In the very first clip Max is watching mommy eat so intently, and even practices chewing like her 😂 Between your last two videos' topic: If Max's first steps are to a PC bang then I have to ask you what's in Korea's water 😂 That might be thinking a bit ahead! But I admit that it's hard for me as a Canadian to see the draw of America. The only reason I would live there is for family, so that's understandable, and I may idealize Korea a bit in comparison, but they each have positive and negatives. Actually, you and another Korean/international couple discussed this at the same time so it was funny to see both videos together on my timeline. It does seem Korean culture values financial wellbeing over emotional wellbeing at least.. That's hard for me to understand as well, but both are important in their own way. It brings me back to when it seemed Jun's love language is acts of service. Maybe it is just a Korean trait, but I wonder if there is extended family pressure as well. That could be on either side.. I guess that's why they say you can't make everyone happy!
When I was on my own, I wanted to live in Canada, but after getting married, I thought it would be better to be closer to family, like my father-in-law’s place, where we could get more support. I’ve been to Canada, and it’s such a great place! We did a long road trip from Yellowknife !! :0
@@AlieMap That must have been a fun road trip 😊 It makes total sense to want to be close to family, but it comes with compromise when both families are on two different sides of the world. Thankfully with technology you can keep in touch even when you can't be physically close. I just had a thought though.. You will be taking a plane with two babies in the future! 😮
Viver sem dinheiro ou ter pouco dinheiro quando se tem filhos é viver fora da realidade e gerar conflitos com a esposa pois uma hora terão por ter pouco dinheiro.
Many people in the Westerner countries think like your father in law. I think it is due to being rather wealthy for the last 80-90 years in Northern America and Europe. If you have money enough for a decent home, healthcare and Education for your children - it May be enough for a lot of us. And you dont have to work your ass off to provinsen these things. A Big car and the best adress and the most expencive clothing is not considered as important as time spentrup with your children. Children need kvantity of time… sted of a tiny bit of quality time. According to some children psychologists, that is. We have had a huge influence by Jung and Freud in western culture. Perhaps it is different in east Asia. 😊
한때 전세계 국가들 중에서 천국이라고 지칭하는 그 나라의 젋은 세대들도 기성세대들이 인정하지 않은 국가를 선택하는 것이 요즘 세계적인 트랜드입니다. 즉 남의 집 잔디가 더 푸르다고 주장하는 것은 MZ세대들 한테는 그저 "라떼는 말이야" 처럼 들리는 것 밖에 안 됩니다. 쉽게 말해 MZ세대들 한테는 기성세대들이 바라는 번영과 물질 보다는 맘이 편한 그 곳이 천국이라 것이죠 !
맞아요.....자식에게 물질을 물려주려하지 말고
많은 시간을 가족이 함께하여 추억을 물려주는게 진정한 행복
오늘 맥스는 뒤집기 성공+이유식 성공 >> 추카 추카
What a beautiful baby
👋미국이든 한국이든~Max는 미남이다~🥰💞💞💞
건강하고 아름다운커플~ 잘생긴맥스!! 언제나 응원보냅니다~~^^
정말 중요한 가치관 차이 잘 요약하셨네요 잘보고 갑니다
정답없어요^^ 남의 답은 남의답!!
¡Q Lindo es vuestro Bebé!… Enhorabuena ❤❤❤
¡Muchas gracias! :)
맥스야 미국가서도 잘 지내길바래 ~ ❤❤
In the very first clip Max is watching mommy eat so intently, and even practices chewing like her 😂
Between your last two videos' topic: If Max's first steps are to a PC bang then I have to ask you what's in Korea's water 😂 That might be thinking a bit ahead! But I admit that it's hard for me as a Canadian to see the draw of America. The only reason I would live there is for family, so that's understandable, and I may idealize Korea a bit in comparison, but they each have positive and negatives.
Actually, you and another Korean/international couple discussed this at the same time so it was funny to see both videos together on my timeline. It does seem Korean culture values financial wellbeing over emotional wellbeing at least.. That's hard for me to understand as well, but both are important in their own way. It brings me back to when it seemed Jun's love language is acts of service. Maybe it is just a Korean trait, but I wonder if there is extended family pressure as well. That could be on either side.. I guess that's why they say you can't make everyone happy!
When I was on my own, I wanted to live in Canada, but after getting married, I thought it would be better to be closer to family, like my father-in-law’s place, where we could get more support. I’ve been to Canada, and it’s such a great place! We did a long road trip from Yellowknife !! :0
@@AlieMap That must have been a fun road trip 😊 It makes total sense to want to be close to family, but it comes with compromise when both families are on two different sides of the world. Thankfully with technology you can keep in touch even when you can't be physically close. I just had a thought though.. You will be taking a plane with two babies in the future! 😮
3:39 태일로와 이재준? 길로자에, 왕자가 부수인건 처음 봤네요
친가쪽이 이가에 재자 돌림인데 재자는 상자 돌림보다 한참 아래라고 하더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋ 아내이름은 그냥 신혼여행때 아무렇게나 지은거에요
아직 애기인데 너무크게 바라는 엄마 아빠 같네요 맥스 너무귀여워요 사랑스럽네요
원래 그게 부모마음 아인교
ㅋㅋㅋ 이해는 아는데 계속 뭘 더 할수있나 기대되더라구요
Max (and you guys) is just the cutest little boy. Actually I think children can see if they are not going to like the food.😅
Thank you !!
미드나 미국영화보면 20살 남짓에독립하고 결혼도 자기들맘대로해서 그런 가족애가 있는줄몰랐네요
요즘 국제부부 유튜브로많이 배운답니다ᆢ
어디서있든 한미 가족이니까 행복하시길바라고 맥스와 맥스동생 건강하게 키우시길 ᆢ❤❤
저도 조금씩 알아가는 중이에요! 신기하죠??
저도 브로콜리는 자신없습니다.ㅎㅎ
차이는 우리는 가난했고 먹고 사는 게 중요했기 때문에 공부와 경쟁 그리고 돈이 중요한 사회가 되었고
미국은 그렇지 않고 풍요로웠기 때문에 가족의 중요성을 잊지 않았다
가슴 아프지만 미국이 옳다
한국은 잃어 가는 게 너무 많다
He needs some kimchi 😂
offspring was born from an alien's marriage with a man❤
Viver sem dinheiro ou ter pouco dinheiro quando se tem filhos é viver fora da realidade e gerar conflitos com a esposa pois uma hora terão por ter pouco dinheiro.
Eu também, na verdade, penso assim... mas cada um tem seus próprios valores! Estou tentando encontrar um meio-termo!
Many people in the Westerner countries think like your father in law. I think it is due to being rather wealthy for the last 80-90 years in Northern America and Europe.
If you have money enough for a decent home, healthcare and Education for your children - it May be enough for a lot of us. And you dont have to work your ass off to provinsen these things.
A Big car and the best adress and the most expencive clothing is not considered as important as time spentrup with your children. Children need kvantity of time… sted of a tiny bit of quality time. According to some children psychologists, that is.
We have had a huge influence by Jung and Freud in western culture. Perhaps it is different in east Asia.
That's right. In a way, it's quite fascinating. I’ve lived my whole life believing certain things were right, but now I’m learning a lot :)
😊must be one of the bonus’es of intercultural mariage.
일과 가정 가족의 균형을 이룬다는건 어느나라나 쉽지 않다. 다만 한세대의 희생없이 다음세대의 번영은 없는 것이다.
살다가 문득,얘들 엄마가 임신했을때,왜 좀 더 잘해주지 못했나?하는 후회를 합니다!돌이켜보건대,말도 안되는 일로 짜증내고,요구하고 등등이 임신으로 인한 것이었는데ᆢ요구가 합리적이지 않다는 이유로 쯔쯔쯔 후회하고있네요!지나고나니ᆢ
Max looks exactly like his mother!
Thank you!! with my... head shape? :)
근데 한국의 헌신은 누군가는 이용하고 있다는 게 문제죠. 그래서 예전만큼 가족한테 헌신하진 않죠.
좀 변하고있는것같긴 해요
단 음식은 천천히 입 짧아져요.
조금 조심해야겠어요 😅
1:49 아내분 한국말 말투 처음들어본듯 ㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋ 요즘은 꽤 해요
이건 아니자나 엄마
Please have daughter next!!
딸을 낳던 아니면 아들을 낳던 하늘이 정하는 것이고 그냥 옆에서 축복만 하십다.
I'm excited too, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much :)
돈이 없으면 행복하지 않습니다.
잘못 된 생각 가난하지만 행복한 나라 국민들 보시라 그리고 우리나라가 돈이 많아서 지금 행복한가?
@@그립다-g7o 국가적 부랑 개인적 부랑은 상관이 없습니다. 내가 부유하면 됩니다. 유럽은 돈이 없어서 자살율이 높나요? 개인적 차원으로 돈이 있어야지 여유가 있고, 그 여유속에서 가족과 함께 지낼 수 있습니다. 가난한 행복을 한번 보여주시면 수긍할께요
@@그립다-g7o 돈이 없던 과거는 힘들었고, 돈이 많은 지금은 여유와 함께 행복합니다.
미국가서 경쟁할수있는 능력이 있다면 미래를 봐서도 이민이 맞다고생각해요 냉정하게 한국은 지금이 최고점이고 후퇴할일만 남았으니까요
@@goodman-rq1lr 어느나라던 최고점을 찍어면 후퇴하는 나라는 다있음 미국도 유럽도.
저들 젊은 부부가 세상 돌아가는 것을 모를까요?
그냥 옆에서 조용히 지켜보고 응원하는 것이 최고입니다.
한때 전세계 국가들 중에서 천국이라고 지칭하는 그 나라의 젋은 세대들도 기성세대들이 인정하지 않은 국가를 선택하는 것이 요즘 세계적인 트랜드입니다.
즉 남의 집 잔디가 더 푸르다고 주장하는 것은 MZ세대들 한테는 그저 "라떼는 말이야" 처럼 들리는 것 밖에 안 됩니다.
쉽게 말해 MZ세대들 한테는 기성세대들이 바라는 번영과 물질 보다는 맘이 편한 그 곳이 천국이라 것이죠 !
이딴소리가 몇년전에도 들었던것같은데?