Model 71, 348 win 6 different bullet test in ballistic gelatin

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @north61
    @north61 3 года назад +8 are saving me lots of time!

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +3

      I think you did a water paper test summer to this, I never seen anybody shoot a 348 into ballistics gelatin

    • @north61
      @north61 3 года назад +1

      @@Leverguns50 It's a real treat! That 220 Barnes sure makes a big mushroom!

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +1

      @chris mclaughlin one of the best powders is Varget, I get my best accuracy with it

    • @north61
      @north61 3 года назад +2

      @@Leverguns50 I really like H414 as well...use magnum primers and it works very well with all bullet weights.

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +3

      @@north61 that h414 is probably the powder I use the most in the 348

  • @JeffreyCotle
    @JeffreyCotle Год назад +1

    I have a m71. Mine is a 1941 rifle. I lucked out a few years ago. A gun store was closing. Because the owner was retiring. I bought 6 bags on brand new Winchester brass. 50 per bag. Im out of bullets for 348, but ordered bullets from Montana bullet works. God bless. Your video are the best

  • @georgemcarthur488
    @georgemcarthur488 2 года назад +2

    The '71 is a monster. Made the best shot of my life with one. 70+ yard whitetail on the run. Don't think I would have tried it with any other rifle but those old Winchester's pull up like an extension of your body. The ammo was the old 150 grain Winchester silver tip with the aluminum flat nose. After that I decided not to use it for deer. Bit to ferocious. The bullet obliterated every organ in it's path. The liver and both lungs were kind of recognizable, the heart was non existant, chopped off the front left humorous and left an exit hole the size of a golf ball. After getting the skin off I noticed 4 of the ribs separated from the spine. Incredible amount of bloodshot meat. 170# deer and believe it or not that darn thing ran about 70 yards. It didn't leave a blood trail, it left a blood, lung, heart and bone tarmac. Maybe I should try a different bullet😆. Great video, love the old '71!

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  2 года назад +1

      I love hearing stories like this where people use the gun and know what it’s all about, thank you for sharing I really enjoyed reading it

    • @georgemcarthur488
      @georgemcarthur488 2 года назад

      @@Leverguns50 If only that rifle could talk. It was built in 1936. My old man got it in a trade from an older man back in the mid 70's whom bought it new (actually ordered it from Winchester in 1935). He was a bear hunter in Washington for many years for lumber companies, guess the black bears do a number on trees. Supposedly he killed around 140 bears with it. The rifle is still in beautiful condition. Real bank vault of a gun. Almost feel bad shooting it, but hey. That's what they're for 🙂👍.

  • @hlranch
    @hlranch 3 года назад +5

    Another Home Run! I have 3 Model 71’s, a 1937, 1939 and a 1953. To say the least I enjoyed these bullet weight tests...for factory ammo it seems about all that’s out there these days is the 200 grain. I load 220 and 250...250 is my favorite due to better sectional density. I know an Alaskan Bear hunting guide that uses a .458 Win Mag for his backup gun...but for every day carry on Kodiak Island it’s his trusty Model 71...and he uses 250 grain flat nose projectiles. In over 30 years on the island he’s dispatched several Kodiak bears in various situations and all clean kills, the animal down in 1-10 seconds. Why not a 45-70? According to him, it’s because the .348 being such a tapered case...absolutely no issues with extraction which is an absolute must with dangerous game. Thanks as always for the benefits of your thorough testing and God Bless!

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +1

      I think the 71 Winchester is the hands-down best hunting rifle ever, the 348 is probably Second only to the 50-110 in my favorite calibers

    • @hlranch
      @hlranch 3 года назад

      I couldn’t agree more on the model 71. I love the lever action…and the model 71 just put all the “fit” features together perfectly! It’s the most point-on weapon I’ve ever brought to my shoulder. 50-110 with 600-700 grain projectiles is my favorite big-game stopper. 45-90 with 480-550 grain projectiles comes in really close…and the .348 is right in there!

    • @curtisclevenger8800
      @curtisclevenger8800 8 месяцев назад

      I have a surplus from my grandpa. I have no use for it.

  • @flp542
    @flp542 3 года назад +1

    I love my .348 and love to watch it being put through the paces. Almost as much as i like shooting it. Thank you for your videos!

  • @ronkay1573
    @ronkay1573 Год назад +1

    Thanks. Great video in a great cartridge

  • @paulcritchfield6958
    @paulcritchfield6958 3 года назад +2

    I love lever guns. This my #1 channel

  • @genechronister7085
    @genechronister7085 Год назад +1

    Another great vid @ beautiful rifle

  • @flp542
    @flp542 3 года назад +1

    I love my .348 and love to watch it being put through the paces. Almost as much as i like shooting it.

  • @garyK.45ACP
    @garyK.45ACP 3 года назад +4 of the 250 gr. bullets will penetrate deepest.
    I think the Model 1895 is Browning's/Winchester's best lever gun. The Model 71 is my favorite. I have an original rifle and a 1990s Miroku carbine. The Miroku carbine is the most accurate rifle I own, bar none. Miroku really makes great guns.
    Almost all my shooting has been with Hornady 250 gr. roundnose bullets or 200 cast lead bullets. In 1986 I happened to be in Phoenix for a training class and went into a big gun shop in Chandler. I found 11 boxes of the Hornady 250 gr. bullets with what appeared to be 1970s pricing on a back shelf. I took all of them. When I got to the cash register, the guy told me he had more of those and asked if I wanted them...same price for all boxes. You bet I did! I ended up with 21 boxes (2100) of them. Best bullet made for the .348, up until that time, IMO. I still have many of those boxes as I only used them for hunting and sighting in before hunting season.
    I was wrong. The 200 gr. did best.
    the 165 - 220gr bullets are easily besting the .30-06 in energy/velocity

    • @davidcraig9938
      @davidcraig9938 Год назад

      You are right about the Model's the best because it doesn't jam. Hey, the 250 grain in the 348 is all I am interested in shooting in my Model 71. If you could sell me a few boxes in the 250 grain I would so appreciate it!

  • @warrengreen3217
    @warrengreen3217 Год назад +2

    You never put in the link on how you down sized the bullets

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  Год назад +1видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html

  • @chasharper
    @chasharper 3 года назад +1

    Love watching the shots into the ballistic Gel Enjoyed my friend big like 114 Happy Monday 👍😎

  • @tomritter493
    @tomritter493 3 года назад +2

    Any idea why some smoke some don't

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +1

      When the bubble collapses it causes a dieseling affect so my guess would be if the entrance and exit holes leak less air or if the bubble is bigger it will cause more pressure inside,

    • @tomritter493
      @tomritter493 3 года назад

      @@Leverguns50 got ya thanks

  • @michaelbezoski3096
    @michaelbezoski3096 Год назад +1

    That looks to be a hard hitter. 348, interesting as I wonder how or why that particular round was conceived & for what if any special purpose it was designed. Seems to be a screamer for those bullet weights. Great comparison & for me, a new caliber. Thank you LG 50/110.

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  Год назад +1

      The originally this caliber was to compete with a 30-06 in velocity with a 20 to 30 grain heavier Bullet and using a larger caliber it was supposed to be good for bigger game it was to replace the 35 Winchester the 405 Winchester to 45-70 45-90 etc.

  • @randlerichardson5826
    @randlerichardson5826 3 года назад +4

    Hey brother tell your wife I said Happy Mothers Day and GOD BLESS her and y’all Amen 🙏

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад

      She said to tell you thank you

  • @denniscasey986
    @denniscasey986 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for bringing out my favorite. I love the Mod 71. 165 gr. bullet is my guess for deepest penetration. Not only does the gelatin dance but smokes as well.

  • @aaronwilcox6417
    @aaronwilcox6417 2 года назад +3

    This rifle needs more content, it's far more useful than the 50-110 for the game one would encounter in N. America. A elk, moose, bear killing machine back in the day. I'd wager its still good.

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  2 года назад +2

      Yes absolutely my favorite hunting rifle carry it to the woods, like I said in some of my hunting videos using this 71 is faster than greased lightning to get on target

  • @robertwolfe2971
    @robertwolfe2971 2 года назад +3

    Teddy Roosevelt loved the 348 Winchester and even took it to africa.

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  2 года назад

      It is a really cool cartridge and the 71 is a really sweet shooting gun, That come out in 1936, and if I’m not mistaken he hunted in Africa in 1910 I think he died about 1919, you’re probably thinking about the 1895 in 405 Winchester

  • @HobbiesHobo
    @HobbiesHobo 3 года назад +7

    Welcome to Leverguns 50's production of "Let the Gel Blocks Dance", LOL

  • @MrPh30
    @MrPh30 3 года назад +4

    Boddington wrote about .348," it hit like a freight train" .

  • @deniscleaver7544
    @deniscleaver7544 2 года назад +3

    Considering the lack of availability in today's market place, it doesn't really matter. I am loading the Montana Bullet Works 200 gr. cast lead, gas check, and love it. The penetration factor is suitable for deer size game which I am concerned with. Now, Barnes does make the heavier bullets for bear, elk, and moose, but I suppose that will have to do in those categories. The FTXs are a thing of the past. Thanks Hornady!!!

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  2 года назад +1

      So long as you have something to load that’s important part

  • @robertdunbar5854
    @robertdunbar5854 3 года назад +2

    Depending on what you are hunting , impact velocity and angle of animal i know the 348 wcf will do the job with any good boolit. Thank you for doing the testing. Always great info.

  • @fdmackey3666
    @fdmackey3666 3 года назад +1

    The .348 Winchester has long been a bit of a puzzle to me. Between magazine articles in various magazines and videos here on YT I've been of a divided mind. Some articles lead me to think the .348 was a fine timber round that was capable of taking everything from deer, hogs, elk, moose, and even brown bear. Other articles "threw rocks" at the .348 as undependable on just about anything shot with it. Here on YT you have to really watch and listen to the few videos that feature the .348 to figure out just what the content provider REALLY thinks about the round as a game getter. I'm sure I have missed any number of articles and videos on the .348 over the years but I think yours is the first video I've seen where more than two bullets were used and ballistic gel was the target. To the best of my memory most videos used paper or metal targets only. Personally I think the .348 Winchester got a raw deal in the firearms and ammo industries much like the .444 Marlin did. All the stars, planets, and my bank account would have to line up, but if I were to stumble up on a Model 71 chambered in .348 AND I could round up the components needed for hand loading I'd be all over it.

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +1

      I absolutely love the rifle it's my favorite and the caliber is only second to the 50-110 as far as my favorites go, it shoots flat it will do some mo Groups and since I found you can resize 35 down there's no limit to the bullets, Plus when use oddball calibers like this you don't have to hear the hunters tell you the horror stories of how they used to use one of those but the deer always got away.

    • @ronaldmasterbud1551
      @ronaldmasterbud1551 3 года назад +2

      @chris mclaughlin I've had an Itch to Convert a 94 / 64 Winchester to. 375 JDJ for a Ligh medium Rifle.

    • @ronaldmasterbud1551
      @ronaldmasterbud1551 3 года назад +2

      @chris mclaughlinThere's Been a Few Lever's Chambered over the Years. Several of the first that I Read were Winchester 94 Big Bores, in 375 Winchester & were done by JDJ. I don't Believe that they are Rechambering Levers anymore. They still hold the copyright on All JDJ Chamberings, so you buy or Rent a 375 / 444 Remer.
      P.S. since the round was designed to operate in a 12" Barrel, you could make a 16 - 18" carry/ pack rifle. With some Serious Woop Azz !!!

  • @deniscleaver7544
    @deniscleaver7544 2 года назад +1

    Hornady 200 gr. FTX will do the most penetration, in my opinion. Reason, it is the only one now available.

  • @randlerichardson5826
    @randlerichardson5826 3 года назад +4

    That’s crazy how that explosion happens in the block

  • @jims9249
    @jims9249 3 года назад +6

    Great video. I was surprised how well the old Winchester power point performed. It's too bad how much of the .348 bullets/ ammo have been dropped.

  • @csipawpaw7921
    @csipawpaw7921 8 месяцев назад +1

    if you put a sheet of soft foam under the gel blocks they wont jump off the table as often.

  • @randlerichardson5826
    @randlerichardson5826 3 года назад +1

    GOD BLESS y’all brother Amen 🙏

  • @hemlockoutdoors
    @hemlockoutdoors 3 года назад +5

    Great video. It would be awesome if you could share you sizing process for the .35 caliber bullets.

    @HAYAOLEONE 3 года назад +2

    The light FTX was really fast. Impressive.
    I thought the light Barnes would go the furthest.
    Nice video again.

  • @georgiaboy4410
    @georgiaboy4410 3 года назад +2

    That factory Winchester round performed a lot better than I expected👍🏻

  • @randlerichardson5826
    @randlerichardson5826 3 года назад +4

    Man them first blocks are taking a beating now

  • @randlerichardson5826
    @randlerichardson5826 3 года назад +1

    Great video brother as always just be safe and GOD BLESS y’all Amen 🙏

  • @mrgunner5351
    @mrgunner5351 3 года назад +2

    Love to see what the Hawk bullets would do

  • @amoruzz
    @amoruzz 3 года назад +1

    The kinetic energy from the 348 is just amazing. I figured that they picked the factory bullet for a reason, but I was very impressed by the 200 grain FTX.
    Just amazing..
    What a hunting rifle!
    If you ever get your hands on some 300 Savage or 303 British classic catridges in a model 99 or whatever?
    That would be fun to watch.
    A cousin that recently passed had a couple of old model 99's hanging on the wall in those calibers and the 303 British had a octagonal looking barrel.
    I was not successful at my several attempts to get him to sell me one though.
    He also had an old long barreled black powder 45-70 put away somewhere with an early 220 Swift rifle that was once in the family.
    Thanks again!

  • @randlerichardson5826
    @randlerichardson5826 3 года назад +2

    I’ve taken a lot of deer 🦌 with them Winchester power points now out of my old 30-06. They’re great bullets

  • @matthewb8229
    @matthewb8229 2 года назад +1

    My dad passed away one week ago, and among the many firearms he left me, one being a Parker 12ga, with internal hammers, he also had a Model 71. I haven't looked at the serial number to know if it's one of the original 1935 - 1958 vintage or the one of the more modern builds.

  • @StevenMMan
    @StevenMMan 3 года назад +3

    I've seen several elk fold up with the 250 gr barnes

  • @exothermal.sprocket
    @exothermal.sprocket 3 года назад +2

    .348 Winchester's parent case is the .50-110 WCF. Interesting. Also the .348 case is the basis for the .50 Alaskan and .500 Linebaugh cartridges.

  • @chrisgabbert658
    @chrisgabbert658 3 года назад +1

    Nice accuracy 👍

  • @Tex_I_Can
    @Tex_I_Can 3 года назад +2

    It's always interesting to see the slow motion video. There are so many things happening that are hard to catch in real time. Looks like any of those will work for deer and hogs.

  • @johngallagher2313
    @johngallagher2313 3 года назад +1

    I learned that the 348 is the powerhouse I remember it to be. I had a Browning 71 at one time but I grew tired of not being able to find bullets or brass. I let it go. Sure wish now I had hung on to it. Oh well gun traders remorse.

  • @GeorgiaRidgerunner
    @GeorgiaRidgerunner 3 года назад +1

    Lever guns when do we get to see a video of your collection of guns

  • @peytonnorris7244
    @peytonnorris7244 Год назад +1

    Wow that 348 is violent! That's some pretty impressive hydrostatic shock .Do you know what cartridge it was competing with during it's inception?

  • @marktercsak9728
    @marktercsak9728 2 года назад +1

    Hawk bullets has a 348 bullet , wt. Is 270 grains,

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  2 года назад +1

      I was thinking about getting some of them

    • @marktercsak9728
      @marktercsak9728 2 года назад +1

      @@Leverguns50, forgot I bought a box of Reeds Custom Ammo , .348 in 250 grain , have had a chance to try them yet.

  • @GeorgiaRidgerunner
    @GeorgiaRidgerunner 3 года назад +1

    I'd hunt with any of those bullets
    As far as I can tell every single one of those bullets have plenty of power to stop a bear and smaller animals

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +1

      Thank you, I agree with you, It’ll take down anything I want to hunt

    • @GeorgiaRidgerunner
      @GeorgiaRidgerunner 3 года назад +1

      @@Leverguns50 lever guns I don't mean to sound like a bigger but would you happen to have some #11 primers/percussion caps that I could buy I'm having trouble finding any in stock online or any local brick and mortar store I'll be more than happy to pay for them if you have any to spare

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +1

      This place had some a couple weeks back, 5 or 6 100, Sportsmens outpost 2458 Lee Road 88, Waverly, AL 36879, United States
      Phone: +1 334 501 2411

    • @GeorgiaRidgerunner
      @GeorgiaRidgerunner 3 года назад

      @@Leverguns50 ok does this place do online ordering I'm in central ga.
      So driving there probably isn't feasible

  • @gunnwild1
    @gunnwild1 3 года назад +1

    I think you need a bigger tarp my friend LOL

  • @davidr2975
    @davidr2975 2 года назад +1

    I wonder what the 200 grain Winchester Silvertip would of done, does any one have any idea?

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  2 года назад

      I don’t have any silver tips or can I find any to buy, but I think north 61 might’ve use some in one of his videos

    • @georgemcarthur488
      @georgemcarthur488 2 года назад

      It destroys. Those old aluminum tipped bullets are like big varmint grenades. I have a case of the 200 grainers. Maybe I should make a video 🤔

  • @wayneheart7676
    @wayneheart7676 3 года назад +1

    Idky someone hasn't necked the 45/70 down to .338 and made a wildcat out of it ? The angle would be at about the A I angle for most efficient performance. Seems like a no Brainer to my little mind.

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +1

      The 33 Winchester was a neck down 45-70 to .338

    • @wayneheart7676
      @wayneheart7676 3 года назад +1

      @@Leverguns50 Thanks .. The 33 is not very common here abouts .. so is the 35win . Probably the cheapest rt would be to use 444marlin brass . Seems with all the 338 bullets available something of the like would catch on .

  • @ronkay1573
    @ronkay1573 Год назад +1

    Ever test a 356win? That 348 looks a lot more powerful.

  • @Dominic.Minischetti
    @Dominic.Minischetti 3 года назад +1

    Awesome brother! That factory load almost like like a round ball! I wonder what alloy they use! Thanks for sharing brother!

  • @sorshiaemms5959
    @sorshiaemms5959 3 года назад +2

    200 ftx should do it thanks what a great vid

  • @thetraveler5798
    @thetraveler5798 3 года назад +2

    Yes it was Educational !✔ ☺👍

  • @joebarrett5310
    @joebarrett5310 3 года назад +1

    My guess is the 250gr Barnes. Those light bullets are moving fast and I think they will open up more giving less penetration. I'll find out if I'm right after the video

    • @joebarrett5310
      @joebarrett5310 3 года назад

      Well, I was exactly wrong. Lol! 348 is quite a hammer 👍🏻

  • @fedup3582
    @fedup3582 3 года назад +1

    Would have been nice to see the wound channel of each bullet.

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад

      Yes it would, sorry about that

  • @michaelbezos2969
    @michaelbezos2969 3 года назад +1

    Excellent content, really informative. Great camera work. Just blows me away seeing first hand the energy transfer. Incredible shock to surrounding area in the first six to eight inches. The flash & smoke you caught I assume was from residual powder? Great work LG 50-110!

  • @paulcritchfield6958
    @paulcritchfield6958 3 года назад +1

    Need to bungee cord gell blocks down 😆

  • @Ledmetacdc
    @Ledmetacdc 3 года назад +2

    Great video. Love your channel and that you give love to these big lever actions. This was regular .348 Winchester not the ackley right? Also, any plans to do this same test withe the 200 gr A-frame or the 250 grain woodleigh weldcore? Or to swage down the 220 grain speer?

  • @scottmorgan1016
    @scottmorgan1016 3 года назад +1

    You are gonna have to explain what the light show was to this ole hillbilly. Also you proved just how valuable reloading is. God blesa

  • @crusiethmaximuss
    @crusiethmaximuss 3 года назад +1

    Am not sure which will penetrate the most, but I reckon the lightest projectile will go the fastest before fragmenting into shards.

  • @coreyfletcher3370
    @coreyfletcher3370 2 года назад +1

    With the model 71, do you have to shoot a flat nosed bullet to prevent a miss fire in the tube?

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  2 года назад

      You can shoot those flex tip bullets from Hornady, I have taking deer at over 200 yards with no problem at all

  • @markpirozzoli7165
    @markpirozzoli7165 3 года назад +1

    There is no Hard cast bullets

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад

      I do need to get a bullet mole

  • @warrengreen3217
    @warrengreen3217 Год назад +1

    Where you find bullets for it

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  Год назад

      North fork just sent me some bullets for it. I’m going to test them this weekend.

    • @warrengreen3217
      @warrengreen3217 Год назад

      Do they still make brass for it im guessing so, wish they would still make new guns for it im a 30-06 308 30-30 guy but I found a fully loaded Winchester PowerPoint in my dads old hunting jacket that fell in a hole in pocket in the liner he had no clue where it came from he always had 30-06 but since I seen that bullet I always wanted a 348

  • @DouglasPrice-p9q
    @DouglasPrice-p9q 3 месяца назад

    ... too bad they didn't make the 71 in 35 Whelen ... more power and availability of .358 calibre bullets ... that action could handle the 35 Whelen calibre with no problem

  • @randlerichardson5826
    @randlerichardson5826 3 года назад +1

    I figured the 220 would’ve went further but I guess not

  • @gregsmith8469
    @gregsmith8469 3 года назад +1

    Get some string and tie down your gel blocks

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +1

      I am imagine the string well either break or cut slices into the boxes they expand, because it looks like they're expanding to over twice as big

    • @gregsmith8469
      @gregsmith8469 3 года назад +1

      @@Leverguns50 I guess that it would make more of a mess using strings, my bad. Can a scratch-build clear thick plastic rectangle box with opening top lid work?

    • @Leverguns50
      @Leverguns50  3 года назад +1

      @@gregsmith8469 that might work, thank you

  • @mattdirks7896
    @mattdirks7896 3 года назад +1

    I'm guessing the heavyweight will go all the way.

  • @chrischiampo7647
    @chrischiampo7647 3 года назад +1

    I’d Say The Factory Load Winchester 😀

  • @johnparrish9215
    @johnparrish9215 3 года назад +1

    Would you tie them down!!!!!! LOL
    Oh, and dieseling is the correct term.

  • @StevenMMan
    @StevenMMan 3 года назад +1

    250 gr barnes

  • @randlerichardson5826
    @randlerichardson5826 3 года назад +1

    Hey brother how’s it going I pray great Amen 🙏.

  • @goldman1946
    @goldman1946 3 года назад +1

    180 sphere

  • @randlerichardson5826
    @randlerichardson5826 3 года назад +1

    I say the 220gr bullet

  • @flp542
    @flp542 3 года назад +2

    I love my .348 and love to watch it being put through the paces. Almost as much as i like shooting it. Thank you for your videos!