Insult of Ambedkar, BJP's well thought out conspiracy | OVERVIEW

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 56

  • @vijaykumarverma6835
    @vijaykumarverma6835 3 часа назад +9

    प्रधान मंत्री जी, तत्काल प्रभाव से गृहमंत्री अमित शाह को बर्खास्त करें।
    जय संविधान ।

  • @akhuf8889
    @akhuf8889 3 часа назад +5

    आपकी इस पत्रकारिता को २१ तोपों की सलामी।

  • @kaluramahirwar8860
    @kaluramahirwar8860 3 часа назад +8

    अमित शाह ने संघ भाजपा की विचारधारा को सामने आया हम लोग पहले से जानते हर गांव में खुली बहस होती है। शेखर यादव को पद पर रहने का कोई अधिकार नहीं। वो भी संघी है।

  • @RamVir-q3l
    @RamVir-q3l 3 часа назад +10

    Ambedkar ji ka apman nahi sahega india

  • @rocketsinghism
    @rocketsinghism 3 часа назад +9

    वाक़ई, दिल की बात, जुबान पर आ गई, उसके पाप का प्रायश्चित, जेल!!!😊😅😂

  • @sanjivsharma4620
    @sanjivsharma4620 3 часа назад +9

    अडानी को बचाने के लिए मैं कुछ भी करेगा।😅😅😅

  • @ravinderkumarkumar3758
    @ravinderkumarkumar3758 3 часа назад +8

    Yah BJP ki Suchi samjhi chaal hai

  • @singhpalwinder5314
    @singhpalwinder5314 3 часа назад +2

    Jai Bhim 🙏

  • @AjitMadhar-c1i
    @AjitMadhar-c1i 3 часа назад +4

    Jay hind Jay Bharat

    @INNOCENT55 2 часа назад +3


  • @MakwanaArvindbhai-jl8rd
    @MakwanaArvindbhai-jl8rd 2 часа назад +1

    Desh. Bchavo. Desh. Barbadho. Jayega. Jata. Jago. Derna. Ho. Jae

  • @shamraokakade7636
    @shamraokakade7636 53 минуты назад

    Apki 100%, सही है, आपका.Tarif कर्नेकेलियों Words कम पड़ रहा है साहब, Dhannewad, Jai sambhidhan जिंदाबाद.

  • @shambhudayal1790
    @shambhudayal1790 2 часа назад +1

    Good video

  • @savitachauhan7850
    @savitachauhan7850 3 часа назад +2

    BJP jo jhooth Bolte hai wo sare jhooth Rahul ka nam lekar janta ko bolte h

  • @JageshSingla
    @JageshSingla 2 часа назад

    Anand Ji Danka to Baj Raha Adani pe yahan USA Case Chal Raha Hai ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @123xyzabccba
    @123xyzabccba 30 минут назад

    Ambedkar was an intellectual giant with colossal all round academic achievements. His entry into the parliament was often greeted with silence and awe. None of his contemporaries were as learned as him thus he was that intellectual par excellence and his views and opinions were regarded as gospel truth. It’s the greatest misfortune of this country that he was compelled to spend most of his time and energies against frivolous but damaging issues like caste and casteism.

  • @AslamKhan-t3z
    @AslamKhan-t3z Час назад

    Very nice Aana ndji

  • @ashokmehere9490
    @ashokmehere9490 2 часа назад

    Salute for important information

  • @sultanahmad8333
    @sultanahmad8333 Час назад

    Excellent citizen of India..... Ambedkar,no doubt.....a lot of people in the country at that time was great but none was superior to eachother but Gandhi was first among them.....

  • @roshanfatima2348
    @roshanfatima2348 Час назад

    Thank you sir for the precious information 🙏

  • @pritamduggal7834
    @pritamduggal7834 23 минуты назад


  • @rajendraverma7132
    @rajendraverma7132 Час назад

    तड़ीपार गिरोह मंत्री को बर्खास्त करो।

  • @rocketsinghism
    @rocketsinghism 3 часа назад

    भीम का अपमान, नहीं सहेगा हिंदुस्तान!!!!

  • @123xyzabccba
    @123xyzabccba 44 минуты назад

    Ambedkar was the first Asian PHD in Economics but he was deliberately ignored for his prowess in economics by Nehru and he was given a less important law ministry. However Ambedkar made the most of this opportunity by getting several reformists laws passed although he could not get the Hindu Code Bill passed only due to political compulsions of Nehru & co….Ambedkar resigned from law ministry in protest. However it was Nehru who later got several provisions of the Hindu code bill passed one by one using his political acumen and political foresight otherwise the manuwadis within and without congress would have stonewalled the passage of every provision of the HCB as they cut into the roots of hindu orthodoxy…..

  • @rachanabrid180
    @rachanabrid180 2 часа назад

    Mr. Yadav should not be spare.

  • @raviinder6406
    @raviinder6406 3 часа назад +1

    Bass Ek hi tu hai Sawa Lakh Sa Ek jo Videsh me Danka baja raha hai ... woh hai Diljit Dosanjh ...✊✊🙏🙏

  • @yaduverma80
    @yaduverma80 3 часа назад +2

    haa yehmai ne pahele hi bataya tha yeh main mudda se gumrah karna tha baisa hi bjp ne aaj bhi kia

    • @anilchavan7118
      @anilchavan7118 3 часа назад

      बहोत महत्वपूर्ण इनफर्मेशन ❤

  • @SureshMandavkar-k9j
    @SureshMandavkar-k9j 2 часа назад

    Amit Shah ji aap ko Resignation dena chahiye koun ki aap Babasaheb Ambedkar ji ki Awham kiya hai? BJP aur RSS koai bhi Nheta Desh swatantrata main Koi Yogdaan nai hai?

  • @moezkalariya
    @moezkalariya Час назад

    Ambedkar Word Shahji 7 Bar Bole Hai

  • @yogeshchhibber852
    @yogeshchhibber852 3 часа назад

    देश सर्वोपरि है। पत्रकार माहौल को शांत करवाने के बारे में लिखें।।

  • @savitachauhan7850
    @savitachauhan7850 3 часа назад

    Jab se baithe h tab se india ka bht bura hal h

  • @shantinand9448
    @shantinand9448 2 часа назад

    देस की दासा क्या है सर्म आ रही है

  • @rahultiwari1526
    @rahultiwari1526 2 часа назад

    Log aj bhi utne hi murkh hain jitne 50 vrsh phle the koi antr nhi aya sbhi log vot ke liye public men bhrm faila rhe hain.

  • @RamVir-q3l
    @RamVir-q3l 3 часа назад +3

    Tadipaar esteefa do aap is pad par bethne layak nahi hai

  • @AjitKumar-rp5px
    @AjitKumar-rp5px Час назад

    Here big question that how the phone recording is allowed in ICU?
    and what is the purpose to viral this vedio?
    How the camera man is allowed in ICU ?
    Why the honorable MP talking on soeaker?
    and one thing is clear if Rahud did .00000000001% mistake ,and BJP found any vedio ,then BJP and godi media would have viral that evidence in universe?
    Bjp Leaders language seem a street rowdy language

  • @rakeshchoudhary-ht2sv
    @rakeshchoudhary-ht2sv 2 часа назад

    Bhai Sahab History ki class nhi current situation per baat karni chaiyeh

  • @ramgopalsharma5576
    @ramgopalsharma5576 3 часа назад

    App ni agg lagani ka tender laya hi kya public india chanel

  • @VijayKumar-rc3eb
    @VijayKumar-rc3eb Час назад +1

    Jhutha insaan Pani main bhi padeyga to bulbula upar hi ayega

  • @NirmalSingh-zt7hh
    @NirmalSingh-zt7hh 3 часа назад

    1947 ਨੂੰ ਭਾਰਤ ਦੀ ਵੰਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਪੰਜਾਬ ਤੇ ਬੰਗਾਲ ਦੀ ਵੰਡ ਹੋਈ ਸੀ

    • @neelumahendra4695
      @neelumahendra4695 58 минут назад

      Punjab aur bangal Bharat ke hain. ……. jab koi ang kat jata hai, toh apang toh poora sharir hi hota hai

  • @JageshSingla
    @JageshSingla 2 часа назад

    Anand Ji Danka to Baj Raha Adani pe yahan USA Case Chal Raha Hai ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @123xyzabccba
    @123xyzabccba 44 минуты назад

    Ambedkar was the first Asian PHD in Economics but he was deliberately ignored for his prowess in economics by Nehru and he was given a less important law ministry. However Ambedkar made the most of this opportunity by getting several reformists laws passed although he could not get the Hindu Code Bill passed only due to political compulsions of Nehru & co….Ambedkar resigned from law ministry in protest. However it was Nehru who later got several provisions of the Hindu code bill passed one by one using his political acumen and political foresight otherwise the manuwadis within and without congress would have stonewalled the passage of every provision of the HCB as they cut into the roots of hindu orthodoxy…..