Interesting to see a drive thru on the opposite side from what I’m used to. At first, I was like, that’s backwards. But then to remember different country and steering wheel on the right side. lol
Actually they do all drive left hand drive cars. They have to lean over to see the menu and shout their order. 😂 Then they circle around and pull up to the drive thru as normal with the driver closest to the window. The layout needs adjusting haha.
I'm enjoying this series. How does the drive through pathing work? It seems like the menu board is on the wrong side, assuming the driver is on the left.
Yeah it's as you imagine, so they drive in with the menu board on the wrong side. Then pull around the back and up to the window with the driver on the left.
Interesting to see a drive thru on the opposite side from what I’m used to. At first, I was like, that’s backwards. But then to remember different country and steering wheel on the right side. lol
Actually they do all drive left hand drive cars. They have to lean over to see the menu and shout their order. 😂
Then they circle around and pull up to the drive thru as normal with the driver closest to the window. The layout needs adjusting haha.
You can just pick up the veg trays and put them in the burger, a lot faster.
Yeah Thanks, someone else has mentioned that too. But i'd already batch recorded a whole bunch of episodes. Good to know for the future though 🙂
I'm enjoying this series. How does the drive through pathing work? It seems like the menu board is on the wrong side, assuming the driver is on the left.
Yeah it's as you imagine, so they drive in with the menu board on the wrong side. Then pull around the back and up to the window with the driver on the left.
21:30 you forgot the drink on that order 🤦♂️
I did, well I tried to give it to him after at least haha.
You can stack up the top burger buns....
Can you? Thanks for the info 🙂
If me and my son play this I'll be the drinks and ice cream girl 😂
Haha 😂 yeah. It's definitely the way to go
Oh well.
Oh well?
hi 😊🍔
Hi 🙂