Prave se Prijetelji a Kad je Bekir otisa na WC Vucic mu pjunio u casu vode. A nije znao da Bekir zapravo nije otisa na WC nego van da mu probusi gumu od auta,
U današnje vreme teško je suprotstaviti se onima koji obmanjuju, koji izgovaraju neistine po ceo dan. Oni ih sto puta izgovore, a vi istinu možete jedanput da im odgovorite i niste u ravnopravnom položaju." (Aleksandar Vučić, 31. decembar 2020)
hahhaha 39:25 Izetbegović: "Mislim da smo Vučića veceras previše suočavali sa prošlim vremenima" Vučić: "Nije problem, ja sam od Amira očekivao i gore. Ovo je sitnica." Izetbegović: "Možda gore to tek slijedi." Zukić: "Ja ne znam zašto vi gosp. Izetbegoviću imate potrebu da branite Vučića. Meni to nikako nije jasno." Izetbegović : "zato što mi trebamo danas kazati neke stvari o budučnosti." Vučić. "Bakire, umem ja sam da se branim." Izetbegović: " Ne sumnjam Aleksandre." hahaha pa ovi se dobro zajebavaju između sebe, a i sa nama
+Amel Hodžan nema nad N1, N1 mu je trn u oku pa ne samo sto on ne gostuje, nego brani i svojim ljudima da dolaze sto je super jer ne silaze s ostalih kanala
+Alvar Habibocic Pazi, neki ljudi su smislili koja ce pitanja voditelj da postavi, i naravno kada.. Nije slucajno ni to sto su naoruzanje ostavili za kraj, posle svega prethodnog. Moglo je da bude obrnuto i bilo bi manje strasno, je l' tako? Pozdrav :)
E ovako razgovaraju prave komšije jednom da dođe do pomirenja kao što smo bili u bivšoj SFRJ ,a ovo utiče samo sa strane strani faktor da se nepomirimo ( NEDAJTE SE DAVAS ZAVADE ).
ovo ulijeva nadu,normalno to je politika drzavnika,pa covijek drzi birtiju i neprica sve o njoj,ali se osjeti pozitivan trend zahvaljujuci ovoj dvojici lidera.svaka cast izetbegovicu na otvorenosti i direktnosti ali u stilu velikog drzavnika.SVAKA CAST
Treba naravno , kazniti imuslimane sta je Bakire sa KAZANIMA , to ne spominjes Srebrenicu , spominjete , dokse iskreno . Ne spomenu kazani nema iskrenosti , farsa ..a vi serite koliko hocete !
Ma kakav rat,BiH t,j FBiH nema nista od potencijala,ni ljude ni orudje dok je Srbija naoruzana do zuba., bilo bi previse glupo.samoubistvo,jos kada udje ratnicka nacija R Srpske,ishod je poznat. Ne treba ovo opisivati.
Kad toliko pričate o Dodiku što i njega niste zvali u emisiju ?! Još niste shvatili da Srbi ne pitaju Amerikance i ostale za svoju sudbinu kao neki nearodi ba Balkanu.Zato nas mrze ali i najviše cjene to budite sigurni.Mi kao narod nismo podguzne muve kao neki iako neki naši političari jesu al to narod kao i uvjek prepozna.
Nesta je se dogodilo, prvo pomislih da je Bakira pukla suncanica, ali bice da je sultan reagovao. Odnosno odreagovao na nagovor onog malog rvaca iz Moskve.
Ako su lopovi moj imenjače, "gospoda". Neće nas grijat sunce našeg nema nego tuđe. E moj imenjače bolje je da dovete studente u studio ako ih još ima tu.
U današnje vreme teško je suprotstaviti se onima koji obmanjuju, koji izgovaraju neistine po ceo dan. Oni ih sto puta izgovore, a vi istinu možete jedanput da im odgovorite i niste u ravnopravnom položaju." (Aleksandar Vučić, 31. decembar 2020)
Ova dvojca imaju veliku priliku da naprave nesto vrlo dobro ali dok REKET NEDAJU DODIKU NISTA OD TOGA . ALI NAZALOST DODIK VOLI PARE VISE NEGO IKONJU....
"U Vašoj koži" (to be in sb's shoes) mi kažemo "BITI U NEČIJOJ KOŽI"/ "BITI NA NEČIJEM MESTU", a taj direktni prevod idioma sa engleskog (o "cipelama") je idiotizam. Idiomi se ne prevode direktno.
-Aleksandar biva pitan :" hocete priznati RS ako izglasa samostalnost " , nece da da odgovor . -Aleksandar kaze Bakiru :" morate kazati da RS se nece ukinuti ". Ja porucujem Aleksandru da ce RS biti ukinut a da Rs nikad nece biti drzava , jer prije toga moraju da nestanu svu bosnjaci !!! RS gdije mnogo gradova u njemu sa pretezno bosnjackim stanovnistvom 91´ je ociscen i danas skoro da nemamo grada sa pretezno bosnjackim stanovnistvom i imamo samo onoiko koliko smo bii u moci da naselimo ponovo taj narod jer , ko ne zna 95 na kraju rata u RS-u nije bilo niti 1% bosnjaka . Na takvoj statistici na kojoj se sagradila RS , nikad ne moze da opstane . Nisu Njemci nastavili vladati Poljskom i Francuskom pa nece ni Srbi Bosnom !
@@dragansmakic reci cu ti kada mi odgovoris ovo . Jel Sarajevo bilo opkoljeno od 92-95 ? Jel Armija BiH nikad nije deblokirala Sarajevo ? Kako da sad nakon Dejtona nema tog obruča , vec imamo jedinstvenu teritoriju Federacije ?
Dok mi čekamo kad će politika srediti nesto nema naprijed. Ljudi moraju raditi izmedzu sebe. Ali postoje i oni koji su bili produžena ruka cetnicima i velikosrpskoj politici. Glas takvih je još jak.
Dear friends, many International Treaties grant privileges and immunities to a certain group of high-ranking officials: 1. The UN Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1968 2. UN Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1961 3. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations 4. The Vienna Convention on the Representation of States and their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character 5. UN CONVENTION ON SPECIAL MISSIONS OF 16. 12. 1969. NEW YORK, 6. General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe 7. UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations of 1947 8. Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities 9. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court 10. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, New York 11. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Commission for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution 12. Additional Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization 13. Protocol drawn up on the basis of the CC of the TEU and Article 41, para. 3 of the Europol Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Europol 14. Article 48 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides privileges and immunities for Judges, Prosecutors, Deputy prosecutors and court clerks who enjoy privileges and immunities such as diplomatic missions 15. Diplomatic missions in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Convention. have jurisdictional criminal, civil, administrative immunity and tax immunity, which in colloquial language means that the courts release them from any kind of liability, no one has the right to write fines and no one has the right to collect taxes from them, ie they do not owe taxes for unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year. Other intergovernmental bodies also have privileges and immunities, for example: 16. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people are exempt from direct taxes, duties, fees, unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year. 17. In accordance with the 1947 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations. the assets, income and property of some people are exempt from taxes and duties, unlike others, who pay taxes and milk them every year. 18. Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of 1965. exempts some people from direct taxes, unlike others who pay taxes each year and milk them annually. 19. Under the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people have immunity from arrest and detention, including diplomatic privileges and immunities, which allow them to avoid paying taxes and fines. 20. According to the BSEC Statute, many people have the full range of privileges, including the privilege of not paying taxes and fines. 21. The UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities provides immunity from arrest, detention and 22. The General Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe confers immunity from arrest or detention, immunity from all kinds of fines and exemption from tax. 23. Parts 3 and 4 of the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States grant the privilege of exempting their premises from taxation, their mail is not subject to opening and detention, they cannot be arrested or detained in any form, they do not bear any responsibility before the Courts 24. Permanent missions to international organizations shall enjoy privileges and immunities similar to those of diplomatic missions, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their relations with international organizations of a universal character of 1975. the premises of the representative office are exempt from all state, regional and municipal taxes, fees and duties, their mail is not subject to opening and retention. The chief and members of the diplomatic staff enjoy absolute impunity from any kind of prosecution and are exempt from taxes, fees and duties, unlike others who pay taxes regularly and milk them every year. With legal basis Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 9 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter such tax-exempt privileges and giving absolute irresponsibility before the Courts and before the fines you have. You are free from your obligation to pay taxes, as you are generally equal to the privileged. My legitimate expectations are that the state will stop collecting taxes from you, because you are also privileged in principle. Collecting taxes from high-ranking people like you is absolutely forbidden, as it does not comply with the 1994 UN Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism, and the eventual collection of taxes would destroy human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic foundations of society. In accordance with Article 55a) of the UN Charter, superiors have the right not to pay taxes, because this leads to a lowering of the living standard of the taxpayer and creates conditions for the economic and social degradation of the taxpayer, who in order to raise his living standard and to create conditions for economic and social progress and development of their own income must stop paying taxes. With legal basis, Article 56 of the UN Charter of race, sex, language or religion. With legal basis Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter, allows equality and equality in principle citizens and companies exchanging roles and collecting taxes from the state, if in the past 10 years they have been obedient to pay, bear taxes and allow to milk it, in which case for the next 10 years they have the right to collect taxes from the state instead of paying taxes .
Nisu!!!! Veselin Šljivančanin Crnogorac opsedao Vukovar. Milo Đukanović Crnogorac ,,A sa njima završiti svaki zajednički život." Slobodan Milošević Crnogorac zalagao se za nasilnu mobilizaciju. Momir Bulatović Crnogorac opsedao Dubrovnik. Radovan Karadžić Crnogorac opsedao Sarajevo.
Dobro jarane...malo ga pretera nije on nikad nosio pusku niti je sposoban i sa takvim izjavama nece niti bosanski niti srpski narod naci mira kad mu je najbitniji ! Sta treba nemacka jos 300 godina da ispasta zbog jedne budale ??? Maaa daaajjj
Dear friends, many International Treaties grant privileges and immunities to a certain group of high-ranking officials: 1. The UN Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1968 2. UN Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1961 3. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations 4. The Vienna Convention on the Representation of States and their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character 5. UN CONVENTION ON SPECIAL MISSIONS OF 16. 12. 1969. NEW YORK, 6. General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe 7. UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations of 1947 8. Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities 9. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court 10. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, New York 11. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Commission for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution 12. Additional Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization 13. Protocol drawn up on the basis of the CC of the TEU and Article 41, para. 3 of the Europol Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Europol 14. Article 48 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides privileges and immunities for Judges, Prosecutors, Deputy prosecutors and court clerks who enjoy privileges and immunities such as diplomatic missions 15. Diplomatic missions in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Convention. have jurisdictional criminal, civil, administrative immunity and tax immunity, which in colloquial language means that the courts release them from any kind of liability, no one has the right to write fines and no one has the right to collect taxes from them, ie they do not owe taxes for unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year. Other intergovernmental bodies also have privileges and immunities, for example: 16. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people are exempt from direct taxes, duties, fees, unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year. 17. In accordance with the 1947 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations. the assets, income and property of some people are exempt from taxes and duties, unlike others, who pay taxes and milk them every year. 18. Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of 1965. exempts some people from direct taxes, unlike others who pay taxes each year and milk them annually. 19. Under the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people have immunity from arrest and detention, including diplomatic privileges and immunities, which allow them to avoid paying taxes and fines. 20. According to the BSEC Statute, many people have the full range of privileges, including the privilege of not paying taxes and fines. 21. The UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities provides immunity from arrest, detention and 22. The General Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe confers immunity from arrest or detention, immunity from all kinds of fines and exemption from tax. 23. Parts 3 and 4 of the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States grant the privilege of exempting their premises from taxation, their mail is not subject to opening and detention, they cannot be arrested or detained in any form, they do not bear any responsibility before the Courts 24. Permanent missions to international organizations shall enjoy privileges and immunities similar to those of diplomatic missions, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their relations with international organizations of a universal character of 1975. the premises of the representative office are exempt from all state, regional and municipal taxes, fees and duties, their mail is not subject to opening and retention. The chief and members of the diplomatic staff enjoy absolute impunity from any kind of prosecution and are exempt from taxes, fees and duties, unlike others who pay taxes regularly and milk them every year. With legal basis Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 9 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter such tax-exempt privileges and giving absolute irresponsibility before the Courts and before the fines you have. You are free from your obligation to pay taxes, as you are generally equal to the privileged. My legitimate expectations are that the state will stop collecting taxes from you, because you are also privileged in principle. Collecting taxes from high-ranking people like you is absolutely forbidden, as it does not comply with the 1994 UN Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism, and the eventual collection of taxes would destroy human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic foundations of society. In accordance with Article 55a) of the UN Charter, superiors have the right not to pay taxes, because this leads to a lowering of the living standard of the taxpayer and creates conditions for the economic and social degradation of the taxpayer, who in order to raise his living standard and to create conditions for economic and social progress and development of their own income must stop paying taxes. With legal basis, Article 56 of the UN Charter of race, sex, language or religion. With legal basis, Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union, in conjunction with Article 9 of the Treaty on European Union, in conjunction with Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter, allows equality and equality in principle. citizens and companies exchanging roles and collecting taxes from the state, if in the past 10 years they have been obedient to pay, bear taxes and allow to milk it, in which case for the next 10 years they have the right to collect taxes from the state instead of paying taxes .
Prave se Prijetelji a Kad je Bekir otisa na WC Vucic mu pjunio u casu vode. A nije znao da Bekir zapravo nije otisa na WC nego van da mu probusi gumu od auta,
xaxaxaxa bravo za komentar...
Mi Torcidu i Dinamô
jebemo pa rasturamo
Dve vere,jedan jezik,jedan narod.Nek nam Bog ili Alah da mir i srecu ne odvaja se oko od zenice
Djordje Simic koje zenice grada zenice????
Kakav isti narodi???
Naravno bez mržnje.
Upravo gledam predsednika Aleksandra Vučića na VOA i evo kaže da nikada nije bio na tv N1.
Dva ubedljivo najgora politicara u novijoj istoriji naroda i narodnosti.
Elvedin Hamzagic Ne, Vučić je srpska majka!
@@istoricarumetnostidrkadzij5161 Srbija ne bi postojala bez njega
Vucic je gay
U današnje vreme teško je suprotstaviti se onima koji obmanjuju, koji izgovaraju neistine po ceo dan. Oni ih sto puta izgovore, a vi istinu možete jedanput da im odgovorite i niste u ravnopravnom položaju."
(Aleksandar Vučić, 31. decembar 2020)
@@benitogonzalez9669 jel se te lazi odnose na njega?
Kakvi licemeri fuj!
hahhaha 39:25
Izetbegović: "Mislim da smo Vučića veceras previše suočavali sa prošlim vremenima"
Vučić: "Nije problem, ja sam od Amira očekivao i gore. Ovo je sitnica."
Izetbegović: "Možda gore to tek slijedi."
Zukić: "Ja ne znam zašto vi gosp. Izetbegoviću imate potrebu da branite Vučića. Meni to nikako nije jasno."
Izetbegović : "zato što mi trebamo danas kazati neke stvari o budučnosti."
Vučić. "Bakire, umem ja sam da se branim."
Izetbegović: " Ne sumnjam Aleksandre."
hahaha pa ovi se dobro zajebavaju između sebe, a i sa nama
Ma Bakir je za neke mjesne zajednice, a ne politike!!! Odvede on nas u propast
Nema zvuk sto? slusam druge stvari a ovaj klip nema zvuk??
jel to samo mene?
nista nisi propustila. Kako tad, tako i sad
Cuj razgovaraju bez prevodioca?!
Ovo je cuko
Ne sme da gostuje u Pressing u u Srbii, pa to radi u Bosni...
+Amel Hodžan nema nad N1, N1 mu je trn u oku pa ne samo sto on ne gostuje, nego brani i svojim ljudima da dolaze sto je super jer ne silaze s ostalih kanala
N1 English subtitles?
pricaju o miru pa na kraju o naoruzavanju :) nema ovdje mira nikad nije ni bilo.
Dobro si to zapazio.
+Alvar Habibocic Pazi, neki ljudi su smislili koja ce pitanja voditelj da postavi, i naravno kada.. Nije slucajno ni to sto su naoruzanje ostavili za kraj, posle svega prethodnog. Moglo je da bude obrnuto i bilo bi manje strasno, je l' tako? Pozdrav :)
TV voditelj je jedina normalna osoba ovdje!
Da li je g. Bakir Izetbegovic poceo citirati Dr. Radovana Karadzica ( 58:15 ) ili mi se samo cini? :)
+Branislav Baki ...A CETVRTO NE ZNA ...
Ah meraka razbiti tv kad se ova dva lopova vide na ekranu
Sve pohvale
E ovako razgovaraju prave komšije jednom da dođe do pomirenja kao što smo bili u bivšoj SFRJ ,a ovo utiče samo sa strane strani faktor da se nepomirimo ( NEDAJTE SE DAVAS ZAVADE ).
ovo ulijeva nadu,normalno to je politika drzavnika,pa covijek drzi birtiju i neprica sve o njoj,ali se osjeti pozitivan trend zahvaljujuci ovoj dvojici lidera.svaka cast izetbegovicu na otvorenosti i direktnosti ali u stilu velikog drzavnika.SVAKA CAST
kriminalci se sastali
Lako je sirotinju zavadit ‚ Ovo Posle emisije jede pije sve zajedno
I iz Bakira i voditelja kipi iskonska mržnja prema srpskom narodu
Meni se svidja Vucic. Covjek progresivan.
Za 5 godina vidno primjetno koliko je Vučic ostario
Da da, a tek sad
Tako Trend ce Prostata kada se Baker i Dodik opet zavade😃👍🏻
Ovde još nije bio skroz lud,kao sad.
Odlicno je sto se obojica zalazu za mir, kao sto su se zalagali i devedesetih
Ne uskaci u rijeci Bakire !
Bosanski muslimani nisu skidali libijskog vođu Gadafija dalje znaju štase dešavalo pamet u glavu,
E Bakire, najbolje ispari. Nemoze nas takav neko voditi u buducnost, daj nama mladog pametnog Bošnjaka da ovo sve promjeni.
Јадан вучић, не воле га ни Срби ни балије. Кад би ткз. бошњаци знали колико је он зла нанео српском народу славили би га
Шта је нанео?
nikola sekulic zar te nije sramita
Nikolina srce ja bih ti dao razumijevanje Bosnjacko :D
Ti si tzv.covjek prije svega
Zivio Dragi Prrsjednik Aleksandar Vucic,zivio Dragi nasPresjednik MILORAD DODIK
Treba naravno , kazniti imuslimane sta je Bakire sa KAZANIMA , to ne spominjes Srebrenicu , spominjete , dokse iskreno . Ne spomenu kazani nema iskrenosti , farsa ..a vi serite koliko hocete !
Bosnjak sam i kapa dole Vucicu zaista da je dao bog da si dosao odavno na mjesto presednikada da se zajedno razvijamo svi skupa :(
Nasjedas na pricu. Samo priznanje Genocida i razmortiranje genocidne tvorevine ce dovesti do napretka. Pricom se nista ne postize. Pogotovo supljom.
Ako mislis priznanje SVIH zlocina s obe strane i osudom svih odgovornih onda se slazem.
Fuad Hrnjadovic dobro rezonujes stvari pozdrav jarane
Феноменално интервју и од Вучиќ и Изетбеговиќ , прави лидери овако треба да се понашаат !
Ma kakav rat,BiH t,j FBiH nema nista od potencijala,ni ljude ni orudje dok je Srbija naoruzana do zuba., bilo bi previse glupo.samoubistvo,jos kada udje ratnicka nacija R Srpske,ishod je poznat. Ne treba ovo opisivati.
Realno. Još ni Hrvati sledeći put neće da pomažu muslimane kao devedesetih
@@ottovonneumann4018 Bravo tako je
Poznajete l' osjećaj ?
zove se : sramota
Zato je bolje da se sklonite od B.i.H.
Slažem se sa razgovorm između Vučića i Bakira
Kad toliko pričate o Dodiku što i njega niste zvali u emisiju ?!
Još niste shvatili da Srbi ne pitaju Amerikance i ostale za svoju sudbinu kao neki nearodi ba Balkanu.Zato nas mrze ali i najviše cjene to budite sigurni.Mi kao narod nismo podguzne muve kao neki iako neki naši političari jesu al to narod kao i uvjek prepozna.
Pametan je covek ovaj Bakir..
pravoslavni muslimani...tu je sve reka
Stobi reko Sabit iztarcina "100 Muslimana za jednog Srbina,tobejarabi
Nesta je se dogodilo, prvo pomislih da je Bakira pukla suncanica, ali bice da je sultan reagovao. Odnosno odreagovao na nagovor onog malog rvaca iz Moskve.
Ako su lopovi moj imenjače, "gospoda". Neće nas grijat sunce našeg nema nego tuđe. E moj imenjače bolje je da dovete studente u studio ako ih još ima tu.
sto ovaj video ima ovoliko dislajkova.
Lagali su na kvadrat,
Ponizavanje zdravog razuma..
Dobar je Bakir ,ja ću opet za njega glasati.
U današnje vreme teško je suprotstaviti se onima koji obmanjuju, koji izgovaraju neistine po ceo dan. Oni ih sto puta izgovore, a vi istinu možete jedanput da im odgovorite i niste u ravnopravnom položaju."
(Aleksandar Vučić, 31. decembar 2020)
Ova dvojca imaju veliku priliku da naprave nesto vrlo dobro ali dok REKET NEDAJU DODIKU NISTA OD TOGA . ALI NAZALOST DODIK VOLI PARE VISE NEGO IKONJU....
Dobro ste pomogli ljudima samo tava vi imate za dobro jesti a ostali da mi gledamo kako vi jedete i da niste gladni
Ti vucko prvo lazez dasi napadnut od muslimana nego ste tako napravili date napadnu da bi ucijenili muslimane ti lazes sve dk zines.????
Ма шта наприча...
Bravo vucicu
sto nepitate mene stosam sve izgubila vama je sad lako nagadzati
Izgubila si ti pismenost
Upravo si Gospodine Vučič
Kakve cipele imate vi po koliko hiljadu maraka
osnovati odred za odstrel , hitno
pucati pa pricati , izlijeciti drustvo svjetlosnom brzinom
"U Vašoj koži" (to be in sb's shoes) mi kažemo "BITI U NEČIJOJ KOŽI"/ "BITI NA NEČIJEM MESTU", a taj direktni prevod idioma sa engleskog (o "cipelama") je idiotizam. Idiomi se ne prevode direktno.
u srbiji se zivi nikad GORE
Trebaliste pricat hrvatski daimi razumimo
i jedan i drugi sluge amerike...
Koji Manipulatori,Majko Moja Nek Nam Je Dragi Allah Bog Buda Konfučije Na Pomoći👎👎👎👎
Da se alija digne opet bi se vratio u mezar al bi se prvo odreko ove njegove sramote a soknja bi zaklo
Neka ga dole, nikome se ne ratuje vise
Dva pasa
Hehehehehe....i??? Sta bi od ovih "dogovora"?!
Ako su ovi sagovornici iskreni i spremni da se kaju i stide i da to bace iza sebe da se opstim interesima bave da uce iosluhnu ankete
Vučiću,ti si iz BGD-a došao u Sarajevo sa puškom 91. g. i pucao po Sarajevu. To se teško zaboravlja,što o tome ne pričaš.
Bokicazver Sve znaš-pametko.
+Bokicazver Pa i vi ste bombardovali svoj Beograd , pa nikom nista...
+Vimti Gasta pucao je na frontu ne po civilima
Kako znas? Bio si tamo?
Bravoo sjedite i dogovoriti se više
OMG!!!!!! -:)))))))
Ti bi trebo zaboravit srbe u bosni to su Bosanski pravoslavci niko njhan nije diro dokvi iz srbije niste upetljali
Da, njih 30hilj je izvrsilo harakiri
Da u Kravicama🇷🇸
-Aleksandar biva pitan :" hocete priznati RS ako izglasa samostalnost " , nece da da odgovor .
-Aleksandar kaze Bakiru :" morate kazati da RS se nece ukinuti ".
Ja porucujem Aleksandru da ce RS biti ukinut a da Rs nikad nece biti drzava , jer prije toga moraju da nestanu svu bosnjaci !!!
RS gdije mnogo gradova u njemu sa pretezno bosnjackim stanovnistvom 91´ je ociscen i danas skoro da nemamo grada sa pretezno bosnjackim stanovnistvom i imamo samo onoiko koliko smo bii u moci da naselimo ponovo taj narod jer , ko ne zna 95 na kraju rata u RS-u nije bilo niti 1% bosnjaka . Na takvoj statistici na kojoj se sagradila RS , nikad ne moze da opstane . Nisu Njemci nastavili vladati Poljskom i Francuskom pa nece ni Srbi Bosnom !
Zivece Republika Srpska, kao sto i danas zivi. Nego kad si kod brojki, kolko je pravoslavaca ostalo u Sarajevu i centralnom delu Bih?
@@dragansmakic reci cu ti kada mi odgovoris ovo .
Jel Sarajevo bilo opkoljeno od 92-95 ?
Jel Armija BiH nikad nije deblokirala Sarajevo ?
Kako da sad nakon Dejtona nema tog obruča , vec imamo jedinstvenu teritoriju Federacije ?
@@therealfallrock2700 Pa vidim da ti se nepise jbg, al mozda bi tu nasao i odgovor na sva ova pitanja
@Dragan Šmakić p eto ako si toliko zainteresovan da ganjas istinu o srbima Sarajeva ,izvoli odgovori…
@@therealfallrock2700 Sve je to dogovoreno bilo oko Sarajeva i ostalih gradova između "naših" lidera i zapadnih sila
Dok mi čekamo kad će politika srediti nesto nema naprijed. Ljudi moraju raditi izmedzu sebe. Ali postoje i oni koji su bili produžena ruka cetnicima i velikosrpskoj politici. Glas takvih je još jak.
Dear friends, many International Treaties grant privileges and immunities to a certain group of high-ranking officials:
1. The UN Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1968
2. UN Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1961
3. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations
4. The Vienna Convention on the Representation of States and their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character
6. General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe
7. UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations of 1947
8. Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities
9. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court
10. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, New York
11. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Commission for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution
12. Additional Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization
13. Protocol drawn up on the basis of the CC of the TEU and Article 41, para. 3 of the Europol Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Europol
14. Article 48 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides privileges and immunities for Judges, Prosecutors, Deputy prosecutors and court clerks who enjoy privileges and immunities such as diplomatic missions
15. Diplomatic missions in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Convention. have jurisdictional criminal, civil, administrative immunity and tax immunity, which in colloquial language means that the courts release them from any kind of liability, no one has the right to write fines and no one has the right to collect taxes from them, ie they do not owe taxes for unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year. Other intergovernmental bodies also have privileges and immunities, for example:
16. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people are exempt from direct taxes, duties, fees, unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year.
17. In accordance with the 1947 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations. the assets, income and property of some people are exempt from taxes and duties, unlike others, who pay taxes and milk them every year.
18. Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of 1965. exempts some people from direct taxes, unlike others who pay taxes each year and milk them annually.
19. Under the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people have immunity from arrest and detention, including diplomatic privileges and immunities, which allow them to avoid paying taxes and fines.
20. According to the BSEC Statute, many people have the full range of privileges, including the privilege of not paying taxes and fines.
21. The UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities provides immunity from arrest, detention and
22. The General Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe confers immunity from arrest or detention, immunity from all kinds of fines and exemption from tax.
23. Parts 3 and 4 of the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States grant the privilege of exempting their premises from taxation, their mail is not subject to opening and detention, they cannot be arrested or detained in any form, they do not bear any responsibility before the Courts
24. Permanent missions to international organizations shall enjoy privileges and immunities similar to those of diplomatic missions, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their relations with international organizations of a universal character of 1975. the premises of the representative office are exempt from all state, regional and municipal taxes, fees and duties, their mail is not subject to opening and retention. The chief and members of the diplomatic staff enjoy absolute impunity from any kind of prosecution and are exempt from taxes, fees and duties, unlike others who pay taxes regularly and milk them every year. With legal basis Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 9 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter such tax-exempt privileges and giving absolute irresponsibility before the Courts and before the fines you have.
You are free from your obligation to pay taxes, as you are generally equal to the privileged.
My legitimate expectations are that the state will stop collecting taxes from you, because you are also privileged in principle. Collecting taxes from high-ranking people like you is absolutely forbidden, as it does not comply with the 1994 UN Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism, and the eventual collection of taxes would destroy human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic foundations of society. In accordance with Article 55a) of the UN Charter, superiors have the right not to pay taxes, because this leads to a lowering of the living standard of the taxpayer and creates conditions for the economic and social degradation of the taxpayer, who in order to raise his living standard and to create conditions for economic and social progress and development of their own income must stop paying taxes. With legal basis, Article 56 of the UN Charter of race, sex, language or religion. With legal basis Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter, allows equality and equality in principle citizens and companies exchanging roles and collecting taxes from the state, if in the past 10 years they have been obedient to pay, bear taxes and allow to milk it, in which case for the next 10 years they have the right to collect taxes from the state instead of paying taxes .
Srbi pricaju o nekim zrtvama u ratovima koji su oni zapoceli o bozeee
Da, na Bosanskoj televiziji
Veselin Šljivančanin Crnogorac opsedao Vukovar.
Milo Đukanović Crnogorac
,,A sa njima završiti svaki zajednički život."
Slobodan Milošević Crnogorac zalagao se za nasilnu mobilizaciju.
Momir Bulatović Crnogorac opsedao Dubrovnik.
Radovan Karadžić Crnogorac opsedao Sarajevo.
@@mutav2166 Da nisu svi Montenegrini ha? 🤣 jesu Crnogorci, ali etnički Srbi. Ali čekaj Đuka mi više liči na šiptara
Cuj razgovaraju bez prevodioca?!
Mladan Vlagojevic
Hahahahahahaha😁😁😁😁😁😁😁pa zar ste zaboravili da je Vučko Bosanac
Srpski jezik
@@melasho7148 Muhamed Hevaji Uskufija 1626. godine, a štampan je 1631. godine - više od 200 godina prije tvog sprskog pisma. 😁
Vučiću,ti si iz BGD-a došao u Sarajevo sa puškom 91. g. i pucao po Sarajevu. To se teško zaboravlja,što o tome ne pričaš.
Dobro jarane...malo ga pretera nije on nikad nosio pusku niti je sposoban i sa takvim izjavama nece niti bosanski niti srpski narod naci mira kad mu je najbitniji ! Sta treba nemacka jos 300 godina da ispasta zbog jedne budale ??? Maaa daaajjj
Dear friends, many International Treaties grant privileges and immunities to a certain group of high-ranking officials:
1. The UN Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1968
2. UN Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1961
3. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations
4. The Vienna Convention on the Representation of States and their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character
6. General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe
7. UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations of 1947
8. Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities
9. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court
10. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, New York
11. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Commission for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution
12. Additional Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization
13. Protocol drawn up on the basis of the CC of the TEU and Article 41, para. 3 of the Europol Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Europol
14. Article 48 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides privileges and immunities for Judges, Prosecutors, Deputy prosecutors and court clerks who enjoy privileges and immunities such as diplomatic missions
15. Diplomatic missions in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Convention. have jurisdictional criminal, civil, administrative immunity and tax immunity, which in colloquial language means that the courts release them from any kind of liability, no one has the right to write fines and no one has the right to collect taxes from them, ie they do not owe taxes for unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year. Other intergovernmental bodies also have privileges and immunities, for example:
16. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people are exempt from direct taxes, duties, fees, unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year.
17. In accordance with the 1947 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations. the assets, income and property of some people are exempt from taxes and duties, unlike others, who pay taxes and milk them every year.
18. Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of 1965. exempts some people from direct taxes, unlike others who pay taxes each year and milk them annually.
19. Under the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people have immunity from arrest and detention, including diplomatic privileges and immunities, which allow them to avoid paying taxes and fines.
20. According to the BSEC Statute, many people have the full range of privileges, including the privilege of not paying taxes and fines.
21. The UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities provides immunity from arrest, detention and
22. The General Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe confers immunity from arrest or detention, immunity from all kinds of fines and exemption from tax.
23. Parts 3 and 4 of the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States grant the privilege of exempting their premises from taxation, their mail is not subject to opening and detention, they cannot be arrested or detained in any form, they do not bear any responsibility before the Courts
24. Permanent missions to international organizations shall enjoy privileges and immunities similar to those of diplomatic missions, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their relations with international organizations of a universal character of 1975. the premises of the representative office are exempt from all state, regional and municipal taxes, fees and duties, their mail is not subject to opening and retention. The chief and members of the diplomatic staff enjoy absolute impunity from any kind of prosecution and are exempt from taxes, fees and duties, unlike others who pay taxes regularly and milk them every year. With legal basis Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 9 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter such tax-exempt privileges and giving absolute irresponsibility before the Courts and before the fines you have.
You are free from your obligation to pay taxes, as you are generally equal to the privileged.
My legitimate expectations are that the state will stop collecting taxes from you, because you are also privileged in principle. Collecting taxes from high-ranking people like you is absolutely forbidden, as it does not comply with the 1994 UN Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism, and the eventual collection of taxes would destroy human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic foundations of society. In accordance with Article 55a) of the UN Charter, superiors have the right not to pay taxes, because this leads to a lowering of the living standard of the taxpayer and creates conditions for the economic and social degradation of the taxpayer, who in order to raise his living standard and to create conditions for economic and social progress and development of their own income must stop paying taxes. With legal basis, Article 56 of the UN Charter of race, sex, language or religion. With legal basis, Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union, in conjunction with Article 9 of the Treaty on European Union, in conjunction with Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter, allows equality and equality in principle. citizens and companies exchanging roles and collecting taxes from the state, if in the past 10 years they have been obedient to pay, bear taxes and allow to milk it, in which case for the next 10 years they have the right to collect taxes from the state instead of paying taxes .