I Bet You Didn't Know THIS About Cauldrons in Horizon Forbidden West!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 26

  • @kikijewell2967
    @kikijewell2967 Год назад +29

    Same in HZD too!
    This game is so rich!

  • @Anthony-o7z3m
    @Anthony-o7z3m 3 месяца назад +2

    I found out something today too I never knew out of curiosity. If you deploy your shield in a sandstorm, you can glide with the sandstorms. Idk I just thought I'd share that in case someone out there didn't know. I sure didn't lol

  • @sassybookworm5165
    @sassybookworm5165 11 месяцев назад +6

    The details in this game are EPIC!!!

  • @TheMightyWolfie
    @TheMightyWolfie 7 месяцев назад +4

    Didn't know there was a cauldron in Burning Shores. Gonna log back in and complete it. The Spectre Gauntlet has made completing cauldrons really easy

  • @j915winterking9
    @j915winterking9 8 месяцев назад +3

    This is something in ZD as well, not just FW

  • @nerdoutreachprogram5358
    @nerdoutreachprogram5358 Год назад +9

    Pretty cool, I didn’t know that.

  • @redtiger8275
    @redtiger8275 Год назад +4

    Pretty well known, but I see so few people talking about this game I'll take it

  • @crystalfox_gamingtm
    @crystalfox_gamingtm Год назад +2

    Yea its a cool little detail in the games but I really never see anyone talking about this

  • @GH-wd8zr
    @GH-wd8zr 8 месяцев назад

    What the heck ? I genuinely didn't know that !!!!!! That's actually pretty cool.

  • @Ai-nz4bd
    @Ai-nz4bd 5 месяцев назад

    That is so cool

  • @nickyespinosa2282
    @nickyespinosa2282 Месяц назад

    I basically know it too well

  • @Rakushi_Snea
    @Rakushi_Snea 4 месяца назад

    So they're.....branded, you could say

  • @Steve-tj4uf
    @Steve-tj4uf 4 месяца назад

    They also have a zelda thingy... It gives free epic tier loot.. not worth it though.. just volatile sludge mostly

  • @michaeldmingo1525
    @michaeldmingo1525 7 месяцев назад

    They seem to have messed up the simbles with the ones from Zero dawn

  • @AyabongaDhladhla
    @AyabongaDhladhla Год назад +2


  • @khanghua966
    @khanghua966 Год назад

    So all the effort of going into the cauldron and get the override for them machines in zero dawn are useless now ?

    • @chazmatazzgames
      @chazmatazzgames  Год назад

      I wouldn't say "useless"! going through the cauldrons and getting the unlocks is one of the best parts of the entire game!

    • @CoperliteConsumer
      @CoperliteConsumer 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@chazmatazzgameshe's implying that we shouldn't have to do it again as we already cleared the world's cauldrons. However I would argue that the game is pretty clear about Hephaestus changing after the signal so it's actually pretty reasonable we have to do it again. On top of that I was blown away at just how many different animals they made. Even the first override animal, the charger is different from the horse one from HZD. That's really cool

  • @heatherofcrunchyleaves1519
    @heatherofcrunchyleaves1519 Год назад

    How tf did you get Aloy to do that AND I KNEW this from da FIRST game. Cuz sometimes, I actually be smart lol.

    • @chazmatazzgames
      @chazmatazzgames  Год назад


    • @the_grass_trainer
      @the_grass_trainer Год назад

      Looks like someone did some Motion Capture with her in game model. The hand motions look similar to the mannerisms in VR Chat that i have seen.

  • @cheerfulmotivation23
    @cheerfulmotivation23 Год назад

    I knew it😑

  • @Saitama915
    @Saitama915 Год назад +1


  • @michaeldmingo1525
    @michaeldmingo1525 7 месяцев назад

    You never go to the cauldron the horses are from

  • @CoperliteConsumer
    @CoperliteConsumer 8 месяцев назад

    That's actually an impressive amount of environmental detail and world building thought for a western triple A game company. Like i would expect that level of world consistency and passion from a double A or indie game but never a triple A, really shows you how good this game really could have been had they not taken the sweet baby art mutilation consulting. It easily would have been game of the year if they had even been 20% less misandric and openly hostile to the VAST majority of gamers(80% of video game purchasers for ps5/xbox/steam are white males in the western world)

  • @ericasuperman8
    @ericasuperman8 Год назад

    Old news but kappa chi is useless