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nah, I think if Blake did saw the pics I took to Lucas and Kev back in Barcelona this year with Fallujah, he would make a HUGE TRIO after seeing how sexy they are xD
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These guys deserve way more attention then they are getting right now!
The brotherhood is awesome. They genuinely look like they’re having fun together on the road.
I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO. I have no bunghole.
Are you from Lake Titicaca? 🤣
The guitarist is simply awesome
lmao these guys are hilarious. Love it!
My boy dom on the spreadsheets bc that's what doms do 😤🙌🏼
Im getting sleep deprivation symptoms just from looking at this....
This was cool, yall kick ass
bro just got a whole bag of edibles in the freezers thats awesome
goated band next up fr
Spreadsheet is my spirit animal
Lucas Koughan Mentioned ‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅(Btw, good morning Kev LMAO)
nah, I think if Blake did saw the pics I took to Lucas and Kev back in Barcelona this year with Fallujah, he would make a HUGE TRIO after seeing how sexy they are xD
This used to be the dream, back in the day. Now this just seems like a living hell lmao
Montreal parking ticket. Ah!
Big love❤
😂😂😂 Dom doing Cornholio !
I like these dudes personalities
Imagine thinking you’d make money from my pillow at this point
Blake looks so done on that thumbnail.
Why does the guitarist remindem me of that Cornholio guy??
Are you threatening me?!
@dompetro no I just noticed similarities
Spreadsheet is making me laugh
blake please let me out of your basement
Roleplaying as me, huh? 😊
Wrong video, thought this was bang bus.
Vocalist's require anything they want. It is known
Blake shaking like he got Parkinson’s
gyad damn
Banana gelada é horrível😮
Metal guys are cruel and evil , ohh look at them sleeping with plushies !
why is he shaking like that?
What? I was thinking it's a one dude band
Blake still writes everything and all that. But it's a full band for touring
@@A_Flying_Whale not anymore, they are a full band now as of their EP. Blake still does a lot of the writing i assume but cant be for sure
@MafiaLord34 Blake said in an interview he'll still write everything
The nazi pillow? Gross.