Immortal Soldier 2.0 will be enough to not get NERF? | Pilgrammed

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

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  • @NotPostKnight
    @NotPostKnight  11 часов назад +15

    Angler Hat (Helmet) (Optional) - can be crafted from the fisherman near Elite Barrack (Swamp area) or Beach Bay in a small hut
    Copper Mech (Armor) (Important) - can be crafted in Eggroost Observatory by reaching the Rank Master in the Guild
    Rallying Warhorn (Buff/Debuff proc) (Important) - can be obtain from the Elite Guild by reaching Rank Master
    Clouded Eyeglass (Debuff proc) (Important) - can be purchased from Limo in the Forgotten Village
    Monk Beads (Regeneration Boost) (Important) - can be purchased from the The Duke of Rocks above the highest point of the Mountain
    Hardboiled Shell (Regeneration and Damage Boost) (Important) - can be obtain by killing Hardboiled Eggie in the Eggroost
    Elite Shield (Main Source Defense) (Important) - can be obtain by completing the Sinister Scourge quest initiated by Kyle in Cloud City.
    Elite Guard - Given by Kyle after obtaining Master rank in the Elite Knights guild.
    Fearmonger, Resilient and Rally
    Rude, Juggernaut and Tank
    Weapon: Any Swords

  • @0ok02ThePerson
    @0ok02ThePerson 10 часов назад +35

    Unlike the original, you can still die with this build. So yes, balanced build, pls don't nerf this devs

    • @thesun4490
      @thesun4490 8 часов назад +2

      If they nerf this, i will not play this shit anymore

    • @F.O.G_ForgotenOminusGod
      @F.O.G_ForgotenOminusGod 5 часов назад

      ​@@thesun4490 Players when they nerf something unbalanced

    • @angel488
      @angel488 4 часа назад

      ​@@F.O.G_ForgotenOminusGod devs nerfing things in the game instead of fixing bugs:

    • @aragzathothshisen-z4740
      @aragzathothshisen-z4740 2 часа назад

      @@angel488 idk nerfing things that just show up is prolly easier than finding bugs to fix

    • @thesun4490
      @thesun4490 15 минут назад

      @@F.O.G_ForgotenOminusGod this build is not op, is easy to die

  • @agamatsus
    @agamatsus 7 часов назад +11

    true project moon fan never reveals one's self, until the music

    • @glcn590
      @glcn590 2 часа назад


  • @NotLemonDC
    @NotLemonDC 10 часов назад +6

    elite defender at its fullest potential:

  • @YaBoyCarlz
    @YaBoyCarlz 11 часов назад +6

    The immortal build always have a way to return in pilgrammed

  • @thesun4490
    @thesun4490 10 часов назад +7

    If smokonde nerf it, he will not nerf the tech, he will nerf all the skill tree 💀🙏

  • @rain-pj4xq
    @rain-pj4xq 10 часов назад +7


  • @samypower
    @samypower 8 часов назад +6

    This make me notice, that i was focusing alway too much on damage reduction and defense on my tanker build, instead of focusing on regen to actually be able to tank more hits

    • @jamesthomas5039
      @jamesthomas5039 6 часов назад

      Dont use regen if your tank build cuz you can use blood chalice + mana cuff + boiled egg shell(or change it to nazar to reduce element damage from monster) for instant heal and smart brain staff

    • @Simple_guybruh
      @Simple_guybruh 6 часов назад

      Is there a way to get 70 defend?

    • @mricecreamofficial
      @mricecreamofficial 5 часов назад

      ​@@jamesthomas5039Blood chalice is terrible though... Takes like 2 seconds to drink and only heals 25% and gets cancelled if you get hit mid animation

    • @samypower
      @samypower 5 часов назад

      @@mricecreamofficial yeah, and also the cooldown can be a very big problem sometimes, so its just better have a high natural regen that dont have cooldonw and cant be totally canceled, than have a medium heal skill that takes a year and a half to make you full

  • @LollangGaming
    @LollangGaming 7 часов назад +4

    What a cool build- IS THAT MY THEME AT 5:48

  • @NicolasEstevaonascimentoNascim
    @NicolasEstevaonascimentoNascim 9 часов назад +2

    Brother, I bullied the Lost Guys using this build with the ceremonial greatblade, this build is very good.

    • @thesun4490
      @thesun4490 8 часов назад +1

      How? Ceremonial greatblade does not allow using the technique

    • @gaeldelgadillo6638
      @gaeldelgadillo6638 8 часов назад

      @@thesun4490he just used gavanised

    • @Cake_Man_
      @Cake_Man_ 8 часов назад +1

      @@thesun4490he probably just block parry dodged

    • @thesun4490
      @thesun4490 6 часов назад

      @@Cake_Man_ i made a build better than this video. Its like the immortal one, but worse, but its enough to facetank N and Highway son

  • @buzurk1754
    @buzurk1754 Час назад

    W music choices

  • @randomdeltaruneguy506
    @randomdeltaruneguy506 7 часов назад +1


  • @Guest.-.
    @Guest.-. 6 часов назад +2

    Bad Move: Im cooked ☠
    (I tried and works)

  • @shirohanabusa2775
    @shirohanabusa2775 8 часов назад +1

    Rather fitting to hear patriot's theme for this build lmao

    • @shirohanabusa2775
      @shirohanabusa2775 8 часов назад

      Or well not really patriot's theme but it is in his chapter

    • @NotPostKnight
      @NotPostKnight  7 часов назад +1

      "Doctor, Sarkaz Grudgebearer Leaders are here"

  • @Just_jdgm
    @Just_jdgm 10 часов назад +1

    Good changes but we'll never see an inmortal build like the first one before the nerf :(

  • @0x2991
    @0x2991 7 часов назад +1

    project moon fans go go go

  • @TigerWithAnChristmasHat1224
    @TigerWithAnChristmasHat1224 8 часов назад +2

    Bro MIGHT be a fixer

  • @Zeutron_
    @Zeutron_ 5 часов назад +1

    I mean the original one still works no? What did they nerf besides how regeneration works

  • @Creaford
    @Creaford 5 часов назад

    New Tank build?!?!?!

  • @HP2_1681
    @HP2_1681 7 часов назад

    bro i was that guy you saw, that white guy with n's cone, looking like the 3 K lol.

  • @Depressed_Rose.
    @Depressed_Rose. 5 часов назад

    use illustration charm instead of hardboiled its has 10% regen and 10 defense

  • @RogueFarmer
    @RogueFarmer 8 часов назад

    Ima keep the original build because it’s still Ncie but nerfed like yesterday and also it’s usable for lost guys

  • @Sinkingelf1
    @Sinkingelf1 7 часов назад

    Epixc PM music, but what nerfs did the original immortal get?

    • @NotPostKnight
      @NotPostKnight  7 часов назад +1

      "Regeneration boosts are like less effective or something" - update patchnote

    • @Sinkingelf1
      @Sinkingelf1 6 часов назад

      Wait that's it? I'm still glad I got the Lost Wax, now I need to get Master CC again, EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE CHAOS BRAND AND I MOVED TO THE ELITES 😡 like why does the Kai Stuff save but the Other stuff doesnt

  • @Vela1695
    @Vela1695 3 часа назад

    Ok but can you beat Lost Guys with it

  • @OofIsNotForTaking
    @OofIsNotForTaking 9 часов назад

    Did you use darazakel theme from critical legends 2 against kai lazurai? Or was that theme stolen in that game lol

    • @Aleph_dust
      @Aleph_dust 9 часов назад +1

      If you ever fought Lazurai you would know that is not his theme

    • @tinlingus
      @tinlingus 8 часов назад

      @@OofIsNotForTaking darakazel’s theme is from library of ruina

  • @michealphaseal
    @michealphaseal 6 часов назад

    where do i find the daedalus drones? (they are too rare)

    • @Fesh_the_fish
      @Fesh_the_fish 5 часов назад

      In eggroost or deep desert, they are a bit rare but it's also a pain to fight bc they dodge all the time

  • @Hizelly76
    @Hizelly76 7 часов назад

    is there one item i can replace in the build with ego gland?

    • @NotPostKnight
      @NotPostKnight  6 часов назад

      mostly monk beads if you're going full on buff support and protection of your allies

  • @vmennn
    @vmennn 10 часов назад +3

    The nerfdrops in coming bro 🙏🏼🤣

  • @heavengalicha3340
    @heavengalicha3340 9 часов назад

    mayeb use clericks hat for more defense

    • @gaeldelgadillo6638
      @gaeldelgadillo6638 8 часов назад

      Thats why the coment says optional, angler its just for the regen

  • @thesun4490
    @thesun4490 8 часов назад

    Can u make a build based around cactus fruit?

  • @TheError404Memes
    @TheError404Memes 6 часов назад

    now do parryless mondo N with coffinhilt and no coppermech, potions, or regen boost spam (easy)
    Actually don't do that i'm stealing the free content for myself

  • @thesun4490
    @thesun4490 10 часов назад +1


    • @NotPostKnight
      @NotPostKnight  10 часов назад

      what is smokonde and why are you giving your life to me??😭

    • @gaeldelgadillo6638
      @gaeldelgadillo6638 10 часов назад

      @@NotPostKnightsmokonde its a dev lol

    • @sem_nome_fuedasi
      @sem_nome_fuedasi 9 часов назад

      Smokonde is bluddbrain​@@NotPostKnight

  • @spookyh
    @spookyh 11 часов назад +1

    Very nice, how do you use it now?

    • @NotPostKnight
      @NotPostKnight  11 часов назад +1

      It's of a safety gameplay, try your best not to receive as much damage, but also try collecting as much hardboiled rage for a safety measure if your low, unless your fighting a boss that quite easy, you can use the hardboiled rage as a damage source instead

    • @spookyh
      @spookyh 10 часов назад

      @NotPostKnight ohh i see, do you think this build can fight lost guys?

    • @NotPostKnight
      @NotPostKnight  10 часов назад

      I have tried, and still finding a way, because there is some sort of weird thing that sometimes the shield abilities doesn't work with Lost Guys' beam attack and just bypass it, but it seems slightly possible if you're using a hard hitting weapon instead of the one Im using "Boulder Swords"

    • @gaeldelgadillo6638
      @gaeldelgadillo6638 8 часов назад

      @@NotPostKnightlike what can be better than boulderblades?

    • @NotPostKnight
      @NotPostKnight  7 часов назад

      @gaeldelgadillo6638 anything tbh, I use feral scimitar or shotal sometimes to kill N or Old Fart whenever I get bored trying to come up with new builds

  • @HshzzNsjdjx
    @HshzzNsjdjx 8 часов назад

    ew i need to parry

  • @Yozhung123
    @Yozhung123 6 часов назад

    Stop making tank build when

  • @Vestige_
    @Vestige_ 7 часов назад

    Why do you heal so much every hit? I deal over 200 damage with blood gel and only heal like 8 health

  • @宄
    @宄 9 часов назад

    Are there better weapons?

  • @69qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm69
    @69qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm69 10 часов назад

    Why are you using rally?