  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 58

  • @erosennin4203
    @erosennin4203 2 года назад +2

    "we're almost max forces"
    Population 129/200

  • @oliviawolcott8351
    @oliviawolcott8351 3 года назад +12

    I'm loving that they made the choice to have the units speak middle english.

  • @flapjacks7370
    @flapjacks7370 3 года назад +1

    Siege weapon just obliterated that dog lol

  • @gregtheredneck1715
    @gregtheredneck1715 3 года назад +31

    You seem to have adopted the old Soviet strategy of land warfare, keep throwing troops into the meat grinder until you are victorious. Lol.

    • @CTifer
      @CTifer 3 года назад

      Played a bold strategy of rushing in while surrounded from every angle...

  • @BroderCel
    @BroderCel 3 года назад +9

    My tips:
    Make a really big army at first with even just a few or a little more siege equipment, make sure your resources are in constant flow so while attacking, you can keep up the pressure with reinforcements, also, always do attack move (Press A + left click to any point) because I've seen you ordering troops to attack a troop even there's too many of them which makes your troops disorganized. Make sure that your army is also perfectly balanced, not just melee soldiers or cavalry, but also skirmishers such as archers. Trust me (lol, don't trust me...jk, jk), but really, it works fine, and you will just keep up the attack without even having to retreat.
    (I just copied this and resended it xD)

  • @Romans-10v9
    @Romans-10v9 3 года назад +8

    Loving this chill campaign and bite-sized videos!

  • @Thromash
    @Thromash 3 года назад +7

    From my experiences with the AI.
    If you build a stone wall, the AI automatically brings siege, if you build a wood wall, they never bring siege.
    If you build a wood wall in front of a stone wall, they never bring siege until the wood wall is down.
    I just put archers on stone wall then towers, siege & army between stone & wood wall. They never break through.

  • @steverjaco81
    @steverjaco81 2 года назад

    great job. i like at the end " i never thought they were gloomy... I thought they were EPIC' HAHAHA

  • @gamerboyjo
    @gamerboyjo 3 года назад +1

    Good man name apollo must have spent HOURS on this, you earn my respect

  • @trygveplaustrum4634
    @trygveplaustrum4634 3 года назад +2

    That video at the end used the work from the BBC's *Secrets of the Castle.* If you want to learn more about how medieval life and castle-making went on, I highly recommend it!

    • @dragobch
      @dragobch 3 года назад +2

      Is it the Oleviste Church on your profile pic?

    • @trygveplaustrum4634
      @trygveplaustrum4634 3 года назад +1

      @@dragobch I believe it is! The United States CIA has a nice public domain image of it, and I'm using that for my profile!

    • @dragobch
      @dragobch 3 года назад

      @@trygveplaustrum4634 faire enough, just being proud to see my hometown pic :)

  • @Limelightttttt
    @Limelightttttt 3 года назад +1

    Why does this man shush everyone like a librarian

  • @midwestmutineer7675
    @midwestmutineer7675 3 года назад

    14:57 "ok we're safe now, no more raiding"......dun dun duuuuuuunnnnn

  • @bono300vox
    @bono300vox 3 года назад +1

    you are getting much better! this was fun to watch

  • @AfaqueAhmed_
    @AfaqueAhmed_ 3 года назад +1

    Apollo just sniped the keep without alerting the whole army .

  • @deejayboushmanfaddah1325
    @deejayboushmanfaddah1325 3 года назад

    Never before have I seen someone utilize a trebuchet as a massive flail

  • @kristiangg4263
    @kristiangg4263 3 года назад +1

    Yes, the best strategy youtuber post a clip, I love your videos

  • @Thromash
    @Thromash 3 года назад

    How they used to make paint is why Blue was a Royal colour, it was incredibly difficult to make blue paint so generally only the rich (Royals) would have anything blue, same as pure white.

  • @stephenpitts4793
    @stephenpitts4793 3 года назад +2

    I love this game beat this mission in a differnt way incase you are curious. You can do a couple side missions to cause enemy's to leave the castle going neutral burning farms and cutting off there money income. Pretty cool seeing like 50 men leave the castle because of this :D

    • @Viper-tm9he
      @Viper-tm9he 3 года назад

      It is like that because in real life they had to go out and protect what helps them defend or attack if they didn’t they would starve or just desert the army

  • @Cryptospirosis
    @Cryptospirosis 3 года назад +1

    You're impatient. And I hate how you don't produce more bishops. Lol

  • @EmporerAaron
    @EmporerAaron 3 года назад

    I actually want to give you crap over not clearing the fog of war and ensuring your town was safe. You also didn't heal your units after battle in the beginning thus they were wiped out. Those are just very important. Clearing the fog of war might even lead you to other opportunities if its like the previous games.

  • @gabrieldinglasan
    @gabrieldinglasan 3 года назад

    Finally! You grouped your buildings 🤣🤣

  • @Thromash
    @Thromash 3 года назад

    Today, we're gonna be a wall. Gonna be a mighty fine wall.

  • @pralayaryan
    @pralayaryan Год назад

    the best source of food is fish when u r near water, fishes are 3 times faster and efficient source of food than crops and vegetation.

  • @muriconmusle
    @muriconmusle 3 года назад

    Apollo got spearmen more so cool

  • @MaxelWong
    @MaxelWong 3 года назад +1

    You seem very comfortable with the gameplay, let's up the difficulty and see how well you do underpressure :)

  • @muriconmusle
    @muriconmusle 3 года назад

    Spearmen are like ak47s their cheap fast and effective

  • @isaaclesniewski3834
    @isaaclesniewski3834 3 года назад +1

    Great video

  • @henrythemaster648
    @henrythemaster648 3 года назад +1

    love your channel maarn all the way from South Africa. Try scouting more though will help.

  • @StandingWithUkraine
    @StandingWithUkraine 3 года назад

    Let's do this!

  • @isaacdavis3849
    @isaacdavis3849 3 года назад +2

    thank you jesus

  • @aryanrana5436
    @aryanrana5436 3 года назад +1

    Dude Apollo not a bad idea to play Medival Kingdom 1212ad campaign

  • @maximus8633
    @maximus8633 3 года назад

    Ever seen the film Ironclad?

  • @Wsushocks33
    @Wsushocks33 3 года назад

    Bruh they can go through the dark space….

  • @سعودعبدالعزيزسعدغازيغازي

    PixelatedApollohello 👋✨ 😎welomeback cool PixelatedApollo🔥✨✌️😎🔥🤩

  • @lllPlatinumlll
    @lllPlatinumlll 3 года назад

    hahahaha nice. very entertaining... where are they coming from? could it be the spooky unexplored forest....nah..the Ardennes are impassable.

  • @sinachoopani9384
    @sinachoopani9384 3 года назад

    I love you apollo

  • @dylanmiller3962
    @dylanmiller3962 3 года назад

    If you put your troops in formations it would help a lot

    • @MrCiris989
      @MrCiris989 3 года назад

      Using the market helps too haha

  • @hugopinheiro1141
    @hugopinheiro1141 3 года назад

    Use the market next Time u need food

  • @hemalkarini2649
    @hemalkarini2649 3 года назад


  • @treyperrella5306
    @treyperrella5306 3 года назад +1

    Love watching you, but you give me an aneurysm when you build walls in parts and not just wall it off then wonder how the enemy still gets in. And it messes with my OCD when you build farms and houses on roads & shit. Still love the channel, but goddamn lol

  • @MaksB.
    @MaksB. 3 года назад +1


  • @orkinho1
    @orkinho1 3 года назад

    Pretty ironic how the Brits landed in Normandy during WW2.

  • @UkRealm
    @UkRealm 3 года назад

    I live on this

  • @muriconmusle
    @muriconmusle 3 года назад

    Honestly idk why all these youtubers waste their resources on swordsmen

  • @ey-eyroughn5972
    @ey-eyroughn5972 3 года назад

    Dude, could have ended that much earlier had you reinforced first instead of getting addicted to destroying walls and pushing forward. Be a more efficient strategist. Divide troops and leave some behind to guide the rear of trebuchets, etc.

  • @Huzaifa-u4d
    @Huzaifa-u4d 3 года назад

    I am sixth

  • @breekatene2474
    @breekatene2474 3 года назад

    You muck around to much