Ardupilot APM 2.6 Wiring, MinumOSD, APM Telemetry Radio, Power Module - XUAV Mini Talon FPV Part 4

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 96

  • @BrainDeadEngineering
    @BrainDeadEngineering 4 года назад

    I'm a 60 year old noob upcoming first UAV build . Outstanding the best I seen ! Ty

  • @martinglenkenny
    @martinglenkenny 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks Dave for your many well explained videos.
    You've helped me out alot during my many years of rc flying... 👍

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks for watching and for the comment! May the hobby fun continue.

  • @b4566bb
    @b4566bb 7 лет назад

    I haven't played with APM in years. Great system...

  • @FlyingMerf
    @FlyingMerf 7 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the excellent overview and schematic. APM may be old, but it still works great.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      Your welcome. I notice the the HKpilot 2.7 even came with a cable for hooking to an android phone or tablet to run Droid Planner. Kooool

  • @TheAdkFlyer10
    @TheAdkFlyer10 7 лет назад

    Good stuff Dave!
    It's nice to see HK includes the little button piece with the case. Many sources for apm clones never include it, so you're left with just the hole to access the reset button.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      I almost lost that button it was so small.
      Getting any snow?

    • @TheAdkFlyer10
      @TheAdkFlyer10 7 лет назад

      dmerc00 Not yet, but they're calling for 12 to 18" for our area Tuesday to Wednesday. Are you guys supposed to get any from this storm?

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      Got a dusting of snow last night but nothing on the roads. Problem now is a cold wind during the day.
      It' supposed to hit a low of 13°f by tomorrow at 8am. Lousy flying weather.

  • @rainerspersonalstory4788
    @rainerspersonalstory4788 4 года назад

    Thank you for the detailed explanation. I'm a noob to UAV's and would like to get my first plane up this year.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  4 года назад

      Very nice, I wish you luck!

  • @Vortecks
    @Vortecks 7 лет назад

    Well, if I ever use another APM, I'll be watching this again. Just like I keep searching for other things and it always brings up your videos. Cheers Dave :-)

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      Thanks Tony! This vid will be around if and whenever we need it :-)

  • @reegeecajes9343
    @reegeecajes9343 2 года назад +1

    I have a question, How can i watch the video stream from the camera directly to my phone?

  • @robertparenton7470
    @robertparenton7470 2 года назад

    Thank You. From Frisco TX.

  • @dgb5820
    @dgb5820 4 года назад

    Wow great visual presentation

  • @meghnabehari7547
    @meghnabehari7547 6 лет назад +1

    Hi, I was wondering where you got the Y-cable to connect the telemetry module with the OSD to the APM? Did it come together with one of the parts?

  • @vidakorina5971
    @vidakorina5971 7 лет назад +1

    Hi there! Super video, thanks for it!! Would you recommened this kind of APM 2.6 for baitboat too? Or something else would be better?

  • @marshallallen80
    @marshallallen80 2 года назад

    I have broken the cables which came with the unit. I have purchased several pkgs of wrong cables. Please tell me what type of cable goes between the 3dr and the pixhawk or apm. Thank you in advance.

  • @dgb5820
    @dgb5820 4 года назад

    Really nice schematic, how much to write another schematic details if you are interested

  • @MCosan
    @MCosan 7 лет назад

    I really liked this video, greetings from Turkey. :)

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks for watching my videos and greetings from VA in the US!

  • @LondonMus
    @LondonMus 6 лет назад

    Thanks for a great upload. I wanted to ask you that in the list on your computer regarding Mandatory Hardware & Optional Hardware, can sensors that are not listed still be added and able to communicate with the Ardupilot for data logging such as Temp, Humidity, etc? Or is it only limited to the options provided so you can’t add any other hardware? Thanks for your video & I look forward to your reply.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  6 лет назад

      Honestly I don't know but you might ask on the forums.

  • @DeepakYadav-ug9nj
    @DeepakYadav-ug9nj 2 года назад

    Which perametters you used in S500

  • @imtruth69
    @imtruth69 Год назад

    Thank you so much Dave. I started getting into foamies and quads several years and then I had to quit for about 10 years. I am now trying to get back into it and I am pretty much lost. I have a lot of unused parts I bought back then and am trying to get a sky mule in the air that I never flew. I was trying to follow your video and get my APN 2.6 wired. But I do not have the wire for the I2c connection to the GPS Mag. Any idea where I could order that connection wire and what the connectors are called? Thanks again.

  • @carlosfainsod4968
    @carlosfainsod4968 7 лет назад

    Thanks guys Im embaresed to say What was the probblem but it really helped to review all youre info

  • @alerem121
    @alerem121 7 лет назад

    Hello. Great vid. I have a question. How do i trigger my camera and at the same time use the video transmitter and receiver. In short telemetry.

  • @rohitdiukar7090
    @rohitdiukar7090 6 лет назад +1

    Sir please send, circuit diagram for conventional tail fixed wing UAV. 🔰

  • @lucianbuhus1150
    @lucianbuhus1150 4 года назад

    Hey bro! Nice vid! Do you tink you could answer me a few questions?
    I have a bait boat, and I want to be able to read the distance from my boat and remote,so I know how far I send it,and also, I want it to return to the starting point without me to drive it.
    I know I will need the
    1. APM 2.8 (this is what i want to use cuz its cheaper)
    2. GPS
    3. Mini OSD
    Will I need the 3DR Radio Telemetry? If yes, what is this for?
    Will I need a Power module also?
    My bait boat is functional, can I connect the AMP to the power source of the boat?
    Thanks and I hope you can answer me as I am new in his :)

  • @ytchannel2057
    @ytchannel2057 4 года назад

    Which one should I buy 433mhz 100mw or 433mhz 250mw or 433mhz 500mw.In which one will I get the best range

  • @CorkKNIFE
    @CorkKNIFE 7 лет назад

    Dos the external compass work without removing the jumper thatis right next to the GPS socket?

  • @sadizm.777
    @sadizm.777 3 года назад

    Your videos are awesome. I watch you from Azerbaijan. Can you do educational videos about pixhawk 2.4.8 and do fixed wing uav with this? You are the best!

  • @ramudu4410
    @ramudu4410 4 года назад

    How to fix this sir Hello sir, when I Connect my apm 2.8 to mission planner I am getting no heart beat received and green solid light on board and no blue red led flashing

  • @jimmcminnsr6309
    @jimmcminnsr6309 6 лет назад

    Hey Dave, I think I might have screw up, I was watching another person video before finding yours. He said nothing about pulling the JP1 jumper. If that fuse is blown it the board bad? Also is it possible to check continuity on that fuse? On your schematic it looks like that fuse only protects the output pins. Man I don't know.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  6 лет назад +1

      If you could find the fuse you could probably bridge it with some solder. I'm not sure where the fuse is located but you could trace it down with an ohm meter (multi-meter). Check the 5 volts on the power module to see if it's still working.

    • @jimmcminnsr6309
      @jimmcminnsr6309 6 лет назад

      Sir, I checked voltage on output pins 1-8 4.7 DC, rail pins 1-11 5.7 DC, input pins 1-8 5.7 DC, so I guess I'm OK. I have a APM 2.8 I'm trying to use on a S500 I'm trying to build. I keep watching your videos only and learn as much as I can. Thank you for being there.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  6 лет назад +1

      Sounds like a worthwhile project.

    • @jimmcminnsr6309
      @jimmcminnsr6309 6 лет назад

      Yes Sir, I checked the voltages, and we are good, I'm using a Fluke 87 True RMS VOM so I know my DC is good. Sir, Thank you for being there, you just don't know how much I appreciate you.

  • @technicalhackeryt5770
    @technicalhackeryt5770 3 года назад

    Hello sir I was using apm 2.6 and crashed drone don't know how now apm connect with mission planner external gps not confirmed on laptop but apm connect,,,,and no blue light is working,,,,,it arm also on laptop but no compass celebrate,,,,,it's huge fault how can it recover pls send me link sir

  • @usarmyfl1
    @usarmyfl1 6 лет назад

    Can I use the internal compass if using a plane? With a standalone GPS? Also you said if you get out of range, you will lose the plane, but I thought there are features where the plane will return home should you lose RC control.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  6 лет назад +1

      I have since learned that a compass is not recommended for planes (only multirotors). Planes need GPS only to get RTH to work. Setup failsafe so the plane will return home if you lose signal.

    • @usarmyfl1
      @usarmyfl1 6 лет назад

      @@DaveMerc Thanks! Much appreciated! :)

  • @albertoqc3204
    @albertoqc3204 7 лет назад

    Hi! nice video. I am building the mini talon and I dont know what flight controller to buy. Pixhawk or apm? Apm 2.6 or 2.8 . I have not experience with it.Thank you

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      Either APM should do it. Pixhawk is better for multirotors.

  • @thormagne_6421
    @thormagne_6421 7 лет назад

    Does it still work with missionplanner ? Do remember they stopped supporting APM a while back.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      From what I have read they have stopped supporting arducopter which moved to the pixhawk but I think new versions of arduplane are ok for the APM. Will try 3.4 Firmware and see what happens.

  • @MaxDire-qj8dp
    @MaxDire-qj8dp 7 лет назад

    I am looking for my first inexpensive apm for my skyhunter and saw the apm 2.8 with gps and accessories on ebay for $75 that looks similar to yours. Would you recommend these or another besides the one in video? Would like eagletree vector features but at a cheaper price if possible. thankyou

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      You could get a Micro Vector but I think the APM will do just fine. I have on in my SkyWalker and it works great.
      Don't forget the buy and airspeed sensor.

  • @davidnagle6111
    @davidnagle6111 7 лет назад

    Hey dmerc00, G'day from Aus mate. Thanks for your vids, they have helped a lot. One issue I am having is I am using an immersion rc vtx and fatshark camera on my H550 and have it all wired as you have per your diagram. I am having issues with vid signal and when I do get it, it is inconsistant.
    I am able to get the Minim osd working and show what it is supposed to, but it is inconsistant. The only difference I can see from how I have my setup ( between the osd and camera/vtx ) is the immersion rc vtx only puts out 5v to the camera ( as that is what it requires) and from your vids and info, aswell as all the rest I have researched, the osd needs 12v in and out?
    So I guess my options are to get the 12 from elsewhere or use some voltage step ups/stepdowns between the minim osd, camera and vtx?
    Thanks in advance for any info.
    Cheers Dave.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      I put a comment in the video description about the fat shark setup.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      For Fatshark 5 volt camera and TX, If you have the typical MinimOSD there are two jumpers on the back you can solder and run both stages from the APM 5 volts. On the output bypass or don't use the two center pins. There are diagrams here for the 5 volt setup and jumpers:

  • @zaidshakil
    @zaidshakil 7 лет назад

    without the minimOSD, does the APM telemetry data still need a external battery source to run?
    will the usb power from the system not do??

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      No you would not need a external battery to run that.

    • @zaidshakil
      @zaidshakil 7 лет назад

      i am trying to connect but it doesnt receive a heartbeat. the connection always fails! Note: i am powering the apm using the USB.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      Where are you seeing the error, are you looking at the mission planar or is this on the OSD screen?

    • @zaidshakil
      @zaidshakil 7 лет назад

      mission planner!

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      Did you try it without the telemetry radio or MinimOSD connected and only the USB cable?
      Use 115200 for the baud rate or try AUTO mode from the drop down.
      It's hard to troubleshoot over RUclips. Your best bet for answers is 3DR DIY drone forum:

  • @jorgecastro7340
    @jorgecastro7340 7 лет назад

    Hi .. I have a 2.8 apm and a mini osd .. Can you install a temperature sensor?
    Where can I get that info?
    Thank you.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      That's usually where I lookup APM info.

  • @rizal5861
    @rizal5861 6 лет назад

    Can i use 1 battery from power module and give power to video transmitter at the same time???...sorry my english

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  6 лет назад

      Probably, as long as the camera can handle the voltage.

  • @medokhrowe6704
    @medokhrowe6704 7 лет назад

    Hello can you please help... Can you tell me why my apm is not desplaying current even when it is detecting the voltage correctly, is it coz of the apm hardware issue or the settings? Am using apm 2.8 Thanks.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      Look at time 06:34 in thisвидео.html

  • @rohitnaik6712
    @rohitnaik6712 6 лет назад

    Sir please send a circuit diagram for conventional tail of fixed wing UAV.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  6 лет назад

      The circuit diagram is the same as this one. Just replace the two tail servo labels with Rudder and Elevator.

    • @rohitnaik6712
      @rohitnaik6712 6 лет назад

      Dave Merc Productions and what about ailerons connections?

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  6 лет назад

      Ailerons are on the diagram, channel 1. Download the diagram and print it out.

  • @usarmyfl1
    @usarmyfl1 5 лет назад

    Is the separate ubec needed? Thanks.

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  5 лет назад

      Separate ubec is for servos on output bus.

  • @markgiles8527
    @markgiles8527 6 лет назад

    Hi. Have you done any work on ezWifibroadcast? If not could you? Not much out there in the way of instructional videos. I can't get it to work and would like to see someone who knows what they are doing to put together a video for those wanting to use ezWifibraodcast. Heaps of information but no step-by-step instructions. :(

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  6 лет назад

      Look interesting.
      Could you give me some links to the best Setup/Configuration vids you can find and I will take gander.

  • @RajendraVermaa
    @RajendraVermaa 5 лет назад

    Wonderful. Thanks

  • @EnglishTurbines
    @EnglishTurbines 7 лет назад

    Great Video showing the basic connections Dave. The APM Mini Pro is very similar, but does not benefit from polarised plugs, however they are simpler and more durable standard servo ones, which is what I prefer. SPPM muxed Input is exactly the same going into port #1 with signals 2 and 3 jumpered across. If you need any help wiring the APM Mini Pro...let me know....:)

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      Yes I see how the APM Mini Pro uses standard servo connections for the GPS and Compass instead of the small Molex type connectors. Not sure which one will end up in the Mini Talon but for the tutorial the HK Pilot is better because the wires are easier to see on camera.

    • @EnglishTurbines
      @EnglishTurbines 7 лет назад

      Yes, you are correct, the Molex plugs make the Video easier for sure. I have my APM Mini Pro in my Mini Talon now...fits easy. ....A similar wiring Video for the Pro would be of benefit to some Im sure, simply because its not so obvious, and it is a later Model of APM....I do have a Link for the PDF wiring diagram somewhere...Ill add it in a while

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      thanks, I will probably use that diagram as a guideline.

    • @EnglishTurbines
      @EnglishTurbines 7 лет назад

      Here you go Dave...This will help you no end.....:)

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      Thanks, that will be very handy indeed!

  • @rightawaycarhaulers5460
    @rightawaycarhaulers5460 5 лет назад

    What will happen if I hit the reset button

  • @carlosfainsod4968
    @carlosfainsod4968 7 лет назад

    Hi guys Im New to fpv and seeking some help Im having a Hard time to get my osd working, I just pluged every thing together making a New harnes for my camera and grounding all the components and powering every component with the same battery (camera, transmiter and osd) the probblem starts when i conect the osd I losse signal to the hobby King gogles all the video works from my camera to my screen without the osd any recomendations
    Great info is found here

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      It's hard for me to troubleshoot but here are a couple essential videos for setting up the MinimOSDвидео.htmlвидео.html

  • @vinygee1
    @vinygee1 7 лет назад


  • @SkiingInMoscow
    @SkiingInMoscow 4 года назад

    great. thank you.

  • @DaveMerc
    @DaveMerc  7 лет назад +2

    2017-03-06 Right Wing Update!
    Trumps in office but also:
    Dear David,
    Thank you very much.
    I can confirm that we will resend the part (right mini talon wing) to you as soon as it has been processed . This package will be received within 25 business days(due to peak season).
    Please kindly wait for the part.
    Thank you again for your patience and understanding
    Once again, we wish to extend our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
    Thanks for your understanding and assistance.
    Best Regards
    Howie (This is Howie do it? I hope it's real:-)
    Gearbest Customer Service

    • @DaveMerc
      @DaveMerc  7 лет назад

      Gearbest did eventually get the wing to me but by the time it came I had already bought another wing from Banggood so now I have two sets of wings.

  • @dickthediver5525
    @dickthediver5525 7 лет назад


  • @Bergwacht
    @Bergwacht 6 лет назад

    damn english - i dont know what to do...