@@Bengkelmasung Thanks. for that. Please tell me where do I find the unit that replaces the top cap to set the lever height? I have the derailleur hanger alignment tool that is needed, but have searched, and cannot find the top cap fitting for lever height adjustment. Thank you for your help
Beautiful bike. 🚲
Thank you
well ride along with Elves hehehe
I always enjoy your builds.
Thank you sir 🙏🏼
Id love to have seen a full length real time version of this....thinking about doing almost the exact same build....with zero experience.
Just do it, there are plenty of build videos on youtube of bike builds, its basically all the same
01:55 mang bakso lewat 😅
Teliti sekali 😉
Full build ini cost sampai jadi berapa mas? Saya juga mau pakai jasanya mas uung
Seingat saya waktu itu 30an lebih dikit mas
Om mau tanya, fork road skrg tanpa crown ya masang headsetnya?
Iyah om ada yg type integrated crown race
@@Bengkelmasung ini crown yg dapat stirtube bawah om yg saya maksud. Soaly dulu pernah bingkar twitter ga ada crown race, fork langsung bearing
Iyah betul bagian bawah , ada yg integrated tanpa croqn race, ada jg fork carbon yg masih pakai croqnrace terpisah
What is the tool you use to set brake lever height (fits into stem top cap bolt)? I'd like to get one like it. Thank You
Lever setter
@@Bengkelmasung Thanks. for that. Please tell me where do I find the unit that replaces the top cap to set the lever height? I have the derailleur hanger alignment tool that is needed, but have searched, and cannot find the top cap fitting for lever height adjustment. Thank you for your help
Mas Ung, itu bannya ukuran berapa?. Kira" eglath bisa masuk 700x32c g yah
Itu 700 x 28, kurang tahu kalau roadbike skrg denger2 bisa masuk ban 30c tp mngkn mepet banget kurang rekomended
what wheels are those?
Maaf tanya mas itu kabel damper ny pasang di kabel shifter & rem atau salah satunya ya? 1:36
Kabel rem dan shifter
Terimakasih jawaban ny moga sukses & lancar rejeki🙏
Aamiin, trima kasih banyak mas atas doa nya 🙏🏼
pas di rem di 6:29 terilihat pakai ban 25mm, btw kalo 30mm masih muat tidak mas?
Jujur belum nyoba mas, kalau perkiraan saya masih bisa mngkn agak mepet ajah
size berapa ini mas? ngeliat geometrinya kayaknya lebih ke endurance ya?
Kalau tidak salah size M hehe saya lupa, iyah endurance all around mnrt saya
crabk oval gitu yg dicari apanya ya?
Habis budget berapa nih mas
Kayaknya sekitar 30 ada sih
WS apa mas mantap euy
Wheelset ELITE BWT mas