CAN IT BE YOUR DECK BOX? | Ultimagear Gold Sarcophagus Model Kit Review

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 29

  • @Beachfiend_
    @Beachfiend_ 10 месяцев назад +4

    Thanks for making the video. I just came here looking to see the size. I’m glad they sell one that looks more like it than the 2019 tin. I’m definitely buying one. Thanks again.

  • @justinsden
    @justinsden 2 года назад +8

    Bro this is a great review. Not only did you give a great explanation, but you showed off the model kit perfectly with the rotating disk and complimented it with a black background! Keep up the great work!

  • @DomsGamingSquad
    @DomsGamingSquad 2 года назад +5

    Great review! I had ordered the box recently and can't wait to use it!

  • @mavrickhunter13
    @mavrickhunter13 2 года назад +3

    I wish the top of the Box had a holder for puzzle to display when it’s fully assembled. Make the whole thing a cool display stand.

  • @thepikachu176
    @thepikachu176 2 года назад +5

    I love your enthusiasm. I can't wait to open this and scream YUGIOOOOOOOOOH! I'm also probably going to paint it.

  • @TheStackedDEK
    @TheStackedDEK 9 месяцев назад

    I just Saw this box on Amazon so I figured I'd Look It Up Cause I Always Wanted One. Great Video, and I Run A Familiar Possessed Deck.

  • @TheGoogoomonkey
    @TheGoogoomonkey Год назад

    Sweet review. I bought both the sarc and puzzle. I like them both for what they are. Easy to put together. Also, I run blue-eyes and gravekeeper's

  • @foxfirerobertadams6915
    @foxfirerobertadams6915 Год назад +4

    The design is good but seems overpriced for what is simply just a box, might get one if I find it on discount

  • @1000greyes
    @1000greyes 2 года назад

    Same I got both of them now I’m into model kits.

  • @Bakutalk
    @Bakutalk 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on it. I really REALLY need this! It’s so cool

  • @Bane_Amesta
    @Bane_Amesta 2 года назад +5

    4:57 I bet it could be possible to put magnets, it seems to be a lot of space inside each part
    Sadly this is the only way for me to see these things lol, someday I'll buy both, I swear :'D

  • @Edward-2160-
    @Edward-2160- 2 года назад

    I don't play duel masters for the exact same reason that you mentioned. I remember my self watching the half end of yugioh duel monsters era and the beginning of gx era in tv when i was a kid but I started playing a year before link summoning was introduced in the game

  • @rainbowpegacornstudios
    @rainbowpegacornstudios Год назад

    1st: I would love to have the Ultimagear Millennium puzzle for the sake of my Pharaoh Atem cosplay and the box for personal reasons.
    2nd: I got into Yu-Gi-Oh during the Duelist Kingdom Arc of the series.
    3rd: I have four deck archetypes currently in my collection: Yugi/Atem, Seto Kaiba, XYZ/Warrior and Mechanized Rampage

    • @KylesGameRoom
      @KylesGameRoom  Год назад +1

      Thankfully they’re making a new millennium puzzle with lights and sounds so it’d look much better for a cosplay. Still 1:1 scale and has the proper finish it needs

    • @rainbowpegacornstudios
      @rainbowpegacornstudios Год назад

      @@KylesGameRoom I bet it's going to be more pricey than the previous one

    • @KylesGameRoom
      @KylesGameRoom  Год назад +1

  • @ferragini
    @ferragini 2 года назад

    Thanks for the great review!

  • @russelbouzas6832
    @russelbouzas6832 2 года назад

    Can you give me the measurements of the sarcophagus?

  • @mmontano009
    @mmontano009 2 года назад

    Need both also have a blue eyes deck well like making them based on youtube videos but the easiest one wohld be the blue eyes one

  • @NsainART
    @NsainART 2 года назад

    Where do I get the hole set that you have I really want 2 buy 😍

  • @tengxiong2318
    @tengxiong2318 2 года назад

    Would it fit graded cards?

  • @DueloMilenarTCG
    @DueloMilenarTCG 2 года назад

    The best Review!

  • @teamsonicchannel4400
    @teamsonicchannel4400 2 года назад

    does the puzzle fit in

  • @gamewalkthrus2287
    @gamewalkthrus2287 2 года назад

    Let’s go baby!

  • @TheArtOfMind
    @TheArtOfMind 2 года назад +1

    Looks like it was 3D printed.

  • @breakerxblandino
    @breakerxblandino 2 года назад

    I love RDA

    • @KylesGameRoom
      @KylesGameRoom  2 года назад

      I wanted RDA, but stardust was beautiful 😍 I still have the tin