Huyang: All Scenes and Mentions (The Clone Wars)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 301

  • @max_wars
    @max_wars  Год назад +367

    "Many years I have been on this ship teaching many Jedi before you and I will continue teaching many Jedi after you."
    Huyang is set to appear in the Ahsoka series. Will he teach Jedi again? Perhaps a certain Jacen Syndulla?

    • @Clonest
      @Clonest Год назад +4

      dam you spoiled i'll forever be dissapointed if he doesn't get a scene in the Ahsoka series 😆

    • @max_wars
      @max_wars  Год назад +6

      @@Clonest Are you talking about Huyang or Jacen?

    • @Clonest
      @Clonest Год назад +1

      @@max_wars Jacen lol

    • @max_wars
      @max_wars  Год назад +4

      @@Clonest It's pretty much confirmed that Jacen will appear in the Ahsoka series. He is featured in a Lego set and in the "Now or Never" Trailer (Timestamp: 25 seconds) you can see a little boy flying the Ghost alongside Hera.

    • @juliobro1
      @juliobro1 Год назад +2

      Umm...can you list the episodes involved in these clips?

  • @ytuser_3122
    @ytuser_3122 Год назад +829

    David Tennant was such a perfect addition to this galaxy far far away, can’t wait to see him in Ahsoka

    • @slewone4905
      @slewone4905 Год назад +23

      He came to this galaxy , thousands of years ago, in a big blue box. But I am surprised he is not offended being called , Master!

    • @jarmoliebrand2005
      @jarmoliebrand2005 Год назад +6

      I can’t help but hear Rockwell. David Tennant has one of those voices that are really suited for voice acting.

    • @StarryScribbles
      @StarryScribbles Год назад +2


    • @godofjakxx
      @godofjakxx 11 месяцев назад

      i was thinking i know that voice woo

  • @martymcfly4654
    @martymcfly4654 Год назад +981

    Bro this is the closest we'll get to a doctor who and star wars crossover

    • @Alex63645
      @Alex63645 Год назад +56

      This and Tom baker playing the bendu in rebels

    • @benwasserman8223
      @benwasserman8223 Год назад +47

      Actually, it goes deeper than you'd think. According to a passage from Mike Chen's Star Wars: Brotherhood, Huyang emerged from a mysterious blue box millennia ago that just... vanished as soon as it arrived. Ring a certain cloister bell? ;)

    • @ahalfsesameseedbun7472
      @ahalfsesameseedbun7472 Год назад +12

      ​@benwasserman8223 So huyang Is actually just the 10th doctor who somehow got turned into a robot? Nice.

    • @Benvader96
      @Benvader96 Год назад +2


    • @Cloofinder
      @Cloofinder Год назад +3

      Doctor who meets Mr. Ollivander from harry potter

  • @nerdy_seb301
    @nerdy_seb301 Год назад +562

    The fact they confirmed he’s as old as the Jedi order is crazy lol

    • @TheGary108
      @TheGary108 Год назад +30

      Makes me wonder what happened to him after Order 666. Did he get destroyed, or did he manage to escape into hiding?

    • @nerdy_seb301
      @nerdy_seb301 Год назад +15

      @@TheGary108 I’ve always thought maybe he joined up with the path and helped surviving younglings is my head canon

    • @JamarD421
      @JamarD421 Год назад +15

      ​@@TheGary108Haven't watched Ahsoka yet have you?

    • @TheGary108
      @TheGary108 Год назад +5

      @@JamarD421 Nah, I refuse to give Disney any more my money after too many disappointments.

    • @JamarD421
      @JamarD421 Год назад +22

      @@TheGary108 then don't. Watch it online like I do. However, it might not be worth your time to do so if you already find their shows to be disappointing, which is quite understandable.

  • @mxdivina
    @mxdivina Год назад +532

    the amount of times I've seen this and NOT realized that THAT'S DAVID TENNANT'S VOICE is unfathomable 😳

    • @BlueMoon56832
      @BlueMoon56832 Год назад +15

      Its the robot overtone
      Your brain expects to hear the voice you recognize just as you last heard it
      So when you hear the edited voice
      You don't recognize it unless you really pay attention

    • @jarmoliebrand2005
      @jarmoliebrand2005 Год назад +9

      David really has one of those recognisable voices and yet his appearance as Huyang completely went over my head until I nearly finished the first episode of Ahsoka.

    • @pavloszimbrakos4410
      @pavloszimbrakos4410 Год назад +3

      It just blew my mind recently that it was him I hadn’t actually known his name for years but when I saw his picture in the cast for ahsoka I’m like OH MY GOD ITS BARTY CROUCH JR FROM HARRY POTTER! Also was mind blown last night when I realized the seventh sister is Freddy prince jrs real life wife so that means we technically have Harry Potter Dr who and scooby doo all in Star Wars 😂 also means one of kanans worst enemies was his wife yikes talk about a lovers spat 😂

    • @brianwhite9339
      @brianwhite9339 Год назад

      @@jarmoliebrand2005 The crystal is the heart of the blade

  • @NerdTrap
    @NerdTrap Год назад +428

    So the Doctor playing a droid version of Ollivander...
    My nerd brain exploded at the triple crossover 😍

    • @qman2061
      @qman2061 Год назад +7

      I never realized that b4 and I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking that XP

    • @Kyle-2020
      @Kyle-2020 Год назад +8

      I felt the first time I saw this that they twisted Star Wars into Harry Potter a little with the Kyber Crystal choosing the Wizard...I mean Jedi. Then this.

    • @Jedi_Master_Obi-Wan_Kenobi66
      @Jedi_Master_Obi-Wan_Kenobi66 Год назад +4

      Dang it you beat me too it with the Ollivander reference 😂

    • @matrixmaster9616
      @matrixmaster9616 Год назад

      Most interesting.

    • @TardisGal4419
      @TardisGal4419 Год назад +4

      And even Ollivander is played by a form of the doctor

  • @Doctor_17
    @Doctor_17 Год назад +107

    Anyone else notice how Huyang sometimes speaks in the unique, ancient way of speaking Yoda speaks in? That's how old he is.

    • @Adam-xf6sq
      @Adam-xf6sq Год назад +3

      So does that mean that 99% of the time he’s trying to be hip for the youth.

  • @wickedshadesproductions5254
    @wickedshadesproductions5254 Год назад +331

    Can you imagine how hard it must have been for a droid sworn loyalty to the Jedi to survive the Empire’s reign? They could make a comic about how he survived and reunited with Ashoka.

    • @TheFallinhalo
      @TheFallinhalo Год назад +38

      id imagine he was found pretty soon after the clone wars ended and empire reign began, and who ever found him shut him down so hed remain safe, afterall his knowledge since the old republic and the know how to construct the Jedi's Weapon would put a major target on his back for the empire to destroy, ignoring yes his loyalty to the jedi order.
      because its possible if hes lost then knowledge how to build a jedi's lightsaber could be lost as well.

    • @rosariomariadelpilarbenavidesm
      @rosariomariadelpilarbenavidesm Год назад +3

      Or also that he had to live with the fact that all these young students that he was teaching and looking after all died. :( I wonder if this "trauma" will be explored during Ahsoka for Huyang's character.

    • @michaelburke6556
      @michaelburke6556 Год назад +5

      the empire would have kept him for knowledge, he wasn't a jedi, more like a jedi relic and palpatine collected those

    • @OuterRimPride
      @OuterRimPride Год назад

      I have no doubt that they’ll show us soon

  • @DannyPageOfLight
    @DannyPageOfLight Год назад +194

    Huyang: "We have to shake Grievous off! Get aggressive!"
    R2-D2: [gets aggressive]
    Huyang: "TOO aggressive!"

    • @max_wars
      @max_wars  Год назад +17

      Far too aggressive!

    • @Beepers559
      @Beepers559 Год назад +10

      R2 loves going overkill

    • @JamarD421
      @JamarD421 Год назад +6

      Man, I'm seeing way too many people quote a part of a video and completely rephrase the quote. Anyway, a timestamp for exactly what was said 12:04

    • @MichalVano
      @MichalVano Год назад

      ​@@JamarD421just wanted to thank you for the timestamp, may your family and you live happily

    • @tsiffpyc7882
      @tsiffpyc7882 7 месяцев назад

      @@JamarD421 Bless your bloodline and may it prosper

  • @hitekkaifighter1825
    @hitekkaifighter1825 Год назад +102

    Surprised a 25,000+ year old droid can still kick a55 like him, must be really well put together and good at taking care of himself.

    • @cylasbreakdown6140
      @cylasbreakdown6140 Год назад +25

      He said in the Ahsoka series that he’s still 75% original parts. That’s REALLY impressive, considering his age.

    • @ghirahimlefabuleux8984
      @ghirahimlefabuleux8984 Год назад +2

      @@cylasbreakdown6140 That's probably the most insane part. That shouldn't even be possible unless they uploaded his memories into different bodies over time and it's only his current body that has 75% original parts.

    • @blackpowderkun
      @blackpowderkun 11 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@ghirahimlefabuleux8984I'd imagine he came from an era when every piece of tech are built to last. With modern droids built cheaper with readily available spare parts. He could also have spar parts along with commisioned parts.

  • @Froggyman145
    @Froggyman145 Год назад +58

    That "how DARE you" sent chills down my spine the first time
    And the second
    And every time since

    • @jarmoliebrand2005
      @jarmoliebrand2005 Год назад +4

      I have heard David say “how dare you” in ARK before too. He’s good at it, it seems.

  • @gunmasterx1164
    @gunmasterx1164 Год назад +60

    David Tennant did an amazing job at voicing Huyang and I was super happy when I heard he was coming back for Ahsoka.

    • @CRLTV721
      @CRLTV721 Год назад

      Nice I’m watching it now I wasn’t sure but I searched it up and that’s cool

    • @jamesplunkett8912
      @jamesplunkett8912 6 месяцев назад

      I would like to know what Huyang did during Order 66. I hope he tried rescuing Padawan learners when the danger spread. There may not have been much that Huyang could do any more than he did.

  • @JacksonBegleymusicguy
    @JacksonBegleymusicguy Год назад +133

    I like how he talks backwards like Yoda sometimes. Which makes sense because according to George Lucas, Yoda talks that way because that’s how people talked 900 years before the movies. So it’s totally reasonable for another character who’s even older than Yoda to have identical speech patterns.

    • @stevenlovejoy6838
      @stevenlovejoy6838 Год назад +8

      That's definitely not true. Darth Bane lived 1000 years before revenge of the sith and he never spoke like that in the books 🤣
      Neither did any of the characters in Knights of the Old Republic (which takes place 4000 years before)

    • @sebastianhernandez4176
      @sebastianhernandez4176 Год назад

      I think Yoda's speech was caused by a more local dialect from wherever he grew up.

    • @JacksonBegleymusicguy
      @JacksonBegleymusicguy Год назад

      ​@@stevenlovejoy6838 expanded universe material is good and all, but anything that's not in the films or TV shows isn't canon. If GL says people talked like Yoda 900 years ago, then that's how it is.

    • @rexex345
      @rexex345 Год назад +2

      Yoda's speachless pattern is essentially using a different SOV structure to English (OSV to be specific). This also happens to be the rarest structure which is why it sounds so notable, so rare that the only place you will find it as a baseline is a few languages of tribes in the Amazon, or something like British sign language, less than 1% of languages use it at all.

    • @Eric6761
      @Eric6761 9 месяцев назад

      His speech was based on his Master so Yoda talks this way to honor his mentor

  • @Axi_osity
    @Axi_osity Год назад +55

    "I am damaged and cannot aid you in battle" - beats a pirate the to a pulse

    • @HorizonStronghold
      @HorizonStronghold Год назад +6

      If undamaged I’d be willing to bet he wouldn’t have lost his arms though.

  • @TheWhovinerd-1963
    @TheWhovinerd-1963 Год назад +53

    Huyang is essentially the Olivander (Harry Potter wand maker) of the Star Wars Galaxy 🌌.
    And also a very nice connection between Doctor who and Star Wars with David Tennant providing his voice. Xx

  • @SockieTheSockPuppet
    @SockieTheSockPuppet Год назад +53

    By the way, he's quite literally almost as old as the Jedi Order is. He's 25,020 years old, making the Jedi Order barely 20 years old when he was manufactured. (Edited for typo.)

    • @max_wars
      @max_wars  Год назад +7

      He is actually 25,020 years old.

    • @SockieTheSockPuppet
      @SockieTheSockPuppet Год назад +5

      @@max_wars Whoops, that was a big error on my part.

    • @giacomoromano8842
      @giacomoromano8842 Год назад +1

      ​@@SockieTheSockPuppetunless they built it with some unfathomable "ancient one" technology, which is a possibility, his age is only partially indicative of his knowledge and wisdom, as his memory data would have gotten overwhelmed with that much information, so something was, reasonably speaking, removed and cleaned up.

    • @RoundusMongus
      @RoundusMongus 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@giacomoromano8842Given that he seems to be, for all intents and purposes, a suped up protocol and maintenance droid, yet fought perfectly fine in melee combat with his arms and head blown off, and that the only other droids who’ve fought like that have been incredibly advanced magnaguards, and even then removal of their heads lowered their combat effectiveness significantly, he likely is made of some “ancient” technology.

  • @cyberstar251
    @cyberstar251 Год назад +11

    the moment he walked on screen and started talking i already loved him. X3 i just love his personality.

  • @JoshJenrayAK47
    @JoshJenrayAK47 Год назад +14

    1:17 I love how you can HEAR the smile in his voice!!

  • @GeneralObiWanKenobi212
    @GeneralObiWanKenobi212 Год назад +33

    I remember when I met David Tennant at Comic-Con back in 2019. He's such a sweet and awesome guy. 😁

  • @drifter4training
    @drifter4training Год назад +67

    Yes... thank you for posting scenes of Huyang... Looking forward to see it in the upcoming Ashoka series...

  • @leechristie1848
    @leechristie1848 6 месяцев назад +4

    I fuckin love David tennant, his English accent is so amazing considering how strong a Scottish accent he has

  • @tyrant-den884
    @tyrant-den884 Год назад +21

    As a Harry Potter fan, he probably adored playing Star Wars Olivander.

  • @manbanasiak
    @manbanasiak Год назад +36

    Huyang should get his own R2-D2. The lightsaber Smith made a good C3-P0.

    • @jackforde4883
      @jackforde4883 Год назад

      It should be Ashoka’s droid R7 since we know they rebuilt him

  • @fazbrogaming7776
    @fazbrogaming7776 Год назад +50

    To the ballets of rashfond, to the pierce keeping of polion, I would love to see these events Huyang mentions actually happen, maybe in a novel or series.

  • @pinstripecool34
    @pinstripecool34 Год назад +8

    Idk why but I feel like Huyang and Tech would get along really well.

  • @eliwilson2865
    @eliwilson2865 Год назад +21

    0:03 - they’ve changed the pronunciation of his name. in clone wars it was “hyu-ANG” and in ahsoka it is “hoo-YANG”

    • @samgiles20599
      @samgiles20599 Год назад +4

      THANK YOU! I thought I was going crazy. I had to look up this clip because every page about him now has his name as Huyang and I remember hearing Hyuang.

    • @JamarD421
      @JamarD421 Год назад +2

      I knew something was a little odd about the pronunciation recently in Ahsoka.

  • @dupirechristophe7703
    @dupirechristophe7703 Год назад +8

    David Tennant Droid Carrying on in typical pythonesque fashion going full "Lost me head and two arms? Bah! It's just a flesh wound, doesn't mean I'm losing the fight" x'D

  • @yinyangyt8749
    @yinyangyt8749 Год назад +36

    It’s cool that the voice actor is the actor from Doctor Who. That’s insane David Tennant did an amazing job

    • @spacetraveller9399
      @spacetraveller9399 Год назад

      Yes, that's insane, but in a bad way for me.. I get distracted all the time, all I hear is the Doctor, not Huyang.

  • @Mourtzouphlos240
    @Mourtzouphlos240 Год назад +81

    "Many a Jedi after you..."
    Yes. Yes he will.
    You know, Filoni can't kill one of "his" characters or even look at them objectively. (Huh...Attachment) But right now, I am glad that the droid based on his grandfather is alive.

  • @jackattacktron1000
    @jackattacktron1000 7 месяцев назад +2

    Huyang is probably one of THE most underrated Star Wars characters. So much history in literally one droid that we don’t even know about, dude probably has documented knowledge on every Jedi ever.

  • @Gredran
    @Gredran Год назад +6

    I love how he perfectly nails that Doctor/Droid voice.
    His first “these are them” sounds like he’s telling it matter of factly, but then he says “I swear they get younger” implies he was asking “wait these are them? They’re getting younger every time!”
    Just a subtle thing I enjoyed haha

  • @LegoReader12345hello
    @LegoReader12345hello Год назад +9

    I’m so glad he’s back

  • @artiek1177
    @artiek1177 Год назад +26

    Can he make a light saber that looks like a sonic screwdriver?

    • @blam320
      @blam320 Год назад +5

      Sonic Screwdrivers *do* effectively look like Lightsabers minus the cowling and emitter.

  • @manuelvillarmay875
    @manuelvillarmay875 Год назад +15

    I wonder how he must have reacted to the darksaber when tar vizzla built it

    • @Judge-1964
      @Judge-1964 Год назад +1

      Probably similar to how he reacted to Gungi. Mandalorian Jedi are as rare as Wookiee Jedi, I imagine.

  • @lucabestea6844
    @lucabestea6844 Год назад +3

    Loved every second of this. Huyang beating a pirate using only his legs is always good for a laugh!

  • @captainrex4403
    @captainrex4403 Год назад +3

    Badass can't even begin to describe Huyang!!! Awesome droid. We need a spinoff with his story!!!

  • @christopherhumphreys7052
    @christopherhumphreys7052 Год назад +6

    He's like C-3PO with an attitude

  • @shernweilee5576
    @shernweilee5576 Год назад +95

    I never thought a Doctor had voiced a character. Surprising but not unwelcomed.

    • @WindyREDPanda
      @WindyREDPanda Год назад +6

      Tom Baker the 4th is show too.

    • @johnbrowntheprophet
      @johnbrowntheprophet Год назад

      @@WindyREDPanda - Huh? What do you mean? 🤔

    • @WindyREDPanda
      @WindyREDPanda Год назад +12

      @John Brown the Prophet Kanan Jarrus meets Bendu. Bendu is Voiced by the 4Th Doctor Tom baker.

    • @johnbrowntheprophet
      @johnbrowntheprophet Год назад +2

      @@WindyREDPanda - Ah OK. Thanks. 👍🏻

    • @benwasserman8223
      @benwasserman8223 Год назад +2

      Also, and this is just fancasting, but people see a lot of Jodie Whittaker in High Republic Jedi Avar Kriss. Though it's mostly because she resembles Kriss in the Light of the Jedi book cover art.

  • @NicholasLi10
    @NicholasLi10 Год назад +13

    David is so fun to watch

  • @Ross_YT84
    @Ross_YT84 Год назад +7

    2:19 me when building lego sets from scratch . 😂

  • @mageeaaron2624
    @mageeaaron2624 Год назад +27

    This is where the fun begins! So glad Huyang coming to live-action for the first time! 🙏🏽💪

  • @TealFirefox4387
    @TealFirefox4387 Год назад +3

    this episode was one of my favorites

  • @mediaboxc600
    @mediaboxc600 Год назад +10

    To everyone he is The Doctor. To me, I remember Scrooge McDuck!

  • @kirank287
    @kirank287 Год назад +10

    Love seeing Huyang in the Ahsoka series

  • @ConnorTheAdventurer2000
    @ConnorTheAdventurer2000 Год назад +8

    This is the closest thing we could get to a Doctor Who crossover with Star Wars

  • @ImperialistFan
    @ImperialistFan Год назад +3

    Literally the Olivander of Star Wars.

  • @alexanderrevan4478
    @alexanderrevan4478 Год назад +5

    Huyang deserves own TV show.

  • @martinmcneal2778
    @martinmcneal2778 Год назад +3

    This actually got me reminiscing on Harry Potter when he was finding his wand

  • @CarterGonzalez
    @CarterGonzalez Год назад +6

    Three way crossover. The doctor voicing a droid version of Ollivander.

  • @jamesplunkett8912
    @jamesplunkett8912 6 месяцев назад +1

    "The most eventful since the time Master Yoda went to find his lightsaber crystal 🔮. " I wish we get to see how Yoda in his youth a thousand years ago located his kyber crystal before crafting his little lightsaber. I'd pay to see something like that.

  • @hayleyyeager8008
    @hayleyyeager8008 6 месяцев назад +1

    I’m glad he survived Order 66 and the Jedi Purge

  • @2Scribble
    @2Scribble 4 месяца назад

    11:11 - I love how excited Hondo is xD

  • @pjincho
    @pjincho Год назад +2

    0:47 obiwan’s laser sword looks a lot like that guy’s from the old trilogy.

  • @StarflightProductions
    @StarflightProductions 4 месяца назад

    Petro literally giving the pirate a faulty lightsaber was awesome

  • @michaelreilly7106
    @michaelreilly7106 Год назад +4

    Definitely getting a Harry Potter wand choosing vibe with the lightsaber scene.

  • @brandonwilburn5236
    @brandonwilburn5236 Год назад +9

    6:11 how dare you

    • @max_wars
      @max_wars  Год назад +2

      He delivered it better than Greta.

  • @Rocksteady72a
    @Rocksteady72a Год назад +2

    Literally forgot this character existed until Ahsoka. Makes sense she's close with him given she's known the droid since Clone Wars, quite a span of time

  • @V.Vaughan
    @V.Vaughan Год назад +4

    Ahsoka and huyang are a great team for the new ahsoka series.

  • @shafasphere3032
    @shafasphere3032 Год назад +8

    huyang is really like ollivander in this scene, and i hope he will show it in real live action when jacen syndulla need to built his lightsaber in ahsoka ship

  • @wndabarinze
    @wndabarinze Год назад +5

    Hes the best character in Ahsoka tv show..

  • @nikolaspapanagnou2723
    @nikolaspapanagnou2723 Год назад +7

    I want to see an updated version with scenes from Ahsoka.

  • @alexandra9825
    @alexandra9825 Год назад +4

    Just came here to confirm they're indeed pronouncing his name wrong in Ahsoka

  • @Some_Call_Me_Pietro
    @Some_Call_Me_Pietro Год назад +7

    3:13 Based gamer Huyang

  • @BlueMoon56832
    @BlueMoon56832 Год назад +5

    Bruh....this is star wars version of ollivanders from harry potter voiced by david tennant from doctor who awesome

  • @crimsonmaddog4486
    @crimsonmaddog4486 Год назад +1

    David channeling that inner Doctor

  • @CloneScavengerVulpin8389
    @CloneScavengerVulpin8389 6 месяцев назад

    David tennat nails it, and by the way he was also fugitoid in the (2012) ninja turtles series.

  • @ZacharyRodriguezVlogs
    @ZacharyRodriguezVlogs 2 месяца назад

    David Tennant! I knew his voice sounded familiar! He is a phenomenal actor!

  • @hanpolo2727
    @hanpolo2727 7 месяцев назад

    This guy is like a droid version of the Wand Store guy in Harry Potter (I can't remember his name now.) He knew everything about wands, and now we have a droid that knows everything about lightsabres and respects the craft of one.

  • @pegasoltaeclair0611
    @pegasoltaeclair0611 Год назад +1

    0:03 - Huyang's first appearance, and she gets his name immediately wrong, "Hyuang" lol
    And she goes on with that!

  • @MasterKernel08
    @MasterKernel08 Год назад +5

    Por eso Ahsoka lo trata como un ser viviente, y es para ella su mas leal compañero

  • @This_awesomeguy64
    @This_awesomeguy64 8 месяцев назад

    A 1000 year old droid with just its legs was just kicking an experienced pirate and winning

  • @pol1229
    @pol1229 5 месяцев назад

    Bro meets a bunch of children and first thing he tells them is that he'll outlive them all 😂

  • @Zach_TheGamer
    @Zach_TheGamer Год назад +1

    To me, he is the Star Wars version of Ollivander and it’s so interesting.

  • @abbyg3404
    @abbyg3404 Год назад

    Pirate dude: Well, my work is done here. *to himself* I need a nap.

  • @devonbickett349
    @devonbickett349 Год назад +3

    Was I the only one who noticed the voice of the "Doctor"?

  • @GrievousReborn
    @GrievousReborn Год назад +3

    He sounds slightly different in the Ahsoka series and in both he is voiced by David Tennant you don't really hear his Scottish accent in the Ahsoka series

  • @solarwind
    @solarwind 6 месяцев назад

    Always feels like that droid has a connection to the force. I mean you could point out his more human-like nature is a side effect of him essentially living so long and that could also explain his wisdom. But the memory Banksy holds rivals that of the Jedi archives even in R2 unit, which is far newer and far more advanced is incapable of holding so much data and yet he was built before and the Jedi council was even a thing like he. He predates the republic and the Jedi council. Also, if you notice a few little things he does, it seems very Jedi

    • @EmperorRadiationEmpire
      @EmperorRadiationEmpire 4 месяца назад

      I have no doubt that he was built by a Jedi who was likely modeled after his characteristics.

  • @bUildYT
    @bUildYT Год назад +3

    olivander entered the chat. lol love harry potter stuff inspiring starwars :D

  • @ImperialistFan
    @ImperialistFan Год назад +4

    If Gunngi survived why can’t the others have as well?

  • @nicelizabeth8008
    @nicelizabeth8008 8 месяцев назад

    He was so sassy in Clone Wars. 😂

  • @Yhatchsman1
    @Yhatchsman1 Год назад +2

    From star wars to edmon rockwell ark crazy......

  • @berksahin8705
    @berksahin8705 Год назад +1

    Anakin skywalker’s favorite scenes

  • @jarmoliebrand2005
    @jarmoliebrand2005 Год назад +1

    Ahsoka has said that too in the Zyggeria arc.

    • @TedGahan01
      @TedGahan01 5 месяцев назад

      I can only imagine her being like, “That’s what I said!”

  • @lokityme
    @lokityme Год назад +1

    Jeff Fisher: great voice actor

  • @blazeazurin
    @blazeazurin Год назад +1

    Why did they all pronounce it as heeyu-wang and not hoo-yang?

  • @jonathandiaz4997
    @jonathandiaz4997 4 месяца назад +1

    12 months ago ❤😂🎉😢😮😅

  • @BrokenNooby64
    @BrokenNooby64 3 месяца назад

    The clone wars logo is in front of the video at times to avoid instant copyright, correct?

  • @xfeho2236
    @xfeho2236 Год назад +1

    i investigated this droid and i have the conclusion that he is like more than 100 times older than yoda literally , he is 25020 BBY yrs old 💀💀💀💀💀

  • @Cloofinder
    @Cloofinder Год назад +4

    Im curious if Huyang was built during the Old republic or high republic.

    • @max_wars
      @max_wars  Год назад +10

      Huyang is 25,029 years old. So he was build even before the Old Republic era.

    • @Cloofinder
      @Cloofinder Год назад +2

      ​@max_wars Then Hyuang should know the high republic Droid from Jedi survivor. Would be interesting if he appears in a future cal kestis game.

  • @Lord_Detleff
    @Lord_Detleff Год назад +3

    Bro's Star Wars Olivander

  • @ReeceClark-zj6gd
    @ReeceClark-zj6gd Год назад +1

    I iam a big fan of your movies and tv shows and who is not coming untill November 2023 david tennant is a very good down to earth actor

  • @firehazard4065
    @firehazard4065 Год назад

    I just realized I talked to the voice actor in comics con without knowing he was in there

  • @GothikSlytherin
    @GothikSlytherin 10 месяцев назад

    It’s like the Star Wars equivalent of Olivanders

  • @deathnights-bane3301
    @deathnights-bane3301 Год назад

    You know, in one of the muppets stage shows david said that sonic screwdrivers are cooler than lightsabers.

  • @samr8603
    @samr8603 Год назад +1

    Minsc and Boo stand ready!

  • @manuelgrothe608
    @manuelgrothe608 Год назад +7

    There will be plenty more in Ahsoka series seasons 1-2-3

    • @rickjames5998
      @rickjames5998 Год назад +2

      lmao season 1 2 and 3, shit will barely get 1 season. haha.

  • @phantom115cw
    @phantom115cw 7 месяцев назад +1

    He never seen Ezra 1st lightsaber, i don't think he will like it.

  • @revengeofthecinema
    @revengeofthecinema Год назад +2

    episches Video, freu mich auf den reupload!

  • @JaqobRL
    @JaqobRL Год назад +1

    The Ahsoka series brought me here.

  • @themistikcrow
    @themistikcrow Год назад +2

    david tennant?