Africa news is not worth for western media, Europe people mainly concern europe business, that is natural. World issue sometimes resulting in malfunctioning and corruption of UN resulting in job loss and unemployment in US Europe and Africa which is indirect and people could not feel it directly
Estawani and Democratic Republic of Congo are nearly debt free. Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger have the fastest growing economies in the world. And haven't taken any loans. They kicked out the colonizers, kept all infrastructure, equipment and seized ALL foreign assets. 😂😂😂😂
@lamontc4944 eswatini world debt is After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 3.18 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. The Democratic Republic of the Congo's (DRC) national debt in 2024 is estimated to be $7.94 billion. The DRC's government debt to GDP is expected to be 12% by the end of 2024. The national debt in Burkina Faso was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 2.3 billion U.S. dollars (+18.28 percent). After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 14.92 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. So please don't talk rubbish Africa is a joke and as a south African I can tell you that you can chase away whoever you want but you will still not have mental capacity to mine anything or look after infrastructure maybe in the next 500 years you might but you have done nothing in the last 200 years of freedom 😂 poverty-stricken Africa at its own hands blaming everything else but yourself
For those in the Christian world who know about the decadeslong mass slaughter and enslavement of Black Christians in Sudan, which they call the “hidden Holocaust,” the scenes out of Israel were shockingly familiar. As part of a self-declared jihad which lasted from 1983 to 2005, northern Sudanese Arabs sought to subjugate and enslave the Black Sudanese of the mostly Christian south. The onslaught cost the lives of perhaps 2.5 million Black Sudanese, and the freedom of an estimated 200,000 more. The Arab Muslim government’s jihad utilized kidnapping as its terror weapon of choice, not to mention casual gang rape and mutilation. One little known but highly detailed report of an Arab Muslim pogrom against Black tribesmen and Christians in Africa during that period shows how eerily similar the anti-Black African jihad raids are to Hamas’ pogrom against Jews. According to the report, just after dawn on March 28, 1987, Arabs from the Rizeigat tribe set upon their Black neighbors in the town of El-Daein, storming their village with axes, gasoline, guns, knives, spears, sticks, and swords, looking to murder people who sought whatever shelter they could. The night before, the raiders had attacked Black members of the Dinka tribe at the local church. Many of the hunted took refuge near the local police station. Why are these horrors of real-world slavery, with women raped and men kept in chains, based on the color of their skin or their religion, not better understood and publicized in the West?
China had been trying to re-colonize Africa for years now and nobody is paying attention. Africa has many of the metals and minerals that China needs for manufacturing.
" China had been trying to re-colonize Africa for years now and nobody is paying attention." Not even close. they loot. They show up, build roads, and sea ports, and cities, near the ports and the mining areas, and all the new roads, lead to the sea ports, and all the ports go to China. They do not want to live there, they just want the stuff. When the stuff runs out, they pull out all the money, and those towns collapse. Remember the African politicians are making bank on this, so it's not China's fault, Africa is having issues. Africa is FULL of resources. It should be more of a powerhouse than the US, but.. there is a lack of effort to produce. They just loot themselves, and other countries join in to loot them. China just happens to be better at it.
CCP of China was the primary supporter of Pol Pot's communist government in Cambodia. They gave millions of land mines to Pol Pot's army to defend themselves from invading Viet Nam. China CCP does not give a shit about how poorly their vassals nations act. This gives them a much better advantage in international relations compared to USA.
Portugal was not a colonial power in Mozambique are you crazy? There was no Mozambique before the Portuguese founded it so, wrap it and take it home to your mammy, Mozambiquewas Portugal until the CIA and the KGB decided they wanted dibs on Africa and voila now you have endless wars.
@@TafariTalk US citizens has sincerity and commitment also they reward hardworking people, those you cannot see with chinese citizens they follow the rule of the jungle the weak will perish or be eaten
Same sentiments here in the Philippines when china invest somewhere they dont hire locals for jobs which is kinda point for letting in foreign investors instead they sent in thousands of their own people guise as tourists its the same where ever they go.
Marcos Snr stole Billions from your country and then you make his son your president. And you wonder why Philippines is always poor. Easy to pass the blame.
not only in Philippines, in other country also they do the same, once they invest and make some project in those country they will bring their own worker from china, set up a fence and local will not able to enter. only little local worker are hired and that's only for lower job scope, look at in indonesia where local ppl and china worker fight in morowali sulawesi nickel factory. even indonesia got massive unemployed ppl yet china still bring thousand of their worker from mainland. indonesia are in debt with china, there a lot of illegal nickel mines there operating by china company and nothing happen to them.
I was in Mozambique in '93, it was corrupt then. It's never recovered after kicking out the once was a brilliant country....but as is most of Africa it's now lawless and broke.
It was the Portuguese colonial authority which made Mozambique such a brilliant country. Not the tribal attitude which says "Steal it; Burn it! Kill it!" if it doesn't give us more and more free things. People have never been perfect, there will always be abuses of power. But some societies cannot constrain themselves, living and acting more like baboons or hyenas than builders of a nation. This is a problem of the heart and the mind, unfettered by the civilizing influence of a more disciplined society.
Modern Europeans have forgotten their own history and now they're importing them in mass for the sake of progressive liberalism and cultural diversity. Cutlery shops and manufacturers of sulfuric acid are very profitable though.
@@raquelgrahamthere is a propaganda video that the ccp has been spreading on Chinese social media showing their passports are basically bulletproof vest to criticism worldwide. Example, hey you can’t touch me I’m a Chinese citizen
The ccp propaganda shows that if you show a chinese passport they will back off and run away so basically makes chinese think they have power even though they dont
@@raquelgrahamIt’s from a viral chinese tv-show where a chinese character shows his chinese passport in a forreign country as a flex and everybody backs off as if it’s a gun or something (feels really cringe worthy and almost seems like propaganda)
The Caribbean Chinese population has been there for generations and is a product of British colonial policies. It's a different situation to what is happening in African countries today.
I agree. But Mozambique did not loot these stores because they were Chinese. They looted the stores, because that is what they do. They will loot the stores of their own families.
@@chithiennguyen1371 This is why globalization does not work. And people do not like China more so than any other country. China is creating slave labor in Africa.
Whatever improvements china is doing in Africa is for their own agenda. You can hardly blame the people of Mozambique for their reaction. Especially seeing their beautiful forests being destroyed
if u dont destroy forests how do u develop a country? pls africa has been impoverished for a century during the 20th century and more.... since the 2000s many countries in africa have seen their gdp per cap skyrocket i dont want to say its because of the arrival of China but it is what it is.... pls dont compare china to the west, the west did nothing to improve the lot of africans only to subjugate them and instigate war after war and tensions after tensions.
@@peggenlejoncar9529 Free from what? Free from reliable food? Free from job opportunities? Free from any laws that help stop gangs and murderers? They're going to "free" their way right into a apocalyptic waste-land.
This thread is a rollercoaster, what makes you think the Africans couldn’t enter? Are you from there & see the signs on the building or have you heard about this through secondary or tertiary sources?
@@juliesomethinorother Africans have posted their own videos trying to enter Chinese supermarkets and were denied access. The Chinese have built compounds with shops that only the Chinese are allowed to enter. Go search and You will find the vids.
I love how mainly Chinese-owned businesses such as shops and factories are set afire. Yet a KFC is standing still undamaged 6:30... Thats what I call a targeted protest
Why would anyone want to live in a terrible place around terrible people unless it was worth .. they cant always be the victims.. everywhere they go this happens
local people are corrupt europe left them alone for a century now and they still cant get their sh..t together you can deny the truth but the consequences are here
Jewlimo, supporting the original purveyors of Communism. Who in the Moz Gov't is a WEF Young Globalist Leader? Klaus "the" Nazi Schwab, ha penetrated ze vorlds Cabinets.
@@ssesf why do you think they are cheap? Because Chinese can ship to Europe for free and then ship from there and get help from ccp to push costs down. Natives don't have that option and native run stores need to close down due to this. Cheap plastic isn't good just because "it wasn't there before".
The blowback was inevitable with the way the Chinese treat Africans. Remember during COVID, a Chinese manager was caught red handed holding Zambian workers captive (they weren't allowed to go home). Instead of putting the guy on trial for slavery then expelling the Chinese national, the Zambian government made the Mayor of Lusaka (the capitol) apologise for embarrassing China.
Well sorry to disappoint you, it's all a lie, the title of the video says that it is happening across Africa when it only happened in Mozambique, chinese shops were not the only ones affected, even local shop owners and other foreigners got looted. It is not due to the targeting of chinese shops but rather political crises from the just ended elections
@modisaneunity4534 He said that. Listen without judgement till the end and you'll hear him correctly. What exactly isn't happening across Africa according to you?
@modisaneunity4534 The same attitude against Chinese are in every African country where Chinese are. Here at the video was mentioned Mozambiq Congo and Liberia, 3 countries, but similar things are happening in several other countries too but not yet so massive way
The Chinese buy their influence with the corrupt leaders. Then they bring in Chinese from mainland China to set up businesses. Those businesses people coming from mainland China treat the locals like shit and that's where the resentment sets in. I say it again, China don't give, China take.
I’ve never seen these people actually build anything themselves, they watch foreigners come over and build infrastructure businesses etc then they get angry and destroy everything, they are simply too stupid to work anything out for themselves, elephant in the room which nobody is allowed to talk about their low iq
That needs to happen is that the UN's funding, largely provided by the US needs to be cut severely to force them to abandon their globalist agenda and go back to what the UN was designed for. A forum to solve differences between countries before wars happen. The UN has become a corrupt organization. Add to that they have a bias towards Israel. Unacceptable. In fact, its charter should be rewritten to prevent all of this extraneous garbage.
Funnily enough, the US typically doesn't give the money it promised to the UN. Anyway, you should probably check with your owner since you are behind on the script.
Show me a poor country in Africa, and I will show you how corruption can steal a nation. At some point in past or current history, the people in power allowed the wealth of their country to be usurped while only they got a cut, and the lion's share went not to the people, but the profiteers. Governance is perpetuated on who has the biggest army or who your friends or relatives were, not on what is best for the people. I pray for Africa
Such is now the way of the world in almost all countries. The poor are getting poorer and the middle class is disappearing in so many places. Politics has wrecked us.
oh, hey Mozambique- we Americans feel for you- we know what it's like to have a socialist in power- but NO. we aren't getting involved militarily or monetarily in your elections... we have enough to fix here in the USA and can't help ANYONE ELSE right now. and no- we have no room left to take in millions of African economic refugees. praying you will be able to rise up and reclaim your nation, as we are trying to do.
What a shame you sound stupid the European had to come together with a conference and use a book the Arabs used the and a different without those things no one can stop US
So you want them to conquer us. Continue with your evil plans, God pass you. Can Africans treat you the way u are treating them. You guys don’t like blacks, so what are u doing in their countries. Stealing I guess?
Can you only imagine how impossible forensic accounting job would be if each member of a company, each customer, and each level of governance were entitled to steal? What would be left of that company? Like hyena's pulling apart a carcass. Climates of corruption will allow nothing to grow. They eat for a day and starve for a lifetime.
Yea, they probably would have set the thing on fire for no reason. If you think that is an exaggeration, VICE did (some actual journalism) about the black market oil industry in Nigeria. The govt would come in and, instead of just confiscating the contraband oil, they would pour it into the nearest source of water and may light it on fire. It's pants-on-head idiocy. The vid is on youtube somewhere. Worth a watch.
People in Third world countries make too many people for their economy. The millions that immigrate to more prosperous countries only drag these countries economy down
@Chet-btf. The reason there are too many people in these so called 3rd world countries is because of the exploitation by colonial powers for the resources. This has been the way of colonial powers for centuries. And the poor people that are victimized by these colonial powers have large families because of the high mortality rate in children. They have more children to replace the ones lost or to work to help the family survive. If you don't see that it is the rich colonial powers taking advantage of these poorer African countries then you know nothing!!
Sort themselves out? And give up mostly peaceful political activity? I can see Africa moving back towards the condition the continent was in 500 years ago.
Looking deeper it shouldn’t be surprising. Lots of times it looks and sounds good in theory but reality always paints a different picture. Basically: A corrupted communist culture that has a selfish/materialistic mindset made a deal with a corrupted socialist culture with a divided society. They shook hands with fingers crossed behind their backs and now the Beans have hit the fan.
Regardless what country helpes and built up bussiness Mozambique ,there is no excuse to loot and ransack Chinese & Non - Chinese , Chinese are are in Australia too and work hard to build up bussiness and are well liked . Only because they are good at bussiness the locals are angry ,why cant they themselves do what the Chinese are doing .
🤨wow… so the Chinese had armored vehicles to use against what group of people. At that point, why doesn’t the Chinese get the hint and leave?. Because most likely they have their own motives and it doesn’t involve the locals. Well not in a good way👎
@. No, you’re misunderstanding. Do you think the Chinese gave armed vehicles to just anybody. In a clip it states rebels took an armored vehicle and use it didn’t say it was given to them and do you really think that Chinese would arm others with the posing views. … 🤨 having issues interpreting and analyzing information are we? ….🤔😈
How they exploit it, educate us Europeans? Africa complains from everybody - from whites, from Chinese, from Indians, from Americans, from Australians, who possibly can meet your high standards , Africans? Is there anybody who Africans like and love? you hate everybody, and then wonder why the whole world hates you?
Russia? The most they do is offer military training and some anti-air batteries. They already have plenty of oil, gas and trees plus doing business in Africa is simply not worth it. China is learning the lesson about doing business in Africa the hard way. There is a reason why no Western country invested in some of the most resource-rich countries in the world.
They accepted these deals because it's still better than dealing with the EU, that kept them in abject poverty for decades in order to provide cheap labor for extracting rare earth metals and to prevent them from becoming an agricultural powerhouse similar to Brazil which would obliterate the corrupt and inefficient european farming.
but but but in other forums Africans love and support Russia and China.. funny that they never try to get to these countries are cry to be let into evil western countries...
@@mabeSc You're wrong. Africa is full of rare earth minerals, same as in Ukraine. They already think they own Ukraine hence the current situation but in Africa they have to smooch said warlord general and grease the wheels to their benefit before they can partake in lucrative contracts. That's why they're in Africa.
The story about the logging industry Rosewood stuck a tone. I was curious where china's guitar industry was getting rosewood sources to sell so many instruments. This while most luthiers are having to use alternative responsibly sourced tone woods.
Same story worldwide. Limited natural resources being stripped by illegal loggers, corrupt officials, criminal gangs hired by Chinese for poaching wildlife and seafood.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if the see ya yay (or related groups) promoted the riots, especially given the current global power tension situation, and all the familiar footage of random tires burning for no reason, and many similar tropes.
@@yangpiao849 Just stop the conspiracy talk. There isn't always some boogeyman. The corrupt ruling party has been on the throne for 49 yrs ,surely it must make sense that the people are tired of that plus the recent election fraud when they tried to change their govt.
This is so dumb. Now what? Do they think someone opens a new supermarket and they can go on? Or do they think that they will survive for the next years with their stolen bag of rice and a TV?
Reality: communities devastated this way break apart, migrate away, the store doesn't get rebuilt, other stores close because they no longer feel safe to operate. Anarchists eat for a day and starve for a lifetime. Laws being just, they'd put all these people in a chain gang to clean up the mess and fine them for reparations to the people who didn't steal and the businesses that honestly served the community. Let's see who is guilty and who is innocent.
RUclips won’t let me ask properly. Are you referring to the things Chinese people are currently doing in malls for Christmas? Or the thing to do with unhappy drivers?
Yes and china has been illegally pillaging Africa for decades!!!! Gold, diamonds, oil, everything and the only ones making ANY money are the Chinese and corrupt government officials
The world have nothing to say except, "what else is knew". They can look to what happen in the democratic cities of USA and what the BlackLivesMatter did. The same thing, different continent, same behavior. And the state of filth and disrepair when the democrats are in charge, the looting and then the close down of business causing those neighborhoods being "food deserts".
@capricioushorse As I know not yet. But they are making large business with this lulada silva, the one who was arrested for corruption and the "supreme court of judges" has released. Also here now is "drugStraffic and corruption" everywhere.
But they don't want them, but they still come though, it will lead to tougher measures they won't like though when that victim card rug gets pulled, which soon will..
Basically anyone looking deeper into it shouldn’t be surprised. Lots of times what looks and sounds good in theory but reality always paints a different picture. Basically: A corrupted communist culture that has a selfish/materialistic mindset made a deal with a corrupted socialist culture with a divided society. They basically shook hands with fingers crossed behind their backs expecting prosperity and now the tofu has hit the fan. I am not an expert but I hope this helps explain some of it.
What surprised me is that the Chinese didn't see it coming. I find it hard to believe that they didn't look into how foreigners have been treated in the past. It's not like there isn't a ton of information about it.
Yeah and only progressed untill met white Neanderthal and Mongoloid man, at least those who made it past the Sub Sahara anyhow .. In fact all out of Africa is bollox..
Reminds me of the riots in South Africa and even riots in the US. Destroy everything and you have nothing. Don't complain when no one will open a store where you live, no grocery stores, nothing.
The Nationals of the Peoples Republic of China are now experiencing what the Indians have endured. The difference is the Indians have had communities born and raised there. Bribery is a common currency in many African nations and often foreign interests are the first targets of the rioters. The Chinese businesses practices are left unchecked until rioters loot, burn, and assault. The average Chinese worker is easy target due to their obvious appearance and smaller physical build. The Chinese have not learned as yet the criminal gangs, political armed groups, some Government Officials, Police force and desperate public will not always support Chinese businesses thru Bribery and soft diplomatic charity.
So Mozambique decest!! Wel is tha hapans it is time to live caz. Wel thy have to pay ... Corution si corutions but this is Lak unxexepetal Lak tha south Africa or. Tha potretrst it ha USA in the a last trump era . This is a disaster
So you sympathize with both American racists and the Chinese Communist Party. If you do you do not belong in human civilization because you clearly do not understand the meaning of the words right and wrong.
Do you sympathize with both the Chinese Communist Party and American racists? If you do, you do not belong in human civilization because you clearly do not know the meaning of the words “right” and “wrong”.
I am Mozambican, it's been a huge struggle to find places to buy daily necessities. Most stores where destroyed even non Chinese owned stores, people took advantage of the situation now we have to go on a hunt to find a places that has goods in stock. Even fuel has been hard to find too
What you don't believe the Africans who killed white farmers in Zimbabwe and S. Africa know how to farm? That could be construed as the Chinese would say as *asist. 😊 LOL.
This has nothing to do with China, they have destroy every business there, because the leader is close with the Americans so you know he is corrupt America give them 200 million a year where is the money.
You don't need to move your own people into a country, start making money off it, and call it "helping them". If you want to help, fund a school and teach them to help themselves. After that, it's on that people to make it!
China wasn't wanting to 'help'. They were trying to do a business investment, and obviously it didn't pay off for them. Africa is scaring off investors.
They got their asses handed to them by the Mamluks, and would have gotten their asses kicked if they made it into Africa's interior. They could barely handle India because their horses kept dying.
@@Rick-k5k I'm looking for any genuine outrage like in this video, not performative ones that are constantly being promoted in the west to get likes and shares so another swedish girl can become a multi billionaire...
We don't hear much about this in the main stream media!
No white people to blame.
Woke media in lock-step with their governments just like they were during convid.
Chinese showing to the world that BLM doesn’t matter. Are you kidding me!?!?!
Because why they want to show their shame to the world 😂
Africa news is not worth for western media,
Europe people mainly concern europe business,
that is natural.
World issue sometimes resulting in malfunctioning and corruption of UN resulting in job loss and unemployment in US Europe and Africa which is indirect and people could not feel it directly
China thought Africans would pay debts 😂
😂🤣😂 No that will be racist for china if they think so..
😂 that’s funny cuz it’s true
Estawani and Democratic Republic of Congo are nearly debt free. Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger have the fastest growing economies in the world. And haven't taken any loans. They kicked out the colonizers, kept all infrastructure, equipment and seized ALL foreign assets. 😂😂😂😂
@lamontc4944 eswatini world debt is After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 3.18 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. The Democratic Republic of the Congo's (DRC) national debt in 2024 is estimated to be $7.94 billion. The DRC's government debt to GDP is expected to be 12% by the end of 2024. The national debt in Burkina Faso was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 2.3 billion U.S. dollars (+18.28 percent). After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 14.92 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. So please don't talk rubbish Africa is a joke and as a south African I can tell you that you can chase away whoever you want but you will still not have mental capacity to mine anything or look after infrastructure maybe in the next 500 years you might but you have done nothing in the last 200 years of freedom 😂 poverty-stricken Africa at its own hands blaming everything else but yourself
Africa realizes china is not there to help them...😂😂😂
They realise they wanna stay primative… they don’t want stores or fuel stations
Yes they realized Chinese is there to sucks their wealth
That maybe true, or it maybe just their leaders being used to spread a destructive narrative aganist Chinas influence
For those in the Christian world who know about the decadeslong mass slaughter and enslavement of Black Christians in Sudan, which they call the “hidden Holocaust,” the scenes out of Israel were shockingly familiar. As part of a self-declared jihad which lasted from 1983 to 2005, northern Sudanese Arabs sought to subjugate and enslave the Black Sudanese of the mostly Christian south. The onslaught cost the lives of perhaps 2.5 million Black Sudanese, and the freedom of an estimated 200,000 more. The Arab Muslim government’s jihad utilized kidnapping as its terror weapon of choice, not to mention casual gang rape and mutilation.
One little known but highly detailed report of an Arab Muslim pogrom against Black tribesmen and Christians in Africa during that period shows how eerily similar the anti-Black African jihad raids are to Hamas’ pogrom against Jews. According to the report, just after dawn on March 28, 1987, Arabs from the Rizeigat tribe set upon their Black neighbors in the town of El-Daein, storming their village with axes, gasoline, guns, knives, spears, sticks, and swords, looking to murder people who sought whatever shelter they could. The night before, the raiders had attacked Black members of the Dinka tribe at the local church. Many of the hunted took refuge near the local police station.
Why are these horrors of real-world slavery, with women raped and men kept in chains, based on the color of their skin or their religion, not better understood and publicized in the West?
Help them ? Over 70 years africans receive help and shit in africa remains the same.
When corruption shakes hands with corruption!!!
*when chicoms do business with sub-saharan gangs
What? every1 loses their wedding rings?
@@russell-di8js “Everyone loses their…”. I’ve still got mine on, never taken it off.
Really? Your whole government is crooked dude. You are just too blind to see and always quick to point out fingers. You are no different than them.
Damn! Those Dominion Voting Machines are everywhere!
China had been trying to re-colonize Africa for years now and nobody is paying attention. Africa has many of the metals and minerals that China needs for manufacturing.
Re-colonize...? When were they there before.
@@jeannahayescook9375 People conflate Chinese resource extraction with European colonialism.
" China had been trying to re-colonize Africa for years now and nobody is paying attention."
Not even close.
they loot.
They show up, build roads, and sea ports, and cities, near the ports and the mining areas, and all the new roads, lead to the sea ports, and all the ports go to China.
They do not want to live there, they just want the stuff. When the stuff runs out, they pull out all the money, and those towns collapse.
Remember the African politicians are making bank on this, so it's not China's fault, Africa is having issues.
Africa is FULL of resources. It should be more of a powerhouse than the US, but.. there is a lack of effort to produce.
They just loot themselves, and other countries join in to loot them.
China just happens to be better at it.
@@jeannahayescook9375maybe you wrote that wrong .
New mineral: wolf warrior pelts.
China think they can rule nation by debts 😂
chnese are too corrupt to fairly manage anything 😢
To be fair, it works in china
America is ruled by debt. It's a valid strategy, the Chinese just suck at it.
Those w/Nothing? Have nothing to Lose! They’re the most Dangerous…
Africa thinks they can steal and benefit from everybody, and don't pay?
Got rid of one colonial power and invite a new one.
A worse one
@@davidjob4909 Russia?? Make sense what Putin reaction about Africa?
CCP of China was the primary supporter of Pol Pot's communist government in Cambodia. They gave millions of land mines to Pol Pot's army to defend themselves from invading Viet Nam. China CCP does not give a shit about how poorly their vassals nations act. This gives them a much better advantage in international relations compared to USA.
Portugal was not a colonial power in Mozambique are you crazy? There was no Mozambique before the Portuguese founded it so, wrap it and take it home to your mammy, Mozambiquewas Portugal until the CIA and the KGB decided they wanted dibs on Africa and voila now you have endless wars.
So the chronically corrupt government can keep playing victim.
Chinese Bribery Government don't care what will happen to your country as long as they get all your Natural Resources...
Chinese and US have something in common
Just like the US
It is not too late african realises this now than latter. communist corrupt ways are no good for any affrican countries
@@TafariTalk US citizens has sincerity and commitment also they reward hardworking people, those you cannot see with chinese citizens they follow the rule of the jungle the weak will perish or be eaten
Same sentiments here in the Philippines when china invest somewhere they dont hire locals for jobs which is kinda point for letting in foreign investors instead they sent in thousands of their own people guise as tourists its the same where ever they go.
Sorry to hear that. Doing that to Island economies is the worst. Island economies need a better set of laws to prevent that from occurring.
Hear hear!
They do this sh*t in My country too.
Marcos Snr stole Billions from your country and then you make his son your president. And you wonder why Philippines is always poor. Easy to pass the blame.
not only in Philippines, in other country also they do the same, once they invest and make some project in those country they will bring their own worker from china, set up a fence and local will not able to enter. only little local worker are hired and that's only for lower job scope, look at in indonesia where local ppl and china worker fight in morowali sulawesi nickel factory. even indonesia got massive unemployed ppl yet china still bring thousand of their worker from mainland. indonesia are in debt with china, there a lot of illegal nickel mines there operating by china company and nothing happen to them.
Nice to see the welcoming African people treating the chinese like the chinese treat everyone else.
China thinks the africans will tolerate them😂😂😂😂😂😂
Did you mean Chinese?
@@jiruyagiaksaim6372can't tolerate themselves.... Imagine? If this happens in the USA..... " Stop Asian hate!"😅😅
@@Uncleben7491at least you understand.
Very true.
We need more of this reporting in MSM. China gives loans to countries they know cannot pay back. Then they take what they want.
Absolutely true!
And this is traditionally the job for the U.S.,France & England.
@@peterzinia3767 are you Chinese or communist? propagandast panda😂😂
@@peterzinia3767 Sooooooo that Makes it okay for China??
I was in Mozambique in '93, it was corrupt then. It's never recovered after kicking out the once was a brilliant country....but as is most of Africa it's now lawless and broke.
It was the Portuguese colonial authority which made Mozambique such a brilliant country. Not the tribal attitude which says "Steal it; Burn it! Kill it!" if it doesn't give us more and more free things. People have never been perfect, there will always be abuses of power. But some societies cannot constrain themselves, living and acting more like baboons or hyenas than builders of a nation. This is a problem of the heart and the mind, unfettered by the civilizing influence of a more disciplined society.
Wakanda was perfect..
Then the light skinned people came.
@@Angus-t1j So true, we believe it is a loss of Christian morality, or any other kind of morality. Just gang and tribal non-morality.
Isn’t the average IQ of subsaharan Africans like 65?
Chinas learning what European countries knew 100 years ago
Absolutely right.
Modern Europeans have forgotten their own history and now they're importing them in mass for the sake of progressive liberalism and cultural diversity. Cutlery shops and manufacturers of sulfuric acid are very profitable though.
riots happen everywhere
but nobody likes chinese or mozambique
sorry what do you mean? I am the descendant of a former slave. What is it that Europeans learned that Chinese are now learning? Educate me please
The Chinese should show their passports and everyone will back off. 😂
Yeah that’s a scary booklet
Sorry can you explain
@@raquelgrahamthere is a propaganda video that the ccp has been spreading on Chinese social media showing their passports are basically bulletproof vest to criticism worldwide. Example, hey you can’t touch me I’m a Chinese citizen
The ccp propaganda shows that if you show a chinese passport they will back off and run away so basically makes chinese think they have power even though they dont
@@raquelgrahamIt’s from a viral chinese tv-show where a chinese character shows his chinese passport in a forreign country as a flex and everybody backs off as if it’s a gun or something (feels really cringe worthy and almost seems like propaganda)
Anyone ever notice almost all stores in the Caribbean are Chinese owned??🤔
Spain has a lot of Chinese run convenience stores too
Chinese colonization
There is a Chinese shop in almost every Polish large town.
The Caribbean Chinese population has been there for generations and is a product of British colonial policies. It's a different situation to what is happening in African countries today.
because the locals wont make the sacrifices to build wealth and would rather blame other ethnicities? wonder if we see that in america. hahahahha
I hope the US stays out of this mess let the people settle their own problems. Outsiders always extend the time for others to settle differences.
Like always they blame the West or the Us..
And dont look at there one people or leaders
Agreed. America is no better than China in this sense. Look where central banks are set up. The us destroy economies also.
The US should stop their $billions in aid to Africa, and restore America to its former well-being.
there are high chances that the US is already involved.....
This how most people in the world feel about China
I agree. But Mozambique did not loot these stores because they were Chinese. They looted the stores, because that is what they do. They will loot the stores of their own families.
@@chithiennguyen1371 funny how people always cry to be let into the US or Europe.. why are they not crying to be let into China ?
other countries matter - phillipines, thailand , japan, australia, canada, usa, mexico, brazil, argentina, germany, england, greece, serbia, denmark etc
@@chithiennguyen1371We have 200 bases in 65 counties worldwide, that have NOT been ransacked, nice try little pink 😂
@@chithiennguyen1371 This is why globalization does not work. And people do not like China more so than any other country. China is creating slave labor in Africa.
Whatever improvements china is doing in Africa is for their own agenda. You can hardly blame the people of Mozambique for their reaction. Especially seeing their beautiful forests being destroyed
China only need African mineral they dont care abt the ppl.building things is for their own .not for the host country
they shell out money, they need to recover it back 1000 times plus they want to hold them by the balls.
if u dont destroy forests how do u develop a country?
pls africa has been impoverished for a century during the 20th century and more.... since the 2000s many countries in africa have seen their gdp per cap skyrocket i dont want to say its because of the arrival of China but it is what it is....
pls dont compare china to the west, the west did nothing to improve the lot of africans only to subjugate them and instigate war after war and tensions after tensions.
Too much abuse of chinese in destroying the natural resources of african countries
God bless people of africa amen❤❤❤❤
The chinese debt Trap consequences in Africa
Hell nope, The most high is with us again, Since lock down Genesis 15 vs 13 to 14
I am a Mozambican congratulations to the channel is really telling the real situation we are going through in Mozambique
This is nothing new in africa
They want it free.
@@peggenlejoncar9529 Free from what? Free from reliable food? Free from job opportunities? Free from any laws that help stop gangs and murderers? They're going to "free" their way right into a apocalyptic waste-land.
@@peggenlejoncar9529 they cannot be civilized by an outside force. Previous colonial powers already failed ^^
Africans say no to another group of COLONIZERS to come in and take over their country. They are saying no to slavery.
🔱"OUTSIDE FORCES " why Africa is like that ‼️
Building supermarkets and restaurants then telling the local they can't enter.
I mean they kept stealing everything or not paying 🤷
@@LastnameFirstname-j7p I remember your face...
This thread is a rollercoaster, what makes you think the Africans couldn’t enter? Are you from there & see the signs on the building or have you heard about this through secondary or tertiary sources?
@@juliesomethinorother Africans have posted their own videos trying to enter Chinese supermarkets and were denied access.
The Chinese have built compounds with shops that only the Chinese are allowed to enter.
Go search and You will find the vids.
@@dingdangdong-t1qis that a family guy reference? 😂😂
Thank you for letting us what's going on in the world with regards to China
Don’t let those people live on our land Africa fight for our rights
in the world???
This is just Mozambique
Stand up Africa
Mostly peaceful protests.
Peace isn’t an option. It hasn’t been for a long time
Spot on.
Urgent correction:
/Firey/ but mostly peaceful protests.
They don't care about American rhetoric, but obviously you're just here to score some points among the fellows who think the same as you.
"In Africa gun fights rarely end well" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 shit has me cracking!
Because they all miss.
It because everyone has gun
@@GrzegorzDurdanah we definitely don’t
That implies gun fights are supposed to end well, which makes me wonder how that would work? Does the fight end with more people alive than before? 😂
I love how mainly Chinese-owned businesses such as shops and factories are set afire. Yet a KFC is standing still undamaged 6:30... Thats what I call a targeted protest
Why should they do - the KFC looks complete empty ...
LMAO * 6:39
Because it's not Chinese owned,duh.😂
Everyone loves the chicken and potatoes and gravy.
Well you would want to eat something later too…
Why would anyone want to live in a terrible place around terrible people unless it was worth .. they cant always be the victims.. everywhere they go this happens
This is one of the best unbiased report on RUclips.
JUSTICE FOR THE PAST 500 YEARS . Time comes for changes, the people cannot take anymore evil !
1:30 is a footage from Indonesia! This happens in Indonesia too madness, such a great journalism.. i never thought Indonesian being part
Everything with ''China'' in the name instantly inspires trust... 😐😐
Try commenting on RUclips though
I'm glad to see the local people recognizing the corruption.
local people are corrupt
europe left them alone for a century now and they still cant get their sh..t together
you can deny the truth but the consequences are here
Fools ...
Of their own people mostly.
The “One belt one road” policy works so well 🥰
All tofu dreg
2025 the year of the Highwaymen?
Wakanda forever😂
They’re kicking out everyone so they can make their Wakanda forever😂
Mozembique abandoned 'communism' in 1994 but kept the most vital and robust aspect of communism - corruption and greed.
Corruption and greed... sounds very capitalist too!
@@bolleboosjesinhetbos true, Corruption and greed are part of capitalism
@@bolleboosjesinhetbos It's a human problem.
Jewlimo, supporting the original purveyors of Communism. Who in the Moz Gov't is a WEF Young Globalist Leader? Klaus "the" Nazi Schwab, ha penetrated ze vorlds Cabinets.
Chinese in Africa are acting like French during the Colonial Era.
lol not even close
They are supplying stores with relatively cheap goods that would otherwise not be there.
@@ssesf why do you think they are cheap? Because Chinese can ship to Europe for free and then ship from there and get help from ccp to push costs down. Natives don't have that option and native run stores need to close down due to this. Cheap plastic isn't good just because "it wasn't there before".
So what would happen if all the world shunned Africa and Africans ? The governors of human progress would be gone.
Acting much worse than French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch..
Chinese are so fake
The blowback was inevitable with the way the Chinese treat Africans. Remember during COVID, a Chinese manager was caught red handed holding Zambian workers captive (they weren't allowed to go home). Instead of putting the guy on trial for slavery then expelling the Chinese national, the Zambian government made the Mayor of Lusaka (the capitol) apologise for embarrassing China.
That was despicable...
Disgusting !!!
I guess the Zambian workers were unreliable.
China realizing why it’s a bad idea to invest with certain cultures.
I like the honesty and critical thinking presented in this video. Well done.
Where is the development projects mentioned in this clips. This is not honest report. It's a propaganda against China.
Honesty and critical thinking are banned in China by the CCP.
Well sorry to disappoint you, it's all a lie, the title of the video says that it is happening across Africa when it only happened in Mozambique, chinese shops were not the only ones affected, even local shop owners and other foreigners got looted. It is not due to the targeting of chinese shops but rather political crises from the just ended elections
@modisaneunity4534 He said that. Listen without judgement till the end and you'll hear him correctly. What exactly isn't happening across Africa according to you?
@modisaneunity4534 The same attitude against Chinese are in every African country where Chinese are. Here at the video was mentioned Mozambiq Congo and Liberia, 3 countries, but similar things are happening in several other countries too but not yet so massive way
Prehaps they dont like Chinese imperialsim?
The Chinese buy their influence with the corrupt leaders. Then they bring in Chinese from mainland China to set up businesses. Those businesses people coming from mainland China treat the locals like shit and that's where the resentment sets in. I say it again, China don't give, China take.
Nah, they are too stupid to know what's going on in the political economy. They just trash stuff because they enjoy it
Acting like the US isnt being imperialist in africa😂
Thid is why you cannot do business or live in a country run by lawlessness
This is why don't go to a country and exploit the steal resources while paying the locals a pittance
hard to say who has more lawlessness... the Mozambiquans , or the chinese.
Or i should say, the ccp are not for the people at all they are horrible to their own
Just like in the U.S. !
Just like South Africa.
Same behavior from the same people all over the world.
You cant tame this lot
I’ve never seen these people actually build anything themselves, they watch foreigners come over and build infrastructure businesses etc then they get angry and destroy everything, they are simply too stupid to work anything out for themselves, elephant in the room which nobody is allowed to talk about their low iq
Bad culture VS Bad culture
Tell me again why the US taxpayer is wasting money on the U.N
Why does any country? It's not fit for purpose.
Because people think it matters. Those same people probably sniff glue too, but that's a different matter.
it will be shut down
That needs to happen is that the UN's funding, largely provided by the US needs to be cut severely to force them to abandon their globalist agenda and go back to what the UN was designed for. A forum to solve differences between countries before wars happen. The UN has become a corrupt organization. Add to that they have a bias towards Israel. Unacceptable. In fact, its charter should be rewritten to prevent all of this extraneous garbage.
Funnily enough, the US typically doesn't give the money it promised to the UN. Anyway, you should probably check with your owner since you are behind on the script.
Show me a poor country in Africa, and I will show you how corruption can steal a nation. At some point in past or current history, the people in power allowed the wealth of their country to be usurped while only they got a cut, and the lion's share went not to the people, but the profiteers. Governance is perpetuated on who has the biggest army or who your friends or relatives were, not on what is best for the people. I pray for Africa
shhhh 🤫. you forgot to blame colonialism and the white supremacy 🤪
Let me show you America, clandestine corruption everywhere!! You just can’t see it! Fool!
that's murca too.
Such is now the way of the world in almost all countries. The poor are getting poorer and the middle class is disappearing in so many places. Politics has wrecked us.
Africa has squandered trillions in aid and investment. it's time to let them fight their own battles.
oh, hey Mozambique- we Americans feel for you- we know what it's like to have a socialist in power- but NO. we aren't getting involved militarily or monetarily in your elections... we have enough to fix here in the USA and can't help ANYONE ELSE right now. and no- we have no room left to take in millions of African economic refugees. praying you will be able to rise up and reclaim your nation, as we are trying to do.
Well said.😅
China can’t even conquer Africa 😂 what a shame
What a shame you sound stupid the European had to come together with a conference and use a book the Arabs used the and a different without those things no one can stop US
Conquer as who?
So you want them to conquer us. Continue with your evil plans, God pass you. Can Africans treat you the way u are treating them. You guys don’t like blacks, so what are u doing in their countries. Stealing I guess?
Last time we were divided and didn't have guns.
@@ngashjr Now, the guns have been supplied by them and they can make it blast in our hands. Wise up, we Africans need to wake up.
Chika dont want you to see this they are reporting comments like crazy lol
Yup, every time a factual but unflattering comment posts, they scream and cry about it. Must save face! 😂
Corruptions + Corruptions = More Corruptions.
Can you only imagine how impossible forensic accounting job would be if each member of a company, each customer, and each level of governance were entitled to steal? What would be left of that company? Like hyena's pulling apart a carcass. Climates of corruption will allow nothing to grow. They eat for a day and starve for a lifetime.
It's not doubled (x2) but squared (^2) .
I was offered a transfer to a Nigerian offshore drilling platform about ten years ago with almost double the pay. I declined for obvious reasons.
I think you made a wise decision
Tell them you identify as feminist so give the job to a feemale. You are amazing & brave, here is the participation trophy.
Yea, they probably would have set the thing on fire for no reason.
If you think that is an exaggeration, VICE did (some actual journalism) about the black market oil industry in Nigeria. The govt would come in and, instead of just confiscating the contraband oil, they would pour it into the nearest source of water and may light it on fire.
It's pants-on-head idiocy.
The vid is on youtube somewhere. Worth a watch.
@katana. “…for obvious reasons…”. Not obvious to me. Why refuse what looks to be a good offer ?
I don't understand your decision either
6:40 looks like the KFC was unscathed, Lol~
lol of course it is thats their birthplace
People will not put up with abuse forever!
Problem is the biggest abusers are their own government, Corrupt leaders sell their own people out to make themselves rich.
The Chinese Communist Party is an expert in abusing citizens of any country.
What abuse?
The abuse from their own leaders 😂
@@CosmicCompassionQuest Go say that to the African people and see what they do to you in return.
That country's never gonna change.
Not when every leader is corrupt....
They need someone that won't turn into a dictator.
Have you ever been to Mozambique.?'s a fantastic country......makes Hawaii look like a cheap plactic imitation
People in Third world countries make too many people for their economy. The millions that immigrate to more prosperous countries only drag these countries economy down
the problem is the race.
Horrible excuses for human beings
Third world country?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Covid didn't discriminate the "First World" countries.
@Chet-btf. The reason there are too many people in these so called 3rd world countries is because of the exploitation by colonial powers for the resources. This has been the way of colonial powers for centuries. And the poor people that are victimized by these colonial powers have large families because of the high mortality rate in children. They have more children to replace the ones lost or to work to help the family survive.
If you don't see that it is the rich colonial powers taking advantage of these poorer African countries then you know nothing!!
Oh look they're looting.
The people's liberation army of Mozambique is liberating, not looting
From the U.S.
You can take the African out of Africa but not Africa out of the race.
It's a promise that no African country built any infra structure
China is rapping Africa
Lol 😆
The 'silent masses' are no longer silent.
Their activities will bring them more sorrow
Please Stand up Africa 👍💪🇺🇸
Not covered by MSM....Give this guy a LIKE
Al-Jazeera is mainstream. This was re-narrated Al-Jazeera content.
This is why we need to stay out of 3rd world nations business. Let them sort themselves out. Like every other civilized nation in the world.
Just send them billions of US dollars. - Joe Biden.
@@brianboye8025gotta launder that money somehow
Sort themselves out? And give up mostly peaceful political activity?
I can see Africa moving back towards the condition the continent was in 500 years ago.
The greedy ones can't stay away.
Did you know that America used to be referred to as a backwater by the Bri'ish?
Its true! We used to be third world too, now look where we are. :D
Yes, has been happening for years by China
Yes, who'd have thought Africans would loot shops.
Must African people be humble while you continue to punch them?
Looking deeper it shouldn’t be surprising. Lots of times it looks and sounds good in theory but reality always paints a different picture.
Basically: A corrupted communist culture that has a selfish/materialistic mindset made a deal with a corrupted socialist culture with a divided society.
They shook hands with fingers crossed behind their backs and now the Beans have hit the fan.
Happenned in Myanmaar 1 or 2 decades before. History repeats.
Regardless what country helpes and built up bussiness Mozambique ,there is no excuse to loot and ransack Chinese & Non - Chinese , Chinese are are in Australia too and work hard to build up bussiness and are well liked .
Only because they are good at bussiness the locals are angry ,why cant they themselves do what the Chinese are doing .
It's because of all the predatory practices of the CCP and invasion tactics included.
It's a systematic, low key invasion. In Africa and S.America.
🤨wow… so the Chinese had armored vehicles to use against what group of people. At that point, why doesn’t the Chinese get the hint and leave?. Because most likely they have their own motives and it doesn’t involve the locals. Well not in a good way👎
They are not allowed to leave
They haven't given up flashing their passports!
You are not reading it right. The documentary said the armoured vehicle was supplied by the Chinese, not that the Chinese were operating it!
@. No, you’re misunderstanding. Do you think the Chinese gave armed vehicles to just anybody. In a clip it states rebels took an armored vehicle and use it didn’t say it was given to them and do you really think that Chinese would arm others with the posing views. … 🤨 having issues interpreting and analyzing information are we? ….🤔😈
The usual suspects.
It's a sin that China and Russia are exploiting these poor African nations. The deforestation is just deplorable. 😢
How they exploit it, educate us Europeans? Africa complains from everybody - from whites, from Chinese, from Indians, from Americans, from Australians, who possibly can meet your high standards , Africans?
Is there anybody who Africans like and love? you hate everybody, and then wonder why the whole world hates you?
Russia? The most they do is offer military training and some anti-air batteries. They already have plenty of oil, gas and trees plus doing business in Africa is simply not worth it.
China is learning the lesson about doing business in Africa the hard way. There is a reason why no Western country invested in some of the most resource-rich countries in the world.
They accepted these deals because it's still better than dealing with the EU, that kept them in abject poverty for decades in order to provide cheap labor for extracting rare earth metals and to prevent them from becoming an agricultural powerhouse similar to Brazil which would obliterate the corrupt and inefficient european farming.
but but but in other forums Africans love and support Russia and China.. funny that they never try to get to these countries are cry to be let into evil western countries...
@@mabeSc You're wrong. Africa is full of rare earth minerals, same as in Ukraine. They already think they own Ukraine hence the current situation but in Africa they have to smooch said warlord general and grease the wheels to their benefit before they can partake in lucrative contracts. That's why they're in Africa.
This even happens in there own homeland. Big TV's and Audio systems.
The story about the logging industry Rosewood stuck a tone. I was curious where china's guitar industry was getting rosewood sources to sell so many instruments. This while most luthiers are having to use alternative responsibly sourced tone woods.
Same story worldwide. Limited natural resources being stripped by illegal loggers, corrupt officials, criminal gangs hired by Chinese for poaching wildlife and seafood.
I wonder why Africa is so under developed
Why? Africans are the authors of their own misery.
Cause it’s has been exploited by all other nations, westerners first now Asians…
Corruption, mismanagement, and stupidity.
How do they always have old tires ready to burn? Is there a Jungle Justice supply closet?
In Africa they have something called a necklace….. whinny Mandela was the driving force behind the idea of a necklace…. Gruesome and disgusting
Africa is a dump yard for used tires from abroad. They can afford to.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if the see ya yay (or related groups) promoted the riots, especially given the current global power tension situation, and all the familiar footage of random tires burning for no reason, and many similar tropes.
@@yangpiao849 Just stop the conspiracy talk. There isn't always some boogeyman. The corrupt ruling party has been on the throne for 49 yrs ,surely it must make sense that the people are tired of that plus the recent election fraud when they tried to change their govt.
Is anyone surprised.
And now Africa just compensated chinese shop owners . Oops 😆
Even if the rioters had good reason, that's how you end up with nowhere to buy anything with all the stores closed.
They survived long before China infiltrated their land for their natural resources… Whose the real criminals??
Only chinese stores. This allows locals at the markets, a chance to protect their earning potential.
@@charzemcReal from multiple source you will know the reason. Don't blame any single country which show your ignorance towards knowledge
They mostly go after Chinese stores so who know? But some of the Chinese stores didn’t let the local shop there anyway.
@@andromedamessier3176 Much as I dislike the Chinese, that sounds like bullsh*t.
This is so dumb. Now what? Do they think someone opens a new supermarket and they can go on? Or do they think that they will survive for the next years with their stolen bag of rice and a TV?
Reality: communities devastated this way break apart, migrate away, the store doesn't get rebuilt, other stores close because they no longer feel safe to operate. Anarchists eat for a day and starve for a lifetime. Laws being just, they'd put all these people in a chain gang to clean up the mess and fine them for reparations to the people who didn't steal and the businesses that honestly served the community. Let's see who is guilty and who is innocent.
Take a look, can anyone draw any parallels with what is happening in China?
Laying flat? Let it rot? The burning of Christmas trees inside of malls? The little pinks freaking out about 🍎? Chinese drivers intentionally… 👶
No babies, just like the European countries and people.They're scared and live in fear.😂😂😂❤
YT deletes comments. Do you mean the 🔥 🌲 🔥 in malls? Or the spree of… “people driving to schools”?
RUclips won’t let me ask properly. Are you referring to the things Chinese people are currently doing in malls for Christmas? Or the thing to do with unhappy drivers?
Or unpaid wages over periods of months so workers just burn the business down?
1:17 AOC - (sees one guy stealing bread) I told you they were just stealing bread! 😂
That’s so sad, the African continent has huge amounts of natural resources that could greatly benefit the ppl of there wasn’t so much corruption!
Yes and china has been illegally pillaging Africa for decades!!!! Gold, diamonds, oil, everything and the only ones making ANY money are the Chinese and corrupt government officials
Yeah, but the problem is they have no clue what to do with them. That's why China is there, basically stealing it.
You assume the people want to get rid of corruption. On the contrary, they all aspire to be the boot.
@@postmodernminingSo true sadly
DNA it's the problem.
Never do business with liars.
Confucius says "RUN!!"😂😂😂😂
Doesn't sound like run though.😊
This video shows the future of Europe.
Looks more like Chicago.
Thanks a lot for covering this. We’re suffering and much of the world isn’t saying anything.
Are you African? How is it really? Now the chinese are coming to Brazil.
@@zulmiranovaes1475the chinese are here already. byd even treat its workers as slaves, just like in their land
The world have nothing to say except, "what else is knew". They can look to what happen in the democratic cities of USA and what the BlackLivesMatter did. The same thing, different continent, same behavior. And the state of filth and disrepair when the democrats are in charge, the looting and then the close down of business causing those neighborhoods being "food deserts".
@@zulmiranovaes1475Do they also have large fishing fleets off the coast that take everything out of the sea?
@capricioushorse As I know not yet. But they are making large business with this lulada silva, the one who was arrested for corruption and the "supreme court of judges" has released. Also here now is "drugStraffic and corruption" everywhere.
Its so funny to see china plans to overtake economies with their belt and road thing burning 😂😂😂
Why is that funny? Do you have a sick sense of humor?
These are the people that migrants are fleeing. There. I fixed it.
But they don't want them, but they still come though, it will lead to tougher measures they won't like though when that victim card rug gets pulled, which soon will..
But but dear African people, your kings are being paid well by the new esteemed guests, you should have respect.
Minneapolis looks rough these days….
Yea, your mo*her ran through it left it in a mess.
This is obviously Detroit. Bigot.
i wouldnt want to be a chicken nugget factory
Who would have ever thought something like this could ever happen in Africa?
Basically anyone looking deeper into it shouldn’t be surprised.
Lots of times what looks and sounds good in theory but reality always paints a different picture.
Basically: A corrupted communist culture that has a selfish/materialistic mindset made a deal with a corrupted socialist culture with a divided society.
They basically shook hands with fingers crossed behind their backs expecting prosperity and now the tofu has hit the fan.
I am not an expert but I hope this helps explain some of it.
What surprised me is that the Chinese didn't see it coming.
I find it hard to believe that they didn't look into how foreigners have been treated in the past. It's not like there isn't a ton of information about it.
@laurasteif86 china are buying nations of africa, promising so much ,but not delivering
I too was stunned.
Imo this is the strangest aspect of commies especially Chinese brand of communism. CCP truly believes that all man are one (equal)
What they messed up was not making a big billboard of a Chinese passport on the front entrance of the warehouses.
Rumor has it that this type of behavior is what caused some people to leave Africa 200,000 years ago.
Yeah and only progressed untill met white Neanderthal and Mongoloid man, at least those who made it past the Sub Sahara anyhow .. In fact all out of Africa is bollox..
Reminds me of the riots in South Africa and even riots in the US. Destroy everything and you have nothing. Don't complain when no one will open a store where you live, no grocery stores, nothing.
So what, you sitting here worried about vanity issues. We know who side you're on.
So what, you seem upset that this happened.
Congo descendants.
Jy weet mos.
The Nationals of the Peoples Republic of China are now experiencing what the Indians have endured. The difference is the Indians have had communities born and raised there. Bribery is a common currency in many African nations and often foreign interests are the first targets of the rioters.
The Chinese businesses practices are left unchecked until rioters loot, burn, and assault. The average Chinese worker is easy target due to their obvious appearance and smaller physical build. The Chinese have not learned as yet the criminal gangs, political armed groups, some Government Officials, Police force and desperate public will not always support Chinese businesses thru Bribery and soft diplomatic charity.
the chinese don't really care about politics and morals... they only worship money
Bribery is everywhere, who are the Africans doing it with?
So Mozambique decest!! Wel is tha hapans it is time to live caz. Wel thy have to pay ... Corution si corutions but this is Lak unxexepetal Lak tha south Africa or. Tha potretrst it ha USA in the a last trump era . This is a disaster
Reminds me of some mostly peaceful times here in the states...
All to familiar 😂. Let’s address the elephant 🐘 in the room 😂
So you sympathize with both American racists and the Chinese Communist Party. If you do you do not belong in human civilization because you clearly do not understand the meaning of the words right and wrong.
Do you sympathize with both the Chinese Communist Party and American racists? If you do, you do not belong in human civilization because you clearly do not know the meaning of the words “right” and “wrong”.
Oh look it's Whataboutisim...
@@DrTubeman he must be a ccp bot.
the top commentor beat us to it. we thought the Chinese passport was respected in the universe. what happened?😂😂
Oh dear. Xi won't be happy.
Even after giving Africa $50 billion at the expense of his own people.
They’re the same wherever you go . Next they’ll complain there is nowhere to shop anymore .
Yep. And everyone else but them are racists. Racists under every rock and behind every tree. Not self-aware.
6:40 KFC is not damage.
😂 I missed that detail
They had to resort to serving road kill and stray dog meat since the markets and supply chains destroyed.
Lol your right buildings are all damaged around it, but not the KFC
Even the Anarchist said, "No, we still need this."
Thats horrible. Now where are they going to get their food and goods?
I am Mozambican, it's been a huge struggle to find places to buy daily necessities. Most stores where destroyed even non Chinese owned stores, people took advantage of the situation now we have to go on a hunt to find a places that has goods in stock. Even fuel has been hard to find too
They don't tend to think very far ahead...
What you don't believe the Africans who killed white farmers in Zimbabwe and S. Africa know how to farm? That could be construed as the Chinese would say as *asist. 😊 LOL.
Chinese food is not fit for human consumption any way. They selling plastic rice.
Oops, they didn't think of that. 😅😂🤣
I am not going to say what I am thinking but I don't think I need to. I think most of us are thinking the same thing.
We all thinking the same ✊🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Any nation will end up the same outcome with this country.
Maybe China should have treated the Africans better
Its always someone else's fault.
They trash their own city, and then blame other people "THERE ARE NO JOBS"
This has nothing to do with China, they have destroy every business there, because the leader is close with the Americans so you know he is corrupt America give them 200 million a year where is the money.
Perhaps Africans should treat Africans better.
They act like this worldwide.
Who? The chinese or the Africans?
@@EspiritdcoreI hope he's talking about Chinese
Did BLM move to Africa? 😂
Nah BLM would actually be on the side of the ruling government and the CCP... they are all Buying Large Mansions using the people's money...
Why do you think that a making racist comment is funny?? And I'm curious, can you even find the country of Mozambique on a map?? 🙄
@michaeldeierhoi4096 I think people unironicly defending the scam artists at BLM sure is funny.
You don't need to move your own people into a country, start making money off it, and call it "helping them". If you want to help, fund a school and teach them to help themselves. After that, it's on that people to make it!
China wasn't wanting to 'help'. They were trying to do a business investment, and obviously it didn't pay off for them. Africa is scaring off investors.
They used to produce 6000t of cashews back in the mid 70's. 600t after independence in 76 and dwindled to zilch soon after.
There's a reason the Mongols never made it to Africa
They got their asses handed to them by the Mamluks, and would have gotten their asses kicked if they made it into Africa's interior. They could barely handle India because their horses kept dying.
I like how western activist are silent about this types of events...
Because they are libs
They bow to Winnie-the-flu for money 💰
What are you looking for?
Ccp controls tiktok. They can't cover this. 😆
@@Rick-k5k I'm looking for any genuine outrage like in this video, not performative ones that are constantly being promoted in the west to get likes and shares so another swedish girl can become a multi billionaire...