Those are some strong dudes, and It's crazy to think that Devon could show up to this and probably arm wrestle everyone in the room without a loss, and Levans strong enough to tear Devons Bicep. Truly scary strength.
@@ARMTUBEchannel For sure. Whos that older dude beatin up on Jody? That was intense. And as if I didn't think Oleh couldn't get any faster, here he is breaking the time space continuum with those flash pins lmao.
The refs did pretty well for the most part. But a few times it seemed like they didn’t square the shoulder at all. Some people were starting already in a press position lol idk. I’m no ref just my personal opinion. Great video as always! Thank you so much brother!!
14:47 - Not a parallel pin? 17:59 - Same ref, he really had to ponder for a while whether that elbow was way off the back of the pad or not lol (I like a reasonable amount of leniency, but that was particularly peculiar). 18:28 - Those 3 (actual) amateurs got absolutely obliterated at the end there. Definitely a necessary amount of effort for the job applied there... Anyhoo! cool event.
@@Average1212 - In general I agree heavily. Definitely not in this case. Especially with that elbow off the back of the pad (from memory). It's not like the ref didn't clearly see it for an extended period of time (from memory). Don't need .25 for that shit lol.
@@Siberius- LOL on closer review I have to agree with you, that was some slow calling it does appear that he looked at the elbow a couple times before he called it.
@@Average1212 - I just watched it again now, and yea it's pretty wild lol. The ref put his hand on the elbow for a bit to try and get him to put the elbow back on the pad, but to no avail, and had to call the foul on that one. Continuous fouls like that are unfortunate since it really wears down the opponent to fight against that. I hate when matches are determined by micro-fouls that are completely inconsequential to the rounds, but there is a limit! lol. Glad EvW, KotT, MF, Arm Wars, all don't do the micro-foul shit.
@@Siberius- Yea I prefer all of the new rulesets, I find strict WAF/PAL matches boring, it feels like 80% of the matches are won or lost on micro fouls. (I'm sure it isn't that many but it feels like it)
I typically do that for supermatches, but there would be too many names for all tournament winners and sometimes they are pullers I don’t really know, especially who came from other states etc…
@@CalvinHikes wrist feels great.. I can palm strike harder to a wall compared to what any armwrestler can twist on me with. 3 years Tony Thomlison has tried to twist off my wrist.. Derek Smith... Scott Partington has gotten close to touching my fingers to my wrist... Jeremy Tank Petruncio tried breaking it and me... BRING IT ON. FIRES ME UP.
@@CalvinHikes No way, I didn't know you were an armwrestling fan! Love your channel man, can't wait for the next vid. Can't believe I ran into you here. 😱
Oleh doesn’t typically do that, but they are the best in their respective weight categories, so doing what he can. If hands are center table it’s legal, as long as you’re not in losing position
These guys are so strong it's unreal that any top 8 arm wrestler can beat all of them without break I can only imagine how strong top 8 are and than there is dude called Devon larrat absolutely no limit larrat and than there is Levon who is top Boss wait wait where are you going and than there is Denis God level strength in his arms
I don’t think any of the Top 8 would beat everyone here back to back with no break. Against random people off the street yes, but not against other pros without a break. Devon and other elite Armwrestlers pull in practices against similar guys and if they don’t get breaks they start losing
You can, only can’t come off the pad. If the puller is not strong enough than leaning their body won’t do any good, their hand/arm will just stay behind either way
I have got to comment again haha. I can’t stand people that yell and scream when they pull. It’s so unnecessary. Zero benefit to it. Mostly an attention thing imo. I notice a lot of the amateurs that scream and yell when they pull are dead fucking silent when they meet someone with greater strength 😂😂
Those are some strong dudes, and It's crazy to think that Devon could show up to this and probably arm wrestle everyone in the room without a loss, and Levans strong enough to tear Devons Bicep. Truly scary strength.
I think Devon would get more than one loss if he pulled everyone there back to back, too much power gathered 😁
@@ARMTUBEchannel For sure. Whos that older dude beatin up on Jody? That was intense. And as if I didn't think Oleh couldn't get any faster, here he is breaking the time space continuum with those flash pins lmao.
@@ARMTUBEchannel let's not be silly
@Andrew it’s Scott Partington, he was #2 in Cali left at 232lb and Jody was first, now looks like it got flipped
11:13 bro was risking his arm
Man, that was a war with that Gayle guy! Great match! Lots of great pulling in there!
17:53 So these refs don't care about 5 second elbow fouls off the back of the pad? Dudes have an agenda clearly
I saw this! I was blown away how much they let this dude foul.
I think he was looking at the pin line first when he looked back he was already in that position so eventually he did call it
He was staring at it the whole time. Lol
Couple extremely questionable calls.
Great competition, love that dude in the red grunts and sounds like a super charger
Great editing!
Thank you 🙏🏻
9:55 hell no it wasn't a pin
refs paid under the table.
Great footage thanks
Thank you 🙏🏻
Nick you looked solid bro, love watching your matches. And Kody!!!! Friggin savage!!!
Thank you! I should have done better, but I appreciate you 😁
The reff guy was dope. Did pretty well
He’s multi time National Champ right hand, left is coming back also it looks like 💪🏼
Woo, another excellent video..! I tried! Had some decent battles.. I will be back even stronger.
14:25 Names of those two muscle guys.
10:36 Names of the muscle black guy.
Oleh moisei in the green shirt and Dallas Langston in the white cap
Buff blk guys name is Martin one of the top up and comers out of southern California (trains with Derek Smith), lol he's 210ibs of solid muscle!!
@@calebarmbender209 Thanks dude. Martin really got big muscles. I wish that match is really so I can enjoy watching the challenge.
великолепные зарубы . Только подобный огонь позволяет этому спорту быть на плаву .
🔥 🔥
14:00 what happened to that Georgian guy? Did he got muscle cramp or something suddenly?
Yes, he had to take a minute bec of it, so the ref was joking that it was for RUclips 😜
Seemed like a good pin to me 😁
@@ARMTUBEchannel His opponent declined his handshake, haha
Is there a gym for arm wrestle training in LA?
More than one. Try finding Scott Wynn, he has practices there and others do too
Everyone wants to win, but there is only one winner
Ahhhhh really?? Didnt know lol
Pretty cool I arm wrestled some of those guys.
12 40 Dallas got started at an insane disadvantage, dude had nearly full pronation before the go
The refs did pretty well for the most part. But a few times it seemed like they didn’t square the shoulder at all. Some people were starting already in a press position lol idk. I’m no ref just my personal opinion. Great video as always! Thank you so much brother!!
Thanks for your comment 😁
Love it! Very intertaining no bullshit straight up fight!
Thank you! Right is now up also
Dammit, when did this take place, I wanted to go and couldn’t find anything coming up in LA
Last week, I posted this as the next tournament I’m filming
Is the dude in the black @10:37 the same dude who trained Spenny to armwrestle on Kenny VS Spenny? Looks just like him. 🤔
Don’t know who that is
All guys Amazing!!!
You did well 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
What the name.of the guy in the green shirt at the end doing all the winning?
its the biker!
He did pretty good here 💪🏼
Couple of really nice matches!
Probably more than couple 😁
14:47 - Not a parallel pin?
17:59 - Same ref, he really had to ponder for a while whether that elbow was way off the back of the pad or not lol (I like a reasonable amount of leniency, but that was particularly peculiar).
18:28 - Those 3 (actual) amateurs got absolutely obliterated at the end there. Definitely a necessary amount of effort for the job applied there...
Anyhoo! cool event.
easy to backseat reff with .25 review at your leisure. Go try refing before you back seat drive.
@@Average1212 - In general I agree heavily. Definitely not in this case. Especially with that elbow off the back of the pad (from memory). It's not like the ref didn't clearly see it for an extended period of time (from memory). Don't need .25 for that shit lol.
@@Siberius- LOL on closer review I have to agree with you, that was some slow calling it does appear that he looked at the elbow a couple times before he called it.
@@Average1212 - I just watched it again now, and yea it's pretty wild lol. The ref put his hand on the elbow for a bit to try and get him to put the elbow back on the pad, but to no avail, and had to call the foul on that one. Continuous fouls like that are unfortunate since it really wears down the opponent to fight against that.
I hate when matches are determined by micro-fouls that are completely inconsequential to the rounds, but there is a limit! lol. Glad EvW, KotT, MF, Arm Wars, all don't do the micro-foul shit.
@@Siberius- Yea I prefer all of the new rulesets, I find strict WAF/PAL matches boring, it feels like 80% of the matches are won or lost on micro fouls. (I'm sure it isn't that many but it feels like it)
:39 I like her style 😁
Knees on the table? Queens move?
😂 it’s at least fair, unlike Kings move
Can we get names of the winners in each weight division?
I typically do that for supermatches, but there would be too many names for all tournament winners and sometimes they are pullers I don’t really know, especially who came from other states etc…
@@ARMTUBEchannel Is there a website with all the results?
16:06 wait, the ref said the guy on the right won?
Think it was a mistake 😅
What’s up with those early pin calls? Bury it. Same with the slips.
I wish everyone would use Arm Wars rules.
They were using WAF rules, so even a foul in losing position is a loss
@@ARMTUBEchannel Yeah I know, I’m just complaining because I wish it were different lol
I'm GO!
Come out and pull! 💪🏼
@@ARMTUBEchannel lol, I wish. Novices like me would just get hurt. Ty for the positivity though 💪
Wisperer is outclassed by 95% of the guys in that room lol
Who’s the dude in the green shirt that won the 185lbs division?
Oleh Moisei. He’s all over my channel if you want to see more of him :)
@@ARMTUBEchannel yeah I’ve seen him win on a ton of your videos. I’m an east coast guy so I just never knew his name.
Saw that dude on Armbet out in LA, Oleh is a monster. Has he done any bigger tournaments?
Congratulations to all who participated💪cudo’s to winner
The dude a 5.20 has flubber for a wrist, just wow
Luffy joints
That can't be good for his wrist. I hated watching him!
@@CalvinHikes wrist feels great.. I can palm strike harder to a wall compared to what any armwrestler can twist on me with. 3 years Tony Thomlison has tried to twist off my wrist.. Derek Smith... Scott Partington has gotten close to touching my fingers to my wrist... Jeremy Tank Petruncio tried breaking it and me... BRING IT ON. FIRES ME UP.
@@CalvinHikes No way, I didn't know you were an armwrestling fan! Love your channel man, can't wait for the next vid. Can't believe I ran into you here. 😱
Guy voice crack at 2:48 hilarious
Happens when you’re in the moment lol
whos the guy at 12:45 that looks like adam sandler?
David Egyan
14:39 ??
Oleh doesn’t typically do that, but they are the best in their respective weight categories, so doing what he can. If hands are center table it’s legal, as long as you’re not in losing position
Lots of familiar armwrestlers
These guys are so strong it's unreal that any top 8 arm wrestler can beat all of them without break I can only imagine how strong top 8 are and than there is dude called Devon larrat absolutely no limit larrat and than there is Levon who is top Boss wait wait where are you going and than there is Denis God level strength in his arms
I don’t think any of the Top 8 would beat everyone here back to back with no break. Against random people off the street yes, but not against other pros without a break. Devon and other elite Armwrestlers pull in practices against similar guys and if they don’t get breaks they start losing
@@ARMTUBEchannel no point in debating about it it's not like Levan show up next day to beat all of them
14:39 where ya goin' buddy?
15:58 Dallas elbow fouled
is that allowed knee on the table?? 😅
Yes, as long as one foot is on the ground 😁
Oleg Mosei, Pushkar 2.0
Explosiveness is there! ⚡️
Is he Russian?
Ffs dallas’ elbow was off the back of pad most times he was in that open arm position
When it came off refs called it though
I feel like the short girl would benefit more from NOT having one leg on the table lol
It actually helps her push off from what I heard
Ref did him dirty
Sometimes angles are hard to see and ref has closest view 🤷🏻♂️
13:59 dude got shook lol.
Freshly baked:видео.html
6:05 what was that? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Bro was ready for that
Guy in a ref shirt kings moving complaining to the refs thats its not a pin lmao
Well if it was stopped for kings move rather than for pin maybe it would not be argued against 🤷🏻♂️
0:30 god damn whos this lolita with the black hair with her leg on the table....
I’ll let her & her husband know you inquired and she’s popular 😆
1:46 chick lifts her elbow and no one called it.
Happens 🤷🏻♂️
The amount of kingsmove in this tournament was disgusting.
A few, I’ve seen worse lol
Quit letting people drop off the table, change the rule.
Whisperer should have tried harder to avoid getting into a hook with a strong guy with a short arm.
Hes just not strong enough
Amateurs vs Pros = No! Practice pulls, yes, but not actual competition.
It was Overall so they just included all first place winners
The winner is the most arrogant armwrestler i have seen in my life
Which match??
I thought in arm wrestling you can't move your body at all
You can, only can’t come off the pad. If the puller is not strong enough than leaning their body won’t do any good, their hand/arm will just stay behind either way
@@ARMTUBEchannel wouldn't the rule of not moving body at all make the game better
@@lierx.agerate8230 not at all
9:58 was definitely not a pin lol, way high
Yea it was debatable, but ref has closest view so 🤷🏻♂️
@@ARMTUBEchannel classic
9:53 NOT A PIN
If guy in army green shirt couldn't flash pin he was done.
He always has reserve energy somewhere deep inside 😆
Flash pins suck
@@ARMTUBEchannel who is he? I have been seeing more and more of him, but haven't caught his name
That 18:34 green guy is way too fast
why don't they just start in the strap and save time?
Some people don’t like strap, plus it doesn’t always save time since it takes time to put them on, and many don’t need them
7:11 obvious...
he won because his rivals was not there lol
Which is?
@@ARMTUBEchannel me of course 😅😂
He's acting for youtube video xd
man that older woman cheated so good
American man too weak too much MacDonald come Russia we show you real power
😂 love this
You didn’t see the European Americans pulling at this tournament? 😂
I have got to comment again haha. I can’t stand people that yell and scream when they pull. It’s so unnecessary. Zero benefit to it. Mostly an attention thing imo. I notice a lot of the amateurs that scream and yell when they pull are dead fucking silent when they meet someone with greater strength 😂😂
Unpopular opinion fursure
It helps get adrenaline going, so there is some benefit. After the match it’s probably for attention though 😜
Depends. It can definitely be excessive sometimes but it also can really help.
10:48 return of the clueless roid addict.
referee low level 👎 not judged fairly
Any match in particular? Or in general?
@@ARMTUBEchannel the referee, bald in glasses, with a black beard, makes an uncertain decision, which leads to errors.