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Dude really founded a way to counter the 3 star astro brody 😂
That astro synergy was incomplete.full synergy Brody astro still op.
incomplete synergy + poor itemization 😂
Not complete astro + No Stun Synergy....
@@MsHeart-rk5zh there is stun synergy tho
there is stun Synergy ( yeah astro not complete but 3 star Brody with 3 astro is also strong enough for 3 gold hero Dyrroth it's not bad)
that guy went afk after the fate box.. he coulda gotten 6 astro and definitely would win. nice video as always though
9 active synergies was crazy
A whole new discovery!!
Bro though his gonna win with his lvl3 astro brody😂😂
Nice gameplay....Now we need 3* haya astro solution😂😊
already defeated that many times with mage elementalist Astro lunox need winter truncheon item only
@@freeze7466 thsnk youuu🥲
Daym i really can't believe dyrroth can end 3*astro brody...... ❤❤
Bro showed the real king of lifesteal😮😮😮😮
first rule-When you playing ling 2 u need to jump star fall item while fatebox its very important
I legit just saw this video and went and tried it out and got 1st place. Was able to get 7 synergies
nice one dued but 7 synergy not enough u need total 8 for all effects of Prince
@@freeze7466 yes I realised you picked synergies instead of equipment, I made a mistake and picked equipment instead
My strategy in magic chess
This video was so good im doubting myself that I can execute that game play 😂😂 Thank you for sharing brother 🫶🏻
glad u enjoyed u should try 😀
That last guy could have probably one if he had better placement 😅
Damnnn so cool!
Gato is main😂
That dude didnt had sea halberg and BOD and mage synergy on brody 🤡
Words can't describe how much I hate stun brody
I have a question, when should i upgrade my level capacity?
Boss which commander is better? Vale or Tharz?
it might go sideways if that Vale had 6 Astro for Brody
yes but still it's good a 3* Brody 3 Astro stun hella strong (also if u noticed this game I holding only 1 blessing 👀)
No skip🎉
Trust me, do immortal chou. It's OP
will try
I did this combo and I forgot abt immortal crystal, the I switched to wrestler Zilong and won😂😂😂
xD noice decision making
Bro got 3 star brody but he doesn’t know how to play 🤦🏻
Fr like he gave glowing wand, frozen n mage crystal to brody😂
Hmmmm cannot win against elementalist 😢
Song pliss🙏
Brody astro vs Dorothy 3*
not getting the speed item at start and this already has not worked...
I thought I hear Gatot say "Om telolet om" in early video 🗿
xD 🤣
I'm now 1k plus points and i still think you're better
this season I was busy in 5 man rank for Tigreal global title Luckily I got that and now playing magic chess that's why low points 🥲
@@freeze7466ohh that's y I didn't match up. With you ❤
I once countered 3 star astro brody with 3 star astro immortal gatot. No counter 3 star astro immortal gatot
Elem gord with hex
3*** bordy with zero damage😂
I think u will lose if enemy 6 astro
😂😂 i think this is bad...
Dyroth passive doesn't work inside the lings skill and its annoying
he still so strong inside ling skill bcz even 2 wrestler gave so much deffence
Im early
I thought dyroth was the most useless hero in magic chess
When i use him he is😂 but when enemy uses him...
Yup useless unless u going prince synergy
@@a-noobis1689 me too 😂
He is tho.. even Yuzhong is stronger than him raw damage and lifesteal unless Dyrroth activates Prince synergy. You can also see in this video Dyrroth almost lost to Karina inside Ling skill 2 a 1 gold cost hero lol
u here 👀❤️
lose trophy synergy,dont try better
Fake. all your videos are rigged
Dude really founded a way to counter the 3 star astro brody 😂
That astro synergy was incomplete.full synergy Brody astro still op.
incomplete synergy + poor itemization 😂
Not complete astro + No Stun Synergy....
@@MsHeart-rk5zh there is stun synergy tho
there is stun Synergy ( yeah astro not complete but 3 star Brody with 3 astro is also strong enough for 3 gold hero Dyrroth it's not bad)
that guy went afk after the fate box.. he coulda gotten 6 astro and definitely would win. nice video as always though
9 active synergies was crazy
A whole new discovery!!
Bro though his gonna win with his lvl3 astro brody😂😂
Nice gameplay....
Now we need 3* haya astro solution😂😊
already defeated that many times with mage elementalist Astro lunox need winter truncheon item only
@@freeze7466 thsnk youuu🥲
Daym i really can't believe dyrroth can end 3*astro brody...... ❤❤
Bro showed the real king of lifesteal😮😮😮😮
first rule-When you playing ling 2 u need to jump star fall item while fatebox its very important
I legit just saw this video and went and tried it out and got 1st place. Was able to get 7 synergies
nice one dued but 7 synergy not enough u need total 8 for all effects of Prince
@@freeze7466 yes I realised you picked synergies instead of equipment, I made a mistake and picked equipment instead
My strategy in magic chess
This video was so good im doubting myself that I can execute that game play 😂😂 Thank you for sharing brother 🫶🏻
glad u enjoyed u should try 😀
That last guy could have probably one if he had better placement 😅
Damnnn so cool!
Gato is main😂
That dude didnt had sea halberg and BOD and mage synergy on brody 🤡
Words can't describe how much I hate stun brody
I have a question, when should i upgrade my level capacity?
Boss which commander is better? Vale or Tharz?
it might go sideways if that Vale had 6 Astro for Brody
yes but still it's good a 3* Brody 3 Astro stun hella strong (also if u noticed this game I holding only 1 blessing 👀)
No skip🎉
Trust me, do immortal chou. It's OP
will try
I did this combo and I forgot abt immortal crystal, the I switched to wrestler Zilong and won😂😂😂
xD noice decision making
Bro got 3 star brody but he doesn’t know how to play 🤦🏻
Fr like he gave glowing wand, frozen n mage crystal to brody😂
Hmmmm cannot win against elementalist 😢
Song pliss🙏
Brody astro vs Dorothy 3*
not getting the speed item at start and this already has not worked...
I thought I hear Gatot say "Om telolet om" in early video 🗿
xD 🤣
I'm now 1k plus points and i still think you're better
this season I was busy in 5 man rank for Tigreal global title Luckily I got that and now playing magic chess that's why low points 🥲
@@freeze7466ohh that's y I didn't match up. With you ❤
I once countered 3 star astro brody with 3 star astro immortal gatot. No counter 3 star astro immortal gatot
Elem gord with hex
3*** bordy with zero damage😂
I think u will lose if enemy 6 astro
😂😂 i think this is bad...
Dyroth passive doesn't work inside the lings skill and its annoying
he still so strong inside ling skill bcz even 2 wrestler gave so much deffence
Im early
I thought dyroth was the most useless hero in magic chess
When i use him he is😂 but when enemy uses him...
Yup useless unless u going prince synergy
@@a-noobis1689 me too 😂
He is tho.. even Yuzhong is stronger than him raw damage and lifesteal unless Dyrroth activates Prince synergy. You can also see in this video Dyrroth almost lost to Karina inside Ling skill 2 a 1 gold cost hero lol
u here 👀❤️
lose trophy synergy,dont try better
Fake. all your videos are rigged