. You are blessed lady and I’m so happy about that.
Girl, I think you're blowing through those 9 lives!!! I'm so glad that you're ok and I hope you this is a one time experience for you. Sending lots of love and prayers.
Ugh so sorry this happened. I also had to call 911 on my last trip to a state park. I was still on trail on top a mountainside when the park had closed. I tried calling the park beforehand to tell them i was still on trail and no one picked up. The sun had set and the parking lot was nowhere in sight, I was the only one left in the entire park. I had to call 911, and they had to call park rangers to locate me on my gps and drive in to get me and escort me out the park. I was crying on the phone with them as well, agitated and freaked out. Not exactly the same, but never fun having to call 911 during a trip. Hope you feel better and all is well❤
Glad you made the right decision !!! I have to keep an EpiPen when outdoors cause I 'm allergic to wasps.... it's just a part of being prepared...go Kelly....
Very glad you caught it and are safe! I'm surprised the ambulance was not more forceful or convincing. You were definitely going down a bad path with that reaction you showed when first in the car!. I am very allergic to fire ants and wasps/bees/hornets. Been in the hospital twice for anaphalaxis. Your GI reaction is interesting I have never heard of that. My severe reactions included shutting off the airway. You mentioned "epi-pen". Just in case you got the actual epi-pen they are really expensive. Look for Auvi-Q much cheaper and the form factor is more easily packable. Even if you use epinephrine the recomendation is that you still go to the hospital. As for what it was or why it is possible for our reactions to antigens to change over time. It could be just as we age or with exposure. So even though a person may never have had a reaction to X it is not necessarily always true. The other problem is once you have had a reaction consecutive reactions can be worse as you become more sensitized. So Ms. this all means you have to be really really careful about your outdoor activity and being alone or remote. One thing that has certainly helped aside from the allergy shots is to stay calm, cease activity, take a good dose of benedryl, and when possible I add ice to the site of bite/sting. I have been getting allergy shots for over a decade now and my reactions are pretty small now. I highly recommend the shots but it comes with a price both literally and figuratively. It gets expensive if insurance is an issue. Also have to ramp up dosages over time. So your ability to roam may be hampered when trying to schedule around the shots at first. Stay safe!
Glad you’re okay. Remember, if you jab yourself with an epipen that is a hospital event, it’s not the cure. The epi will prevent you from vapor locking until you get to the hospital. Good luck.
Sorry to hear this happened to you. We briefly met on the PCT last year north of PVC and you were dealing with health as well. That stuff sucks! Two months ago on my TMB thru hike I got stung by an insect as well and had really bad swelling of my arm. Last year something similar happened in OR but then I had rashes on other parts of my body as well. Long story short, I am seeing an allergist in December to test everything. Since we're far out there on hikes, often by ourselves there's just no way around that... Just hope I won't have to carry an EpiPen forever - but even if, I am grateful they exist. And thanks for the Vitamin C tip! Happy trails!
I've been thinking about this since you mentioned it on Instagram. Definitely a severe reaction Kelly, you were in rough shape. I used to react violently to stings when I was young, but not now. Never been allergic to cats, but am now. 😐 Allergies are confusing to say the least. At least you have a defense with the epi-pen. I questioned the water until I saw the sting/bite mark. Hopefully the video documentation will help pinpoint a diagnosis. So glad you're ok now. ✌️
Scary, Glad you are ok. Shout out to EMS, they were very calm and helped you make the best decision. You were restless and anxious, part of the reaction and they did not want to increase that. some are not understanding this. You cannot bully patients into going to the hospital, not as long as they have their mind and can decide.
I had something similar happen to me years ago. I got stung on my shin and had hives all over my face and body. Ended up in the emergency room as well since my throat started swelling up. I'm glad you are ok. Don't let this hold you back!
I’m glad you’re ok Kelly, I’ve had an allergic reaction once from poison oak and I started breaking really badly since I’m extremely allergic to it and with ivy and sumac also. Luckily I have a plant identifier app on my phone knowing which plants are dangerous since I’m hiking a lot. By the way, I love your yellow woven bag, I have a woven haversack shoulder bag I wear for extra space when I can’t hold other stuff pockets. Hang in there Kelly!
Wow, so happy you’re okay. Man what is scary is how fast the symptoms began. Good Idea to start by going to an Allergist to find out what it was that bit you! Take care Kelly!
So Sorry Kelly I pray you find out what caused your reaction. God bless thanks for all the wonderful videos keep up the work. Ps enjoyed the Alaska trip that on my buck list.
What a horrible experience to go through! I am so glad you made the decision to call 911 and go to the ER. I hope you're able to figure out exactly what caused your reaction and nothing like this happens to you again.
Your lucky you even got in I live across the street from the park and most weekend mornings the entrance line is several miles and several hours long..long haul to the launch I'm disabled and they make me drag my kayak all the way down to the launch area glad you went to the ER been swimming there my whole life and never had any problems ..crazy alergic to bee sting?
Man Kelly, so sorry this happened to you. Glad you went to the ER. Here’s hoping they can pin point exactly what bit you. Up here in New England, the bees are really aggressive in the fall because they are getting ready for winter and are more aggressive when you are near the hive. Take care Kelly, we need you around for awhile.❤️👍
Compared to what you went through on the AT, this was a cakewalk. You kept a cool head and did what you were supposed to do. Good for you. That's the kind of clarity I would want around if I had an emergency. Glad it worked out. Good luck with the allergist.
From friends being delayed to too many people in the water to anaphylactic shock. What a day you had! Sorry you went through that, but very happy for you that you made the right choice to call for help and go to the ER. Be safe Kelly and don't let one incident affect your future adventures.
Wow, Kelly! Glad you’re ok! We found out our 11-year old son is allergic to walnuts in a similar way when he was about 2. We had Benadryl with us fortunately, & now carry epi pens too. Thanks for doing the video!
Sorry, this happened. I am a paramedic, and I have had to helped many folks with various stages of allergic reactions. You did right in going with EMS to the ER. Glad you are feeling better! The body responds in weird ways to things it doesn't like. I even worked on a little girl once who was allergic to fire ants! It can be very scary...
Gorgeous view of the water! That's so cool the security guard knew who you were! That was scary! You did the right thing calling 911! Glad you're okay Kelly Hays!
Wow, what a scary experience! You are so good at sharing the good & the bad. I'm so glad you called 911. That's a really hard decision to make because sometimes people feel embarrassed or they don't want to be a bother. Anytime I've had to call 911, usually because a parent has fallen, they always reassure us that that's what they're there for. Thanks for sharing this vlog. I think it's a good public service announcement to encourage people to call 911 if they think they should.
Consider yourself lucky that your anaphylaxis was mild. Mine resulted in my throat swelling shut, my heart rate at 220 while I was mostly paralyzed by the time I was in the ER, and 2 heart stoppers (that feels like you're burning alive from the inside out) couldn't stop the cardiac arrest that killed me for 3 minutes. It was a blessing that you only got a good scare. Enjoying seeing you hit the places I grew up around.
@@kellyhays23 It was a migraine medication, Imitrex. Doc gave me the highest dose possible as a sample. One minute I'm in bed trying to go to sleep after a car accident, the next I'm in the hospital. Luckily I'm not allergic to any food or bite. Growing up in the woods of Florida, there's not a thing I haven't been bit or stung by. But that anxiety over the "what ifs" over such an experience, that was beyond our control, never really go away. It'll be normal if you're notably more cautious outdoors now the same way I am about taking new medications (and it's been f'n18 years for me). I hope you do a better job than I did with not letting it get into your head.
Sad to hear about your illness! May you recover very soon. Lots of love and respect from a solo mountain hiker friend from the Hindu Kush Mountains Lower Chitral District Pakistan!
That is just insane knowing all the places you've been and this was never an issue prior. You made the right choice and I'm glad you sought help. I know the feeling of not wanting to go to the hospital all too well, but sometimes you just have to and worry about the bills later. Best wishes on the search for your known allergens!
I’m so sorry that happened to you. You made the right decision to go to ER. I hope you get some answers from the allergy doctor. I will be praying for you.
Sorry this happened Kelly. Ive been in a similar situation where you just dont know the cause. It sucks. Thank god its over and you are fine. You handled it well all things considering. #dontstopexploring
Kelly, that was so scary! Would recommend chewable to or liquid benadryl as these kick in more quickly. Also, how often do random people recognize you now?
I used to live in central FL. I have been there to Wekiwa a few times. Most likely it was a brown scorpion or wasp floating in the water. I have been stung that way in a pool Very small , and common. Sometimes the end up in the water, and can sting you because they're freaking out and dying same thing with a honey bee or wasp. Could have been this also. Said to be able to kill a cow.. No joke very toxic to bovines. Ive seen them many times as I crawled around in the Floridia forrests. They literally hiss at you "Velvet Ant Wasps in FloridaMales cannot sting and are harmless, but the females have an extremely painful sting, as suggested by the name “cow killer” given to some of the larger species. Their bright colors are actually a signal warning predators to stay away"
Glad your ok. I know that feeling it happened to me when I joined the army my throat was closed almost completely eyes swollen shut and everything was just bad. Glad you called 911 and went to get checked out.
Thanks for showing this. I've never been through it, and it's helpful to see how you handled it. Sorry your day got messed up! I live 30 minutes from Wekiwa, & was thinking of going there soon. The weather is about to turn amazing for the things I enjoy doing outdoors. I plan to go to Wekiwa more than once to hike and kayak. By the way, for 60 bucks, you've can get an annual pass to the state parks that gets you into them for free.
Just a heads up if you go the the boardwalk by light house point park on lake door make sure your off by 8 pm me my wife and kids got locked behind the gate while fishing and had to call 911 to have them unlock it ..they locked the gate without notice or checking to see if anyone was there ..no signs thatsaid it closed
So sorry to hear and see that something stung you and caused this reaction. I am someone when I was kid I was allergic to bee stings, and several times I got stung by bees and my body had severe reactions (hives and massive swelling) so I always had to have steroid pills ready to prevent my throat from swelling and cutting off my breathing. Now that I am much older I am no longer allergic to bee stings like when I was I was kid. I sure hope you stay safe and healthy.
Wow Kelly. So glad you got relief! So glad you didn’t encounter anything like that when you went on the Florida trail. FYI: some kinda crazy thing happened to Dixie in the saw tooth mountains I believe where she had to be life flighted out by chopper. She was commenting the same way about the expense of the whole thing. Glad you gals are ok. You all are some of my favs to watch. A lot of info on adventure with great integrity
Very Happy that you are fine, and I know that there is going to be a bit of an uphill process for you to go thru regarding the Allergy research, so all the best! Take care Kelly!
Wow - I am glad you made the decision to go, and hope it all goes well. Prayers to you!! Definitely plan to support you soon (just moved and need the dust to settle). When you asked about cost - I remember being in that boat for medical decisions and know that weighed heavy on you!!
I’m so sorry this happened to you!! Same thing happened to me when I took a sulfa antibiotic except my throat closed and eyes swelled shut. I was so scared!! Glad you’re feeling better ❤️
Hawaiian boy here. Glad your ok now buddy. Im wondering if it was a Puss Caterpillar. Envenomation causes intense throbbing pain, burning, and a rash with erythematous spots. More susceptible patients can experience swelling, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis, shock, and respiratory distress Ive seen similar reactions to yours.
So much harder to watch on YT than your IG post, I shared my story with you there. Glad you went with the ambulance. So glad you were ok. I hope you find out what it was? Take care and keep the epipen with you 💜❤️
I have experienced a Similar allergic reaction as a result of a single Lone Star tick bite. My reactions are delayed 5-6 hours after eating mammal meat...so no beef or pork. Hive reaction is very similar. Crashing blood pressure, increased heart rate, full body hive attack. Some outgrow symptoms but after 8 years, I still can't eat mammal meat.
Oh, Kelly! I’m so sorry you had to deal with this, but I’m glad you made the decision to get help. And I’m thankful that you’re doing better. Hopefully, an allergist can shed some light on what happened. Prayers that you get answers. 🙏🏼❤️
That was one hell of a reaction. You did the right thing.
I've lived in Florida over 40 years and last year, for the first time, was bitten by a large red ant. They've got two huge mounds in my yard. It was one of the most painful experiences I've ever had and the pain lasted days. Not sure if that might be your culprit. Hope you get answers soon, as that is very disconcerting.
Glad you're okay. I hope you can figure out what your trigger is and possibly get immunotherapy for it. I'm in my 40s and just out of the blue suddenly became allergic to bees, wasps, hornets (and likely fire ants, but haven't been tested). I was stung in my yard and within two minutes, I had rapid shallow breathing, an elevated heart rate and I became weak then lost consciousness and collapsed. I was so weak that once I regained consciousness it took me an hour to crawl ten feet to my phone so I could call 911. Not one month later, I was on a day hike with my wife and our dogs in an area without cellphone service and I was stung 5 times by yellowjackets. I took two epipens but still had the same reactions. I had labored, rapid breathing again, started to get tunnel vision and became too weak to walk. I didn't make it out of the woods on my own. I sat down and lost consciousness again. I rolled down a hill. My wife had to leave me in the woods so she could get cell service to call 911. I had to be rescued by the police, fire department and EMT's. My blood pressure was so low that their machine wouldn't read it. It was terrifying. I no longer do any hiking or even mow my lawn. I am getting immunotherapy, but it's not a foolproof solution. If you're going to continue to be outdoors in remote locations alone, always take your epipens (obviously) but take a PLB or a Garmin in-reach. I barely made it that day and if I were alone, I wouldn't have. And in the future if you start to feel like you're going into anaphylaxis, don't drive anywhere. Call 911 from where you are. Usually future reactions are worse than the first one that cause anaphylactic shock and you could lose consciousness while driving. I hope you can figure out what the cause was. I'm glad you're okay. Good luck and take care.
Please stop almost dying. We love you and and are so thankful you called for help. ❤
I carry an epipen too (wasp type bugs) but I also carry benadryl and pepcid...kinda covers the rest of the symptoms that go with the reaction.....the first aid kit keeps growing! 😂🤦🏼♀️
Yes!!!! benadryl and pepcid along with the epi pen-- fast dissolving or liquid is best
Awwww Kelly!! We are so sad this happened to you and that we got delayed for this trip! So glad you were okay and we got to spend time together and can’t wait for the next adventure!! Much love ❤️
Glad you’re ok!! This same exact thing happened to me after being in the sun and beach all day, was rinsing off outside and got stung by a wasp (i think) on my back. Didn’t ever know what it was exactly and went running into the ER in my bikini lol. I had hives EVERYWHERE. It was insane. That was ten years ago. Been stung 3 different times by bees and wasps since then. Waited for a reaction and nothing like that ever happened again. Thank goodness. I keep liquid Benadryl in my truck
Glad you made the choice to go to the hospital! Hopefully you can get some answers soon. Showing that scared and vulnerable look might just help the next person make the right decision as well.
That is what I’m hoping as well.
Just wishing you the best....thanks for a ton of great videos.
We’re so glad you made the decision to go to the hospital. You never know what’s out there.
Kelly, I usually address you as 9L, but, today it’s Kelly. I’ve subscribed before you left on your AT journey. I watched as you earned that trail name. I use it as a show of respect.
I watched as you have lived this full, exciting life since that fateful day. You hiked the Florida Trail, for Pete’s sake! In my head, for the last month or so, I’ve been calling you, Kelly Hays, The Girl Who Lived. (As you probably know, that’s a Harry Potter reference) Again, that is a show of respect. You are blessed lady and I’m so happy about that.
You absolutely made the right decision to call 911 and go to the ER. The Epipen will give you comfort in knowing you have it, JIC.
Oh my! Glad you are ok. Wishing you the best and hope it never happens again.
Good call getting help, that looked scary! 🙏✌️❤️
You just never know when some off the wall thing might happen. I am so glad you are okay.
Girl, I think you're blowing through those 9 lives!!! I'm so glad that you're ok and I hope you this is a one time experience for you. Sending lots of love and prayers.
Ugh so sorry this happened. I also had to call 911 on my last trip to a state park. I was still on trail on top a mountainside when the park had closed. I tried calling the park beforehand to tell them i was still on trail and no one picked up. The sun had set and the parking lot was nowhere in sight, I was the only one left in the entire park. I had to call 911, and they had to call park rangers to locate me on my gps and drive in to get me and escort me out the park. I was crying on the phone with them as well, agitated and freaked out. Not exactly the same, but never fun having to call 911 during a trip. Hope you feel better and all is well❤
Sucks I have a son with severe allergies and it can be scary. Glad you are taking this seriously, and also thank you for sharing.
That bite looks like a fire ant bite.
Glad you made the right decision !!! I have to keep an EpiPen when outdoors cause I 'm allergic to wasps.... it's just a part of being prepared...go Kelly....
really scary , you made the right decision . everything seemed so perfect right up to the point . thanks for the effort
Time flies when you're having a good time. So happy for your SMART decision. Wishing you answers when you meet the MD.👍
Glad you’re ok. That is a scary situation
Very glad you caught it and are safe! I'm surprised the ambulance was not more forceful or convincing. You were definitely going down a bad path with that reaction you showed when first in the car!. I am very allergic to fire ants and wasps/bees/hornets. Been in the hospital twice for anaphalaxis. Your GI reaction is interesting I have never heard of that. My severe reactions included shutting off the airway.
You mentioned "epi-pen". Just in case you got the actual epi-pen they are really expensive. Look for Auvi-Q much cheaper and the form factor is more easily packable. Even if you use epinephrine the recomendation is that you still go to the hospital.
As for what it was or why it is possible for our reactions to antigens to change over time. It could be just as we age or with exposure. So even though a person may never have had a reaction to X it is not necessarily always true. The other problem is once you have had a reaction consecutive reactions can be worse as you become more sensitized. So Ms. this all means you have to be really really careful about your outdoor activity and being alone or remote. One thing that has certainly helped aside from the allergy shots is to stay calm, cease activity, take a good dose of benedryl, and when possible I add ice to the site of bite/sting.
I have been getting allergy shots for over a decade now and my reactions are pretty small now. I highly recommend the shots but it comes with a price both literally and figuratively. It gets expensive if insurance is an issue. Also have to ramp up dosages over time. So your ability to roam may be hampered when trying to schedule around the shots at first.
Stay safe!
Glad you’re okay. Remember, if you jab yourself with an epipen that is a hospital event, it’s not the cure. The epi will prevent you from vapor locking until you get to the hospital. Good luck.
Whoa...close call. Glad you went to ER. Prayers continue.
Sorry to hear this happened to you. We briefly met on the PCT last year north of PVC and you were dealing with health as well. That stuff sucks! Two months ago on my TMB thru hike I got stung by an insect as well and had really bad swelling of my arm. Last year something similar happened in OR but then I had rashes on other parts of my body as well. Long story short, I am seeing an allergist in December to test everything. Since we're far out there on hikes, often by ourselves there's just no way around that...
Just hope I won't have to carry an EpiPen forever - but even if, I am grateful they exist. And thanks for the Vitamin C tip!
Happy trails!
I've been thinking about this since you mentioned it on Instagram. Definitely a severe reaction Kelly, you were in rough shape. I used to react violently to stings when I was young, but not now. Never been allergic to cats, but am now. 😐 Allergies are confusing to say the least. At least you have a defense with the epi-pen. I questioned the water until I saw the sting/bite mark. Hopefully the video documentation will help pinpoint a diagnosis. So glad you're ok now. ✌️
glad you are ok. you made the right decision.
My goodness girl! You be goin thru some thangs!!! Soo glad you got help and are ok… that would have freaked me the heck out
Scary, Glad you are ok. Shout out to EMS, they were very calm and helped you make the best decision. You were restless and anxious, part of the reaction and they did not want to increase that. some are not understanding this. You cannot bully patients into going to the hospital, not as long as they have their mind and can decide.
I had something similar happen to me years ago. I got stung on my shin and had hives all over my face and body. Ended up in the emergency room as well since my throat started swelling up. I'm glad you are ok. Don't let this hold you back!
You handled it like a champ! Glad you made a quick recovery!
I’m glad you’re ok Kelly, I’ve had an allergic reaction once from poison oak and I started breaking really badly since I’m extremely allergic to it and with ivy and sumac also. Luckily I have a plant identifier app on my phone knowing which plants are dangerous since I’m hiking a lot. By the way, I love your yellow woven bag, I have a woven haversack shoulder bag I wear for extra space when I can’t hold other stuff pockets. Hang in there Kelly!
Wow, so happy you’re okay. Man what is scary is how fast the symptoms began. Good Idea to start by going to an Allergist to find out what it was that bit you! Take care Kelly!
So Sorry Kelly I pray you find out what caused your reaction. God bless thanks for all the wonderful videos keep up the work. Ps enjoyed the Alaska trip that on my buck list.
Omg that was so bad smart move on calling 911 happy you are ok i hope you find answers soon
What a horrible experience to go through! I am so glad you made the decision to call 911 and go to the ER. I hope you're able to figure out exactly what caused your reaction and nothing like this happens to you again.
So glad you’re ok!!!! Way to make the right choice!
Your lucky you even got in I live across the street from the park and most weekend mornings the entrance line is several miles and several hours long..long haul to the launch I'm disabled and they make me drag my kayak all the way down to the launch area glad you went to the ER been swimming there my whole life and never had any problems ..crazy alergic to bee sting?
Man Kelly, so sorry this happened to you. Glad you went to the ER. Here’s hoping they can pin point exactly what bit you. Up here in New England, the bees are really aggressive in the fall because they are getting ready for winter and are more aggressive when you are near the hive. Take care Kelly, we need you around for awhile.❤️👍
Compared to what you went through on the AT, this was a cakewalk. You kept a cool head and did what you were supposed to do. Good for you. That's the kind of clarity I would want around if I had an emergency. Glad it worked out. Good luck with the allergist.
From friends being delayed to too many people in the water to anaphylactic shock. What a day you had! Sorry you went through that, but very happy for you that you made the right choice to call for help and go to the ER. Be safe Kelly and don't let one incident affect your future adventures.
Wow, Kelly! Glad you’re ok! We found out our 11-year old son is allergic to walnuts in a similar way when he was about 2. We had Benadryl with us fortunately, & now carry epi pens too. Thanks for doing the video!
Kelly I m glad your ok....please stay safe and living your dreams!!!!
Wow just glad you went to hospital and are doing well…🙏🙏🙏🙏😊😊😊😊😊
Sorry, this happened. I am a paramedic, and I have had to helped many folks with various stages of allergic reactions. You did right in going with EMS to the ER. Glad you are feeling better! The body responds in weird ways to things it doesn't like. I even worked on a little girl once who was allergic to fire ants! It can be very scary...
Gorgeous view of the water! That's so cool the security guard knew who you were! That was scary! You did the right thing calling 911! Glad you're okay Kelly Hays!
Wow, what a scary experience! You are so good at sharing the good & the bad. I'm so glad you called 911. That's a really hard decision to make because sometimes people feel embarrassed or they don't want to be a bother. Anytime I've had to call 911, usually because a parent has fallen, they always reassure us that that's what they're there for. Thanks for sharing this vlog. I think it's a good public service announcement to encourage people to call 911 if they think they should.
So glad you're ok, I know that was scary! Stay safe and it will be good to have those Epipens.
Consider yourself lucky that your anaphylaxis was mild. Mine resulted in my throat swelling shut, my heart rate at 220 while I was mostly paralyzed by the time I was in the ER, and 2 heart stoppers (that feels like you're burning alive from the inside out) couldn't stop the cardiac arrest that killed me for 3 minutes. It was a blessing that you only got a good scare. Enjoying seeing you hit the places I grew up around.
What are you allergic to?
@@kellyhays23 It was a migraine medication, Imitrex. Doc gave me the highest dose possible as a sample. One minute I'm in bed trying to go to sleep after a car accident, the next I'm in the hospital. Luckily I'm not allergic to any food or bite. Growing up in the woods of Florida, there's not a thing I haven't been bit or stung by. But that anxiety over the "what ifs" over such an experience, that was beyond our control, never really go away. It'll be normal if you're notably more cautious outdoors now the same way I am about taking new medications (and it's been f'n18 years for me). I hope you do a better job than I did with not letting it get into your head.
Wow! Glad your doing better! Defenitely good choice going to ER and quickly resolving issues! ❤
Sad to hear about your illness! May you recover very soon. Lots of love and respect from a solo mountain hiker friend from the Hindu Kush Mountains Lower Chitral District Pakistan!
That is just insane knowing all the places you've been and this was never an issue prior. You made the right choice and I'm glad you sought help. I know the feeling of not wanting to go to the hospital all too well, but sometimes you just have to and worry about the bills later. Best wishes on the search for your known allergens!
Had the same thing happen to me out of the blue. Felt the same, to ER, etc. Glad you are better
Thank god you’re alright. As we get older we develop different allergies. Be safe!
Raw and unfiltered. Love the authenticity of your experience.
Glad you went to the Hospital and got it taken care of. Stay healthy.
You made the right decision! Glad you’re better!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better
Sorry to hear about your ensign I'm glad to see you're okay
I’m so sorry that happened to you. You made the right decision to go to ER. I hope you get some answers from the allergy doctor. I will be praying for you.
Sorry to hear about your mishap certainly will be nice for you to have answers and we’re glad you’re OK of course!
Sorry this happened Kelly. Ive been in a similar situation where you just dont know the cause. It sucks. Thank god its over and you are fine. You handled it well all things considering.
Glad your ok Kelly!
Good grief, Kelly. That's the second time I have seen you rushed to the hospital. Glad you are okay!
I am so glad you are doing ok, keep going my friend!!!
Kelly, that was so scary! Would recommend chewable to or liquid benadryl as these kick in more quickly. Also, how often do random people recognize you now?
That was crazy!
Glad you’re ok
🙏for you Kelly be strong and you are strong
Hi, Kelly. That happens to me if I get anywhere near Citronella, like a mosquito candle. So glad you are OK now. Blessings.
I used to live in central FL. I have been there to Wekiwa a few times. Most likely it was a brown scorpion or wasp floating in the water. I have been stung that way in a pool
Very small , and common. Sometimes the end up in the water, and can sting you because they're freaking out and dying same thing with a honey bee or wasp.
Could have been this also. Said to be able to kill a cow.. No joke very toxic to bovines.
Ive seen them many times as I crawled around in the Floridia forrests. They literally hiss at you
"Velvet Ant Wasps in FloridaMales cannot sting and are harmless, but the females have an extremely painful sting, as suggested by the name “cow killer” given to some of the larger species. Their bright colors are actually a signal warning predators to stay away"
Glad you recovered quickly. No telling what it was possibly some type spider ? Thanks for showing us the bad and good. 😊
Good to hear that you are feeling better!
This completely wigged me out-I know exactly how you felt-about had my own panic attack for you! So happy you are ok-pls don’t ever do that again! 😱
Holy shit! That’s scary. I’m so glad you’re okay.
😢😢😢 Glad you are okay
Glad your ok. I know that feeling it happened to me when I joined the army my throat was closed almost completely eyes swollen shut and everything was just bad. Glad you called 911 and went to get checked out.
Thanks for showing this. I've never been through it, and it's helpful to see how you handled it. Sorry your day got messed up! I live 30 minutes from Wekiwa, & was thinking of going there soon. The weather is about to turn amazing for the things I enjoy doing outdoors. I plan to go to Wekiwa more than once to hike and kayak. By the way, for 60 bucks, you've can get an annual pass to the state parks that gets you into them for free.
Be careful out there. All kinds of critters in Florida. You can handle anything! Keep the faith ❤
Just a heads up if you go the the boardwalk by light house point park on lake door make sure your off by 8 pm me my wife and kids got locked behind the gate while fishing and had to call 911 to have them unlock it ..they locked the gate without notice or checking to see if anyone was there ..no signs thatsaid it closed
I'm sorry that happened to you and I'm glad you're okay now.
So sorry to hear and see that something stung you and caused this reaction. I am someone when I was kid I was allergic to bee stings, and several times I got stung by bees and my body had severe reactions (hives and massive swelling) so I always had to have steroid pills ready to prevent my throat from swelling and cutting off my breathing. Now that I am much older I am no longer allergic to bee stings like when I was I was kid. I sure hope you stay safe and healthy.
Wow Kelly. So glad you got relief! So glad you didn’t encounter anything like that when you went on the Florida trail. FYI: some kinda crazy thing happened to Dixie in the saw tooth mountains I believe where she had to be life flighted out by chopper. She was commenting the same way about the expense of the whole thing. Glad you gals are ok. You all are some of my favs to watch. A lot of info on adventure with great integrity
Glad you're OK!
Very Happy that you are fine, and I know that there is going to be a bit of an uphill process for you to go thru regarding the Allergy research, so all the best! Take care Kelly!
Kelly I’m so sorry for what you went through but glad you’re better now . Smart girl on going to the hospital.. take care my friend ❤️👋👋😊
First off thank God your ok . Thank goodness you had your right mind and call 911. Please don’t hike alone until you get this resolved.
Wow - I am glad you made the decision to go, and hope it all goes well. Prayers to you!! Definitely plan to support you soon (just moved and need the dust to settle). When you asked about cost - I remember being in that boat for medical decisions and know that weighed heavy on you!!
I’m so sorry this happened to you!! Same thing happened to me when I took a sulfa antibiotic except my throat closed and eyes swelled shut. I was so scared!! Glad you’re feeling better ❤️
Hawaiian boy here.
Glad your ok now buddy. Im wondering if it was a
Puss Caterpillar.
Envenomation causes intense throbbing pain, burning, and a rash with erythematous spots. More susceptible patients can experience swelling, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis, shock, and respiratory distress
Ive seen similar reactions to yours.
Bless your heart girl, so glad you're ok.
So much harder to watch on YT than your IG post, I shared my story with you there. Glad you went with the ambulance. So glad you were ok. I hope you find out what it was? Take care and keep the epipen with you 💜❤️
9 Lives, how fitting! Ouch glad your okay…… I made it to Sedona, Epic!
Holy hell, that scared the shit out of me!! Hope you find an answer.
I am so glad that you called 911 and that your feeling better. I hope you find out your allergy really soon 11:41
So glad you went and got help let's hope a doctor can figure it out for you
I have experienced a Similar allergic reaction as a result of a single Lone Star tick bite. My reactions are delayed 5-6 hours after eating mammal meat...so no beef or pork. Hive reaction is very similar. Crashing blood pressure, increased heart rate, full body hive attack. Some outgrow symptoms but after 8 years, I still can't eat mammal meat.
Oh, Kelly! I’m so sorry you had to deal with this, but I’m glad you made the decision to get help. And I’m thankful that you’re doing better. Hopefully, an allergist can shed some light on what happened.
Prayers that you get answers. 🙏🏼❤️
Awww...so glad that you're ok