i wanted green and my name also started with E and idk what colour starts with an E so my smart ass brain searched it up on google cuz why not and i got emerald green 😌
My best friend says she wants to kill her little sister (AS A JOKE PLEASE DON'T CALL THE POLICE). so what should I do? Thats the only thing ik she hates ( again, a joke. I rlly hope she doesn't actually hate her little sis)
*When you find out your friend dislikes magic and fighting:* “Do I make a Wizard Warrior or some sh!t-? Wait no, that actually sounds cool, nevermind-”
Her: If you have more than 20 cuddly toy's than you can make a new species Me: Looks at the net full I have on the ceiling and the five big bins hanging from the ceiling which are full to the brim, looks at my bed covered in stuffed animals Also Me: New Species I guess!! {Not even over-exaggerating here lol I really do have that many}
Did you know your mother is your first ever best friend? Most people do but they never tell why so here They know your secrets or something secretive And they were the first person you saw
@@plushnugget how do I do the eye colors my name starts with Z and I looked up any colors that start with Z but I got nothing and im not on my own account but my real name starts with Z
Gender: Girl Species: Human Eyes: Sapphire Hair length: Short Hair: Extremely light peach Occupation: Necromancer She turned out kinda cute tho like ->-
I really like that you did “non-binary/other” Or “demi-girl/boy” because im non-binary and most of these videos i see are like “give long hair if your a girl and short if your a boy” and im like “wat do i do then-?” And it made me happed to see you gave an options for other genders! ❤️☺️
@@Emrysachillesabraham Demigirl is a term for people who partially identify as women. Demiboy is a term for people who partially identifying as men. :)
“Spin your head around and the first color you see is the color of your hair.” My color: *white* Edit: “The hobby of your oc is the hobby your friend hates.” Me: *has no friends*
I watched this and quickly looked up colors that start with N, also i have a friend who i cant think of anything that they hate other than dogs cause they are a cat person. Nevermind she hates P.E class so my OC is a fitness trainer Edit: I have returned and am doing it again. My OC looks completely different from the first one I made. 😅
@@ninjax6276 I had to settle for Jasmine because too many freaking colors start with J that are all just clumps of the same color in different shades- *_I’m not kidding there were like 10 different greens_*
OMG FINALLY AN OC CHALLENGE THAT DOESN'T RELY ON EYE COLOR- (my eyes are brown but one of them is 3/4 blue so I can't decide if I should choose "brown eyes" or "other" lmao xd)
“The occupation of your oc is your best friends hobby” Me making this at 2am and having to wait for my friends to wake up to ask them what they hate doing
Me with an army of cuddly toys: "My friends do call me 'Angel-butter-wolf-kitty', which isn't technically a species that anyone exists in anything. I did come up with it as a joke before it became my nickname. I'll give her cat ears, a wolf tail, a halo, and butterfly wings!"
I also had to create a new species, so I gave him (my OC) a blue skin color, slightly darker spots In his forehead as well as a electricity icon in the center with the same color
When your oc is handless/armless and has no mouth because you had to make a new spieces due to the countless stuffies in your room and it is a librarian:
Me: I have no friends :(.. Also me: oh! I forgot I have a sibling! Later: oh. His least favorite hobby is hanging out with me... Welp. Time to find me some friends!
"Eye color must be the first letter of your first name" People with K and Z: Wh- (I'm with the K people and I found this really pretty color that they have in gacha club called Keppel)
Me with my lower bunk filled with plushies and not even all of them are there: Well, I guess I get to make a new species- But seriously, I panicked and said "wait, I have to count them?? Do you ᴋɴᴏᴡ how long that would take?"
I have to go open my bean bag full of stuffed animals and count them now 😂and I have to get all of the ones that I forgot to put in and count them too I think I have more than 20 Edit: I just counted the ones that weren’t in my bean bag and there’s 14 of them I must have like almost 40 plushies lol oh goodness I have 50 plushies I think I have to many but.
@@plushnugget yeah lol i was to lazy to put all of them back into the bag until the next day so i slept in a pile of plushies and i found more in my closet the next day
Don't apologise for not uploading, it doesn't matter how quick you are, as long as you enjoy what you do and don't rush it and stay up all night. It isn't all just about your fans y'know- :D
Thank you so much. This comment is very reassuring for me. I have been feeling worried more recently again for not uploading, but this has helped ease the worry. Again, thank you.
Okay I’m really proud of my character so I’m sharing her✨😌 Name: Mika Royale Personality: Friendly, social, encouraging Occupation: Librarian Species\Race: Zyphin Gender: Female Hair color and length: Cyan; short Eye color: Jasmine Okay for explanation on what the hell a Zyphin is, they’re Dragonborn-like creatures with long horns that trail into sparks of fire and wings that they can make transparent or invisible, and their tails have a fire on the end that never ceases, never spreads, and never grows. It just kinda- *_E x i s t s_* Oof this is probably my favorite OC challenge I’ve done- Just gives you more choices and more freedom with the character- Not too simple and not too complex. Definitely subscribed! :D
Update: Unfortunately this OC no longer exists as my world-building often results in forgetting several characters exist but she has been revamped. If you were wondering her name is now Divina :)
Oh no, I hope it still looks good to you in the end! Even if it doesn't, this may sound cheesey but, what matters is that you have fun while doing it :D
"if you got less then 10 cuddly to-" me: annnddd- we just gonna skip that- no need to know that- i got like 30 edit: well realistically its probably like- close to 24- of ones that aren't video game related i got like 10 fnaf plushies
Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that and I hope you get into a better situation soon. But putting that aside, do you think you might be able to ask a family member perhaps instead?
@@plushnugget No no it's completely fine- I saw a wall when I turned my head around so now the hair color was white. Really liked how the character turned out!
"close your eyes turn your head around a bit then open your eyes" Me making 3 ocs and getting dizzy really easily: Welp- hehe time to get dizzy Also: "The occupation/hobby should be the one your friend hates the most" Me not knowing what they hate
1. Please maybe try choosing your favorite colour instead then! I don't want anyone throwing up or getting too dizzy because of my silly little Gacha video ;-; 2. If you've already tried asking them, maybe ask a family member instead!
1:38: The occupation or hobby should be the same as the one your best friend Hates doing the most. Me who’s an extreme loner and doesn’t know many friends: what if I don’t have a best friend? I ended up picking the hobby I hate doing the most.
That works too, but if you were unsure about anything else to do with the challenge I recommend referring to the description's FAQ in order to answer any questions you may have!
@@plushnugget Thank you. This may seem dumb but I don’t know what or where the description is. I’ve always wanted to show people my Oc’s since I find myself quite decent but I don’t know how..
@@kayleejunker8530 Ah, I'll help you find the description! The description is basically a more detailed version of the title. It details the video's contents and can also feature information regarding related things, credits or any messages the creator wants to leave behind. So if you're viewing the video on a laptop or computer, it should be underneath the title of the video, next to the date. It will show a preview of the desciption text but if you click "more" you can scroll and view the full description. If you are on a mobile device, tap the title of the video while you are viewing the video and you can view the description. ------------------------ About showing your OC, you can try posting it online if you're able to on a social media or make a video on it on RUclips! These methods can be described in better detail if you watch a tutorial on them.
I agree they should be in the video, but I have put them in the description. At the time of making the video I had not thought of the options, my apologies.
"The occupation or hobby should be the one your best friend hates doing the most." First best friend: "Idk" Second best friend: "Uuuuhh... A Jester?" JESTER IT IS! >:3 (Also my OC is a cat cause I have 10 plushies they're so cute oh meh g o d- ;V;)
"if you have over 20 stuffed toys make up your own species" Me who came to the oc challenge so that I wouldn't have to use my brain and just see the result: * looks around room filled with 60 stuffed toys * ....Ok, I'll make it inspired by a Merekat--
Me with probably over 20 stuffed animals:☺️ (I need to start sleeping with them again because my head wants a pillow,I have two pillows but I put one between my legs and I hug the other,I guess it’s a habit because I used to sleep with my probably 50+ stuffed animals)
OMG I am inlove with the results! This is so cool, thanks for making this challenge it was really fun! You deserve a sub for that, have a nice day/night/afternoon/evening! -Aiko/Mik
"The occupation or hobby should be the same as the one your best friend hates doing the most." my best friend who hates taking out the trash and my obsession with racoons. IT’S PERFECT
Hmm, for animating you could do a professional animator maybe? Or for a more fantasy-medieval vibe you could create a mage of sorts that draws a few images of one thing, and then can make them come to life!
« The occupation or hobby should be the same as the one your best friend hates doing the most » Me trying to figure out what they hate doing because I’m scared of social interaction: *thinking intensifies*
This isn't made by this challenge but I was surfing clubs in gacha club and then I saw club dark. So I decided to make an oc from club dark or smt. I decided to make a kitsune oc lol- her name is kitsune cuz I wasn't creative enough for a name. She wears a kitsune shaped mask that doesn't have color other than white. Her eyes are red, and she carries around a bat for some reason. Her age is 2076. Here we go, time for description!! Kitsune is a legend that has been around for centuries. Rumors spread that kitsune offers two gifts. Wealth and power, or love and friendship. If you choose wealth and power, kitsune will then say the following words: "I will give you 8 months. Spend this money wisely, and use this power for good." Kitsune will then walk away, and the next morning, you will have a pile of money and feeling rather powerful. If you spend the money on silly things and use your power for bad, after 8 months, kitsune will then appear in your house, and beat you with her bat. Leaving a rather, messy outcome. But, if you spend the money on important things, or donate to charity, or give some to the homeless, and use your power for good, kitsune will never appear in your life ever again, But instead sustain your power and money. Now if you choose love and friendship, kitsune will take off her mask, get closer, and whisper: "sustain this friendship. For it can be broken. Value this love. For it can become hatred." Kitsune will then walk away, putting her mask back on. From then, she will never appear ever again. However, your friends will become best friends. Your family and relationship will become close. If you do not do what you were instructed, friendships will be broken, and love will become hatred. Omg this description was so dang long ;-;
My creature: Dragon Pixies (made up by me) they are basically little fairy/pixie things that look like dragon flys, but are VERY active and sing songs almost all the time. They LOVE treasure and sometimes steal some from the queen of The Lands of Zeriia (world I made up also lol). Dragon Pixies also are very mischievous when it comes to quests from a wizard. They are not the best companions for a quest given from royalty, but also good if you need a robber or stealthy partner in crime, (like stealing from a dragon). They are usually young and excited. Also they are nosy about e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Not the best mating partner, unless you wanna be called a pedophile :). They are ranked from the most mischievous to the most innocent. But they respect others differences. All Dragon Pixies are friends, or related in some way or another. lol
*sniff sniff*
I found a unrated youtuber!
New sub. ☺️
Oh thank you! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
@@plushnugget No thank you for being such a great youtuber
@@kendalllaly Aw you're so nice!
may you pin me please
@@plushnugget please pin my commet
Me with my army of beanie boos: time to make a new species boissss
Hehe 👁👅👁
Edit: my new species will be amazing
I can relate to this except I have like 100+ random stuffed animals in my attic, in my storage room, and in my bed room
me wanting to have yellow eyes for no reason at all then realizing my name starts with e so...
egg yoke yellow
@@elyxisea oh yeah
i wanted green and my name also started with E and idk what colour starts with an E so my smart ass brain searched it up on google cuz why not and i got emerald green 😌
My name starts with j ;_;
"911 what's your emergency?"
"Hi uhm, I would like to report that I found a VERY underrated gachatuber"
Aw, thank you TwT
"Hello, I would like to report someone who is speaking straight-up facts."
Hello 911 I would like to report 3 people for being VERY BEAUTIFUL
Hello 911 I would like to report someone very beautiful and underrated
You gave the perfect balance of creativity and an oc challenge that is easy to understand and not too little steps!
Sorry for the late reply. But thank you so much! This praise of my challenge makes me very happy, so thank you
oh? the first OC challenge I’ve seen that adds hobbies?
Oh, thanks!
"The occupation or hobby should be the same as the one your best friend hates doing the most."
my best friend who hates murderers:
my friend said "serial killer, or stripper"
;-; im going with serial killer than......
My best friend says she wants to kill her little sister (AS A JOKE PLEASE DON'T CALL THE POLICE). so what should I do? Thats the only thing ik she hates ( again, a joke. I rlly hope she doesn't actually hate her little sis)
@@lavenderiris3241 Perhaps the OC could be an assassin of sorts?
@@plushnugget I decided to do one of my own ocs. And she hates children. So I did a college student
Me: DOSENT have a best friend
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that ;(
But if you still want to do the challenge then perhaps you could ask a family member instead?
I have i think frienf☹
My friend lives in another nation, *my imagination*
i don't have any friends o^o
I feel like my bsf doesnt wanna be my bsf anymore 🥺
"If you have more than 20 cuddly toys, you can make an entirety new species."
Me: * stares over at my basket full of stuffed animals *
New species pog?
Me looking over to my two baskets full of stuff animals and my bed of stuff animals. Hehe welp looks like it's a new species
Me: Stares at my house filled with stuffies
@@BasilOmori_ well- 🥲 I don’t have any stuffy
*When you find out your friend dislikes magic and fighting:* “Do I make a Wizard Warrior or some sh!t-? Wait no, that actually sounds cool, nevermind-”
I mean, you're not wrong! It does sound pretty cool
My friends have said that they’d hate working in an office...
𝐿𝑎𝑑𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 :𝐷
@@gayforthepillarmen7290 Suits are pog ✨
@@lostcamcorderr i agree >:D
We got my humanoid looking goat gardening the flowers
Her: If you have more than 20 cuddly toy's than you can make a new species
Me: Looks at the net full I have on the ceiling and the five big bins hanging from the ceiling which are full to the brim, looks at my bed covered in stuffed animals
Also Me: New Species I guess!!
{Not even over-exaggerating here lol I really do have that many}
Lol, I didn't realize that so many people actually have over 100 stuffed toys! I probably should've made it higher TwT
@@plushnugget Honestly tho it makes a lot of people get creative! ^^
@@snowdawolfystudios5299 That's a good point!
"The occupation or hoppy should be the same one your best friend hates doing the most."
*cries in no friends*
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. You can ask a family member instead if you still wish to do the challenge!
"The occupation or hobby should be the same as the one your best friend hates doing the most."
Me who don't even has friends: guess ill do my mom-
I'm sorry to hear you have no friends, but it's good at least that you have a mother you trust!
Did you know your mother is your first ever best friend?
Most people do but they never tell why so here
They know your secrets or something secretive
And they were the first person you saw
@@malaswamy6166 That's a good point, I agree!
@@plushnugget how do I do the eye colors my name starts with Z and I looked up any colors that start with Z but I got nothing and im not on my own account but my real name starts with Z
@@kimberlyalexander9249 Zenith blue is a colour you can use.
If you have more than 20 cuddley toys than you can make up a new species.
Me: *looks at beanie boos and other plushies*
*um....me with 40/50 cuddly toys*
*me who does not know how many cuddly's do I have* .-.
@@black_cat3202 *Relatable and same*
Gender: Girl
Species: Human
Eyes: Sapphire
Hair length: Short
Hair: Extremely light peach
Occupation: Necromancer
She turned out kinda cute tho like ->-
Aw she sounds so beautiful 0:
Idk what my gender is :/
So I'll do non-binary hair type
And what if you see 2 colours at once will you choose your hair colour do you do all the colours because I saw 3 at once
Idk what my friends hate but I think they hate gacha so what do I do
"Give them a nice personality"
Me, who likes making mean/rude characters: *"yes, but no."*
Tbf I feel like the Gacha community is lacking in those kinds of characters anyway ;-;
We 👏 need 👏 more 👏 bullies 👏 with 👏 actual 👏 personalities
@@plushnugget i agree with you
When you’re best friend says they don’t know what there least favorite hobby is so you do yours
tsundere but harsher
I really like that you did “non-binary/other”
Or “demi-girl/boy” because im non-binary and most of these videos i see are like “give long hair if your a girl and short if your a boy” and im like “wat do i do then-?” And it made me happed to see you gave an options for other genders! ❤️☺️
I'm glad I could make you happy! I was actually a bit afraid that I hadn't included enough genders TwT
Actually I’m happy demiboy and demigirl were added, I’ve never see any demi genders in gacha video up to now.
@@exammole4545 heya so um what does demigirl mean?
@@Emrysachillesabraham Demigirl is a term for people who partially identify as women. Demiboy is a term for people who partially identifying as men. :)
@@Emrysachillesabraham No. Pro-nouns and gender are two different things.
“Spin your head around and the first color you see is the color of your hair.”
My color: *white*
“The hobby of your oc is the hobby your friend hates.”
Me: *has no friends*
Oh, if you're struggling with the friends part then feel free to ask a family member instead.
@@plushnugget oh, ok. But its one AM so ill ask later
Here I’ll be your friend I love drawing :D
@@Drphillmm Oop Late comment squad-
I'm doing the oc challenge! Probably gonna upload it TMW
Ooh, thank you so much! I feel so happy that someone is going to do it! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I'm glad that I could make someone happy!
@@selia2698 uwu
This is really creative! I’m gonna try it!
Thanks! I hope you have fun with it!
Me: **More then 30 cuddly toys**
Me: _this is my time to_ *SHINE*
Cuddly toy army, rise!
I watched this and quickly looked up colors that start with N, also i have a friend who i cant think of anything that they hate other than dogs cause they are a cat person.
Nevermind she hates P.E class so my OC is a fitness trainer
Edit: I have returned and am doing it again. My OC looks completely different from the first one I made. 😅
0: poggers
I used the colour nigirian blue 😌
@@ninjax6276 I had to settle for Jasmine because too many freaking colors start with J that are all just clumps of the same color in different shades- *_I’m not kidding there were like 10 different greens_*
(my eyes are brown but one of them is 3/4 blue so I can't decide if I should choose "brown eyes" or "other" lmao xd)
I got you bro 👌
@@plushnugget when I come back from my break (which is suprisingly taking months-), I'll definitely do this challenge :p
@@Nyxia_5 Good to hear! Thank you!
@@plushnugget actually- thank you for making this challengeー :p
@@Nyxia_5 It's no problem!
“The occupation of your oc is your best friends hobby”
Me making this at 2am and having to wait for my friends to wake up to ask them what they hate doing
L 😔
@@plushnugget my friend says going to camp and talking to an annoying boy, when I said hobby she said she didn’t have any
@@ss-iy5zd Hmm, if it's talking to a particular person, they could be some kind of public speaker!
Same 💀💀
oki doki, let's see what we've got.. a violet-eyed fairy which is obsessed with makeup and her hair is so red it looks as if its burning.
She sounds pretty poggers though!
This is just chappel roan.
Me with an army of cuddly toys: "My friends do call me 'Angel-butter-wolf-kitty', which isn't technically a species that anyone exists in anything. I did come up with it as a joke before it became my nickname. I'll give her cat ears, a wolf tail, a halo, and butterfly wings!"
Sounds really cool!
@@plushnugget thanks!
@@kitten59222 Np!
It's sounds amazing
I also had to create a new species, so I gave him (my OC) a blue skin color, slightly darker spots In his forehead as well as a electricity icon in the center with the same color
When your oc is handless/armless and has no mouth because you had to make a new spieces due to the countless stuffies in your room and it is a librarian:
Well, they sound really original! :D
*my friend who hates maze runner because I don’t shut up about it*
RUN BOI RUN 🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️
Plushenugget is back !!!!, so impressed by how far you have come since your first video.
Oh, thank you! ^^
"spin your head around, and whatever color you see first is the hair"
Me: so..
*W o o d?*
Well, I suppose you can just do whatever color the wood is maybe?
I’m so happy you put gender fluid as one of the genders! It makes me feel valid :)
I'm glad to hear you feel included!
@@plushnugget I’m glad you reply to as meany people as you can
@@seelii Aw, thank you! Interacting with my community is honestly my favorite part of being a content creator, that's why I reply as much as I can!
Me: I have no friends :(..
Also me: oh! I forgot I have a sibling!
Later: oh. His least favorite hobby is hanging out with me...
Welp. Time to find me some friends!
I'm so sorry to hear that. If it suits you better, you could do your own least favorite hobby instead? Again, I am sorry :(
"Eye color must be the first letter of your first name"
People with K and Z: Wh-
(I'm with the K people and I found this really pretty color that they have in gacha club called Keppel)
I just looked it up and it is very beautiful! 0:
there's a color that it's like dull red witch its called Kachow I am crying
@@pietropalmieri9245 lightning McQueen named it, I bet.
@@plushnugget omg it issss
i used the color khaki, it just fit better with the rest of the oc’s coloring
I'm gonna try this with drawing instead of gacha! It seems really fun
That's fine too! ^^
I hope you have fun!
Me who probably has more than 100 stuffies (cuddly toys)
**cracks knuckles** time to get creative
@@rempelremps5769 YESS
“Close you’re eyes turn your head around a bit”
Sounds hard
Ik 😔💅
"if you have 10-20 cuddly toys your character is a human" me: *checks closet and washing machine*
Gotta check everywhere 👀
@@plushnugget yup
Me with my 75 cuddly toys: Sooo Anything I want then hey? Cooool-
I have underestimated everyone's plushie counters @-@
I have 292 I counted yesterday
Me with my lower bunk filled with plushies and not even all of them are there: Well, I guess I get to make a new species-
But seriously, I panicked and said "wait, I have to count them?? Do you ᴋɴᴏᴡ how long that would take?"
No, it's okay! You don't have to count them all lol XD
@@plushnugget I think I DID count, and I think I found 24 of them
Welp, new species time :)
*Casually Looks Down At My Throne Of Stuffies Next To Me. * “ Let’s do this my friends. “
Oh btw thanks for this :D
No problem! I hope you had fun :)
I have to go open my bean bag full of stuffed animals and count them now 😂and I have to get all of the ones that I forgot to put in and count them too I think I have more than 20
Edit: I just counted the ones that weren’t in my bean bag and there’s 14 of them I must have like almost 40 plushies lol oh goodness I have 50 plushies I think I have to many but.
Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to tire you out by having you count your stuffed animals, just a rough number would've been fine ಥ‿ಥ
@@plushnugget yeah lol i was to lazy to put all of them back into the bag until the next day so i slept in a pile of plushies and i found more in my closet the next day
Don't apologise for not uploading, it doesn't matter how quick you are, as long as you enjoy what you do and don't rush it and stay up all night. It isn't all just about your fans y'know- :D
Thank you so much. This comment is very reassuring for me. I have been feeling worried more recently again for not uploading, but this has helped ease the worry. Again, thank you.
Okay I’m really proud of my character so I’m sharing her✨😌
Name: Mika Royale
Personality: Friendly, social, encouraging
Occupation: Librarian
Species\Race: Zyphin
Gender: Female
Hair color and length: Cyan; short
Eye color: Jasmine
Okay for explanation on what the hell a Zyphin is, they’re Dragonborn-like creatures with long horns that trail into sparks of fire and wings that they can make transparent or invisible, and their tails have a fire on the end that never ceases, never spreads, and never grows. It just kinda- *_E x i s t s_*
Oof this is probably my favorite OC challenge I’ve done- Just gives you more choices and more freedom with the character- Not too simple and not too complex. Definitely subscribed! :D
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I love the species idea by the way!
Your OC sounds really cool!
Update: Unfortunately this OC no longer exists as my world-building often results in forgetting several characters exist but she has been revamped. If you were wondering her name is now Divina :)
Mika royal... that sounds like a gacha hack youtuber I watch called mika rou
I’ll close my eyes and listen to a short song. When song is over, I Open my eyes and whichever color I see first will be the hair color!
Oohhh very creative alternative!
Because if I turn my head around a bit I might die
Color is Zenith blue
Short hair
Random hair color
Occupation is art
(This is going to be difficult)
Oh no, I hope it still looks good to you in the end! Even if it doesn't, this may sound cheesey but, what matters is that you have fun while doing it :D
@@plushnugget :D
When ur best friend wont answer you
F 😔
0:28 in case yall wanna skip the intro
Ah yes, sorry it's a bit long!
Creator: Sorry if it was too easy.
My brain after 10 minutes of thinking: WHAT HOBBY DO MY FRIEND HATE?!
Oh, sorry about that part! ;-;
"if you got less then 10 cuddly to-"
me: annnddd- we just gonna skip that- no need to know that- i got like 30
edit: well realistically its probably like- close to 24- of ones that aren't video game related
i got like 10 fnaf plushies
I never realized how many people had lots of cuddly toys ಥ_ಥ
Im pretty distant with my friends (we don't talk much) so I dont know the hobby they hate the most
Pls help
Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that and I hope you get into a better situation soon. But putting that aside, do you think you might be able to ask a family member perhaps instead?
@@plushnugget its okay and thanks for the idea 💕
@@am_spooki7512 No problem!
@@plushnugget can yiu help me my parents don't even know what is fantasy 😢
4K is coming your way
@@yaitsnotme7472 I am excited ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
@@plushnugget 8kkkkkk
@@plushnugget I’m doing
@@fjszinti Thank you! :D
"Close your eyes and turn your head around"
@@plushnugget No no it's completely fine-
I saw a wall when I turned my head around so now the hair color was white. Really liked how the character turned out!
@@Aliryal Oh, well I'm glad you like your character! ^^
Can we just appreciate how they included us non-binarys 😔🤚 we stan an inclusive queen
It's no problem! I believe everyone should feel included.
"If you have 10-20 cuddly toys, make the species based off of your favourite animal."
*me whose favourite animal is the octopus*
I think there might be tentacle wings or a tentacle tail? I'm not entirely sure though.
"close your eyes turn your head around a bit then open your eyes"
Me making 3 ocs and getting dizzy really easily: Welp- hehe time to get dizzy
Also: "The occupation/hobby should be the one your friend hates the most"
Me not knowing what they hate
1. Please maybe try choosing your favorite colour instead then! I don't want anyone throwing up or getting too dizzy because of my silly little Gacha video ;-;
2. If you've already tried asking them, maybe ask a family member instead!
Me: counting my plushies in my room
Also me: realising that my lil siters have been playing with so many other plushis in a different room
"If you have more than 20 cuddly toys then make an entirely new species"
Me, who has more cuddly you's than I can count: "I'm playing god today."
Time to get creative ig 💃
1:38: The occupation or hobby should be the same as the one your best friend Hates doing the most.
Me who’s an extreme loner and doesn’t know many friends: what if I don’t have a best friend?
I ended up picking the hobby I hate doing the most.
That works too, but if you were unsure about anything else to do with the challenge I recommend referring to the description's FAQ in order to answer any questions you may have!
@@plushnugget Thank you. This may seem dumb but I don’t know what or where the description is. I’ve always wanted to show people my Oc’s since I find myself quite decent but I don’t know how..
@@kayleejunker8530 Ah, I'll help you find the description!
The description is basically a more detailed version of the title. It details the video's contents and can also feature information regarding related things, credits or any messages the creator wants to leave behind.
So if you're viewing the video on a laptop or computer, it should be underneath the title of the video, next to the date. It will show a preview of the desciption text but if you click "more" you can scroll and view the full description.
If you are on a mobile device, tap the title of the video while you are viewing the video and you can view the description.
About showing your OC, you can try posting it online if you're able to on a social media or make a video on it on RUclips! These methods can be described in better detail if you watch a tutorial on them.
i got like 87 toys.
new specices? yep.
new species moment
Mine turned out to be a fairy bunny thingy with light blue hair and reading a book!!! It looks adorable, I LOVE IT!
Aw, I'm glad you like them! ^^
Love this video-! ❤️ Now I know that Scarlett color exists😂
I'm glad you like the video! ^^
This will be the best masterpiece I have ever made I bet UvU TY FOR MAKING THIS!!!!!!!!
You're welcome! I hope you enjoy!
@@plushnugget for this type of meme you should get a new sub! Me! UvU
@@Musicalt0n3 Oh, thank you so much for your support!
You should have options like if you don’t know what your friends hobbies they hate you can choose
I agree they should be in the video, but I have put them in the description. At the time of making the video I had not thought of the options, my apologies.
@@plushnugget no it’s ok I am making advice to help your channel new sub :D
@@Garfieldzyy Thank you for the support and advice!
Tysm! I made a really cool Oc! I'll be sure to use them! And credit you In my RUclips once I make it lol!
You're welcome! And thank you for the credit! ^^
Oh my goodness your oc is so cute! She kinda looks like me IRL lol
Thanks! My old persona was actually based off of how I look like IRL! ^^
@@plushnugget That's cool :')
a alien who's extraordinary at maths? Sounds normal to me.
Seems about right 🚶
I loved it! Just choosing the hobby 😅
I’m using what my BFF hates the most!
I'm glad you like it!
Me, who has 30 plushies: time for a dragon
"The occupation or hobby should be the one your best friend hates doing the most."
First best friend: "Idk"
Second best friend: "Uuuuhh... A Jester?"
JESTER IT IS! >:3 (Also my OC is a cat cause I have 10 plushies they're so cute oh meh g o d- ;V;)
Yeah, cats are very cute!
"if you have over 20 stuffed toys make up your own species"
Me who came to the oc challenge so that I wouldn't have to use my brain and just see the result: * looks around room filled with 60 stuffed toys * ....Ok, I'll make it inspired by a Merekat--
Oof ;-;
This was super fun! Now I have a fairy, cottagecore, teacher! Never would have thought of that 👁👁🍵
Woah, they sound pretty cool!
"the occupation is what ur friend hates doing"
Can I duet your video? I would like to make my version of my fantasy oc too!
Of course you may! Credit is appreciated too, though I don't particularly mind that much!
@@plushnugget great,thank you!
@@w_georg1aa No bother! ^^
You: your ocs job will be what your friend hates
Me: *googles how to make friends*
*O h*
My bestie: my least favorite hobby is sewing Me: HOW DO I MAKE AN OUTFIT OUT OF THAT INFORMATION
I'd say go for something very casual and add something that looks hand-crafted if that makes sense?
Yesssssssssssss! I knew having more than 20 stuffy‘s would pay off with more than cuddles
Guess it did!
Me with probably over 20 stuffed animals:☺️
(I need to start sleeping with them again because my head wants a pillow,I have two pillows but I put one between my legs and I hug the other,I guess it’s a habit because I used to sleep with my probably 50+ stuffed animals)
@@plushnugget and the fact I felt they would be left out if I didn’t sleep with them😭
I’m not satisfied with my final product T-T but great video I’m sure many people were satisfied with it at lest I had fun making it
I'm sorry to hear you don't like it, but I'm glad you had fun making it! :D
OMG I am inlove with the results! This is so cool, thanks for making this challenge it was really fun! You deserve a sub for that, have a nice day/night/afternoon/evening! -Aiko/Mik
You're welcome and thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed the challenge!
I love this! I’m gonna do the challenge it’s gonna be so fun!
I hope you have fun!
@@plushnugget thanks!
@@erzsieke You're welcome!
@@plushnugget I did it! ruclips.net/video/mHkOi5_7-28/видео.html
"The occupation or hobby should be the same as the one your best friend hates doing the most."
my best friend who hates taking out the trash
and my obsession with racoons.
he ended up just looking like tommyinnit if he was an animal crossing character
Where are your likes more people should like this comment.... It's funny. Also how ironic! X'D
W-what if you don't have friends...
Sorry to hear that. Your answer is in the description.
Aw I'm happy you feel that way abt my challange! Ty!
Me asking all of my friends their least favorite hobbies:
My friends:
Hmm, for animating you could do a professional animator maybe?
Or for a more fantasy-medieval vibe you could create a mage of sorts that draws a few images of one thing, and then can make them come to life!
I went running through my room yelling "WHERES MY CUDDLY TOYS!"
I have pretty colors for my first name starts with M✨
WOOO!!!! lucky!! 0:
@@plushnugget ^^
Me: Name starts with J
Also me: Jack-In-A-Box (its a color apparently)
This is such a good idea you amazing :
Oh, thank you! ^^
*Bold of you to assume I even have a friend*
« The occupation or hobby should be the same as the one your best friend hates doing the most »
Me trying to figure out what they hate doing because I’m scared of social interaction: *thinking intensifies*
You: Make their hobby/occupation the thing your friend hates
Me, whose friend hates the Mafia the most:................help
This is ✨ underated ✨ pls take this U-U 🏆
Thank you so much! ^^
@@plushnugget ur welcome 💖:D
Wait what if you don’t have any friends for the occupation??? I guess you could just do your favourite?
Well, maybe you could ask a family member? That, or you could do your favorite either I guess!
idk what my best friend hates doing .-.
What should I do-?
I'll just make it my own role for now - m -
I'm sorry to hear that. If you want, you can ask a family member instead.
"If you're a male, add long hair and if you're a female add short hair."
Me: Jokes on you, *I'm both.*
Oh, you can choose between the two hair lengths then! ^^
Whichever one you want to do more you can add
Meh :
Now what Colour starts with L?
* Insert search on google *
Also meh :
LAVENDER?! I’m so dumb…
You're not dumb! I'm sure there are loads of other people who also struggled at first!
This isn't made by this challenge but I was surfing clubs in gacha club and then I saw club dark. So I decided to make an oc from club dark or smt. I decided to make a kitsune oc lol- her name is kitsune cuz I wasn't creative enough for a name. She wears a kitsune shaped mask that doesn't have color other than white. Her eyes are red, and she carries around a bat for some reason. Her age is 2076. Here we go, time for description!!
Kitsune is a legend that has been around for centuries. Rumors spread that kitsune offers two gifts. Wealth and power, or love and friendship. If you choose wealth and power, kitsune will then say the following words: "I will give you 8 months. Spend this money wisely, and use this power for good." Kitsune will then walk away, and the next morning, you will have a pile of money and feeling rather powerful. If you spend the money on silly things and use your power for bad, after 8 months, kitsune will then appear in your house, and beat you with her bat. Leaving a rather, messy outcome. But, if you spend the money on important things, or donate to charity, or give some to the homeless, and use your power for good, kitsune will never appear in your life ever again, But instead sustain your power and money.
Now if you choose love and friendship, kitsune will take off her mask, get closer, and whisper: "sustain this friendship. For it can be broken. Value this love. For it can become hatred." Kitsune will then walk away, putting her mask back on. From then, she will never appear ever again. However, your friends will become best friends. Your family and relationship will become close. If you do not do what you were instructed, friendships will be broken, and love will become hatred.
Omg this description was so dang long ;-;
@@plushnugget I wish I could send you a picture of kitsune but I can't ☹️
@@nightfall3559 That's okay! Just hearing the idea was lovely! ^^
@@plushnugget I want to make a mini movie of kitsune so bad now
When your friend doesn't like to go swimming, but your oc is a *phoenix.*
* nervous sweating *
Edit: Soooo I chose the other one. *School*
Ooh, phoenix are very cool!
Is it ok to use a gradient of white for the hair? The thing I saw has white with lots of white shades
Yes, that's perfectly fine!
@@moonlitegacha9045 Np! ^^
My creature: Dragon Pixies (made up by me)
they are basically little fairy/pixie things that look like dragon flys, but are VERY active and sing songs almost all the time. They LOVE treasure and sometimes steal some from the queen of The Lands of Zeriia (world I made up also lol). Dragon Pixies also are very mischievous when it comes to quests from a wizard. They are not the best companions for a quest given from royalty, but also good if you need a robber or stealthy partner in crime, (like stealing from a dragon). They are usually young and excited. Also they are nosy about e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Not the best mating partner, unless you wanna be called a pedophile :). They are ranked from the most mischievous to the most innocent. But they respect others differences. All Dragon Pixies are friends, or related in some way or another. lol
They sound cute!