I agree with Flame on this to an extent, but when you got people who are known to rap about the gospel of Christ and have always been known for that, then they start featuring and working with rappers that have been known and are still well known secular rappers. You lead many astray to think that since it's "OK" to feature that secular rapper on a song with another rapper that's known to be a Christian rapper, that it's now "OK" to also listen to music from the secular rapper that was featured on the song. Which is so beyond wrong in so many ways, now, instead of bringing people to GOD of all Truth, you lead them the one which fathers all lies. It doesn't matter if that's not what you intend, it's such a cliche, but I guess I gotta say it to keep it simple for some. "The path that leads to hell, many times is paved with good intentions." Break bread with the world, but not at the cost of compromising the law of Christ.
I remember the old days and we need to bring those days back in our music honoring Jesus even ABOVE our artistry. Jesus above all. We ride for him with him, and by him.
man I'm tired of everybody tap dancing around this issue. you're a Christian who raps, then therefore you're a "Christian Rapper". stop trying to make it sound deeper than what it is. the bottom line is this, these people don't want to be labeled "Christian Rappers" to broaden fan base. you can still touch the lost by just relating to the people through the music and being authentic. what's with all the word play??? that's like a person saying he/she is Saved, but doesn't wanna be called a "Christian". this whole topic is just a waste of time that shouldn't get any more attention. and in case you think I'm hatin' Jesus Christ IS my lord and savior!
The actual problem is this "winning souls" mentality. These, "I'm just a rapper who happens to be a Christian" dudes think that they are the ones bringing people to Yehoshua/Christ. That is the ONLY thing they could be thinking. Why? Because they don't want people thinking they are corny. Why? So they can appeal to a wider audience to "spread the message". Why? Because I guess it's them who lead people to Christ, and not the Holy Spirit/Ruach Hakodesh. That is nothing but sin right there.
Audioplugg Couldn't have said it better myself👌...this topic is really ridiculous..."if" a Christian is what you ARE, you should be thankful the industry sees the distinction...the world is gonna call you/label you/categorize you however they want, just do your music and keep it Moving!
Audioplugg. I agree 100%, I'm so tired of the compromise in order to be relevant and validated by the world. The more these artists compromise, the further away from God they go. And when have you EVER heard a real street thug or gangster (not a fake one) who raps, try to distance himself from thuggin in his music? NEVER, in fact he wallows in the fact that he is not fake and keeps it 100 in his street thuggin. But these so called Christian rappers don't wanna portray themselves as keepin it real with Christ and really living the Christian life by saying they're a Christian rapper? That's spineless and weak and speaks volumes as to their hearts intent in this music game. They want validation from the world, so they have to conform to it. A sad situation indeed. I'm praying for these brothers🙏
Audioplugg and if you're a Christian who paints what are you, a Christian painter? If you're a sound engineer who's a Christian, are you therefore a Christian sound engineer? This is absurd! Stop getting hung up about the marketing considerations of the record industry which wants everything labelled and neatly packaged in it's place for the purposes of marketing!
point blank if you a Cristian be one, stop compromising saying "I'm a rapper who Christian". I'm a Christian everything because I seek to be in Christ-like in everything EXCEPT with my music? 1 Peter 4:16
Christian rap has a long reputation for being corny. To say "I'm a rapper who follows Christ" instead of "I'm a Christian rapper" gives a fresh perspective that people may be more likely to listen to. First of all, the word "Christian" was not what any followers of Christ originally called themselves, it was what the people around them chose to label the 1st century followers of Christ as because they were not used to people of many cultures all being cool with each other. Today that word that was used to distinguish a people who had diverse cultures but all united in Christ, actually has the reputation of being hypocrites, slave owners, racist, imperialist, etc. The label of a Christian isn't what saves people, it's faith in Jesus Christ and repentance that saves people because of God's grace. So if somebody wants to disassociate from the bad reputation of the label of "Christian" that many Christians brought to the name and just say "Hey I'm a follower of Jesus Christ," then whats the problem. The Truth is so much more important than the label the followers of the Truth use to identify themselves as.
still a compromise...why do we continue to say be out the box and not labeled but the gospel is all accompassing and omnipresent...allowing the holy spirit to speak through our lyrics and music production is giving glory to the only one that is deserving GOD ,JESUS and HOLY SPIRIT
I think us as christian rappers need to just be who God called us to be and use gifts he graced us with and deliver the messages he gave us to give to the masses. I mean it shouldn't be this complicated. Just do what you do in your own style and let the spirit lead you. This aint really the time to get caught up in specifics on what we want to be labeled cus at the end of it all... We are messengers of the gospel.
Christian rap has a long reputation for being corny. To say "I'm a rapper who follows Christ" instead of "I'm a Christian rapper" gives a fresh perspective that people may be more likely to listen to. First of all, the word "Christian" was not what any followers of Christ originally called themselves, it was what the people around them chose to label the 1st century followers of Christ as because they were not used to people of many cultures all being cool with each other. Today that word that was used to distinguish a people who had diverse cultures but all united in Christ, actually has the reputation of being hypocrites, slave owners, racist, imperialist, etc. The label of a Christian isn't what saves people, it's faith in Jesus Christ and repentance that saves people because of God's grace. The Truth is so much more important than the label that we as believers in the Truth use to identify ourselves. Many people don't want to hear what "Christians" say because to them a "Christian" is the people who owned, bought, and sold human beings as property and the people who built empires around the world and forced their language, music, food, clothes, art, etc on the first inhabitants of the conquered land. To many people Christian music is corny and lacks a lot of true talent. For these reasons and more, many people who whole-heartedly follow Jesus are moving away from the label of "Christian" and saying "I just straight up follow Christ." It ain't about a label it's about the Truth
I love Flame. He's definitely one of my all time faves. He's so real and talented, and he never violates his convictions. He's just a strong man of God & I love that he's out there staying true.
you can be concious, a theologist, activist, and part of the 5 fold ministry but your base must be Jesus Christ.. Jesus set the standard, an he was these things and more. We need to stop commenting and start praying. The only ppl that need to comment about these rappers and emcees are those around them to steer them the way God wants them to go. We need to check our own spirit and make sure we are without blemish. All you have to do is ask Jesus about what your listen to. and the genre chistian rapper is false. you wouldnt say that about any other job. your a chistian and rapping is the way you spread your gift. stop letting the world tell you who you are. theres only two categories holy and unholy, life or death, circumcise or uncircumcise, heaven or hell, God or the devil.
Godz Chozen Vezzel well said son of The King. those genre's are man made!!! I understand why they don't want a label I was in the world and some wouldn't even listen cause they have a preconceived notion of a Christian. God said judge a tree by it fruits. The bars will tell you who they are. not a label. many in history have missed used the title of Christian
Tell em ya got dat.. CLEAR SIGHT MUSIC 😂😂🔥🔥 his songs are all bangers in my opinion. Even though I’m not necessarily Christian anymore, but definitely still listen to meaningful music (like Flame, and others) with good messages no matter what!
Donovan jr a lot of stuff jus don’t add up no more man. Religion itself has been so messed around.. but I still believe in the Heavenly Father though. That’s not gonna stop.
Well said bro well said because it needs to be clear whenever looking for someone that raps and happens to be a Christian THAN A RAPPER THAT IS A CHRIST FOLLOWER THAT HAPPENS TO RAP
the truth is the bible says we should be as gentke as doves and crafty as serpants, according to me the reason cheistian rap is important is there are some people who will not listern to the gospel, and take note the real stuff not what is everywhere right now, somepeople will not listen to the goospel until it is given to then in a certain way. Thats why people loke Flame have realize that and set themselves apart for God to do just that thats the reason i appreciate him and people like him so much.
Flame sounds kinda questionable now. They were "Indie". Nah fam, like he didn't even wanna say Christian. They'll tell you straight up themselves that they were CHRISTIAN Rappers. Sounds like you got bit by the snake too Lol. Love Flame still, one of my favs.
he did also describe them as Christian rappers and used the word Christian several times. But the Truth is so much more important than the label that we as believers in the Truth use to identify ourselves. Many people don't want to hear what "Christians" say because to them a "Christian" is the people who owned, bought, and sold human beings as property and the people who built empires around the world and forced their language, music, food, clothes, art, etc on the first inhabitants of the conquered land. To many people Christian music is corny and lacks a lot of true talent. For these reasons and more, many people who whole-heartedly follow Jesus are moving away from the label of "Christian" and saying "I just straight up follow Christ." It ain't about a label it's about the Truth
Armando Romero So what you're saying is because people tag what they believe Christianity represents, now Christians are afraid to own up to it because of what people think?
Everything boils down to motivation and agenda. Some say they don't want to be labeled, but they end up coming up with their own label like "I'm a rapper who happens to be a Christian". Actually, there's a thin line between engaging the world for Christ from experiencing the glory of the world. Some of these so-called GOD representing rappers are lost in translation as to where they're bringing their rap game. Simple questions like "What is your agenda or motivation?" should be clearly answered by these cats. No need to explain it with complex justifications. They should be honest and straight to the point.
He is my favorite Christian rap artist out of them all. Well spoken FLAME!!
Same here!!!
I agree with Flame on this to an extent, but when you got people who are known to rap about the gospel of Christ and have always been known for that, then they start featuring and working with rappers that have been known and are still well known secular rappers. You lead many astray to think that since it's "OK" to feature that secular rapper on a song with another rapper that's known to be a Christian rapper, that it's now "OK" to also listen to music from the secular rapper that was featured on the song. Which is so beyond wrong in so many ways, now, instead of bringing people to GOD of all Truth, you lead them the one which fathers all lies. It doesn't matter if that's not what you intend, it's such a cliche, but I guess I gotta say it to keep it simple for some. "The path that leads to hell, many times is paved with good intentions." Break bread with the world, but not at the cost of compromising the law of Christ.
I remember the old days and we need to bring those days back in our music honoring Jesus even ABOVE our artistry. Jesus above all. We ride for him with him, and by him.
man I'm tired of everybody tap dancing around this issue. you're a Christian who raps, then therefore you're a "Christian Rapper". stop trying to make it sound deeper than what it is. the bottom line is this, these people don't want to be labeled "Christian Rappers" to broaden fan base. you can still touch the lost by just relating to the people through the music and being authentic. what's with all the word play??? that's like a person saying he/she is Saved, but doesn't wanna be called a "Christian". this whole topic is just a waste of time that shouldn't get any more attention. and in case you think I'm hatin' Jesus Christ IS my lord and savior!
The actual problem is this "winning souls" mentality. These, "I'm just a rapper who happens to be a Christian" dudes think that they are the ones bringing people to Yehoshua/Christ. That is the ONLY thing they could be thinking. Why? Because they don't want people thinking they are corny. Why? So they can appeal to a wider audience to "spread the message". Why? Because I guess it's them who lead people to Christ, and not the Holy Spirit/Ruach Hakodesh. That is nothing but sin right there.
Audioplugg Couldn't have said it better myself👌...this topic is really ridiculous..."if" a Christian is what you ARE, you should be thankful the industry sees the distinction...the world is gonna call you/label you/categorize you however they want, just do your music and keep it Moving!
Audioplugg. I agree 100%, I'm so tired of the compromise in order to be relevant and validated by the world. The more these artists compromise, the further away from God they go. And when have you EVER heard a real street thug or gangster (not a fake one) who raps, try to distance himself from thuggin in his music? NEVER, in fact he wallows in the fact that he is not fake and keeps it 100 in his street thuggin. But these so called Christian rappers don't wanna portray themselves as keepin it real with Christ and really living the Christian life by saying they're a Christian rapper? That's spineless and weak and speaks volumes as to their hearts intent in this music game. They want validation from the world, so they have to conform to it. A sad situation indeed. I'm praying for these brothers🙏
Audioplugg and if you're a Christian who paints what are you, a Christian painter? If you're a sound engineer who's a Christian, are you therefore a Christian sound engineer? This is absurd! Stop getting hung up about the marketing considerations of the record industry which wants everything labelled and neatly packaged in it's place for the purposes of marketing!
Audioplugg Music Productions, LLC Well said...
point blank if you a Cristian be one, stop compromising saying "I'm a rapper who Christian". I'm a Christian everything because I seek to be in Christ-like in everything EXCEPT with my music? 1 Peter 4:16
Christian rap has a long reputation for being corny. To say "I'm a rapper who follows Christ" instead of "I'm a Christian rapper" gives a fresh perspective that people may be more likely to listen to. First of all, the word "Christian" was not what any followers of Christ originally called themselves, it was what the people around them chose to label the 1st century followers of Christ as because they were not used to people of many cultures all being cool with each other. Today that word that was used to distinguish a people who had diverse cultures but all united in Christ, actually has the reputation of being hypocrites, slave owners, racist, imperialist, etc. The label of a Christian isn't what saves people, it's faith in Jesus Christ and repentance that saves people because of God's grace. So if somebody wants to disassociate from the bad reputation of the label of "Christian" that many Christians brought to the name and just say "Hey I'm a follower of Jesus Christ," then whats the problem. The Truth is so much more important than the label the followers of the Truth use to identify themselves as.
still a compromise...why do we continue to say be out the box and not labeled but the gospel is all accompassing and omnipresent...allowing the holy spirit to speak through our lyrics and music production is giving glory to the only one that is deserving GOD ,JESUS and HOLY SPIRIT
Flame🔥 always consistent 💯 love his ministry
I respect this guy he doesn't swear, he respects Ladies and doesn't rap about drugs, Sex, and Murder
Honestly, if you really listen.. he didnt say anything different than what Lecrae has been saying. I love it..good interview!
Beautiful💯 Hopefully ,his ministry spreads out even more among the people!
I really appreciate his perspective and the words he used. Very mature and sound.
Well said.
Got a whole new respect for Flame, much love.
I think us as christian rappers need to just be who God called us to be and use gifts he graced us with and deliver the messages he gave us to give to the masses. I mean it shouldn't be this complicated. Just do what you do in your own style and let the spirit lead you. This aint really the time to get caught up in specifics on what we want to be labeled cus at the end of it all... We are messengers of the gospel.
well said flame!! 👏💯
Christian rap has a long reputation for being corny. To say "I'm a rapper who follows Christ" instead of "I'm a Christian rapper" gives a fresh perspective that people may be more likely to listen to. First of all, the word "Christian" was not what any followers of Christ originally called themselves, it was what the people around them chose to label the 1st century followers of Christ as because they were not used to people of many cultures all being cool with each other. Today that word that was used to distinguish a people who had diverse cultures but all united in Christ, actually has the reputation of being hypocrites, slave owners, racist, imperialist, etc. The label of a Christian isn't what saves people, it's faith in Jesus Christ and repentance that saves people because of God's grace.
The Truth is so much more important than the label that we as believers in the Truth use to identify ourselves. Many people don't want to hear what "Christians" say because to them a "Christian" is the people who owned, bought, and sold human beings as property and the people who built empires around the world and forced their language, music, food, clothes, art, etc on the first inhabitants of the conquered land. To many people Christian music is corny and lacks a lot of true talent. For these reasons and more, many people who whole-heartedly follow Jesus are moving away from the label of "Christian" and saying "I just straight up follow Christ." It ain't about a label it's about the Truth
Flame is 100% correct.. I'm glad he is 1 rapper who will still give you Christ
I love Flame. He's definitely one of my all time faves. He's so real and talented, and he never violates his convictions. He's just a strong man of God & I love that he's out there staying true.
This is definitely one talented guy. God bless you Flame
honesty is key, let people do them I agree.
I love Flame
Hopefully the rappers that are Christians, don't start to get vilified.
We preach Christ in his fullness
Flame always on point. Sound doctrine 💯
you can be concious, a theologist, activist, and part of the 5 fold ministry but your base must be Jesus Christ.. Jesus set the standard, an he was these things and more. We need to stop commenting and start praying. The only ppl that need to comment about these rappers and emcees are those around them to steer them the way God wants them to go. We need to check our own spirit and make sure we are without blemish. All you have to do is ask Jesus about what your listen to. and the genre chistian rapper is false. you wouldnt say that about any other job. your a chistian and rapping is the way you spread your gift. stop letting the world tell you who you are. theres only two categories holy and unholy, life or death, circumcise or uncircumcise, heaven or hell, God or the devil.
Godz Chozen Vezzel well said son of The King. those genre's are man made!!! I understand why they don't want a label I was in the world and some wouldn't even listen cause they have a preconceived notion of a Christian. God said judge a tree by it fruits. The bars will tell you who they are. not a label. many in history have missed used the title of Christian
Tell em ya got dat.. CLEAR SIGHT MUSIC 😂😂🔥🔥 his songs are all bangers in my opinion. Even though I’m not necessarily Christian anymore, but definitely still listen to meaningful music (like Flame, and others) with good messages no matter what!
J. NamWEN. If you mind I ask why your not a chirstian anymore?
Donovan jr a lot of stuff jus don’t add up no more man. Religion itself has been so messed around.. but I still believe in the Heavenly Father though. That’s not gonna stop.
Well said bro well said because it needs to be clear whenever looking for someone that raps and happens to be a Christian THAN A RAPPER THAT IS A CHRIST FOLLOWER THAT HAPPENS TO RAP
Has it come to this?
the truth is the bible says we should be as gentke as doves and crafty as serpants, according to me the reason cheistian rap is important is there are some people who will not listern to the gospel, and take note the real stuff not what is everywhere right now, somepeople will not listen to the goospel until it is given to then in a certain way. Thats why people loke Flame have realize that and set themselves apart for
God to do just that thats the reason i appreciate him and people like him so much.
👁like what was 🗣d at the &
But he explained it different than others
Even politically correct has hit Christian music
Flame sounds kinda questionable now. They were "Indie". Nah fam, like he didn't even wanna say Christian. They'll tell you straight up themselves that they were CHRISTIAN Rappers. Sounds like you got bit by the snake too Lol. Love Flame still, one of my favs.
he did also describe them as Christian rappers and used the word Christian several times. But the Truth is so much more important than the label that we as believers in the Truth use to identify ourselves. Many people don't want to hear what "Christians" say because to them a "Christian" is the people who owned, bought, and sold human beings as property and the people who built empires around the world and forced their language, music, food, clothes, art, etc on the first inhabitants of the conquered land. To many people Christian music is corny and lacks a lot of true talent. For these reasons and more, many people who whole-heartedly follow Jesus are moving away from the label of "Christian" and saying "I just straight up follow Christ." It ain't about a label it's about the Truth
Armando Romero So what you're saying is because people tag what they believe Christianity represents, now Christians are afraid to own up to it because of what people think?
Everything boils down to motivation and agenda. Some say they don't want to be labeled, but they end up coming up with their own label like "I'm a rapper who happens to be a Christian". Actually, there's a thin line between engaging the world for Christ from experiencing the glory of the world. Some of these so-called GOD representing rappers are lost in translation as to where they're bringing their rap game. Simple questions like "What is your agenda or motivation?" should be clearly answered by these cats. No need to explain it with complex justifications. They should be honest and straight to the point.
Well said.