I think 经忏会 is a kind of 方便法門 meant for those who have too many obstacles which prevented them from learning Buddhism properly, this is especially so in the modern society. I agree the problem is some 经忏 masters do not put their hearts and minds to the job. If the masters were segregated into three types by the emperor in the past, it could mean that some masters 修富不修慧, some masters 修慧不修富。 maybe that is why some masters enjoy much material possession but are not good at preaching, while some masters have great knowledge but little material support and followers.
感恩 師父慈悲開示
經懺佛事不只是誦經,碰到家屬走不出陰霾的時後,要輔助把佛法跟戒律都拿出來 ,制止家屬喪痛而想不開自殺,
修行在自己。莫看别人非。一念看不起人,一念讨厌别人就代表我们嗔心起。轮回在眼前。别人可以看别人不对。我们不行。因为别人可能有能力脱离因果。我们可能不行。 还是照顾自己的心不落入因果
I think 经忏会 is a kind of 方便法門 meant for those who have too many obstacles which prevented them from learning Buddhism properly, this is especially so in the modern society. I agree the problem is some 经忏 masters do not put their hearts and minds to the job.
If the masters were segregated into three types by the emperor in the past, it could mean that some masters 修富不修慧, some masters 修慧不修富。 maybe that is why some masters enjoy much material possession but are not good at preaching, while some masters have great knowledge but little material support and followers.