I'd like to develop a work ethic like Fedor's. You can see how focused he is, he goes into his own world and just concentrates on the task at hand. Running 10 miles a day through roads and countryside, shadowboxing on playgrounds, & sparring on concrete basketball courts...that's old school training.
I think one of the key aspects is that Fedor always stays relaxed. He isn't going full throtle and he doesn't bother taking a moment here or there in the middle of the exercise (you can see how he takes some small breaks throughout the shadow boxing just to "reset" his concentration). In a way, Fedor training reminds me of how Angelo Dundee trained his boxers. A slowlier, relaxed, longevity-driven approach. Well, Fedor is still fighting 2021, so he sure got plenty of longevity from his huge routines.
Fedor uses Combat Sambo and for years the Russian Spetznas refused camera's in their training facilities also. I would imagine Fedor trains the same way: RIGOROUS CARDIO followed by spinning in circles, followed immediately by more cardio. The dizziness is to mimic the effect of getting hit hard. The more comfortable you are in this state, the less likely you are to get KO'd. This is probably how he managed to deal so well with the punch he took from Mark Hunt and the suplex from Randleman.
don´t judge a book by the cover, at first glance he looks like a relaxed, calm, big guy, how can somebody tell that he is such a badass fighter, no tatts, no bullshit steroid muscles....fedor is above that!
I didn't know I had so many fans. I feel real great full that all of you guys are replying to me so quickly and effectively. Makes me feel so special at my age. My point is kid, put Fedor in a boxing ring and he is the number one punching bag.
yes, he was sitting up in half gaurd in order to strike at mir, you can use the lockdown to straighten out the man on top and make striking difficult as well as work for a better position.
Also a message to everyone critiquing Fedor's technique from a boxing view please understand these are two different sports and technique means shit in mma as long as you can go out there and KO your opponent example first time I went to a actual mma school they made fun of Chuck Liddel, Fedor, and other fighters that didn't use "proper technique" but at the end of the day these are guys knocking people out and making a good living while boxing trainers talk trash because they aren't good at mma
@KeithofSpades Its demonstrably fine to train with weights in your hand. In fact, wearing boxing gloves is essentially wearing a weight on your hands; as long as you maintain proper technique, shadow boxing with weights will only make your punches quicker, more powerful, and more crisp.
by turning your fist inward you increase the chance that your strike will connect with the knuckles. most fighters in every disipline will turn there fists inwards when throwing hooks it takes the impact correctly, when throwing jabs and straight rights you dont have to worry about hurting your hands because mostly those punches are snapped out. unlike hooks which are thrown with feet planted and with alot of velocity
Fedor defines the sentence used by boxers - Calm and relaxed fighters are the most dangerous. Fuck all those other MMA fighter acting freaking crazy. But they probatly are crazy.
Once again... it means that clinch/grappling range is a crucial part of MMA. Brock is the exception not the rule, he has excellent wrestling skills and uses his athelticism 2 his advantage and it works very well 4 him. The UFC HW division is weak. compared to other divisions. The other champs in UFC are extremely well rounded... check out the training of BJ Penn, Anderson Silva, GSP, and Machida. You'll see they are extremely well rounded, although they excel in one range, and win fights with it
I like the man humilty and dedication. And look at him, I mean, yes, you can tell he's strong and effective by how he looks and moves, no doubt, but not...that strong. I mean, if you didn't know and you saw him on the street, you couldn't tell: he could be some sporty occasional beer drinking delivery man or builder... . This is another thing about him, not only muscle freaks can overpower people, you can identify yourself with him... . As for the reporter: Japanese?
@GusDom Ok here's how I see this from my own perspective, He's using what I believe to be around 1lb hand weights and judging by the pants and massive sweat he's doing cardio while utilizing range of motion and another thing which we cannot see as well in this video but he is also working on footwork so that's 3 things most fighters train separately, so it may come off as "bad technique" or "awkward" but trust me there is a method behind the madness whether it looks pretty or not.
@browntuka if you watch the whole video...at the end he puts it down. Its a weight. I guess for the extra weight obviously and maybe to mimic the bar in a glove.
He's working angles; in MMA fights, attacking an opponants' back is ligit, so spinning a 180 is good angles to practice. Read up on some of the science of boxing
At that level of competition, I would say most if not all of the competitors share this "natural gift". And what sets the great ones apart are the blood and sweat they pour they pour into it. Bottomline is that no matter how gifted you are or whatever the level of competition, hard work is the determining factor.
The guy is amazing. Also, it cracks me up when people call him "chubby" or whatever. Come on. The guy is a tank. Maybe some of the other 30 fighters he's beaten- many of which have lovely six-pack abs- should concentrate more on technique like Fedor does, and less on ab definition. Let people make fun of his gut....he's never really lost, so something is working for him.
Boxing is an excellent base to learn any striking art, it teaches kinetic linking and other fundamental principles of striking. Wrestling is an excellent base to learn any grappling art or MMA. I guarantee that someone will the skill level to be a 3 time national champion will have the necessary understanding of grappling positioning to pick up submissions and clinch fighting relatively quickly... which is what he uses to compete so well. He'd get creamed by Fedor.
@longrob It is if you land them and you're in a sport that uses thin gloves. This is why Fedor tends to knock people out even though he's a small fighter.
team red devil some of the best fighters in the world yet the opporate in a fucking playground haha why does this make me want to go to the park and work out
No he was a three time national college wrestling champion before he was in the WWE, he's been wrestling since high school. He also used to train (real training) with OLYMPIC gold medalist wrestler Kurt Angle when he was in MMA. That level of skill and training is an excellent base for MMA.
I have a body built like Fedor but I am not as fat. People always think you have to have a p[perfect 6 pack abs to show off in order to be a real martial artist or fighter.
Hey - anyone know why Fedor tends to bend his wrists inward in his fighting stance rather than having a straight wrist like a boxer? I'd think that would make you susceptible to injuring your wrist.when punching.
since i was a boy i never used gloves hitting heavy or speed bags so i guess my wrists are just alot stronger than others, i always wondered why i never got hand injuries. ali tyson ray robinson all had their hands inward when fighting you can really see it in manilla when he was throwing hooks, but you absolutely right what works for one fighter it might be the opposite for another
No it means that clinch/grappling range is a crucial part of MMA. The grapplers dominated early MMA for a reason/ Any ruleset that allows grappling range will normally result, in the fight going to that range. How many times do boxers get pulled apart? He already had a great base to learn grappling and clinch fighting quickly, Wrestling teaches ground and clinch positioning. Boxing is a limited fighting ruleset, and requires different attributes (agility, reflexes) than boxing to be successful.
I`m talking not about technical mistakes, if you see other fights of arlovski, he will rush like a bull compromising his guard, so a great fighter like Fedor will capitalize that, so fedor was loosing i dont think so, just because the static said that arlovski was landing more punches, i dont think so, if a mirko's kick was nothing neither arlovski's punches.
Interesting - I've been throwing punches for 20 years and have always used my body to create the angle rather than turning my wrist. In fact I injured my wrist on a heavy bag once by NOT keeping my wrist straight which can result in it buckling. Whatever works for each person I guess...
@ThePro911 its true that top boxers like mayweather and pac getting 15-20 million dollars per fight while top mma guys gets paid 200-300k per fight but a lot of the mma guys come from grappling backgrounds so mma is a good choice for them to compete. MMA guys do need striking but they need to train for takedowns+/ Defence and ground games and realistically its impossible to train striking to a pro boxing level since boxers train nothing but striking. early days of mma is pretty much real combat
@longrob fedor throws wide punches like russian slaps, but with closed fist. He is not tensed up as do boxers and kickboxers. That's why he does not lose his balance.Moreover who wants to counter when he's throwing his fists ? I've seen no one. To all that say he's just born to fight look at all the sweat. That is why Fedor is the best. I'd like to eat as much as he does after his training lol. (as you can see in the whole vid).
@texasdurp dude you can look up ufc's payroll via google and the average pay roll per event usually 1.4 million for all the fighters. popular fighters like gsp and lesnar gets like 300-400k
@thaistomp I agree, steroids are pretty much useless in this sport. The only thing they would possibly help with is losing fat for a certain weight class. A guy like fedor probably couldn't bench 250 but can take down brutes like brett rogers that can probably push 400.
Crocop, Aerts, Hoost, Hari and Bonjasky all kick harder or just as hard as Rutten and they have never killed anybody with their high kick KO's. If you get hit with just ONE of those it's over. Boxers get hit with punches many times which is why it's more dangerous.
HAHA oh man Kerrvida. I was about to say "why the hell isn't your comment rated a negative 92 instead of +1? And then I read the bottom :)! Yah that kind of stuff bugs me a lot. ALL the youtubers are experts in all fields of sports. :)
Right. Every black belt started out as a white belt, every great fighter started out as a beginner at one point. some people may have natural talent no doubt, but it doesn't mean you don't have to train to hone and polish your skills. those silly kids..
@GusDom who are you to judge Fedor? And besides who's to say if he is even trying and even if he was how could you tell if what he is doing is good or not? you think there is one perfect stand up blueprint every fighter should follow? Fedor is in my opinion and many others not only the best mma fighter but one of the best fighters to compete in any sport and his stand up is like a work of art it's so entertaining and such a masterpiece that only real mma fans can truly understand his greatness!
Type this into the youtube search engine; Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir: How to Destroy the Half Guard.... Brock has some damn good coaches including a former world shoot fighting champion, and world renowned submission wrestling teacher Erik Paulson.
I'd like to develop a work ethic like Fedor's. You can see how focused he is, he goes into his own world and just concentrates on the task at hand. Running 10 miles a day through roads and countryside, shadowboxing on playgrounds, & sparring on concrete basketball courts...that's old school training.
I think one of the key aspects is that Fedor always stays relaxed. He isn't going full throtle and he doesn't bother taking a moment here or there in the middle of the exercise (you can see how he takes some small breaks throughout the shadow boxing just to "reset" his concentration). In a way, Fedor training reminds me of how Angelo Dundee trained his boxers. A slowlier, relaxed, longevity-driven approach. Well, Fedor is still fighting 2021, so he sure got plenty of longevity from his huge routines.
Fedor is the only person on earth that can actually beat his shadow at shadow boxing...
Chuck norris stepped on fedors shadow and fedor said I'm sorry
He's so fluid and efficient. He waters the lawn and trains at the same time.
Fedor uses Combat Sambo and for years the Russian Spetznas refused camera's in their training facilities also. I would imagine Fedor trains the same way: RIGOROUS CARDIO followed by spinning in circles, followed immediately by more cardio. The dizziness is to mimic the effect of getting hit hard. The more comfortable you are in this state, the less likely you are to get KO'd.
This is probably how he managed to deal so well with the punch he took from Mark Hunt and the suplex from Randleman.
fedor is the greatest........respect
nothing fancy yet he kills everyone
2:02 is sick ....this footage is gold...imagine what they dont show for the camera
don´t judge a book by the cover, at first glance he looks like a relaxed, calm, big guy, how can somebody tell that he is such a badass fighter, no tatts, no bullshit steroid muscles....fedor is above that!
Fedor's one of the best examples that you don't need posh gym equipment IF YOU'RE A CYBORG!
fukin amazing how much he sweats. proves he is a hard worker and true warrior
Fedor is the best! He has answers for every situations.
Hes a cool russian guy.
The phrase "looks can be deceptive" was invented for Fedor.
Great man & fighter.
Fedor is the man
I didn't know I had so many fans. I feel real great full that all of you guys are replying to me so quickly and effectively. Makes me feel so special at my age. My point is kid, put Fedor in a boxing ring and he is the number one punching bag.
yes, he was sitting up in half gaurd in order to strike at mir, you can use the lockdown to straighten out the man on top and make striking difficult as well as work for a better position.
so unassuming this most legendary of fighters hahaha. wouldnt tell hes the pinnacle of mma heavyweight fighting
yeah i think so aswell. fedor is an mma guy. ground is a huge part of his game
He is working on knockout combos. Igor pioneered this style.
Also a message to everyone critiquing Fedor's technique from a boxing view please understand these are two different sports and technique means shit in mma as long as you can go out there and KO your opponent example first time I went to a actual mma school they made fun of Chuck Liddel, Fedor, and other fighters that didn't use "proper technique" but at the end of the day these are guys knocking people out and making a good living while boxing trainers talk trash because they aren't good at mma
I have never realized that Fedor Was doing this scariest shadowboxing With weights in the hands!!!! O.O he is not human dude....
@KeithofSpades Its demonstrably fine to train with weights in your hand. In fact, wearing boxing gloves is essentially wearing a weight on your hands; as long as you maintain proper technique, shadow boxing with weights will only make your punches quicker, more powerful, and more crisp.
by turning your fist inward you increase the chance that your strike will connect with the knuckles.
most fighters in every disipline will turn there fists inwards when throwing hooks it takes the impact correctly, when throwing jabs and straight rights you dont have to worry about hurting your hands because mostly those punches are snapped out.
unlike hooks which are thrown with feet planted and with alot of velocity
freaking beast
Fedor defines the sentence used by boxers - Calm and relaxed fighters are the most dangerous. Fuck all those other MMA fighter acting freaking crazy. But they probatly are crazy.
There's something almost Saintly about this man.
fedor is exactly like rocky
old school
Love his famous smirk in the beginning..
totally agree with you, Fedor's fighting skills will be too much for Lesnar to handle.......as always
Once again... it means that clinch/grappling range is a crucial part of MMA. Brock is the exception not the rule, he has excellent wrestling skills and uses his athelticism 2 his advantage and it works very well 4 him. The UFC HW division is weak. compared to other divisions. The other champs in UFC are extremely well rounded... check out the training of BJ Penn, Anderson Silva, GSP, and Machida. You'll see they are extremely well rounded, although they excel in one range, and win fights with it
wow the amount of sweat he is sprinkling around, there should be a small garden around him, the plants will never die.
training like a beast, sweating like a beast, become a fedor :)
He's doing good, i like to train in the nature, except the insects.
Fedors training in the middle of a forest like a beast. When does he start wrestling bears?
He's working on footwork more than anything else here.
@llAkuTsUll Fedor: the only man that can shadow box and score a knockout.
I like the man humilty and dedication. And look at him, I mean, yes, you can tell he's strong and effective by how he looks and moves, no doubt, but not...that strong. I mean, if you didn't know and you saw him on the street, you couldn't tell: he could be some sporty occasional beer drinking delivery man or builder... . This is another thing about him, not only muscle freaks can overpower people, you can identify yourself with him... . As for the reporter: Japanese?
@GusDom Ok here's how I see this from my own perspective, He's using what I believe to be around 1lb hand weights and judging by the pants and massive sweat he's doing cardio while utilizing range of motion and another thing which we cannot see as well in this video but he is also working on footwork so that's 3 things most fighters train separately, so it may come off as "bad technique" or "awkward" but trust me there is a method behind the madness whether it looks pretty or not.
He's fighting today!
He says he does pretty much only bodyweight exercises, although I can see kettlebells and other weights lying around in his training videos.
@browntuka if you watch the whole video...at the end he puts it down. Its a weight. I guess for the extra weight obviously and maybe to mimic the bar in a glove.
a true champion
He's working angles; in MMA fights, attacking an opponants' back is ligit, so spinning a 180 is good angles to practice. Read up on some of the science of boxing
You still alive by chance?
At that level of competition, I would say most if not all of the competitors share this "natural gift". And what sets the great ones apart are the blood and sweat they pour they pour into it. Bottomline is that no matter how gifted you are or whatever the level of competition, hard work is the determining factor.
The guy is amazing. Also, it cracks me up when people call him "chubby" or whatever. Come on. The guy is a tank. Maybe some of the other 30 fighters he's beaten- many of which have lovely six-pack abs- should concentrate more on technique like Fedor does, and less on ab definition. Let people make fun of his gut....he's never really lost, so something is working for him.
Boxing is an excellent base to learn any striking art, it teaches kinetic linking and other fundamental principles of striking. Wrestling is an excellent base to learn any grappling art or MMA. I guarantee that someone will the skill level to be a 3 time national champion will have the necessary understanding of grappling positioning to pick up submissions and clinch fighting relatively quickly... which is what he uses to compete so well. He'd get creamed by Fedor.
@longrob It is if you land them and you're in a sport that uses thin gloves. This is why Fedor tends to knock people out even though he's a small fighter.
team red devil some of the best fighters in the world yet the opporate in a fucking playground haha why does this make me want to go to the park and work out
No he was a three time national college wrestling champion before he was in the WWE, he's been wrestling since high school. He also used to train (real training) with OLYMPIC gold medalist wrestler Kurt Angle when he was in MMA. That level of skill and training is an excellent base for MMA.
i got the same body as fedor... but he's 500% got more stamina than me
I have a body built like Fedor but I am not as fat. People always think you have to have a p[perfect 6 pack abs to show off in order to be a real martial artist or fighter.
Hey - anyone know why Fedor tends to bend his wrists inward in his fighting stance rather than having a straight wrist like a boxer? I'd think that would make you susceptible to injuring your wrist.when punching.
What is this "limit"? How do you differentiate what's the result of hard work and what's the result of natural ability?
@browntuka .can u read? read the description...its right there. "light weights".....
since i was a boy i never used gloves hitting heavy or speed bags so i guess my wrists are just alot stronger than others, i always wondered why i never got hand injuries.
ali tyson ray robinson all had their hands inward when fighting you can really see it in manilla when he was throwing hooks, but you absolutely right what works for one fighter it might be the opposite for another
The music is dope!
well spoken!
somebody knows the name of this song?
No it means that clinch/grappling range is a crucial part of MMA. The grapplers dominated early MMA for a reason/ Any ruleset that allows grappling range will normally result, in the fight going to that range. How many times do boxers get pulled apart? He already had a great base to learn grappling and clinch fighting quickly, Wrestling teaches ground and clinch positioning. Boxing is a limited fighting ruleset, and requires different attributes (agility, reflexes) than boxing to be successful.
Song name komit juno reactor
I`m talking not about technical mistakes, if you see other fights of arlovski, he will rush like a bull compromising his guard, so a great fighter like Fedor will capitalize that, so fedor was loosing i dont think so, just because the static said that arlovski was landing more punches, i dont think so, if a mirko's kick was nothing neither arlovski's punches.
how can u expect Fedor to loose against Tim Sylvia...or Arlovski, for that matter...
those tall green poles w birdhouse lookin things spray H2O hes punching it
Interesting - I've been throwing punches for 20 years and have always used my body to create the angle rather than turning my wrist. In fact I injured my wrist on a heavy bag once by NOT keeping my wrist straight which can result in it buckling. Whatever works for each person I guess...
THA Goat you don't know what you are talking about.
i think this speed and style of shadowboxing would only help you if you're close to fedor's build. if you're smaller youd need to crank it up a lot
At the end it's like he's punching a waterfall
mma is a different ball game and the footwork utilized by boxers leave them open to nasty kicks and take downs.
I agree that kicks are harder than punches, I told you that earlier too. So we don't disagree here, I believe.
@ThePro911 its true that top boxers like mayweather and pac getting 15-20 million dollars per fight while top mma guys gets paid 200-300k per fight but a lot of the mma guys come from grappling backgrounds so mma is a good choice for them to compete. MMA guys do need striking but they need to train for takedowns+/ Defence and ground games and realistically its impossible to train striking to a pro boxing level since boxers train nothing but striking. early days of mma is pretty much real combat
@longrob fedor throws wide punches like russian slaps, but with closed fist. He is not tensed up as do boxers and kickboxers. That's why he does not lose his balance.Moreover who wants to counter when he's throwing his fists ? I've seen no one.
To all that say he's just born to fight look at all the sweat. That is why Fedor is the best. I'd like to eat as much as he does after his training lol. (as you can see in the whole vid).
Well, maybe I'll play around with that technique and see what happens. Thanks for your replies.
some one anyone name of the song please nice for training
@MrSmil3z It's part of the training..
dude you can look up ufc's payroll via google and the average pay roll per event usually 1.4 million for all the fighters. popular fighters like gsp and lesnar gets like 300-400k
Lol, I love how the sweat is just flying off him as he shadow boxes, that's insane.
Hey you still alive?
@@qtKeyz alive and kickin'. Are you?
@@StAndAl0neCompl3x aye let's goo you're still alive another 10 years!
qtKeyz believe it boiiiii. We still in dis b****
Fuck ya wholesome comments
they should call him the 'Russian Cyborg Assassin' or 'The Polar Bear from hell'.
@thaistomp I agree, steroids are pretty much useless in this sport. The only thing they would possibly help with is losing fat for a certain weight class. A guy like fedor probably couldn't bench 250 but can take down brutes like brett rogers that can probably push 400.
This could be a lynx advert
Does Fedor do mostly bodyweight calisthenics
or weights?
guys, what if fedor was fighting at 205?!?!?! imagine how ripped he would look, because of doing all this crazy training
Crocop, Aerts, Hoost, Hari and Bonjasky all kick harder or just as hard as Rutten and they have never killed anybody with their high kick KO's.
If you get hit with just ONE of those it's over. Boxers get hit with punches many times which is why it's more dangerous.
i wonder how often do fighters shadowbox for how many minutes?
why do mma fighters punch in a dif way is it like more defencsive cause theres knees and kicking invovled?
his younger brother went hunting for bears...with a knive.
i never seen someone swet lik fedor
HAHA oh man Kerrvida. I was about to say "why the hell isn't your comment rated a negative 92 instead of +1? And then I read the bottom :)! Yah that kind of stuff bugs me a lot. ALL the youtubers are experts in all fields of sports. :)
does anybody think jerome le banner would be a good opponent for fedor? i think it could go either way
Right. Every black belt started out as a white belt, every great fighter started out as a beginner at one point. some people may have natural talent no doubt, but it doesn't mean you don't have to train to hone and polish your skills.
those silly kids..
@GusDom who are you to judge Fedor? And besides who's to say if he is even trying and even if he was how could you tell if what he is doing is good or not? you think there is one perfect stand up blueprint every fighter should follow? Fedor is in my opinion and many others not only the best mma fighter but one of the best fighters to compete in any sport and his stand up is like a work of art it's so entertaining and such a masterpiece that only real mma fans can truly understand his greatness!
how many miles is a kilometer?
pound 4 pound the best FIGHTER in the universe
Type this into the youtube search engine; Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir: How to Destroy the Half Guard.... Brock has some damn good coaches including a former world shoot fighting champion, and world renowned submission wrestling teacher Erik Paulson.
omg that's called the check hook! the check hook
@MrSmil3z Haha, and rubbing it away with the weight.