Dak Prescott discusses his offseason, Mike McCarthy addition (FULL INTERVIEW) | NBC Sports

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 141

  • @ultrarealism
    @ultrarealism 4 года назад +78

    dak is cool as ice, respect

    • @JustinQuarles
      @JustinQuarles 4 года назад +2

      realism agree!!! We got so lucky getting Dak. So so lucky

    • @alimuhammad151
      @alimuhammad151 4 года назад

      Dak talk game is better than his football game hes done in Dallas

    • @alimuhammad151
      @alimuhammad151 4 года назад

      @@JustinQuarles trash

    • @ultrarealism
      @ultrarealism 4 года назад +1

      @@alimuhammad151 Coach McCarthy loves his game, so he will be there for some time. Coach Garrett going to see Dak at his best at least two times a year for a long time.

    • @nickdonato2914
      @nickdonato2914 4 года назад +1

      James Wright you watch football games when they come on tv?? be honest

  • @xxlookalive239x3
    @xxlookalive239x3 4 года назад +43

    Much love to dak i dont see why people hate on him

    • @andrewcook6608
      @andrewcook6608 4 года назад +12

      He's not Romo. That's always the way with Cowboys fans. We hate our current QB until he retires, then we hate the next guy.

    • @jay____l
      @jay____l 4 года назад +13

      They hate on him since he's the QB of the Dallas Cowboys. If he was the QB of any other team he wouldn't even be talked about.

    • @jamesgary2351
      @jamesgary2351 4 года назад +1

      @@jay____l agreed

    • @jay____l
      @jay____l 4 года назад +1

      @@jamesgary2351 It's so dumb dude

    • @chrishenry6367
      @chrishenry6367 4 года назад +1

      Because when a play matters and the game is on the line, the game is lost if the ball is in his hand. Does this answer your question? How about 4th and goal, screenplay, he has time, guy wide open, a ball is thrown into the dirt. Lost the game. If you don't know the play, you don't watch enough to have an opinion.

  • @jay____l
    @jay____l 4 года назад +36

    People who hate on this man are just classless. Dak is a franchise QB and a great leader as well. Dude is just different.

    • @jamesgary2351
      @jamesgary2351 4 года назад +8

      With a high football I.Q. and impeccable character

    • @dallaspac4791
      @dallaspac4791 4 года назад +5

      Yes he is and his always confident

    • @jay____l
      @jay____l 4 года назад +3

      @@dallaspac4791 Yes ma'am!

    • @robertocamacho2101
      @robertocamacho2101 4 года назад +5

      All qb are criticized but especially a Dallas cowboy Qb but he’s gonna get us a Lombardi soon

    • @Burt_Sampson
      @Burt_Sampson 4 года назад


  • @jjones317
    @jjones317 4 года назад +27

    Get Dak signed and of course Go Cowboys!

    • @nsokolowski78
      @nsokolowski78 4 года назад +2

      one love I agree, Go Cowboys.....Go lick a ball....

    • @josesalinas6710
      @josesalinas6710 4 года назад

      Nathan Sokolowski y’all are still gonna be trash next year don’t get ur hopes up

    • @jamesgary2351
      @jamesgary2351 4 года назад +2

      @@josesalinas6710 you know that's not true be honest

    • @nsokolowski78
      @nsokolowski78 4 года назад

      Jose Salinas I’m guessing when you say y’all, you are meaning our football team. And if that’s the case, what does that make y’all? Cause we beat y’all this year and last year and if I’m not mistaken the year before that. But hey, it’s all fun and games with us fans. I hope you or anyone else gets mad or takes offense to what is said on here. It’s only fun until people take these things personal. And I hope you are like me and only say things out of friendly competition and nothing more. So have a good day and keep your tissue close because you will need it again next year. Go Cowgirls.

    • @dallaspac4791
      @dallaspac4791 4 года назад +1

      Go cowboys.....

  • @JackRule16
    @JackRule16 4 года назад +28

    Sweet interview plus non-cringey plug, well done Simms.

  • @vince2997
    @vince2997 4 года назад +7

    I thought the guy in the thumbnail was Jason Garrett 😂

  • @tylercook5914
    @tylercook5914 4 года назад +12

    That’s my QB! Go Cowboys

  • @kvaughnpk
    @kvaughnpk 4 года назад +11

    That was a pretty cool interview. Good job Chris.

  • @anthonymann3413
    @anthonymann3413 4 года назад +26

    Pay him jerry give him your 250million dollar boat

  • @mr.knowbody1988
    @mr.knowbody1988 4 года назад

    Super cool

  • @texasmade9727
    @texasmade9727 4 года назад +8

    Who else went and tried some Oikos Yogurt after watching this interview...😆😆.....the chocolate one is pretty good. Nothing to brag about. My cowboys gonna win it all next year....Dak about to get paid! DC4L!!!!

  • @zeno4649
    @zeno4649 4 года назад +22

    Sims is in love lmao hahah smh

    • @mattspyro
      @mattspyro 4 года назад +2

      he always gushes over a good qb lol

    • @zeno4649
      @zeno4649 4 года назад

      @@mattspyro naw he wants dak to bend him over the way hes acting 😂

    • @mattspyro
      @mattspyro 4 года назад

      @@zeno4649 you missing the point 🙄

    • @zeno4649
      @zeno4649 4 года назад

      @@mattspyro i got you bro you missed mine too lmbo its all luv bro

    • @mattspyro
      @mattspyro 4 года назад

      @@zeno4649 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @dallaspac4791
    @dallaspac4791 4 года назад +5


  • @jamesscarlett7632
    @jamesscarlett7632 4 года назад +7

    Nice vid

    • @jasper4549
      @jasper4549 4 года назад +2

      You didn’t watch the whole video

  • @EK-pr3ij
    @EK-pr3ij 4 года назад +2

    Simms is one of the best Interviewer/ Analyst out there.This guy is going to be Great Gm.If he chooses to.Dak 2020 the NFL is yours !!

  • @maureenfricke4181
    @maureenfricke4181 4 года назад +4


  • @Davidmaxwell07
    @Davidmaxwell07 4 года назад +2

    1:54 that deposit just hit

  • @LpCruz11937
    @LpCruz11937 4 года назад +6

    Simms does a great impersonation of his dad

  • @lonestarminis
    @lonestarminis 4 года назад +1

    Chris is such an incredible interviewer compared to all the big name pundits out there including Dan Patrick.

  • @NoseBreather
    @NoseBreather 4 года назад +5

    Can't tell if that was a paid advertisement or if Dak is just passionate about his Oikos yogurt...

    • @sean45m67
      @sean45m67 4 года назад +1

      Christian Ybarra that’s a talent 😂

    • @alwaysopen7970
      @alwaysopen7970 4 года назад

      Does it matter? At least he doesn't barge into your house to talk about shingles.

    • @NoseBreather
      @NoseBreather 4 года назад

      alwaysopen I’m not sure which other NFL players barge into houses selling shingles, but ya sure, good point.. lol

  • @adamrussell572
    @adamrussell572 4 года назад +12

    I love Dak Prescott. I've loved him since he first took over for Romo after the injury. Calm, cool...the game is slow to him, leadership, worker, winner-mentality. I want him to get paid, but not to the detriment of my Boys. Bring on that new CBA, and give the man his $$$,$$$,$$$. Let's go Cowboys!!

    • @alwaysopen7970
      @alwaysopen7970 4 года назад

      Can't be signing any $$$$$ FA like everyone wants to because there are too many players who are first in line. Dak and Coop come to mind. They do Cobb yet?

    • @alwaysopen7970
      @alwaysopen7970 4 года назад

      @Mr & Mrs V I have 4, 9, 55 and 82 jerseys. No more for me.

  • @TonyGilbert1
    @TonyGilbert1 4 года назад +3

    Dakie dimes going all the way next year

    • @G274Me
      @G274Me 4 года назад +1

      Strip sack dak is probably more appropriate

    • @sean45m67
      @sean45m67 4 года назад +1

      WiperHunter you mean fumble it to him wentz with 15 fumbles?

    • @G274Me
      @G274Me 4 года назад

      Sean daniel Morgan
      Dak was definitely better this season but 17-18 he was loosing the ball a lot

  • @lasayinchrist6819
    @lasayinchrist6819 4 года назад +1

    Awesome interview Simms and DAK GO COWBOYS 🔥🔥🔥

  • @cowtowntx.6740
    @cowtowntx.6740 4 года назад


    @LA4HINGIS 4 года назад

    Chris described dak like he was Phil.

  • @WORKSbaby
    @WORKSbaby 4 года назад +3

    Dak look like James st Patrick

    • @WORKSbaby
      @WORKSbaby 4 года назад

      Modern Music who are u stfu

  • @cathyleatherman3097
    @cathyleatherman3097 4 года назад +1

    Adorable always

  • @danielazocar4255
    @danielazocar4255 4 года назад +7

    Dak Prescott! Deserves big money pay the man jerry Jones quit stalling hes way better & reliable than ur x fragile qb romo & hes get better & better every year think we haven't won a Superbowl is on you this time!

    • @daneevans7590
      @daneevans7590 4 года назад

      Daniel Azocar not worth more than 35 million. He’s worth 27-30 at most

    • @LpCruz11937
      @LpCruz11937 4 года назад +1

      @@daneevans7590 "worth" isn't decided by us it's by the market

    • @jamesgary2351
      @jamesgary2351 4 года назад +1

      @@daneevans7590 he's worth 35 million because he's a great quarterback, leader of men, with high football I.Q. and impeccable character. Dak Prescott will be the storyline of this year.

    • @danielazocar4255
      @danielazocar4255 4 года назад +1

      @@daneevans7590 hes getting better every year I think he's right up there with the top qbs ur low balling him & if he doesn't get the money he deserves hes gonna walk & cowboys would have 2 look 4a nother qb & I think he's better than Carson wentz he should get the same or more in my opinion. Maybe because he didn't get paid he didn't go harder plus Garrett was the 1 with no heart when the game was on the line dak is clutch will dive 4 touchdowns. Notice when they didn't want 2 pay him we started loosing also.

    • @sean45m67
      @sean45m67 4 года назад

      Daniel Jones bugging

  • @dallastx-ib8xh
    @dallastx-ib8xh 4 года назад

    I thought it was Garrett 🤣🤣

  • @rob7177
    @rob7177 4 года назад

    oikos triple zero taste too much like stevia

  • @trojanhell7639
    @trojanhell7639 4 года назад

    Not his fault Coach clap screwed us

  • @philskovby2917
    @philskovby2917 4 года назад +1

    0:17 tourette taking over

  • @nbafl
    @nbafl 4 года назад

    Chris Classic

  • @danimusprime6686
    @danimusprime6686 4 года назад

    The beginning is awkward af

  • @lordvader5706
    @lordvader5706 4 года назад +1

    A long off-season..

  • @nsokolowski78
    @nsokolowski78 4 года назад +1

    Uhhh.....HE DOESN’T.......EVER!!!!! Hahaha

  • @Goodatlast-wv5zy
    @Goodatlast-wv5zy 4 года назад

    Dak is trash

    • @sean45m67
      @sean45m67 4 года назад

      Abdu Kibuuka your moms trash too

  • @erics2739
    @erics2739 4 года назад

    War eagle

  • @Kingjvy_88
    @Kingjvy_88 4 года назад +1

    Dak is the man always will support him since day 1 thank you for being a dallas cowboy!

  • @thethumper088
    @thethumper088 4 года назад +6

    Dak doesn't deserve 40 million a year. He doesn't even deserve 30. He's worth like 25 mil but I'd give him 28 mil.

    • @jabbahut755
      @jabbahut755 4 года назад +2

      Don't forget the market is changing

    • @kennethbanks1281
      @kennethbanks1281 4 года назад +1

      U crazy he will get 38

    • @thethumper088
      @thethumper088 4 года назад +1

      @@kennethbanks1281 he probably will sadly. But he still isn't worth it. They didn't even go over .500. He's Kirk cousins 2.0. Got some talent but he'll never get to the ship.

    • @WORKSbaby
      @WORKSbaby 4 года назад +1

      You can’t even give him 8 dollars a hour

    • @zeno4649
      @zeno4649 4 года назад

      @@thethumper088 lazy take

  • @thomaslee4725
    @thomaslee4725 4 года назад +1

    You're not worse 40 top 40 million a year you are not worth 25 million a year at best your worst maybe 20 at best you're not you're not a good quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys got 4 please let Mike McCarthy move you around but I pray to God I pray to you

    • @EK-pr3ij
      @EK-pr3ij 4 года назад +1

      And you typed your 2 non-cents in lol

    • @ThePureTexan
      @ThePureTexan 4 года назад

      Thomas Lee wahhhh

  • @josesalinas6710
    @josesalinas6710 4 года назад +1

    Poor cowgirl fans already hyping them self up to only be disappointed by mediocrity

    • @Bradley_G
      @Bradley_G 4 года назад +1

      What mediocrity? Jerry Jones?

    • @jamesgary2351
      @jamesgary2351 4 года назад +1

      They will win the Superbowl this upcoming season. Their record will be 12-4

    • @alwaysopen7970
      @alwaysopen7970 4 года назад +1

      That's what fans do. You must be a Browns fan.

  • @anonymousgoogle8462
    @anonymousgoogle8462 4 года назад

    Eagles, Giants and Redskins fans are saying please pay Dak a cargo ship full of money. This will cripple payroll for the Cowboys and guarantee more mediocre seasons for the Cowboys. Lol

    • @DC4L99
      @DC4L99 4 года назад

      Anonymous Google Funny because he beats those trash teams every year 😂and will continue too for years to come.

    • @anonymousgoogle8462
      @anonymousgoogle8462 4 года назад

      @@DC4L99 zeke and defense beats those teams. Now that those teams will be better Dak will be lucky to help get them over 500 vs those teams. Dak is a mediocre QB about to become the Cowboys biggest mistake of the decade.

  • @TouchedByTruth
    @TouchedByTruth 4 года назад

    I don't hate Dak. I want Dak to throw guys open, run more, & become a MUCH more accurate passer. Oh, and NOT try to break the bank because if he tries to, then he will or Dak apologist will say he doesn't have weapons around him. And just because Goff & Wentz got overpaid doesn't means he has to be. Chalk up the additional 5+ Mil he'll make on endorsements based on the team he's playing on. Lastly, he's a 10-15 QB in the league, but wants top 3 money. Teddy Bridgewater could lead this team for $25-$30 mil a year.

    • @TheRexrapper
      @TheRexrapper 4 года назад

      He was the 7th accurate QB in the NFL last year. So you want him to become the most accurate then?

  • @chrishenry6367
    @chrishenry6367 4 года назад

    Please call the redskins and request them to pick you. Go be Washington's franchise QB and do us a favor here in Dallas Texas. All you will do is get the new coach fired like the last one.

  • @thomaslee4725
    @thomaslee4725 4 года назад

    I pray to God that we get somebody that is worth 40 million that will take us to the Super Bowl that can make every throw in the book God I pray I pray that Dak Prescott goes a f****** way and never f****** see the light of day again God I pray

  • @blakelerma-lancarte5292
    @blakelerma-lancarte5292 4 года назад

    I don’t like that guy .

  • @ivandarko740k
    @ivandarko740k 4 года назад

    2 backup QBs talking

    • @alwaysopen7970
      @alwaysopen7970 4 года назад +3

      Who? One starts every Sunday and the other is a respected sports analyst. Can you throw a football?